Off Grid Solar Power Simplified – Off Grid 101

off grid solar power simplified
An off the grid solar system is simply a set-up that is not connected to any utility grid; thus, it’s an autonomous solar system that can generate enough power for an entire household, small office, or farm etc. However, putting together some panels and inverters without any prior assessment is a sure-fire way to waste money in exchange for a lousy PV module.
That brings us to today’s topic, how does the off grid system work in its true essence and how you can get the most out of it? Here’s off grid solar power simplified for your convenience, take a look.

What Is an Off Grid System Comprised Of 

There are 5 main components that work together to create an excellent off the grid solar system.
off grid solar system
Solar Panels– Solar panels, also known as PV modules, are the ones responsible for capturing sunlight and generating direct current, which is essentially electricity in its raw format. How much sunlight can the panels capture and effectively convert into electricity depends on module quality, quantity, amount of sunlight exposure, roof angle and geo-location.
Solar Inverters– The solar panels have generated electricity in the DC format, and that remains unusable until its run through the solar inverter. It converts DC into AC (alternating current) for the appliances to use and operate. There are many types of solar inverters, some of which are even capable of storing energy for later use. In an off grid house, you will be using a standalone inverter which is not connected to the grid.
Solar Batteries– Solar panels are designed to operate using the power of the sun, but for a majority of the households in Australia, electricity is most needed in the evening hours or at nighttime. To store the surplus of energy generated at midday (the most optimum solar hours), you will need solar batteries. It’s an essential component for an off grid solar system.
Solar Charge Controller– It’s not a feasible arrangement if you always have to manage the energy flow in the correct direction. To aid in that issue, a charge controller is necessary. It controls the direction of energy flow to the correct path according to the situation and prevents the solar batteries from overcharging, essentially extending their life.
Backup Generator– If all things go south, a diesel-powered backup generator will come to your rescue. It is not an everyday event with a quality system, but on the off chance you do experience a power outage through solar, it’s best to have an off grid solar system with a backup generator.
If you want to know more about how an off grid solar system works visit here.

Why Go Off the Grid?

Off grid solar is not for everyone that is true. But if you look at the electricity price hike in recent years, it makes total sense why people chose alternative energy sources like solar, wind etc., over the grid.
Because of the changes that happened on July 1st 2021, this year by the Australian Energy Regulator, using grid electricity has become more expensive when it’s a fact that this entire procedure actively participates in GHG (Green House Gas) emission.
Check out the exact price changes for the 2022-23 financial year here- Click me.
Besides the negative impact on the environment and increased prices of energy, it’s not a lucrative option for you to choose grid connection if you live in a remote area. While it almost costs a fortune to pay for a grid connection in remote areas, you will have to pay a hefty amount in electric bills each year.
On the other hand, choosing an off grid solar system will cost you less than a grid connection, and after installation, you will never have to worry about paying electric bills again (not at least in the upcoming 25 years). Not to mention the freedom over the system as well as the serenity that comes from living amid nature.
how to go off the grid

Pro-tips: Off Grid Solar System Basics

Here are some of the facts that you need to know before you go off the grid, along with some tips from our off grid solar experts-
  • It’s almost always better to upsize the solar system. As you will be living off the grid, an essence of uncertainty can make you nervous; we are only human. So, experts suggest you upsize your solar system to the point where you can go without charging your batteries for at least 2 days if necessary. You might not need it, but it doesn’t hurt to have it.
  • MPPTs (Maximum Power Point Tracker) are important. Your solar panels might struggle to operate at their maximum efficiency without MPPTs. For an off the grid solar system, its essential that you get the most out of your system, so it’s suggested that your system has MPPTs, yup multiples of them.
  • Some might say that cleaning your solar panels does not do much, but experts may tell you otherwise. It has been proven in many studies that not cleaning your solar panels can decrease their efficiency by up to 30%. So, please do keep your panels clean. Here is how you can clean your panels yourself- How to clean solar panels.
  • Be very aware of the local government rules and regulations. Different councils may have different legislations; you must be aware of them along with any changes while in the process of shifting to your off grid property. Your chances of claiming the government rebate depend on it. Learn more here.
Going off the grid is not only an attractive option for those who live in a remote area but also for those who are experiencing an unexpected surge in power bills.
Is going off the grid the right call for you? You will have to consult an energy expert to answer this question tailored to your circumstances. We can arrange a FREE consultation session for you with one of our solar experts; all you must do is click the get help button below.

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How to Live Off the Grid | Off Grid Living 101

how to live off the grid
With the ever-rising cost of living in Australia, living off the grid is becoming more and more popular every day. However, it can be challenging to live off the grid for some. It requires you to follow through with certain procedures and be consistent with them.
Let’s jump right into how to live off the grid and sustain the lifestyle.

