A Guide to Solar Energy for New Homes in Australia

A guide to solar energy for new homes in Australia

In recent years, solar energy has emerged as a leading solution for powering homes sustainably and efficiently. With Australia’s abundant sunshine, it’s no surprise that more and more homeowners are turning to solar power to meet their energy needs.  

So, let us dive right into the guide to solar energy for new homes in Australia and explore the benefits of solar energy. As well as important considerations for those looking to make the switch. 

Benefits of Solar Energy for New Homes

Benefits of Solar Energy for New Homes:

Cost Savings: One of the most significant benefits of solar energy is its potential for cost savings. By harnessing the power of the sun, you can significantly reduce your electricity bills over time. With rising energy costs, investing in solar panels can offer long-term financial relief. 

So, your decision to install solar panels in your new homes can be a smart investment for both cost savings and environmental impact.  

But first, determine the appropriate system size based on your energy needs. Larger systems generate more power but come with higher upfront costs. A 6.6kW system is a common starting point, but you can adjust based on your requirements. 

Furthermore, try and invest in high-quality solar panels and inverters. While cheaper options exist, they may not perform well or last as long. So, opt for reputable brands with good warranties. 

Also, choose a reliable installer. Proper installation ensures optimal performance and longevity. Get multiple quotes and compare quality and pricing before you settle in for an installer.  

Make sure to install your solar panels where they receive direct sunlight for several hours each day. Avoid shading from tall buildings or trees. 

You can calculate the payback period. A household with a 6kW system that gets 5 hours of sunlight per day can save between $600 and $1000 per year! 

Remember, solar panels not only save costs but also contribute to a cleaner environment.

Environmental sustainability

Environmental Sustainability: Solar energy is a clean, renewable source of power that produces minimal carbon emissions. By choosing solar power for your home, you’re reducing your carbon footprint and contributing to a more sustainable future for Australia and the planet. 

But there are more ways how solar panels can contribute to environmental sustainability in Australia: 

  1. Reduction in Greenhouse Gases: Solar power systems generate energy without fossil fuels, reducing harmful emissions like carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides. This helps combat climate change. 
  2. Renewable Energy: Solar panels harness light energy from the sun, creating a sustainable source of power. Unlike finite fossil fuels, sunlight is abundant and inexhaustible. 
  3. Reduced Water Consumption: Solar systems use less water compared to traditional power plants. This conservation supports a healthier environment. 
  4. Minimal Land Consumption: Solar panels require minimal space, reducing the need to clear large areas of land. This helps preserve natural ecosystems. 
  5. Less Noise Pollution: Solar power systems operate silently, unlike noisy conventional power plants. 
  6. Improved Air and Water Quality: By relying on solar energy instead of fossil fuels, harmful pollutants released into the air and water are significantly reduced. 
  7. Long-Term Clean Energy: Quality solar panels can last 25 to 30 years, providing consistent clean energy with minimal environmental impact 

Energy Independence:  With solar panels installed in your home, you become less reliant on traditional grid electricity. This can provide a sense of energy independence, particularly during times of power outages or fluctuations in energy prices. 

Solar panels contribute significantly to energy independence by allowing you to generate your own electricity. Here’s how they achieve this; solar panels convert sunlight into electricity. By installing them on your property, you produce power directly, reducing reliance on traditional energy sources. 

You can also add  battery storage to your solar panel system. By doing so you will reduce your dependency on the grid. Furthermore, when your solar panels generate surplus energy, it can be stored in batteries for later use.  

During sunny days, excess energy charges the batteries, providing backup power during outages or at night. 

And generating your own electricity means you’re less affected by utility rate increases. You control your power source, avoiding price fluctuations. 

Solar energy is renewable and doesn’t emit greenhouse gases. It’s a sustainable choice that benefits both you and the environment. 

So, by contributing to your energy needs, you ease the load on the grid, making it more resilient for your community. 

In summary, solar panels empower you to take charge of your energy consumption, reduce costs, and contribute to a greener future! 

Do People Want to Buy Homes with Solar Panels?

Yes! Nowadays, more and more Australians are thinking about how their homes affect the environment. Solar energy is a popular choice because it helps reduce our carbon footprint. Plus, it saves money on electricity bills. 

