5 Tips To Save Energy At Home On Holidays

5 Tips To Save Energy At Home On Holidays

We’ve entered one of the most beautiful periods of the year—the holiday season. It’s a time dedicated to enjoying the company of family, festive activities, and various holiday traditions.  

However, this extended celebration period often means that energy-saving practices might be overlooked at home. 

Saving energy during the holidays in Australia is not only environmentally friendly but also helps you reduce your energy bills. Here are five tips to save energy at home during the holiday season:  

Use Energy Efficient Appliances

Using energy-efficient appliances during the holidays can significantly contribute to saving energy at home. Here’s how: 

Lower Energy Consumption: Energy-efficient appliances are designed to use less energy while performing the same tasks as their traditional counterparts.  

When you use energy-efficient appliances for cooking, lighting, and other holiday-related activities, you consume less electricity. This leads to lower energy bills and reduces your overall energy footprint. 

Smart Technology Integration: Some energy-efficient appliances come equipped with smart technology that allows you to monitor and control them remotely.  

Using smart features, you can ensure that devices are turned off when not in use, set timers for cooking, and optimise energy usage based on your specific needs. This level of control can lead to more efficient energy utilisation. 

Standby Power Reduction: Energy-efficient appliances often have lower standby power consumption. Standby power, also known as vampire power or phantom load, refers to the energy used by devices when they are turned off but still plugged in.  

Energy-efficient appliances are designed to minimise this standby power, further reducing unnecessary energy consumption. 

Environmental Impact: Energy-efficient appliances not only save you money but also have a positive impact on the environment. By reducing your energy consumption, you contribute to lower greenhouse gas emissions and help conserve natural resources. 

Using energy-efficient appliances during the holidays promotes energy savings, lowers utility bills, and reduces environmental impact.  

Whether it’s cooking, decorating, or lighting your home, choosing energy-efficient options can make a significant difference in overall energy consumption during the festive season.  

Invest In Solar Energy Beforehand

energy saving tips

Investing in solar energy during the holidays can be a wise decision that brings long-term benefits for saving energy at home. Here’s how investing in solar energy can contribute to energy savings: 

Renewable and Sustainable: Solar energy is a renewable and sustainable source of power. By installing solar panels on your property, you harness the power of the sun to generate electricity.  

This reduces your dependence on non-renewable energy sources and helps to mitigate environmental impact. 

Lower Electricity Bills: Solar panels generate electricity from sunlight, and any excess energy produced can be fed back into the grid. This often results in net metering, where you receive credits or a reduction in your electricity bill.  

Over time, the upfront investment in solar panels can lead to significant savings on your monthly energy expenses. 

Energy Independence: Solar energy provides a degree of energy independence. By generating your electricity, you are less reliant on the grid and susceptible to fluctuations in energy prices.  

This independence can be particularly advantageous during peak energy consumption times, such as holidays when electricity demand may be higher. 

Tax Incentives and Rebates: Many governments offer tax incentives, rebates, and other financial incentives to encourage the adoption of solar energy. By investing in solar during the holidays, you may take advantage of these benefits, reducing the overall cost of installing solar panels. 

Environmental Benefits: Solar energy is a clean and environmentally friendly power source. By choosing solar, you contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.  

It aligns with the spirit of sustainability and eco-consciousness often emphasised during the holiday season. 

Increased Home Value: Installing solar panels can increase the resale value of your home. Many homebuyers are interested in energy-efficient features, and a solar energy system can be an attractive selling point.  

It adds a sustainable and cost-saving element that appeals to environmentally conscious buyers. 

Long-Term Investment: Solar panels have a long lifespan and require minimal maintenance. Once installed, they can provide reliable energy for decades. The initial investment in solar is a long-term strategy that pays off over time with consistent energy savings. 

While the initial cost of installing solar panels may be a significant investment, the long-term benefits are numerous. In terms of energy savings, reduced environmental impact, and potential financial incentives, it is a valuable consideration.  

It gets more efficient during the holiday season when energy consumption tends to be higher. 

Contact Solar Emporium to get the best deal on the best solar panel system. Check out the solar packages and enjoy the power of the sun. 

Unplugging Your Appliances

Unplugging appliances during the holidays is a simple yet effective way to save energy at home. Many electronic devices and appliances continue to consume energy even when turned off, contributing to “phantom” or standby power usage.  

By unplugging devices such as chargers, electronics, and small appliances when they’re not in use, you eliminate this unnecessary energy drain.  

This practice is particularly relevant during the holiday season when homes often see an increase in the use of decorative lights, cooking appliances, and electronic gadgets.  

Implementing this small habit not only reduces energy consumption but also contributes to lower electricity bills and a more environmentally conscious and energy-efficient home during the festive period.

Energy-Efficient Lighting and Cooking

save energy

LED Lights for Decorations: Opting for LED (light-emitting diode) holiday lights is an excellent example of using energy-efficient technology. LED lights use up to 80% less energy than traditional incandescent lights, and they last much longer.  

By decorating your home with LED lights, you can enjoy a festive atmosphere while keeping your energy consumption in check. 

Energy-Efficient Cooking: Many modern kitchen appliances, such as ovens, stovetops, and refrigerators, come with energy-efficient features.  

Convection ovens, for example, distribute heat more evenly and cook food faster, reducing overall cooking time and energy consumption.  

Energy-efficient appliances can contribute to significant energy savings, especially when preparing large holiday meals.

Have an Energy Efficient HVAC System

Investing in an energy-efficient HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system is a smart strategy to save energy during the holidays.  

During this festive season, when homes typically experience fluctuations in temperature due to cooking, gatherings, and increased activities, an energy-efficient HVAC system optimises its performance.  

These systems are designed to deliver precise heating and cooling, adjusting output based on actual needs. They often come equipped with advanced features like programmable thermostats and zoned heating, allowing for customised temperature control in different areas of the home.  

By efficiently regulating indoor climate without unnecessary energy consumption, an energy-efficient HVAC system not only enhances comfort but also reduces overall energy usage, leading to cost savings and a more environmentally responsible holiday season. 

Remember that the key to energy savings is mindfulness and making small changes in your daily habits. By incorporating these tips into your holiday routine, you can enjoy a festive atmosphere while reducing your environmental impact and energy costs.

But What if You are away on Holiday?

energy consumption
Saving money while you’re away on holiday might sound a little ambitious. Still, by putting a few simple systems in place before heading off, you can reduce your energy usage and save with minimal effort. It means more money back in your pocket to splurge on your holiday!  

Pull the Plug on Hungry Appliances Before You Leave

It might be an obvious point, but a lot of people frequently leave appliances in standby mode when they’re not at home or on holiday.  

Although the everyday expenses of energy-intensive appliances like microwaves, TVs, and washing machines may appear insignificant, switching them off at the source when you’re away for longer durations can lead to significant savings.  

Standby power usage can multiply and cost the average household up to $100 annually. That’s money you and a friend could use for a delightful meal by the hotel fireplace! 

Invest in Smart Tech

An excellent way to get ready for your time off is to consider investing in intelligent gadgets like smart plugs.  

These devices are helpful in pinpointing places and items that consume a lot of energy, enabling users to control household devices from a distance or turn them off instantly with a simple click.  

Examples of how smart plugs can assist in saving energy include overseeing and adjusting appliances like air conditioning units, ensuring they’re not left on unintentionally, or automating security sensor lights.

Switch off

Making a list of energy-hungry devices in your home as you approach your holiday is an excellent way to jog your memory about what needs to be turned off before you leave.  

While we often instinctively switch off lights, have you ever thought about more inventive ways to save energy, such as turning off your hot water system when you’re away?  

This action, especially for systems with timers, can efficiently cut down on unnecessary energy consumption and swiftly lead to cost savings. 

