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Solar Battery Rebates & Programs are currently available throughout New South Wales and Victoria. Speak with a battery expert to find out more and check your eligibility.
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Charging your dreams.


At Solar Emporium, we want our clients to truly benefit from the ever-evolving technological advancements. But that said, we would always consider the value for dollar aspect in every one of our proposals, and Solar Battery would be no exception to that.

So, what is solar battery, and how does it add value?

Solar battery performs the same way as a traditional battery, as its main function is to store energy. The excess energy generated from your solar power system can be stored using a solar battery.

Solar battery adds value by reducing your dependence on the grid, even during nighttime or with very little/no sunshine. The stored energy can be used to power your residence or property even when there is zero solar generation from the existing panels.


At Solar Emporium, we want our clients to truly benefit from the ever-evolving technological advancements. But that said, we would always consider the value for dollar aspect in every one of our proposals, and Solar Battery would be no exception to that.

So, what is solar battery, and how does it add value?

Solar battery performs the same way as a traditional battery, as its main function is to store energy. The excess energy generated from your solar power system can be stored using a solar battery.

Solar battery adds value by reducing your dependence on the grid, even during nighttime or with very little/no sunshine. The stored energy can be used to power your residence or property even when there is zero solar generation from the existing panels.

Who do we recommend solar battery to?

Solar battery is beneficial to only those with an existing solar power system in place or who plans to install a solar system in the near future. And not all solar system owners can benefit from the solar battery. Consumption patterns play a vital role in deciding if a solar battery system is viable or not.  Some of the categories that can benefit from the solar battery are listed below:

We would, without a doubt, recommend installing a solar battery to clients who prefer to have an off-grid solar system or a standalone solar system. Since they are independent of the grid, a solar battery would be the most worthwhile investment for them, as not only it will be cost-effective, but also it will provide comfort to them.

With an above-average energy consumption pattern, commercial or industrial clients would be able to make the most of their solar system with an add-on battery system as well. Often industries might function 24×7 throughout the day, and a solar battery can be used to supply stored energy during nighttime.

Unlike your average solar retailer, we would not recommend solar battery to every residential client. In fact, in most cases, solar batteries have been observed as a high investment asset when considering residential properties.

Solar systems paired with solar battery systems would be a win-win scenario for electric car owners as they would be able to charge their car batteries at night even when there is no solar generation using the stored energy from the battery system. This would save not only fuel cost but also reduce the bulk of the energy consumption cost and create massive savings in the long run. Moreover, the return on investment period for solar battery owners with electric cars have been seen to be as low as 5 years!

It is, therefore, very important to understand the consumption patterns when dealing with solar batteries for residential clients. If the consumption during the daytime is high enough to utilize the bulk of the energy generated, then a solar battery would make no sense to a consumer. But for an average household, a 6.6kW solar system would normally generate excess energy, which is usually exported to the grid for a feed-in tariff. This feed-in tariff per kWh is comparatively less when compared with what your energy provider would charge you.

Therefore, it would make more sense to utilize the energy generated by the solar system as much as possible and solar batteries are a means to do so.

Let’s talk about the very popular notion of batteries being a safe investment for residential clients in the coming future.

Although we agree that battery technology has been exponentially growing over the past decade, we still consider batteries to be a niche market. Unlike your average solar retailer, who would recommend a battery system irrespective of your consumption patterns, we would like to take a more learned approach. Solar battery systems become an economically viable option only when your consumption patterns are much higher during the night, and your solar system is capable of generating excess energy during the day. These are the two main criteria that we look at for residential owners who are interested in a battery system.

Want to know more
about your consumption patterns?

Have a chat with our friendly consultant today!!

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*Rates may vary from time to time. An average cost price was considered for reference.

**Energy savings can vary depending on usage, external conditions, shading, quality of products, etc. The minimum savings amount was used from a previously commissioned project.

What is the initial investment for a solar battery system?