Some might be happy with a small-scale system that covers part of their energy needs, while others might want a bigger one that powers their whole house. It all depends on what each person wants. But one thing’s clear: buyers consider solar power when looking for their perfect home or investment. 

Government Incentives: In Australia, there are various government incentives and rebates available to homeowners who install solar panels. These incentives can help offset the initial cost of installation, making solar energy even more accessible and appealing.
Here’s a summary of the key incentives: 

  1. Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES): 
  2. State and Territory Incentives: 
    • Installations must be done by a Clean Energy Council-accredited installer and meet Australian standards. 
    • Additional rebates, loans, and feed-in tariffs are available, varying by location. 
    • Programs may include rebates for low-income households, interest-free loans, and subsidies for solar batteries. 
  3. Home Energy Support Program: 
    • Offers up to $5,000 in rebates for eligible homeowners to cover part of the installation costs. 
  4. Solar Panel Rebate: 
    • Provides rebates of up to $1,400, plus the option of an interest-free loan, for existing homes and homes under construction. 

These incentives help reduce the initial investment in solar technology, promoting a shift towards a more sustainable energy future. 

So, hurry up and take advantage of government rebates, as these rebates help you to reduce the cost of residential rooftop solar systems. But first, check eligibility and available schemes in your area. 

Increased Property Value: Solar panels can increase the value of your home, making it more attractive to potential buyers if you decide to sell in the future. Many homebuyers are increasingly interested in eco-friendly features like solar power, which can give your property a competitive edge in the market. 

Adding solar panels to your home has the potential to raise its value. Although the initial cost of solar panels, particularly for larger installations, may be high, they are a wise long-term investment. Research indicates that eco-friendly features such as solar energy can boost the value of a property by as much as 10%. 

Homeowners value properties with sustainable energy systems like solar power due to their dependable energy supply, reduced utility expenses, and positive impact on the environment. Should you choose to sell your home in the future, the presence of solar panels could make it more appealing to potential buyers. 

Considerations for Installing Solar Energy Systems

Upfront Costs:

Although solar energy presents the opportunity for enduring financial benefits, the initial investment required can be substantial.  

Therefore, it is crucial to thoroughly assess your budget and explore various financing options before making the decision to incorporate solar panels into your new home.  

This careful consideration ensures that you make an informed choice that aligns with your financial circumstances and long-term goals.

Roof Suitability:

The effectiveness of your solar panels is directly influenced by factors such as the orientation, angle, and condition of your roof.  

For optimal performance, it is ideal for your roof to face south with minimal shading, allowing for maximum exposure to sunlight. Furthermore, it is essential to verify that your roof is in good structural condition to bear the weight of the solar panels.  

Taking these factors into account will ensure that your solar energy system operates at its full potential and remains a secure addition to your home.

Regulatory Requirements:

Before to the installation of solar panels, it is essential to acquaint yourself with the local regulations and requirements that govern such installations.  

This process may entail securing permits, ensuring compliance with building codes, and adhering to any guidelines set forth by homeowner associations.  

By proactively addressing these considerations, you can navigate the installation process smoothly and avoid potential legal or administrative complications.

Maintenance and Monitoring

Maintenance and Monitoring:

Although solar panels demand minimal maintenance, it is important to conduct regular cleaning and inspections to uphold their optimal performance.  

Furthermore, the implementation of a monitoring system can be beneficial, as it enables you to track your energy production and promptly identify any potential issues.  

By staying proactive in these maintenance efforts, you can ensure that your solar energy system operates efficiently and continues to deliver the expected benefits over time.

System Size:

The determination of your solar energy system’s size hinges on various factors, including your energy consumption patterns, the amount of available roof space, and your budget constraints. 

Collaborating with a trusted solar installer is crucial, as they can evaluate your specific requirements and propose the most suitable system size for your home. 

By engaging with a reputable professional, you can ensure that your solar energy system is tailored to meet your energy needs effectively, maximizing its benefits while aligning with your financial considerations and available space.


In conclusion, solar energy presents a compelling opportunity for homeowners in Australia to reduce their environmental impact, save money on energy bills, and increase their energy independence.  