Other handy saving tips for extended holidays include challenging yourself to make use of what’s in the fridge. Not only does this save on energy bills, but it means you can clear out the fridge and switch it off while you’re away.

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

This is typically overlooked. There should be a dedicated bin for wrapping paper and old cardboard/gift boxes. Not only was this excellent planning, but it was also a way to reuse and reduce the number of packages and materials every season.  

Know what cannot be recycled. But you can recycle cardboard boxes and even those Christmas cards that would sit on the coffee table until February.

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NSW Energy Roadmap | Government Ensures Reliable And Affordable Renewable Energy

NSW Energy Roadmap_ Government Ensures Reliable and Affordable Renewable Energy

In May 2023, the NSW Government introduced a detailed strategy to shift the state’s energy sector towards reliable and affordable renewable energy.   

This NSW energy roadmap was developed in response to the electricity supply and reliability check-up. It assessed the state’s energy infrastructure and provided suggestions for its transformation.  

In response to this evaluation, the government’s action plan outlines a strategic roadmap for ensuring dependable and sustainable energy for NSW while addressing the upcoming closure of the Eraring Power Station, a significant power generator in the area. 

In recent years, the global focus on renewable energy has intensified, with governments worldwide recognising the need to transition away from fossil fuels. Australia, in particular, has been making significant strides in this direction.  

The New South Wales (NSW) Energy Roadmap is an elaborate plan implemented by the government to ensure a reliable and affordable renewable energy supply. 

Key Proposals and Government Approval

The NSW government has unveiled its strategy to guarantee a dependable supply of affordable and clean renewable energy 

As part of this plan, the government has committed to collaborating with Origin Energy to extend the operation of the Eraring Power Station beyond its scheduled closure in August 2025. 

This strategy is based on the findings and suggestions of the Electricity Supply and Reliability Check-Up conducted by Cameron O’Reilly of Marsden Jacob Associates in May 2023.  

The Check-Up highlighted the need for urgent measures in New South Wales to replace closing coal-fired power stations with renewable energy generation, transmission, and storage. 

The Electricity Supply and Reliability Check-Up emphasised an overall government effort to facilitate the energy transition for NSW households, businesses, and communities.  

It put forth 54 recommendations to support the implementation of the Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap. 

Out of these recommendations, the State Government has accepted 50, with 44 being entirely accepted, three partially accepted, and three already in progress or completed. 

The government’s plan encompasses three main areas of focus:  

NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap Support

NSW Energy Roadmap
The government has officially declared its support for the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap, marking it as a top strategic focus. Collaborative efforts with all relevant parties will be undertaken to guarantee its timely implementation. 

New Energy Security Target

A novel Energy Security Target Oversight Mechanism will be established by the government to actively scrutinise the strategies of the remaining privately owned coal-fired power stations in New South Wales as they near retirement. This oversight aims to ensure ongoing reliability while minimising costs. 

Streamlining Renewable Energy Projects for Community Benefits

The government is set to streamline the approval procedures for renewable energy projects within the planning system. Additionally, there will be an emphasis on improving and coordinating the distribution of benefits to the community from these projects. 

What is the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap?

In November 2020, the New South Wales (NSW) Government introduced the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap.  

This strategic plan spans two decades and aims to reshape the state’s electricity system into one that is both cost-effective and sustainable. Its objective is to establish a solid groundwork for future generations.  

It also ensures access to more stable, dependable, and budget-friendly electricity. The Roadmap’s implementation is possible through the Electricity Infrastructure Investment Act 2020 (EII Act). 

Diverse organisations and stakeholders are collaborating to bring the Roadmap to succession. Their joint efforts will assist the strategic investment in transmission, generation, solar battery, and backup infrastructure.   

The Roadmap aims to help the private sector in delivering a minimum of: 

  • Twelve gigawatts of fresh renewable electricity generation. 
  • Two gigawatts of extended-duration storage solutions like pumped hydro. 

The Roadmap offers industry and investors the assurance they need to invest in the essential infrastructure. Over $32 billion in private sector investments will be infused into the New South Wales (NSW) economy by 2030. 

Significant progress has already been made in implementing the Roadmap, highlighted by the announcement of the Waratah Super Battery in late 2022.  

And the initiation of the initial tender round for new generation and long-term solar storage Long Term Energy Service Agreements (LTESAs) in 2022. Upcoming tenders for firming infrastructure, generation, and long-term storage will begin in the second quarter of 2023. 

The Roadmap is meticulously crafted to safeguard the lasting financial interests of electricity consumers in NSW.  

Strong governance structures have been established to ensure this goal is met, with each entity possessing a well-defined role in coordinating, monitoring, and overseeing the Roadmap’s execution.  

Additional $1.8 Billion for NSW's Transition to Renewable Energy

NSW electricity infrastructure

The Minns Government is committing an extra $1.8 billion to bolster the progress of NSW’s energy transformation. This includes the establishment of the Energy Security Corporation and investments to link new projects to the power grid. 

This commitment is designed to get transmission and energy storage initiatives back on course as the Labor Government strives to ensure a steady supply of affordable and clean electricity during NSW’s transition. 

This investment is a part of the government’s dedication to rebuilding essential infrastructure in our state, ensuring that households and businesses have dependable energy at the most economical rates. 

The government is allocating an additional $800 million to the Transmission Acceleration Facility to expedite the connection of Renewable Energy Zones (REZ) in the state to the grid and to accelerate the community benefit programs. 

This increases the government’s commitment to the Transmission Acceleration Facility to $2 billion since its establishment in 2022, managed by EnergyCo, the government’s Renewable Energy Zone infrastructure planner. 

The NSW Budget will also confirm a $1 billion allocation for establishing the Energy Security Corporation, fulfilling another election promise.  

The Energy Security Corporation will invest in storage projects to address market gaps and enhance the reliability of our power grid during the transition to renewable energy.  

It may involve investments in community solar batteries and virtual power plants. It allows communities and households to pool energy generated from rooftop solar, thus reducing their grid dependence and electricity bills. 

These investments align with the government’s response to the Electricity Supply and Reliability Check-Up. They will contribute to achieving the target of 12 gigawatts of new renewable energy generation and 2 gigawatts of long-duration storage by 2030.  

NSW Energy Future and NSW Government Target for Renewable Energy

The forthcoming energy strategy articulates Transport for NSW’s dedication to ensuring our transportation energy requirements are met sustainably.  

It advances the shift of the transportation sector toward achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. 

The forthcoming Energy Strategy Implementation Plan outlines the immediate actions required to realise the objectives of the future energy strategy.  

Transport for NSW will maintain the ongoing development of this implementation plan and oversee and report on our advancements in achieving these goals. 

NSW renewable energy action plan focuses on renewable energy zones, energy efficiency, and demand management.  

renewable energy

Renewable Energy Zones

One of the cornerstones of the NSW Energy Roadmap is the establishment of renewable energy zones (REZs). These zones are strategically located areas with abundant renewable energy resources, such as solar and wind.  

The government plans to develop at least three REZs by 2030, which will attract private investment and facilitate the construction of large-scale renewable energy projects.  

This initiative will boost the state’s renewable energy capacity, create job opportunities, and stimulate economic growth.  

Energy Efficiency

The NSW Energy Roadmap recognises the importance of energy efficiency in reducing overall energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Through various measures, the government aims to improve energy efficiency in residential, commercial, and industrial sectors.  

These include upgrading building standards, promoting energy-efficient appliances, and implementing energy-saving initiatives. By prioritising energy efficiency, the roadmap aims to reduce energy costs for consumers and enhance the sustainability of the energy system. 

Demand Management

Demand management plays a crucial role in balancing energy supply and demand. The NSW Energy Roadmap emphasises the need for demand management strategies to optimise energy usage and reduce peak demand.  