Solar battery systems can range from $8,000 upwards depending on the capacity of the battery, installation costs and the brand used. Some of the well-renowned brands include:
  • Sungrow SBP4K8 – Best small battery up to 5kWh
  • LG Chem RESU10 – Best mid-size battery up to 10kWh
  • BYD Premium – Best modular battery system
  • Tesla Powerwall 2 – Best AC coupled battery system
  • Powerplus Energy – Best off-grid battery system
  • Redback Smart Hybrid – Best all-in-one solar battery system

How much energy can be stored?

The average Australian homeowner has been found to utilize a solar battery system with a capacity ranging from 5kWh to 10kWh. Again, it all depends on the consumption patterns and the requirements of individual owners.

For off-grid or commercial owners, it would be advisable to get a much larger battery system along with a large solar system to meet their demands throughout the day rather than rely on the grid.

How can solar battery systems become smart investments?

As mentioned earlier, solar battery systems are currently a quite expensive upfront and are not economically viable in certain contexts. At Solar Emporium, from our past experiences, we have developed a thorough understanding of the scenarios where solar batteries can turn into a smart investment. A detailed study of your load profile along with simulations can identify whether a solar battery can be a viable asset to your property. All we require is a utility bill, and our expert engineers can dissect it to draw up a solution beneficial to you.

What is the life expectancy of a solar battery?

Most solar batteries in the present market have a warranty period of 10 years and an average life expectancy of 20 years. This coincides with the life expectancy of solar panels, and it is always advisable to install a solar panel and battery system if the consumption patterns favor it.

What forms of rebates can be expected?

At present, eligible homeowners in Victoria can save up to $4,000 on solar battery under the Solar Homes Program. There are also a number of interest-free loans and financing options available for eligible customers.

Want to know more
About Solar Battery rates and rebates?


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Already have an existing solar system?

If you feel that your existing solar system is not creating as many savings as you would have hoped for, a solar battery might be the solution. Often, we have observed that consumption patterns might not suit a solar system alone, but when paired with a solar battery system, they would start to create much more savings as initially expected. A solar battery can be easily integrated into an existing solar system. At Solar Emporium, our expert engineers and technicians are capable of analyzing, designing and installing the suited battery systems for your needs.

All you have to do is:

  • Check your current solar production. Are you producing more than what you consume?
  • Review your present electricity consumption. Is nighttime consumption more than your daytime?
  • Consult with a Solar Emporium energy engineer and understand if a solar battery system is suitable or not. If suitable, which one would be ideal and what would be the benefits?
  • Present a simulation result showing consumption patterns and energy savings using a battery system paired with an existing solar system.
  • Inform the customer of rebates or subsidies available for the current system.

Are you interested in a solar system paired with solar battery storage?

At Solar Emporium, we make sure that we understand the customer needs and design a solar system specifically meeting those needs. Our in-house renewable energy engineers can analyze the load profiles and recommend whether a standalone solar system or a solar system paired with battery storage would be beneficial in the long run. And all these recommendations are based on actual simulations using advanced software and not just hunches.

The following are the steps to get started with a solar panel paired with a battery storage solution:

  • Analyze load profile using utility bills for the past 12 months.
  • Design a suitable solar battery system based on the load profiles and understand client requirements for future expansion.
  • Design a suitable battery system that can be paired with the solar system according to customer requirements and load profile.
  • Simulate the recommended system and present the findings such as ROI and energy savings in a concise report.
  • Inform the customer of rebates or subsidies available for the current solar system.

Solar Emporium has become a hallmark of customer satisfaction in recent years. Customer service and transparency have been valued greatly, and we hope to build upon these fundamentals in the future. Our close-knit team has developed a key understanding of energy profiles and solutions to meet those demands. Although solar batteries have been identified as key players in the energy management sector, we still believe that batteries in every common person’s house are a distant reality. That being said, solar batteries are a niche market, and consumers with an above-average load profile will be able to take advantage of it. Solar Emporium ensures quality and reliability above anything else.

If you feel like a solar battery would suit your need,
let us do the math and confirm that for you.

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Solar batteries might not be a mandatory purchase for everyone. However, those who are unable to connect to a grid or experience frequent outages might find solar batteries to be a “must-have” in the solar package.