By carefully considering the benefits and considerations outlined in this guide, you can make an informed decision about whether solar power is the right choice for your new home.  

With the sun shining brightly across the Australian landscape, there’s never been a better time to harness its power for a brighter, more sustainable future.

Our Solar Experts are here to Help!

Can Solar Panels Boost Your Home’s Resale Value In Australia?

Can Solar Panels Boost Your Home's Resale Value In Australia

For many people in Australia, their house is the most important thing they own, and caring for it is essential to keep its worth. Adding extra things can improve its resale value.  

But how can you make your house worth more? Most people think solar panels boost your home’s resale value in Australia.  

Houses with solar panels sell quicker, up to 20% faster than those without. But do solar panels indeed make your house worth more?  

Whether you plan to sell your house or not, you might wonder if getting solar panels will make it worth more. The simple answer is YES!  

The Clean Energy Regulator says one in every four Aussie homes has solar panels. Solar panels can make your house worth up to $6,000 more for every kilowatt of panels you have. That means about 4% of your house’s value comes from solar panels

Will Solar Panels Boost the Resale Value of Your Home?

The short answer is yes. Most Australians (77%) think a house with solar panels is worth more than one without. Most homeowners (57%) would be willing to pay up to $10,000 extra for a house with solar panels. 

Now, let’s talk numbers. On average, a solar panel system costs about $5,600. If you decide to sell your house later, having solar panels could boost its value, which is excellent news. This is especially true if you’ve been using solar power to reduce electricity bills for some time.

Do People Want to Buy Homes with Solar Panels?

Yes! Nowadays, more and more Australians are thinking about how their homes affect the environment. Solar energy is a popular choice because it helps reduce our carbon footprint. Plus, it saves money on electricity bills. 

Some might be happy with a small-scale system that covers part of their energy needs, while others might want a bigger one that powers their whole house. It all depends on what each person wants. But one thing’s clear: buyers consider solar power when looking for their perfect home or investment. 

Why Solar Energy?

solar panels

Everyone needs electricity or some kind of power in their homes. If you can reduce the cost of using electricity by installing solar power, people will see your home positively when you put it up for sale. 

Solar-powered heat pumps have been around for a long time, so people are more familiar with solar power than other alternative energy sources. Nowadays, there are many more solar panels on the roofs of houses than just five years ago. 

Statistics show that almost 19% of Australians now use solar energy at home, whether just for heating water or a complete solar panel system that sends extra power back to the grid. 

Here are some helpful tips for getting the most out of solar energy at home: 

  1. Use electricity during the day when solar power is being produced.
  2. Adjust your water heater to heat up during the day instead of at night when electricity is usually cheaper.
  3. Use energy-saving LED lights or bulbs in the evenings.
  4. Cool your house with the air-conditioner during the day and turn it off at night.
  5. Set the pool pump to run during the day, not at night.
  6. Upgrade old appliances like refrigerators that use a lot of power.

Aussies Prefer Solar Panels

Since most Australians prefer solar energy, it can make your home more appealing to buyers. Studies show that the more solar panels you have on your roof, the more valuable your home becomes.  

For each kilowatt of solar power, your home’s value could go up by almost $6000. So, for a 5kW solar system, your home’s value goes up by over $29,000. 

As electricity costs are expected to rise, the benefits of having solar power at home will become even more apparent.

Value of Investment

The extra money it brings to your home’s selling price is called investment value. 

According to a survey by Australian Real Estate, over 85% of people think that solar panels and solar batteries make their property worth more.  

More and more Australians are choosing sustainable energy sources, and solar power is one of the top choices. 

The value of a home goes up based on how many solar panels are on the roof. For each 1kW of solar power, your home’s value can increase by up to $6,000. So, if you install a 5kW system, your home’s value could increase by $29,000. 

Solar panels can increase your home’s value by up to 4%. For example, if your home is worth $300,000, the increase could be between $9,000 and $12,000.  

Plus, properties with solar panels sell about 20% faster. Buying a property with installed solar panels can appeal to buyers who want to reduce their environmental impact and save on electricity costs.

Value of Consumption

The environmental benefits of having an eco-friendly energy source are known as consumption value. 