This involves implementing innovative grid technologies, incentivising demand response programs, and encouraging the adoption of energy storage systems 

Effectively managing energy demand, the government aims to enhance grid stability, reduce the need for additional infrastructure, and ensure a reliable energy supply.  

Infrastructure Challenges and Benefits NSW Energy Roadmap

The NSW Energy Roadmap offers several benefits for the state and its residents. Firstly, it will contribute significantly to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. And it will eventually reduce the impacts of climate change.  

Secondly, the increased distribution of renewable energy, especially solar panels, will grow energy security and reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels.  

Additionally, the roadmap will create employment opportunities in the renewable energy sector and stimulate economic growth. 

However, the transition to renewable energy has its challenges. The irregular nature of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind, requires careful management and integration into the grid.  

The government must also address concerns related to the affordability and reliability of renewable energy to ensure that the transition is manageable for consumers. 

The NSW Energy Roadmap represents a significant step towards a sustainable and resilient renewable energy future for New South Wales.  

The government aims to ensure a reliable and affordable renewable energy supply by focusing on renewable energy zones, energy efficiency, and demand management.  

While challenges exist, the roadmap’s implementation will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing energy security, and creating a cleaner and more advanced future for the state and its residents. 

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Power Shortage By 2027 In Australia And How to Avoid It?

Power Shortage By 2027 In Australia And How to Avoid It

Electricity shortages are coming to households and businesses along Australia’s eastern coast. The closure of several coal-fired power plants collides with delays in building critical new gas and clean energy projects.  

Residences and commercial establishments across all states along Australia’s eastern coastline face the possibility of power shortages by 2027. But how to avoid the power shortage in Australia?  

This potential issue arises due to the shutdowns of multiple coal-powered plants. And its setbacks in constructing essential gas and renewable energy initiatives intended to take their place. 

Up to five coal-fired power plants will cease operations by the end of this decade. And power shortage will be standard from 2027 onwards. These closures reduced the east-coast grid’s generating capacity by 13%. These closures included major plants in Victoria’s Latrobe Valley, NSW, and Queensland. 

The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) warns of potential scarcity starting in 2027. They are urging immediate action to avoid an energy crisis. 

AEMO's Projections and Warnings

In a recent report, the AEMO highlights shifts in power resource projections for Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales, and Queensland.  

The report talks about the urgency of investing in new power generation facilities and critical infrastructure projects to avert impending shortages. 

AEMO warns that energy market gaps will begin to emerge from 2025 onwards. If Eraring closes, NSW may experience shortages first. Additionally, Victoria may face deficits starting from 2026 because gas-fired power stations will shut down. 

Renewable Energy Milestones 

Renewable energy accounted for 40% of the power on the grid in the last quarter of 2022. This percentage represents a new record. Australia is working to reduce carbon emissions and aims to decrease greenhouse gas emissions by 42% by 2030. And ongoing investment in renewables continues to rise. 

Government Initiatives and Challenges

The Albanese government wants 82% of its energy from renewable sources in the next ten years. They will use the $20 billion “Rewiring the Nation” fund to update the grid and improve transmission lines. Off-grid solar energy is also getting popular every day.  

However, AEMO expresses concern about gradually adopting firming generation technologies necessary for backing renewable systems during low wind and sunlight. 

The Labour Party needs help in its emissions-reduction policy. They require support from the Greens. However, the push for gas-fired power generation for grid stability complicates things. The Greens demand a halt to new gas field development as a prerequisite for endorsement. 

Energy experts highlight significant gaps between possible and committed projects. A fraction of the upcoming projects classifies as committed. The market landscape is shifting, indicating potential challenges and urging stakeholders to take action. 

The electricity shortage on Australia’s eastern coast demands immediate attention and strategic intervention. Balancing the closure of coal-fired plants with the timely implementation of renewable technologies is crucial to ensure a reliable and sustainable energy future for the region.  

Effects Of Power Shortages In Different Sectors Of Australia

power shortage
A power outage can have far-reaching and disruptive effects on various industries in Australia. Here are the industries that would be most affected by a power outage: 

Health Care Sector

Hospitals need a steady power supply for life-saving equipment, medication temperature control, and life support systems. Power failures can jeopardise patient care, delay surgeries, and impact critical treatments. 

Manufacturing and Production

Industries involving complex machinery and automated processes, such as manufacturing and production, depend highly on uninterrupted power to maintain operations. Power disruptions can lead to production halts and material wastage, potentially affecting supply chains. 

Information Technology (IT) and Data Centres

Data centres and IT infrastructure require a stable power supply to ensure the accessibility and security of digital data. Power outages can cause data loss, disrupt online services, and impact businesses that depend on e-commerce and cloud services. 

Finance and Banking

Financial institutions rely heavily on electronic transactions, trading platforms, and online banking. A power outage can disrupt economic market disruptions, hinder transactions, and impact customer access to funds and services. 

Transportation and Logistics

Public transportation systems, airports, and shipping ports depend on electricity for operation and communication. Power failures can lead to transportation delays and flight cancellations and impact the movement of goods and people. 

Food and Beverage Industry

Restaurants, supermarkets, and food processing plants require electricity to maintain refrigeration, cooking equipment, and storage. A power outage can lead to food spoilage and inventory loss, impacting fresh product availability. 


Telecommunication networks, including mobile and landlines, rely on power to maintain connectivity. Outages can disrupt communication channels and emergency services and impact businesses depending on constant communication.  

Education and Research

Schools, universities, and research institutions require power for electronic learning tools, research equipment, and communication systems. Power interruptions can disrupt classes, research projects, and remote learning programs. 

Water and Wastewater Management

Water treatment and sewage systems rely on power to pump and treat water and manage wastewater. Power outages can lead to water supply disruptions, sanitation issues, and environmental concerns. 

Agriculture and Farming

Modern agriculture relies on power for irrigation, climate control in greenhouses, and automated machinery. Power failures can impact crop yield, livestock management, and overall productivity. 

In all these industries, the effects of power outages extend beyond immediate operational disruptions. They can lead to financial losses, reputational damage, safety risks, and compromise public well-being. 

What States Are Most Affected in Australia?

With its vast geographical expanse and diverse climate conditions, Australia encounters its share of electricity supply disruptions. But which states are most affected?   

New South Wales (NSW)

As one of Australia’s most populous states, New South Wales experiences its fair share of power outages. The state’s ageing infrastructure and increasing energy demands contribute to the frequency of disruptions. Heatwaves, storms, and extreme weather events also pose challenges, putting pressure on the electrical grid.  


Victoria experiences power outages due to overloaded transmission lines and an outdated power network, which its factories and cities cause. The state’s reliance on a mix of energy sources, including coal, challenges maintaining a stable supply during peak demand. Victorian Government’s Interest-Free Solar Battery Loans can help future sustainability.  


Queensland’s tropical climate makes it susceptible to cyclones, storms, and flooding, contributing to power outages. The state’s large geographical size also presents logistical challenges in maintaining a consistent power supply.

South Australia

South Australia is shifting to renewable energy, generating much power from wind and solar sources. However, this transition has been challenging. 

Western Australia

It’s hard to keep a steady power supply in Western Australia due to the large distances between towns and cities. Remote areas often rely on isolated power systems, and extreme weather conditions, like cyclones and heat waves, can disrupt these systems.  

How To Avoid Power Outages And Blackouts?

Australia is making efforts to increase renewable energy. They are also working to prevent power outages and blackouts. This is all to create a cleaner and more reliable energy future. Here’s a comprehensive strategy detailing how the country can achieve this goal: 

Investment in Renewable Energy

renwable energy

Australia should prioritise substantial investments in renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal power. The nation can reduce its dependency on fossil fuels and increase its resilience to supply disruptions by diversifying energy. 