Double Check Legal Matters Before You Go Off the Grid

There are two ways you can go by when deciding to go off the grid.
First, you can convert your current residence into an off grid system. Technically, off grid living means cutting off your reliance on the power grid that is used by mass.
As energy prices are at their peak at the moment and it only seems to be getting worse, you can cut off your reliance on the public shared grid and generate your own power through sustainable and renewable sources like solar, wind, water, etc.
Before you do that, you will have to check with the authorities as different councils may have different regulations in place. Also, when you decide to go for certain renewable energy sources like solar, you may be eligible for government rebates for an off grid solar system as well. Make sure you explore all the benefits of off grid solar living like the rebates or consult a solar expert.
legal regulations for off grid
The second way to live off the grid is to relocate. That comes with a completely different set of challenges, as not only power, but you may also need to build every repetitive cycle management like power generation from scratch. There are many remote locations in Australia that do not need a permit to live or build; you can relocate to those areas to build your own sustainable lifestyle
In short, there are three aspects in which you need to look out for in regard to legal obligations, which are-
  • Zoning and housing permits
  • Land allocation and ownership
  • The government provided rebates and incentives
Keep in mind that relocating somewhere remote does give you complete freedom and being one with nature may seem tempting. However, if you are heavily reliant on city life and the convenience of a town, this might just not be your call.

How to Live Off the Grid- Essentials 

Without some basic essentials living off the grid is impossible. Here is a list of things you need to think about before you go ahead with the decision-

Daily Nutrients- Food and Fresh Drinking Water

It goes without saying you will need food and fresh drinking water to survive. When living in a remote area, you will not have easy access to them, so it’s better to stock up. But that is not a permeant or sustainable solution. It’s best if you do your own farming for fresh veggies, herbs, and livestock. Also, collecting rainwater and a deep well can be your source of fresh drinking water.
government rebate for off grid

Power Generation – A Sustainable Power Source

This is a major undertaking and could be the most crucial part of living off the grid. There are numerous methods to be energy independent, leaving no carbon footprint, such as using wind and water, but the process is labor-intensive and requires constant upkeep. As a result, you are unlikely to find a residential off grid home that uses any other power source beyond solar. Solar energy can provide your home with the constant electricity it needs to function without much work on your part.
  • How does off grid solar system work?
Solar panels, solar inverters, inverter chargers, battery banks, and backup generators are the key components of an off grid solar system. How do all these elements combine to form the ideal off the grid home?
First, when sunlight strikes the solar panels, a photovoltaic reaction occurs, producing energy. The quality of the panels will determine how much power is produced in “x” duration. The solar inverter transforms the produced power into a useful type of energy after that. To put it simply, the electricity produced by the panels is DC (Direct Current) electricity; however, what we want is AC (Alternating Current). This conversion gets handled by the trusty solar inverters with 99% efficiency in the best cases.
After use, the extra energy is kept in the solar batteries. However, there is a catch—the battery bank can only be used to store DC. In order to do the reverse conversion and communicate when to stop the conversion and run it the other way, a charger inverter is used. On the rare occasion when your batteries run dry, you may resort to diesel generators.
off grid solar system

Hot Water Supply 

Water heating is the second largest energy-consuming task in the residential sector in Australia. That means you will have to ensure an off the grid heating system that runs without the help of traditional coal-burning grid energy. There are some pollution-free and sustainable solutions like a heat pump for your hot water needs that needs less electricity to run, and production gets multiplied with their use.
Check out some energy-efficient water heating systems here.
Also, there are solar hot water systems that runs using the power of the sun. They are energy efficient and do not emit any harmful gases. Aside from these hot water systems to rely on, you can always opt for a handy wood stove, but convenience is questionable in this method.

Waste Management 

This is something that you would think is easy to manage; however, it’s quite a chore to manage. An off the grid house does not have a central waste management system access provided by the government, so in order to manage your waste and grey water, you will have to build a cohesive system that takes care of it efficiently and hygienically.
You can turn your food wastes into self-made compost in this manner; your waste can become your resource.

Do People Live Off the Grid in Australia?

Definitely! There are communities like Chewton Bushlands that have lived off-grid for decades if you’re seeking for like-minded people who have cut themselves off from the grid. Additionally, organizations like the Cohousing Australia Initiative and Tiny Homes Australia provide in-depth instructions on how to live off the grid.
In conclusion, living off the grid is challenging yet rewarding, and as time passes by, more and more people are opting to live off the grid for its convenience. Talk to an expert today to know more about how to live off the grid.