The amount of value that solar panels add to your home depends on several factors, including: 

  1. Where your home is located – Solar installations in active solar markets can give you a better return on your investment than in less developed areas.
  2. How big the installation is – The increase in your property’s value is linked to the number and quality of solar panels you have. More and better-quality panels mean a massive boost in your home’s value.
  3. The value of your home – Bigger, more expensive homes see a more significant increase in value when solar panels are installed.

Solar panels could be a good choice if you plan to sell your home soon or want to increase its value over time. 

Reselling Fast is Part of the Process

Selling your home fast is essential. It’s easier to focus on other things once your home is sold. It’s like your life is on pause until the right buyer comes along and buys it.  

You can only move forward with your plans and settle into a new place. Having solar panels on your home can help it sell faster.  

Compared to homes without solar power, yours could sell up to 20% quicker. This is another way solar power adds value to your home and your life. 

With more people interested in living sustainably, solar power can help sell your home. You should point out the benefits of having solar, like lower electricity bills and helping the environment by reducing carbon footprint.  

But how you do this will depend on how you’re trying to sell your home, whether it’s through a real estate agency or not. 

Most real estate agencies use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. They can help attract more people to your house by showing off its solar features.  

This is especially important if your property has a pool or other energy-hungry appliances. With the right marketing strategies, your home should be in an excellent position to sell quickly and for a reasonable price.

Essential Factors to Consider Before Purchasing Solar Panels

There are some key factors to consider before installing solar panels. One big thing to consider is whether installing solar panels will make your house worth more money and attractive to people who might want to buy it later.  

Solar panels not only save you money on your energy bills, but they also show that you care about the environment.  

But remember, where your house is located, how big the solar panels are, where they’re placed, and how well they’re installed all affect how much they’ll add to your house’s value.  

Before you decide to get solar panels, it’s a good idea to research and talk to experts to ensure it’s the right choice for your house.

Average Solar Price in Australia

The pricing in the table below includes the federal government’s upfront STC rebate but excludes any additional state incentives, such as the Victorian Rebate Scheme. Find out if solar is a good investment for you.
Adelaide, SA$3,760$4,060$4,820$5,510$6,490$9,570
Brisbane, QLD$3,810$4,440$4,890$5,530$6,190$9,270
Canberra, ACT$4,700$4,900$5,170$5,840$6,840$8,910
Darwin, NT$5,300$7,210$8,240$9,920$11,270$14,060
Hobart, TAS$5,020$5,650$6,280$7,000$7,930$11,890
Melbourne, VIC$4,100$4,360$4,950$5,330$6,370$8,430
Sydney, NSW$3,970$4,300$4,760$4,970$6,140$8,250
Perth, WA$3,370$3,890$4,210$5,380$5,950$9,760

Start Your Solar Journey With Solar Emporium

home value

At Solar Emporium, we’ve created different solar packages tailored to your specific needs. Quality is important to us more than anything else.  

We’re proud to say we have more than 300,000 happy customers in New South Wales and Victoria.  

Our installations are top-notch, and we’re dedicated to providing excellent service even after installation. 

At Solar Emporium, our customers come first. That’s why we prioritise ensuring our customers are satisfied rather than just being the most significant solar seller.  

We offer a free solar quote for solar panels, batteries, and inverters so you can easily choose the renewable energy products you want and increase the value of your property. 

Our Solar Experts are here to Help!

Top 5 Solar Myths You Need To Know And Debunk

Top 5 Solar Myths You Need To Know And Debunk

Solar panels are getting increasingly popular in Australia and everywhere else because they’re a good, clean way to get energy.  

The tech has improved a lot over the years, and now people use it in their homes and businesses to save money on energy bills and help the environment.  

But, some people still need to get the right ideas about solar panels in Australia. Hence, we present the top 5 solar myths you need to know and debunk.   

This article wants to clarify some of those wrong ideas and provide genuine facts about solar panels in Australia

Why is Solar Energy Successful in Australia?

Firstly, installing solar panels will allow many people in Australia to stop depending on the electricity grid. This switch also helps them save money on their bills. 