Daniel Westerman, AEMO CEO, says we urgently need to invest in renewable energy, storage, and transmission systems. This investment ensures a reliable energy supply for Australian households and businesses. 

Grid Modernisation

Upgrading the electrical grid with modern technologies is crucial. Smart grids use sensors, automation, and real-time monitoring. They optimise energy distribution, detect faults, and redirect power during high demand. This helps prevent blackouts caused by overloads. 

Energy Storage Solutions

Energy storage technologies like solar batteries, pumped hydro storage, and thermal storage can save excess renewable energy. You can store this energy when it is abundant and utilise it during high demand. This helps bridge the gap between intermittent renewable energy supply and consistent electricity availability. 

Demand Response Programs

Implementing demand response programs empowers consumers to adjust their energy usage during peak demand periods. Rewards, flexible pricing, and smart home systems can help people use less energy during peak times, preventing blackouts. 

Microgrids and Decentralised Energy Systems

Promoting the development of microgrids in communities, industrial complexes, and remote areas enhances energy security. These localised grids can operate autonomously during grid-wide outages, ensuring continuous power supply and reducing the impact of blackouts. 

Energy Efficiency and Conservation

Efforts to save energy, improve buildings, and raise public awareness are important in preventing power outages during high demand. 

Support Of Policy, Rebates, And Incentives

Governments can provide incentives, subsidies, and policies encouraging investment in renewable energy projects, energy storage solutions, and grid modernisation. A favourable policy environment fosters innovation and attracts private-sector participation. 

Research and Development

Investing in research and development for advanced renewable energy technologies, energy storage, and grid management systems can lead to breakthroughs. It can also enhance the reliability of renewable energy sources and their integration into the grid. 

Collaboration and Partnerships

Close collaboration between governments, utilities, industry stakeholders, research institutions, and communities is vital. Sharing expertise, resources, and knowledge can accelerate the adoption of renewable energy solutions and create a more resilient energy ecosystem. 

Australia is working to meet energy needs and protect the environment. This is essential for preventing power outages and providing reliable energy for people and businesses. 

In conclusion, Australia has a unique opportunity to transition to a more sustainable energy landscape while ensuring a reliable power supply.  

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Large-Scale Batteries Supporting Renewables In Australia

Large-Scale Batteries Supporting Renewables In Australia

Large-scale or grid-scale energy storage is crucial in advancing the transition to a more renewable energy system. Batteries and pumped hydro are the two most common forms of large-scale energy storage.  

Here, we will focus on how large-scale batteries support renewables in Australia. Australia has demonstrated the potential of wind and solar as clean and affordable renewable energy sources.  

Effectively managing the weather-related variability of these sources requires efficient power storage solutions. Energy storage involves using a chemical process or pumped hydro system to store electrical energy for later use. 

Soon, energy storage will revolutionise global energy usage, offering consumers greater flexibility, reliability, and efficiency in their energy consumption. It also helps to stabilise the supply of renewable energy from sources like solar and wind. 

What Are Batteries?

Large-scale batteries are also known as grid-scale batteries. But what are batteries in this context?  

Batteries are a technology for energy storage, utilising chemicals to absorb and release energy as needed. The most commonly used battery chemistry for electricity storage is lithium-ion. 

When coupled with renewable energy generation, batteries can store excess energy during periods of low demand and release it during peak demand. These systems offer flexibility in energy supply. 

Unlike other storage and generation methods, batteries stand out for their responsiveness, capable of turning on and off in fractions of a second, thereby helping to maintain grid stability. 

Large groups of batteries, called grid-scale or large-scale battery storage (LSBS), can be significant power generators connected to the electricity transmission system. 

Home batteries can be installed on a smaller scale to provide backup power and operate collectively in Virtual Power Plants (VPPs). 

As battery technology continues to evolve and costs decrease, their utilisation of renewable energy is expected to expand in the coming years. 

energy storage

Energy Storage In Australia

Australia has witnessed significant developments in energy storage. Construction of sixteen large-scale batteries, totalling over 595 MW of capacity, was underway by the end of 2020.  

Numerous utility-scale battery projects were announced, with the New South Wales Government committing to four new large-scale batteries under its Emerging Renewables program.  

On the other hand, In June 2016, the Victorian Government introduced the Victorian Renewable Energy Target (VRET) aims to achieve 25 per cent renewable energy by 2020 and 40 per cent by 2025.  

This commitment was later enacted into law in October 2017. Renewable Energy Action Plan (REAP) was established to reach these targets. And it focuses on three key areas: 

  • Supporting sector growth 
  • Empowering communities and consumers 
  • Modernising the energy system 

By increasing renewable energy capacity, Victoria is promoting a stable and reliable energy system and making strides in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The state aims for a 15 to 20 per cent emission reduction by 2020, ultimately achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. 

Household interest in batteries increased, with around 40,000 batteries installed in 2020. South Australia led the way with SA Government’s Home Battery Scheme, followed by NSW through the Empowering Homes battery loan program. 

Large-scale batteries, comprised of thousands of lithium-ion cells, function similarly to the batteries we use daily. They can provide power to the electricity grid, offering flexibility and stability to the network. Embracing energy storage can drive a transition to cleaner energy in the future. 

The Technology of Energy Storage

Various electrochemical technologies are utilised and continuously developed worldwide to store battery energy. These technologies encompass lithium-ion, sodium-ion, and molten-state batteries like sodium-sulphur and flow batteries. 

As advancements are made, and production costs decrease, battery storage becomes increasingly competitive commercially. 

Large-scale batteries typically consist of multiple components, including a battery unit or enclosure, an inverter, and a transformer that may be internally or externally mounted. The enclosure requirement depends on the technology used and the desired output. 

Large-Scale Batteries Supporting Renewables

Large-scale batteries play a significant role in supporting renewables in Australia by addressing the nature of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind.  

These batteries are designed to store excess energy generated during periods of high production and release it when renewable generation is low or unavailable. Here’s how they are supporting renewables in Australia: 

Large Scale Batteries

Storing Excess Energy

Large-scale batteries can store surplus energy generated by renewable sources during periods of high output. This excess energy can be used during peak demand hours or when renewable generation is low, ensuring a more stable and reliable energy supply. 

Smoothing Power Supply

Renewables like solar and wind are subject to natural fluctuations due to weather conditions. Batteries help smooth out these fluctuations by absorbing excess energy and discharging it when needed, creating a more constant and consistent power supply.

Grid Stability

Large-scale batteries contribute to grid stability by providing rapid response services. They can respond quickly to sudden changes in energy demand or supply, helping to balance the grid and prevent blackouts or disruptions. They can react quicker than other technologies. 

In contrast to conventional power generation methods that may take hours to reach maximum output, batteries can almost instantaneously adjust to wind or solar power fluctuations, ensuring a steady supply and uninterrupted electricity. 

Batteries also serve as an excellent source of extra power during peak energy demand times, such as when people return home from work and increase their electricity usage. 

Reducing Reliance on Fossil Fuels

By efficiently storing and distributing renewable energy, large-scale batteries reduce the need for traditional fossil fuel power plants to meet peak demand. This leads to decreased greenhouse gas emissions and a transition towards a cleaner energy future. 

Integration of Renewable Energy Projects

Batteries facilitate the integration of new renewable energy projects into the grid. They make it easier for renewable energy sources to connect and contribute to the energy mix, accelerating the transition to a more sustainable energy system. 

Time-Shifting Energy

Large-scale batteries enable time-shifting of energy production and consumption. Excess energy can be stored during low-demand periods and discharged during high-demand periods, optimising the use of renewable resources. 

Enhancing Grid Flexibility

Batteries offer flexibility to the grid operators, allowing them to manage fluctuations in renewable energy supply and demand effectively. This flexibility is essential as more renewables are integrated into the grid. 