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What is the Best Off Grid Solar System

What is the Best Off Grid Solar System
There are 5 main components that make up a perfect off the grid solar system. Here is what makes up an off grid solar system –
Solar Modules: In solar modules, photovoltaic conversion transforms solar energy into usable electricity (DC).
PV Inverter: To use in the house or to charge the battery bank, a solar inverter transforms the DC electricity generated, into AC.
Charger Inverter: This device converts AC power to DC so that it may be stored in batteries for later use. A battery bank is only able to store energy in DC.
Battery Bank: To store the power produced by the modules for later usage, lithium-ion batteries can be used. However, lead-acid batteries and nickel cadmium batteries are also used to achieve the same goal.
Backup Generator: Just on the off chance there is no stored energy in the battery bank, a diesel generator is used as a backup power source if needed.

How Does it All Work?

How do all these components come together and create the perfect off the grid house?
Firstly, the solar panels generate electricity through a photovoltaic reaction when sunlight hits the solar panels. The amount of electricity generated in ‘x’ amount of time will depend on the quality of the panels. Then the generated electricity travels to the solar inverter to convert into a usable form of energy. To explain that, in simple terms, the energy generated in the panels is DC (Direct Current) electricity and what we need is AC (Alternating Current) electricity.
After the conversion, the surplus amount of energy gets stored in the solar batteries. But there is a catch; you can only store DC in the battery bank. And this is where the charger inverter comes into play to do the conversion and also send signals across when to shut off the conversion and run it the other way.
With all that being said, there can be extremely cold days when the sun does not shine, and your solar panels can’t process to render a surplus for you to use later. In these rare occasions, you just might want to be safe with a backup generator that runs on diesel.
And that is about it, on how an off grid solar panel system works.
off grid solar

Some Well Performing Off Grid Solar Component

We suggest products to prospective clients by thoroughly investigating the property, and these products might not suit your needs or be more than what you need.
Please see below our top 4 solar systems-

Solar Panels

Hyundai Solar Panels- With about a 21.3% efficiency rate offered with 25 years of warranty, the Hyundai solar panels are spectacular. Also, their shingled cell solar panels allow more room for PV conversion on the same size of rooftop.
Check out their different ranges here.
SunPower Solar Panels- One of the best in the market right about now. Their signature Maxeon solar panels are what sets them apart from the crowd. They offer about 21% efficiency rate.
Check out their different ranges here.
Jinko Solar Panels- 23.1% is the highest efficiency rate that Jinko offers, which certainly sets the bar for quality. They also include N-type monocrystalline cells in the blend of variety models, which gives you an awesome range of models to choose from.
Check out their different ranges here.
off grid solar system

Solar Inverters

SolarEdge Solar Inverter- This inverter provides individual panel monitoring and shut-off technology despite not being a microinverter. Their string inverters provide almost 12 years of warranty which is standard for inverters.
Check out their different ranges here.
Enphase Micro Inverter- Micro-inverters work with each panel individually which allows them to control every aspect of the panels down to the smallest details. Enphase is an inverter brand that has gained unmatched popularity in the category.
Check out their different ranges here.
Growatt Solar Inverter- Over the course of their little over ten years in business, Growatt has established itself as a major player in the solar market by inventing technical marvels. They have successfully attained an efficiency rate of up to 98%, which is commendable.
Check out their different ranges here.

Solar Batteries

Check out these options for solar battery banks in your off grid system.
BYD Battery- BYD – which stands for Build Your Dreams, is a Chinese battery manufacturing company. They have been focusing on producing li-ion batteries. The BYD battery boxes are known for their impressive power output, which is about 12.8kW. 
Check out their different ranges here. 
Tesla Powerwall- Powerwall is such a battery that can store energy, detect outages, and take over as your home’s energy supply when the grid is down. It, as opposed to generators, keeps your lights on and your phones charged without maintenance, fuel, or noise. To keep your appliances operating for days, pair them with solar and use the sun’s energy to recharge.
Check the Tesla power wall here.
Huawei LUNA2000 - Huawei is a leading brand in the solar industry manufacturing solar panels and batteries. The LUNA model has a 5kWh to 15kWh capacity to offer. It’s a Lithium-iron phosphate (LiFePO4) battery with claimed 100% DOD (Depth Of Discharge).  
Check out Huawei LUNA2000 here.
To make things simple, we also have a range of bundled offers for solar. Click this link to know more about them.