Secondly, the Australian Government wants to support renewable energy. They have programs like the Renewable Energy Target and Small Scale Technology Certificates.  

Especially in solar energy, they give good incentives and rebates to Australian homes and businesses that want to use solar power, like the solar feed-in tariffs. 

Thirdly, Australia gets a lot of sunlight. We’re one of the sunniest countries in the world, so there’s plenty of solar energy here to use. 

Even though these reasons have convinced over 2 million Australian homes and businesses to install solar panels, there are still some misunderstandings and a need for more awareness about the benefits of solar energy.  

This article aims to clarify these myths and help people understand solar power better if they consider using it. 

Here are the top five myths about solar energy in Australia.

Solar Panels are Costly

It used to be expensive, but not anymore. In the last five years, the cost of solar panels and other solar technology in Australia has decreased by about 30-40%.  

Now, more people from different financial backgrounds can afford solar panels, batteries, and other solar equipment without taking out high-interest loans. 

Besides the lower costs, the government is also helping people afford solar power. Some incentives and rebates make buying and installing solar systems more accessible for Australians.  

For example, the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) provides financial help to individuals and small businesses buying solar energy systems. 

Installing solar panels also saves Australians money in the long run. It reduces electricity bills and increases the value of properties with solar panels.  

All these reasons show that solar energy is not expensive anymore. Instead, it’s a wise investment that saves money and is financially safe. 

Solar panels are getting cheaper, so they’re a good way for families to save money in the long run. 

Nowadays, the solar panels people put on their roofs are way cheaper than the first ones made in the 1950s. Four years ago, buying a solar system could cost as much as a small car, but now it’s more like buying a big TV. 

So, how does solar power compare to traditional energy like coal and gas? 

Large-scale renewable energy sources, like solar and wind, are now the cheapest ones to build. That’s why we see many clean energy farms built everywhere– they make good financial sense.

Solar Panels are Often Installed Carelessly

solar panels

Solar panels and inverter installations must follow the rules set by the Australian government. Also, anyone who installs solar panels has to be an electrician first, and then they need extra training in solar systems. 

The Clean Energy Council gives out a free guide on its website. It helps people ask the right questions when hiring someone to install solar panels to get good quality panels and a standard installation.

Solar Panels Require Substantial Maintenance

Solar power needs much maintenance, but solar panels require very little maintenance. Cleaning your panels every three months will keep their quality.  

This helps make sure the panels don’t have dirt or other things on them that might stop them from soaking up sunlight. 

Usually, all you have to do to clean solar panels is wash them with water and let them dry in the sun for about thirty minutes before using them again. It is enough to stop dirt from building up on them. 

Solar panels are made to stay on roofs for a long time and can handle harsh weather. They’re tough and last a long time, but keeping them clean is still important, just like you clean your car’s windshield or your glasses so that they can work well.

Solar is Not Reliable

Solar panels might not work well because they need sunlight to make electricity and don’t work as well on cloudy days. However, new solar industry technology, especially newer solar panel systems, has made them better at making power even when it’s not very sunny. 

The reliability of a solar panel system also depends on what kind of solar panels it uses. There are three main types: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin film.

Solar is Not Reliable

Solar panels might not work well because they need sunlight to make electricity and don’t work as well on cloudy days. However, new solar industry technology, especially newer solar panel systems, has made them better at making power even when it’s not very sunny. 

The reliability of a solar panel system also depends on what kind of solar panels it uses. There are three main types: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin film.

What Type of Solar Panels do Installers use?

Monocrystalline panels are made from a single crystal piece and work the best. Polycrystalline panels are made from different crystals. Thin film panels are made from silicon, so they’re flexible but don’t perform as well overall. 

It’s important to remember that Australia gets a lot of sunlight, which helps all these panels work well. But, if you want your solar system to work well all the time, you must take care of it properly.  

Some energy companies in Australia only install solar panels and leave you to deal with problems if they come up. Other solar installers are certified by the Clean Energy Council and may offer better support.

Solar Panels Only Work With Sunlight

solar power

Technology has made solar panels great at capturing sunlight, even when it’s not shining directly on them. 

With their advanced technology, solar panels can now take in sunlight, even if it’s spread out by clouds or overcast weather, and make electricity without any trouble.  