Large-scale batteries play a pivotal role in maximising the potential of renewable energy sources in Australia, contributing to a cleaner, more reliable, and sustainable energy landscape. 

Charging during the day can absorb extra solar energy that is unused. This stored energy can then be shifted from midday to the high-demand afternoon hours to cater to customer requirements. 

Although batteries can provide near-instant backup, their support duration is limited to a few hours with existing technology. However, as battery technology advances, it can provide longer backup periods at a reduced cost. 

Why Is Location Important?

Large-scale batteries can be installed anywhere on the electricity grid. But to leverage existing infrastructure and minimise energy production costs,  

Interestingly, a large-scale battery situated next to a power station doesn’t draw power from the station. These batteries operate independently, are grid-connected, and can continue functioning even when the adjacent power station is offline or has been decommissioned. 

Why Choose Large-Scale Battery Storage?

Electricity storage comes in various forms, such as mechanical, pressurised, and electrochemical systems like pumped hydroelectricity, compressed air, liquid air, rail potential energy, and large-scale battery storage. 

As part of the Renewable Energy Action Plan (REAP), a significant initiative is the implementation of large-scale energy storage facilities in central and western Victoria. These battery storage systems offer several benefits when paired with renewable energy sources: 

  • Contingency power during temporary supply losses, whether unexpected or regulated. 
  • Near-instantaneous stabilisation services to the grid during episodes of frequency imbalances. 
  • An alternative temporary electricity source, reducing reliance on expensive emergency gas-fired and diesel generators. 

When combined with renewable energy, battery storage helps ensure a reliable and affordable energy supply. It can also decrease the occurrence of blackouts when there is less supply.  

How Large-Scale Batteries Help You?

Large-scale batteries bring significant benefits to the grid, which ultimately impact consumers.  

Large-scale batteries can release this energy during high-cost and high-demand periods by storing low-cost electricity during periods of excess supply. This helps to stabilise prices and reduce energy bills for consumers.  

Additionally, when energy demands exceed generation, the stored electricity can be dispatched immediately. It acts as a peaking generation mechanism comparable to gas peaking plants. This efficient network further aids in keeping energy bills in check and reducing network costs. 

Why Now?

The global energy landscape is rapidly changing due to advancements in energy technologies, consumer behaviour and preferences shifts. It is also helping the growing demand for cleaner energy sources.  

Embracing a clear and well-planned transition to a clean energy future can ensure a smooth transition to renewable energy. 

By learning from other countries experiences and adopting these methods, Victoria can emerge as a national leader in transitioning to a modern energy future. The challenge lies in incorporating new energy generation and utilisation methods while maintaining system reliability and affordability. 

Benefits of Energy Storage Technologies:

Energy storage technologies can facilitate growth in areas experiencing network restraints. They also support on-demand energy requirements during the renewable energy transition. 

Furthermore, energy storage is significant in enhancing competitiveness and increasing the supply of renewable energy as the industry expands.  

By delivering renewable energy during peak demand times, large-scale batteries unlock more value, increase flexibility, and improve reliability in the energy supply. 

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8 Challenges For Energy Transition In Australia

8 Challenges For Energy Transition In Australia

Renewable energy technology is improving every day. And it’s getting more affordable. Yet, many challenges remain to incorporate renewable energy into our daily lives. As a result, renewable energy sources account for only 20% of our worldwide energy consumption.  

Fortunately, we have identified 8 challenges for energy transition in Australia. Identifying the challenges is the first step toward an innovative future. And this innovation is a must to transform renewable energy from a novelty to a standard in every home. 

Many individuals believe that our planet is facing an energy crisis. But the sun, which powers our planet, supplies far more energy than mankind could ever require. And that’s just one source. 

Wind, solar, hydropower, geothermal, biomass, and other renewable sources are also widely available in Australia. We need to tap into these resources to meet our energy requirements properly. And to properly utilize the resources, we need to understand the challenges too.  

Infrastructure Issues

The wholesale and widespread deployment of renewables to meet energy demand is critical. But, the shift will be more difficult due to the need for more reliable large-scale energy grids.  

There is a vast and alarming infrastructural gap in Australia. Like other forms of infrastructure, energy infrastructure requires more funds, better maintenance, and stability to meet future demands in many locations. 

As the demand for renewable energy grows, higher residential use, more electric vehicle adoption, and industrial transition become easier. But the inadequacy of many electric grid systems will become increasingly visible when large-scale renewable energy is adopted.

Initial Installation Cost

Carbon emissions are the primary contributor to global warming. Numerous efforts have been made to boost its use. However, the cost is a significant factor influencing acceptance. The high initial cost of installation is one of the roadblocks to its development. 

Solar and wind energy are the most affordable of all energy sources. On the other hand, the initial installation costs of a solar power system and a gas-fired plant are vastly different.  

Large-scale solar power system installation costs roughly $2,000 per kilowatt. Similarly, a small-scale home system costs roughly $3,700.  

While a new gas-fired plant costs $1,000 per kW. Undoubtedly, the large margin in installation expenses is quite evident. Because of the high upfront installation costs, investors and lenders consider renewables high risk. Whereas they consider fossil fuels more acceptable for its low installation costs. 

Energy transition is important

Energy Storage

One of the most discussed challenges is efficient, economical, and dependable energy storage. One of the primary issues with renewable energy generation in the past has been developing a better storage system 

Because of fluctuations in sunshine and wind, supplies are less reliable than those obtained from fossil fuels. As a result, owners require batteries to store energy for later use. And to equal out energy supply disparities.  

There are also concerns about the costs of this technology. That also raises the question of sustainability.

Monopoly of the Non-renewable Energy Industry

Non-renewable energy sources account for the major share of the present energy market. This certainly adds to the difficulty. Solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources must compete with the well-established fossil fuel industry. 

The government provides subsidies and other forms of support for solar energy. However, the fossil fuel industry receives even more substantial government support. 

Renewable energy sources are the most effective strategy to combat climate change. But fossil fuels have long been a component of human life. As a result, it has deep roots in the country’s economy.  

Project Approval

Another significant impediment is the lengthy transmission project approval procedure. Authorities evaluate whether a project should proceed and how much of its expenses can be passed through in tariffs. 

While various projects have been suggested, only a few obtained approval. To support Australia’s energy target, many renewable power projects must be approved. 

Policymakers and industry must agree that a “capacity market” is necessary. This capacity market would compensate those with power ready for dispatch at any time. This encourages investment in firming capacity. 

Many challenges remain for energy transition in Australia

Insufficient Knowledge and Awareness

People hesitate to use renewable energy technology due to insufficient knowledge and awareness. Typically, fossil fuel plants are located in densely populated areas. It employs the local community because it requires numerous people to operate.  

The massive property tax from fossil fuel plants will benefit the local community. 

As the world’s largest coal exporter, Australia is impeding global climate action. Since the 2015 Paris Agreement, many countries have backed renewable investment. As a result, renewable investment now outnumbers fossil fuel investment in those countries. 

Lack of Legal Policies

The need for policies, subsidies, incentives, and regulations that promote renewable energy technologies impedes their widespread adoption. The renewable energy market requires clear policies and legal procedures to attract investors. The government must introduce and implement policies to strengthen the renewable energy market. 

Corporate lobbying and political pressure present challenges in transitioning from the fossil fuel industry to renewable energy. This is due to the inherent reliance on fossil fuels. While the dangers of climate change have begun to impact human lives significantly. 

Technical Difficulties

However, industry decarbonization is one of many challenges. Technical reasons also make reducing CO2 emissions in this arena more difficult. We can only change processes to reduce 45% of emissions from feedstocks, not fuels. 