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What Is the Best Battery for Off Grid Solar

What Is the Best Battery for Off Grid Solar
People often think the most important component of a solar system is the solar panel. Yes, you definitely need a top-notch quality solar panel; however, for a solar system that will complete your energy requirements, especially when you live off the grid, you will require a quality system that includes an impeccable battery storage unit.
Without a good battery living off the grid can become an extremely challenging task because your chances of being energy independent highly depends on how much disposable energy you have at any point in time. So, it’s clear as a day that you have to have an excellent battery to live off the grid. So, what is the best battery for off grid solar? Before we answer that question, let’s quickly go through the different types of batteries for a better understanding.
solar panels

Different Types of Battery for Solar Energy Storage

Are you searching for the best batteries for solar off grid? Here are a few different types of batteries popularly used for solar battery storage-

Lithium-ion Battery

Li-ion batteries have a variety of benefits over the other premium rechargeable battery technologies (nickel-cadmium or nickel-metal hydride). The energy density of these batteries is among the greatest available (100-265 Wh/kg or 250-670 Wh/L). Additionally, compared to Ni-Cd or Ni-MH battery technology, Li-ion battery cells have a voltage output of up to 3.6 Volts. They can thus supply substantial current for high-power applications.
Li-ion batteries are also portable, and their high DOD (Depth of Discharge) allows you to draw out more energy without threatening the battery life. They require a small space to sit and provide you with a huge power load in comparison to other batteries.
It is also popularly used in many cases alongside solar energy storage because of its usefulness and reliability.
off grid solar

Lead Acid Battery

These batteries are tried and tested veterans of the category. The most popular battery type in solar systems is the lead acid battery. In contrast to other battery types, lead acid batteries have a longer lifespan at a reasonable cost. There are two types of lead acid batteries which are –
  • Flooded lead acid battery
  • Sealed lead acid battery
Of the two types, sealed batteries are used for the most part because the flooded ones require constant maintenance; even so, you risk leaking. With a low DOD and high maintenance, sealed batteries are more often chosen over flooded ones.

What to Look For - Best Off grid Solar Battery

In order to find the best battery for your off grid solar home, you will need to look for the following attributes in your battery of choice-

Depth of Discharge

DOD signifies a battery’s capacity or energy held in them. Manufacturers provide you with a number in the form of dod below which your battery level should not drop down if you want to elongate its lifetime. This is one of the most important attributes that you need to know about. Remember, the higher the DOD, the better the battery is, and it will serve you for a longer time.
Usually, li-ion batteries provide a higher DOD than the lead acid batteries, which usually do not go beyond 80%. It’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s advice in this case.


It is usually advised to upsize your off grid solar system so that you can yield more energy and keep that at your disposal. Also, to future-proof the house, you are required to upsize your solar system. In this case, you will also have to consider the capacity of the battery. Your solar system’s electricity generation ability should be on par with the battery.
Review your previous bills and know how many kilowatt hours of energy did you need on average. This will give you an idea of what capacity battery you will require. My advice would be to leave a little wiggle room and estimate a bit higher than you need just to be on the safe side.


As your typical solar system comes with almost 25 years of official warranty, the solar battery of your choice has to suffice for that. Typically, solar batteries come with 10 to 15 years of warranty, depending on some criteria. You have to be careful when you choose your battery for your off grid home and abide by the manufacturer’s advice for prolonged battery life.

Off grid Solar Battery Examples

Here are some of the best off grid battery brands that have proven to win a lot of customers’ hearts with their performance in a short while –
off grid solar battery

BYD Battery

BYD – which stands for Build Your Dreams, is a Chinese battery manufacturing company. They have been focusing on producing li-ion batteries. The BYD battery boxes are known for their impressive power output, which is about 12.8kW.
Check out their different ranges here.

Huawei LUNA2000

Huawei is a leading brand in the solar industry manufacturing solar panels and batteries. The LUNA model has a 5kWh to 15kWh capacity to offer. It’s a Lithium-iron phosphate (LiFePO4) battery with claimed 100% DOD.
Check out Huawei LUNA2000 here.

Tesla Powerwall

Powerwall is such a battery that can store energy, detect outages, and take over as your home’s energy supply when the grid is down. It, as opposed to generators, Tesla Powerwall keeps your lights on, and your phones charged without maintenance, fuel, or noise. To keep your appliances operating for days, pair them with solar and use the sun’s energy to recharge.
Check Tesla battery for off grid solar here. 

Redback Smart Hybrid

With 4.8kWh – 28.4 kWh battery storage capacity and a 10-year Australian-supported warranty, Redback is one of the spectacular choices available in the market. They also provide optional expansion cabinet, which is amazing for those who might need to do so in the future.
Check out Redback Smart Hybrid here.
That sums up the discussion about what is the best battery for off grid solar. If you want to discuss your options for going off the grid, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Learn more about Solar Emporium’s off-grid solar system packages with batteries- here.    

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