It’s important to know that they produce less electricity when it’s not direct sunlight, but it’s still enough to power your home. 

Most solar panels in Australia are made of crystalline silicon, which helps them turn sunlight into electricity well. They’re also covered in a material that helps them absorb more sunlight. 

With solar battery storage systems, we don’t need to worry about sunlight anymore. They store extra solar energy when the weather isn’t good enough to make power, so you can still have electricity when needed.  

But it might still be a few years before these systems are cheap enough for everyone. 

If your solar panel system is connected to the electricity grid, any extra electricity it makes can be stored and used at night when the sun isn’t shining. 

So, there are many reasons to believe that solar panels can make enough clean energy, no matter what the weather’s like, especially if you have a quality battery system to store extra power.

Solar Energy for the Path to Clean Future

solar energy myths

We’ve talked about some myths about rooftop solar technology. The main reason for writing this article is to give you enough information to think about using solar energy to power your home or business with clean electricity. 

As Australia’s top renewable energy source, solar power is a reliable choice. It helps you save money on electricity bills and also helps the planet by reducing carbon emissions. 

It can stop global warming and protect the environment. These things are essential for our planet’s future and generations’ lives. 

If you want to learn more about the benefits of solar power and how it can help your home or business, contact us. Solar Emporium will guide you with every solar solution for you.  

Our Solar Experts are here to Help!

Residential Solar Financing In Australia 2024 Update

Installing solar panels in your residence has many advantages. It works like an investment, making your home worth more. Also, it helps lower your monthly energy bill by quite a bit.

But the problem is buying solar panels at first can cost a lot of money. That’s where solar finance comes in.

With residential solar financing in Australia, you can get help paying for solar panels. Last year, we had a similar blog, 5 ways to finance your solar panels in Australia. You’ll get an update for 2024 in this one. 

You can get a loan or sign a lease to pay for them gradually over time instead of all at once. This way, you don’t have to pay all the money upfront for solar panels.

But remember, getting a solar loan for solar panels is not the same as getting regular loans. If you finance your solar panels well, you can save more money in the long run than you spent to get them.

Solar panel financing means using loans or leases to buy solar panels and paying for them bit by bit over time. It’s a way to get solar panels immediately without spending much money.

Let’s find out your options!

Green loans

Green loans are like buying eco-friendly solar panels, solar batteries, and hot water systems. Some banks and other places offer them.

Usually, green loans have lower interest rates and fewer extra charges than regular loans, but you need to read the details carefully.

Getting a green loan is often considered a good choice if you can’t simultaneously pay for these eco-friendly products.

However, there’s a catch. Green loans frequently have strict rules about who can get them. Some banks will only give loans for certain approved eco-friendly products, and they might only say yes if you have a good credit history.


  • Low interest rates
  • You get to own the eco-friendly stuff and start saving money
  • Some loans let you pay back over a long time and don’t charge certain fees


  • Only a few places offer these loans
  • You need a good credit score to qualify

Interest-free Solar Loans

Interest-free solar loans are loans that don’t charge any extra money on top of what you borrow.

Some solar companies offer these loans. You can get solar panels without paying anything upfront or additional charges on repayments.

People with bad credit might find it easier to get these loans than other types. If you can’t get a low-cost green or personal loan because of bad credit, an interest-free loan might be your only choice.


  • No extra charges
  • You get to own the solar panels and start saving money on electricity
  • Helps people with poor credit access solar energy


  • Interest-free loans can cost more in the long run
  • You might have to pay higher monthly payments because the loan terms are usually shorter

An interest-free solar loan is a good option if you can afford the higher monthly payments.

Personal loans

Personal loans are a good choice if you want to pay for solar panels safely and simply. You might find a personal loan with a fair interest rate.

Some lenders might even give you a better deal if they know you’re using the loan for solar panels.

If you’re optimistic, the higher interest rate might motivate you to repay the loan faster, saving you more money than if you got a green loan.

Getting approved for a personal loan is usually easier than a green loan.

Personal loans give you the money upfront to negotiate a better price when buying solar panels. For some green loans, you must choose the solar system before getting the loan.