Generating the high temperatures needed for processes in target sectors is difficult using zero-carbon electricity or other alternative fuels. Significant changes would be required. 

Industrial processes are highly integrated. Therefore, any change to one part of the process will have a ripple effect. This will require further changes to be made. And as manufacturing facilities have long lifespans, changing processes would be expensive.  

Energy is critical to the decarbonization of industry. Decarbonizing all industrial processes in the major industrial sectors will, of course, significantly impact the energy system. Decarbonization would result in a significant increase in long-term electricity requirements. 

Overcoming The Challenges

The public and private sectors must collaborate to achieve better economic outcomes, progress, cost reduction, and renewable energy development. The same thing is now required for industrial decarbonization.  

The energy transition and industrial decarbonization must coexist. This is an important issue for the renewable energy sector. It will be a crucial factor in the future.  

Renewable energy technologies have been increasing in Australia. This was triggered by the country’s decision to focus on the renewable energy target. The green energy industry is rapidly revolutionizing our global energy supply systems due to many innovative and disruptive breakthroughs and ideas. 

This is amazing news for our planet’s sustainability and existence. We must overcome the difficulties that come our way in order to meet our energy production targets. Additionally, we must eliminate the use of dirty fossil fuels.  

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Debunking 10 Renewable Energy Myths

Debunking 10 Renewable Energy Myths
The renewable energy transition is crucial to prevent climate change. It is also the easiest way to ensure everyone in Australia can access infinite electricity. Renewable energies vary from fossil fuels because they are infinite, diverse, and provide viable solutions for all parts of the globe. Most significantly, renewable energies do not pollute the environment.
Although having numerous benefits, many myths about renewable energy still prevail. And in this article, we will be debunking 10 renewable energy myths around Australia.

Renewable Energy Is Expensive

Renewable energy being expensive is one of the most widespread myths. It is now the cheapest new electricity source in countries, especially Australia.
It is not only less expensive, but also more efficient. Compared to fossil fuels, renewable energy is nearly 100% efficient at the point of consumption. And to everyone’s surprise, renewables can be produced and managed locally.

Transitioning To Renewables Is Expensive

Another myth regarding expenses exists in the energy industry. Most people think transitioning to renewable energy sources will be more costly in the long run. However, research and studies show that switching to renewables will save millions. The initial switch to green energy might cost some extra bucks, but the payback is significantly cheaper.

Renewables Do Not Ensure High Demand

Clean energy entirely ensures high power demand! Australian citizens can 100% shift to renewables regarding electricity usage. Energy storage systems have advanced by leaps and bounds. The technology might enable a grid powered entirely by renewable energy.
According to research, by the middle of this century, two-thirds of the world’s power will be provided by renewable energies. And electricity will cover 40% of global end-user demand for energy. Additionally, 63% of this will be generated by solar PV and wind. Global energy consumption and increased electrification will likely increase significantly by 2050.

Phasing Out From Fossil Fuels Will Increase Job Losses

The statement provided above needs to be corrected immediately. According to this report, the transition is expected to create 10.3 million jobs by 2030, tripling the current level. At the same time, measures promoting energy efficiency would create millions more jobs.
Workers in renewable energy earn higher and more impressive salaries when compared to all workers nationally. And it will be available to people working in the present energy sector.
renewable energy sources are sustainable

Investing On Renewable Energy Is Difficult

Investing in clean energy is fairly easy. Solar companies’ profits are expected to rise largely. Solar panels are a wise investment in all Australian states, regardless of how much energy you use.
Although the initial cost, and long-term savings, solar panels are still a great investment in Australia. And payback period can all vary substantially.
Renewable Utilities Stocks List Australia 2023 will provide a detailed overview of investment opportunities to make your investment journey easier.

Solar Energy Is Useless At Night

Obviously, solar plants do not typically work at night, just as wind farms do not operate when there is no wind. But, advances in battery storagetechnology and dropping costs make it possible to store electricity and supply it later. Even at night or when there is no wind or urgent need.
Furthermore, one of the key advantages of renewable technologies is their complementarity. They are completely combinable to achieve the optimal solution in each circumstance.

Wind Turbines are Tough To Maintain

There are quite a few myths surrounding wind turbines. Like it’s noisy, takes up a lot of space, and takes up more energy if not managed properly. The actual scenario is quite the opposite.
Each wind turbine creates enough renewable energy to power approximately 2,000 homes. The emissions produced by the manufacture and dismantling of a wind turbine represent approximately 1% compared to coal, gas, or fuel oil power stations. And this does not include the CO2 emitted during the construction of those fossil fuel stations. Turbines are also very easy to manage, as they silently collect wind and transform it into electricity.

Renewables Are Harmful To The Environment

Data says the opposite. Renewable energy emits far fewer greenhouse gases than fossil fuels. This may appear apparent, but how frequently it is questioned is surprising.
Opponents of renewable energy point out that solar panels have a 25-year lifespan before they need to be replaced. Yet, they neglect that 80 percent of the materials in these solar panels are recyclable. Additionally, efforts are being undertaken to recycle the remaining components.
Some claim that battery storage increases emissions. But this only happens when batteries are used with the support of fossil fuels. Nevertheless, battery and other storage technologies are rapidly improving. That makes them an increasingly important part of the renewable energy future.

Green Energy Is Not Sustainable

Renewable energy sources are the polar opposite of finite energy sources such as coal and gas. Furthermore, using fossil fuels to generate energy contributes to climate change.
Green energy sources are constantly and organically renewed. Hence, renewable energy is sometimes referred to as sustainable energy. Renewable sources are infinite and the most sustainable.

Only Homeowners Can Enjoy Renewable Energy

solar farms are very common in australia
Homeowners are only a small fraction of the population who can benefit from clean energy sources. Many commercial spaces and utility-level businesses are fully taking advantage of renewable energy. Large-scale and small-scale solar\ renewable energy farms have gotten quite popular in Australia. Most businesses have shifted to sustainable energy because of these numerous benefits.

Let’s Leave the Myths Behind

With any innovation, there are questions about how effectively it will function. While renewable energy has its skepticism, switching to it is inevitable. Because of many renewable energy technologies.
Sustainability is important, and we make amazing progress when everyone does their share. After all the energy myths debunked, it’s time to move forward sustainably.

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How Much Of Australia’s Energy Is Renewable?

How Much Of Australia’s Energy Is Renewable?
The Australian renewable energy industry’s recent success makes it easy to forget how far we’ve come. And to think that the government was about to scrap the Renewable Energy Target in 2015. There were severe doubts about the industry’s survival, let alone its ability to supply a significant portion of the country’s electricity.
Nonetheless, only six years later, a large amount of Australia’s electricity came from clean energy sources. But how much of Australia’s energy is renewable? According to Clean Energy Council, the simple answer is 32.5 percent. However, the math is not that simple here. Many things are still at play. And that’s precisely what we will try to unravel in this article.
The industry is growing faster than ever. The acceleration of the renewable energy transition in 2021 demonstrates a future in which Australia’s electricity costs less. It also is more reliable and emits no greenhouse gases.
It sounds like a fantasy, right? But it is no longer just a possibility but a certainty. However, Australia’s energy consumption still depends on fossil fuels largely.

So how much of total energy is renewable?

Renewable energy is the better future
In 2021, the Australian renewable energy industry accounted for 32.5 percent of total electricity generation in Australia, an increase of nearly 5 percentage points over 2020. In the last five years, the proportion of Australia’s electricity generated by renewables has almost doubled, rising from 16.9% in 2017 to 32.5 percent this year.
The increase in renewable energy generation was most noticeable in the coal sector, where its share of total generation fell from 62.0 percent in 2020 to 59.1 percent in 2021. The gas sector also saw a significant drop, with its share of total generation falling to 7.7 percent in 2021 from 9.9 percent in 2020.