  • Flexible: Personal loans can be used for things other than just solar panels.
  • Paying it off might be cheaper than a green loan.
  • Helps you negotiate a better deal when buying solar panels.


  • Usually, the interest rate is higher than a green loan.
  • Finding an excellent personal loan can take a lot of work.
  • You need to have a decent credit score to get one.

People with decent credit scores who are good at finding good loan deals. It’s also suitable for those who want to negotiate a lower price with solar suppliers by paying upfront.

Add Solar With Mortgage

Adding solar panels to your mortgage means borrowing more money against your house to pay for them.

Currently, mortgage rates are low, so using this opportunity to finance your solar panels is a good idea.

However, keep in mind that mortgages take a long time to pay off, and adding more debt to it could mean you end up paying a lot more for the solar panels over the life of the mortgage.

This way of paying for solar panels is risky, so you should only do it if you understand your finances well or have gotten advice from a financial expert.


  • Very low-interest rates
  • You own the solar panels and can start saving on electricity
  • Consolidates your debt


  • If you take a long time to pay off the mortgage, you might pay more for the solar panels in the long run.
  • Mortgage interest rates are usually slightly better than green loan rates.

Homeowners who are good with managing their money and are disciplined about paying off their mortgage as quickly as possible.

Solar leasing

Solar leasing, also known as ‘rent-to-own solar’, is when you agree to install a solar panel system without paying anything upfront. Instead, you make fixed monthly payments to cover the cost.

The big difference between leasing and taking a loan is that you only own the solar panels once fully paid. If you move house, you might need to pay the remaining balance to take the solar panels because they can’t be easily removed.

Solar leasing is often advertised as having lower monthly payments than the savings you’d get from using solar energy.

It sounds good, but you should be careful about the interest rate. Solar leases sometimes have high-interest rates, which could cost you more in the long run.


  • You don’t have to pay anything upfront.
  • Monthly payments are usually low.
  • Since you don’t own the solar panels, you’re typically not responsible for fixing them if they break.
  • You start saving money on electricity right away.


  • You only own the solar panels once you’ve paid for them.
  • If you move house, you might have to pay off the remaining balance on the solar panels.
  • The interest rates on solar leases are often higher than those on solar loans.
  • You might save less money overall.

It’s best for big businesses or places with a lot of space where the savings from using solar energy will be more than the extra costs from the interest over the life of the solar panels.

Solar Power Purchase Arrangements (PPA)

Solar Power Purchase Arrangements, or solar PPAs, work like this: a company installs solar panels on your roof for free.

But here’s the catch: they still own the panels. In return for letting them use your roof, you agree to buy the solar power those panels produce at a cheaper rate than what you’d pay for electricity from the regular grid.

For example, they might charge you 18 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh), while the regular electricity price could be 28 cents per kWh.

Solar PPAs seemed exciting initially, but some problems have arisen since then. The main issue is that they only work well if you can use or store all the panels’ solar power.

If you can use it later, it goes into the grid, and you might get less money for it than you paid. For instance, if you paid 18 cents per kWh for solar power but only got 10 cents back from the grid, you’re losing 8 cents per kWh.


  • You don’t have to pay anything upfront.
  • You don’t have to make regular payments like with a loan.
  • The company takes care of maintaining the panels.
  • You might start saving money right away.


  • You only get some benefits of solar power.
  • You don’t own the solar panels.

It’s best for big businesses or places with lots of space where the savings from using solar energy will be more than the extra costs of not owning the panels.

So What’s the Best Option To Finance Solar?

It depends on your situation, and it’s your choice to determine what works best for you. A personal loan is a good option but look into a low-interest green loan.

If your credit score isn’t good, taking a risky finance deal for solar panels might not be worth it.

Contact Solar Emporium to purchase solar panels and cut your upfront costs. Get a free solar quote today!

Our Solar Experts are here to Help!

Solar Energy and Energy Efficiency: A Winning Combination

Solar Energy and Energy Efficiency_ A Winning Combination

Solar energy is one of the most essential parts to achieve energy efficiency in Australia. It has proven to be a winning combination for people living in Australia because it has many advantages.

Getting solar panels has become easier, cheaper, and more flexible recently. Many new solar systems work well for different types of homes and energy needs.