Significance of Large-Scale & Small-Scale Clean Energy Sector

Small-scale solar will continue to drive the growth of renewable energy in Australia in 2021. The sector added 3.3 GW of new capacity during the year, marking the fifth consecutive year it set a new installed capacity record.
Small-scale solar accounted for 24.9 percent of total renewable energy generation in Australia in 2021, cementing its position as the country’s second-largest clean energy technology after wind.
The large-scale solar sector had a record year in 2021, adding 2955 MW of new capacity across 27 projects, nearly 1 GW more than in 2020. The completion of some of Australia’s most considerable wind and solar projects in 2021, including the three largest solar farms and two of its three largest wind farms, was the primary reason for this significant increase in new capacity.
The wind industry had a solid year, adding 1746 MW of new capacity to set a third consecutive record.
In 2021, Australia’s states and territories continued to lead the renewable energy transition. They made new policies around these power stations. It demonstrates what is possible with good policy and bipartisan support.
The remarkable success of state and territory renewable energy policies is reflected in the growing share of clean energy, with some states and territories reaching levels of renewable penetration not seen elsewhere in the world.
With their renewable energy target well on track, many states and territories increased their focus on renewable hydrogen in 2021, implementing policies and projects laying the groundwork for Australia’s next ample export opportunity.

No wonder smallscale and large-scale renewable energy sector has mostly contributed to total renewable energy. This has also made us aware how much renewable energy occupies the energy industry in Australia.  

History of Energy Transition

The sun was the first energy source. It provided both heat and light. Later, lightning started fires. As an additional source of heat and light, fire was used for various purposes. They also cooked with fire. After a while, humans discovered sailing. With that, we transitioned to wind farms.
Furthermore, humanity experienced one of the most significant energy transitions after the industrial revolution. And we have been using fossil fuels ever since for our energy needs. But we need to realise, fossil fuels are finite. Soon we will run out of them.
Since 1945, nuclear, solar, water, and wind have played a more prominent role in energy production. Also, alternative energy sources such as geothermal and biomass are gaining popularity as technological advances improve viability.

Knowing the energy transition history provides us with a clear image of how much energy is renewable in Australian market. With growing technology, this is the perfect time to go through another drastic energy transition.

Australia’s Common Sources of Renewable Energy

We will soon run out of fossil fuels
  • Solar Energy   
  • Wind Energy  
  • Ocean Energy  
  • Hydro Energy   
  • Geothermal Energy 
  • Biomass  
Among all these renewable energy sources, solar power and wind energy are the most popular here. Contact us to get renewable energy solutions for residential and commercial purposes.

Why is Renewable Energy Important?

Total electricity generation in 2021 was at around 266 TWh (956 PJ), the highest total generation on record. COVID-19 had an impact on sectoral usage and demand timing. In 2021, fossil fuels accounted for 71% of total electricity generation, including coal (51%), gas (18%), and oil (2%).
At the beginning of the century, coal accounted for more than 80% of electricity generation. But now, coal’s popularity in generating electricity has continued to decline.
In 2021, renewables contributed 32.5% of total electricity generation, with solar (17%), wind (10%), and hydro (6%). Renewable electricity generation has more than doubled is the last six years. It is estimated that renewable energy generation will increase from 32.5% to 50% in 2050.
Renewable energy is safer for the environment. There are numerous additional benefits to using renewable energy. Clean energy, unlike fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas, emits no greenhouse gases or air pollutants. Renewable energy can only help mitigate crude oil’s environmental impact from fossil fuels.
It also diversifies the supply of energy and reduces reliance on imported fuels. As a result, economic development and jobs in manufacturing, installation, and other fields are created. Therefore, it is time to invest in renewable energy.
In our previous blogs, we reviewed the benefits of renewable energy in detail. Check the blog here.

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Solar VS Wind Which Renewable Energy Source Is Better?

Solar VS Wind Which Renewable Energy Source Is Better?
Our planet is running out of fossil fuels, and we must transition to renewable energy. As energy technologies are developing, wind, water, biomass, and solar power are becoming our future. We must change our energy consumption habits and maintain sustainable energy use.  
We quickly went from relying on fossil fuels to various viable renewable energy sources. Furthermore, the industry is still innovating. The debate isn’t about something other than whether renewable energy will be adopted or not. The real debate is which type of green energy is better.

So solar vs wind, which renewable energy source is better?

Currently, solar and wind energy are Australia’s most widely used types of renewable energy. According to Born To Engineer the scenario is quite similar worldwide too. Therefore, one may automatically wonder which energy source is more efficient. The most efficient option is heavily influenced by the environment in which you live. 
Solar power will be much easier to produce in some areas, but wind energy will be more readily available in others. We will look at some factors that influence wind and solar energy efficiency. But before that, we will need to know what wind and solar energy are.  

Wind Energy

Wind energy is when the sun’s rays heat the uneven surface of the Earth, hot air rises, and cool air settles. Wind is created by the difference in atmospheric pressure, a kinetic form of energy. Turbines are used in kinetic energy to generate electricity. When wind blows around the turbine’s blades, it converts the rotating blade’s energy into mechanical power. It is then converted into energy to pump water, grind grain, or power homes, businesses, schools, and even power plants.

Solar Energy

Solar energy is the radiation from the sun that reaches Earth. When sunlight strikes photovoltaic (PV) cells inside solar panels, the radiation from the sun is converted into electricity. And the PV cells then generate power for homes, businesses, and utility-scale power plants.

Clean and Green Energy

Solar and wind energy are the most widely used renewable energy

Wind and solar power are the most popular green energy alternatives to fossil fuels among the various renewable energy sources. They contribute significantly to reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. Solar panels and wind turbines are used to extract solar and wind energy. These two power systems are abundant and inexhaustible with less to zero environmental impacts. These two sources of energy lessen air pollution significantly too.

As renewable sources, wind and solar power reduce toxic pollution, making our planet greener and cleaner. It has the potential to improve local infrastructure and economies by creating jobs. Because of its low operating costs, it has the potential to power even the most remote parts of the world. However, solar panels and wind turbines are expensive to manufacture, install, and maintain.  

With government rebates, most people can afford it. However, prices still must fall to persuade consumers to switch to green energy sources. The primary impediment to green energy adoption is economic sustainability. Developing a practical, cost-effective method of storing power when there’s no sunlight and the wind is critical to phase out fossil fuels.

Both solar and wind power have advantages over one another. But which green energy source is better?  

Both solar and wind power have advantages over one another.

Advantages of Solar Energy:

  • Solar panels provide more predictable energy output than wind energy. Massive energy production can be done with massive-scale solar farms. 
  • Panels can be installed easily after determining the solar system and requirements by installers.  
  • Unlike wind turbines, solar panels don’t require a specific space for installation. Since panels can be installed anywhere from roofs to front or back lawn 
  • Solar panels don’t produce any noise, while wind turbines are noisy. 
  • Better for suburban areas.  
  • More feasible for residential purposes.

Advantages of Wind Turbines:

  • Wind energy can produce energy even at night, while Solar energy only works with sunlight.  
  • Residential wind turbines transform the same amount of electricity as the traditional method.  
  • Wind turbines release less CO2, automatically making wind a more efficient power source. A wind turbine generates 4.64 grams of CO2/1 kWh, while a solar panel produces 70 grams of CO2/1 kWh. 
  • Wind power produces more energy while consuming less compared to solar panels. 
  • A wind turbine can produce power for utility-scale commercial purposes, depending on the average wind speed.

Which is more effective?

Solar panels’ and wind turbines’ efficiency is determined by how well they convert sunlight into usable electricity. Even the most efficient residential solar panels convert only about 22% of the energy captured from the sun into electrical power. 

On the other hand, wind turbines can transform up to 60% of the wind energy they capture into usable electrical energy. Clearly, wind power is more efficient, but it is more challenging to capitalize on, whereas solar power is much easier to use.

Which is the most cost-effective?

Based on daily electricity consumption, average sunlight received, and individual panel output, an average household of six would require approximately 24 solar panels to meet their energy needs. Solar panel prices will typically range between $11,000 and $15,000. It will produce 6,000 to 10,000 kWh per year. The cost of installation varies depending on a variety of factors, including. It costs 4.6 cents per kWh. 

The annual average wind speed of an area and a house’s size and energy requirements of a house determine whether a wind turbine can power a house.  

A 5kW wind turbine will provide enough energy to power a 6-person household. It would be equivalent to the energy generated by 24 solar panels. Wind turbine installation costs will range between $50,000 and $70,000. It will depend on the size and height of the turbine and the equipment used.

Which Renewable Energy is the Best?

It will generate between 8,000 and 12,000 kWh per year at an average cost of 20.3 cents per kWh. As a result, solar power is less expensive than wind power. Combining these two green energy sources to power one’s home is the best option. However, it only makes sense for rural communities with plenty of open space.  

Solar panels are the better option for homeowners looking for a renewable energy source because they are less expensive to install and require less maintenance. Wind will play a utility-scale role. Renewable energy sources help to reduce energy costs while also having a positive impact on the environment. If wind and solar power continue to grow at their current rates, they may be able to compete with fossil fuel giants.

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Why Do We Need Renewable Energy?

Why Do We Need Renewable Energy?

Electricity generation is the leading source of industrial air pollution. Most of our electricity is generated by coal, nuclear, and other non-renewable power plants. Producing energy from these resources has a significant environmental impact, polluting our air, land, and water. This simply answers why we should switch to renewable energy from fossil fuels.  

But why do we need renewable energy? Can renewable energy solve the environmental struggle we are facing? This article will give a detailed explanation of this particular topic. So, let’s begin the article by taking Australia as an example.  

Australia used to be the worst coal polluters, not anymore!

According to UK-based thinktank Ember, Australia is the second most co-dependent country for power generation. Australia’s greenhouse gas pollution from coal was higher than any other developed country in 2021. However, the boost of solar and wind energy usage reduced pollution significantly. 

What is Renewable Energy?

Before knowing the importance of renewable energy, we need to know what renewable energy is. Simply put, renewable energy is clean energy derived from natural resources. Most renewable energy is sustainable. And Australia’s renewable energy sector accounts for about 32.5 percent of overall energy generation. 

Check out our previous blog Main Source Of Renewable Energy In Australia, for a detailed overview of Renewable Energy.  

Common Forms of Renewable Energy

Choosing renewable energy for a sustainable earth
Common forms or sources of renewable energy are mentioned below-  
  • Solar Energy  
  • Wind Energy 
  • Biomass  
  • Geothermal Energy  
  • Hydro Energy  
  • Ocean Energy  
All these renewable energies are active in Australia and fully contribute to Energy generation. In addition, these renewable energies don’t create any harmful impact on the environment. Polluting emissions or greenhouse gases can be eradicated by using renewable energy. Contact us to get renewable energy solutions for residential and commercial purposes.  

Brief History of Energy Usage

The first energy source was the sun, providing both heat and light. A lightning strike later started a fire. Fire was then used for a variety of purposes as an additional source of heat and light. They used fire in cooking too.  

Humans discovered they could use sails to harness wind energy for transportation over 8,000 years ago. Later, it used wind energy to power the first wind farm, which consisted of windmills turning water wheels to grind grain. 

Prior to 1850, wood-fueled fires were the primary source of heating, cooking, and producing steam for railroad engines. Water, wind, coal, and manufactured natural gas were also used at the time.  

Surprisingly, the Chinese used natural gas as early as 500 BC. Bamboo was used for piping.  The gas was discovered leaking from the ground for use in boiling seawater to remove the salt. That’s right, the world’s first natural gas pipeline! 

Engineers in ancient Rome created a heating system known as a hypocaust around the same time. When they built houses, they added open space beneath the floor, so fire could pass hot air through and heat the room above. Romans used this process to warm rooms and heat baths. And it became a common addition to new construction in the region.  

In 1816, streetlights in Baltimore, Maryland were powered by manufactured natural gas made from coal. Coal was the primary fuel source from 1850 to 1945 due to the Industrial Revolution. Heat was provided by wood, and lighting was provided by natural gas. With the rise of coal, the use of water and wind energy decreased. 

As electricity became more common in the late 1900s, oil and natural gas became the primary fuel sources at that time. Coal-fired power plants also became regular then. Nuclear, solar, water, and wind have played a more prominent role in energy production since 1945. Furthermore, alternative energy sources such as geothermal and biomass are becoming more popular, with technological advancements improving viability.  

Why do We Need Renewable Energy?

We have already mentioned that renewable energy is clean and healthier for the environment. But there’s more than meets the eye. Renewable energy has numerous other benefits. Clean energy produces no greenhouse gas emissions or air pollutants that fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas produce. Renewable power can only salvage the environmental impacts crude oil from fossil fuels has caused.  

It also diversifies the energy sector and its supply and reduces dependence on imported fuels. And automatically, it is creating economic development and jobs in manufacturing, installation, and more. Hence, it is the perfect time to invest in renewable energy. Let’s discuss the benefits in detail in the next section of this article.  

Benefits of Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is the new future
  • Clean and efficient energy usage – Renewable energy doesn’t negatively impact our environment. Therefore, it’s a better and cleaner way of electricity generation. As the energy is clean, it ought to be more efficient than fossil fuel usage.  
  • Less global warming – Every human activity is overloading our earth with co2 emissions, and greenhouse has. Ultimately, it’s causing our atmosphere to warm up. Renewable energy sources are the only elements helping to create less global warming.  
  • Improved public health – Unlike fossil fuel, clean energy doesn’t contribute to air and water pollution. More clean energy usage will automatically improve public health significantly.  
  • Limitless energy – Fossil fuels might have been convenient for us till now. But we are forgetting that this conventional energy is finite. It is assumed that in the next 51 years we will no longer have the oil to support our power grids, transport, or keep ourselves warm. Renewable energy is our only way out, as its energy is infinite and limitless.  
  • Jobs and other economic benefits – The energy transition is underway in full swing. Whether people want it or not, the sector is booming. It is diversifying the market and creating sustainable and improved jobs for people. People working in the renewable sectors are getting many incentives and economic benefits.  
  • Stable energy prices – As renewable energy is inexhaustible, it will not go anywhere. It will always be available for our use, maintaining a stable and affordable cost.   
  • Energy independence – Renewable energy is freeing us from energy enslavement. Since we will have limitless power, we will no longer have to worry about it. Thus, creating energy security and independence.  
  • Easier electricity supply – Many energy-related businesses have already shifted to the renewable sector. The abundance of power provides a constant and more accessible electricity supply. Indeed, it is a profitable sector.  

Is Energy Transition Really Worth It?

Even though renewable power is abundant with many visible benefits, people still need to be convinced to use it.  

Opponents of renewable energy enjoy emphasizing the variability of the sun and wind in order to increase support for coal, gas, and nuclear plants. On the contrary, it can more easily operate on demand or provide continuous power. The argument is used to undermine large investments in renewable energy. They are posing a rhetorical barrier to increased wind and solar adoption rates. 

However, the reality is much more favorable to clean energy. Solar and wind are highly predictable. And when distributed over a large enough geographic area with complementary generation sources, they are highly reliable. Modern grid technologies such as advanced batteries, real-time pricing, and smart appliances can also assist solar and wind. These can be essential components of a high-performing grid.  

So, if we put things into perspective, YES! Renewable energy and energy transition is worth it. It is worth our atmosphere and our people.  

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