Australia has amazing weather for solar power. It gets more sunlight and solar energy than many other places, which makes it perfect for solar panel usage.

Because of this, solar panels work well in Australia, and they can be installed on most houses, no matter their direction or roof type.

The government in Australia gives incentives like rebates and feed-in tariffs to encourage people to use solar power. They also set goals for using renewable energy, which helps support clean energy like solar power.

With all the sunlight and government rebates, installing solar panels has become a smart choice for Australian families financially and for the environment.

Solar Energy and Energy Efficiency in Australia

Solar panel systems often produce the most electricity during peak daylight hours when energy demand is high.

By generating electricity locally during these peak periods, solar energy helps to reduce strain on the grid, reducing the risk of blackouts and improving overall grid reliability and efficiency.

Solar energy is a key component of Australia’s transition to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy system. With solar, Australia can reduce its carbon footprint, mitigate climate change impacts, and create a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Australia relies heavily on traditional energy sources like coal and gas for electricity. However, these sources are finite and contribute to environmental pollution.

Solar energy provides a renewable alternative that reduces dependence on these finite resources, thereby enhancing energy efficiency.

Australia is blessed with abundant sunlight throughout the year. By harnessing this natural resource through solar panels, Australians can generate electricity locally without relying on imported fossil fuels.

It reduces transmission losses associated with transporting electricity over long distances, thereby improving overall energy efficiency.

Solar energy is an essential part of improving energy efficiency in Australia by reducing dependence on finite resources, harnessing abundant natural resources, lowering energy bills, mitigating peak demand, and promoting sustainable development.

As technology continues to advance and costs decrease, solar energy will play an increasingly important role in Australia’s energy landscape.

Combining of Heat Pump and Solar Energy

heat pump

When you set up a system that combines a heat pump with solar panels, the heat pump can use the warm air it produces to heat your home and provide hot water. Some of these systems even have storage tanks to save extra solar energy for later!

By using these solutions together, you can run your home more efficiently and save money based on how much energy you use. But it’s important to get help from qualified installers and experts to get all the benefits of this system.

Reduces Carbon Dioxide Your Building Produces

Another good thing about combining solar panels with heat pumps is that it reduces the amount of carbon dioxide your property releases into the environment. This is important not just for homes but also for businesses and offices.

As the country focuses more on using resources wisely and reducing carbon footprints, having a combined system like this can make a big difference in how organizations work.

Businesses care about their energy ratings. By lowering their carbon footprint, they can show they’re doing good things for the environment, which can help them win over the public using solar panels and heat pumps.

Proper Utilization of Heat Pumps with Solar Panels

Many people don’t realize that when they have solar panels at home, they can only use about half of the energy they make. The rest goes back into the grid, so they can’t store it for later.

But with heat pumps, this changes. Heat pump slowly releases heat over time, which means they don’t need a lot of energy all at once. So, both air-source heat pumps and ground-source heat pumps let you use about 20% more solar energy.

Cheaper Technology

For homeowners who want to switch to renewable energy, solar panels and heat pumps are getting more affordable. Plus, the government often gives rebates and other incentives for using these solutions.

Solar panels, especially, have lots of options for getting help paying for them. So, making the switch to these kinds of technology is easier on your wallet.

Why Solar Energy And Energy Efficiency A Winning Combination?

Saving Money with Solar Energy

Solar power can help you spend less money on your energy bills. As energy prices rise and there’s talk of power shortages, switching to solar energy can help you keep your electricity bills manageable.

Although getting a solar panel system might seem costly at first, it can save you about 30 to 40% on your yearly electricity bill. By generating your electricity with solar panels and a battery, you won’t have to rely as much on the energy company.

Moreover, if you produce more energy than you use, you can sell some back to the grid and earn credits. However, the amount you receive can vary depending on where you live, so it’s important to search for the best deals and make the most of your solar power every day.

Solar Panels for a Cleaner Environment

Solar power makes your home more eco-friendly by reducing the amount of harmful gases released into the air. Solar energy has become crucial as people focus more on building and modifying homes in ways that don’t harm the environment.

In Australia, finding alternative energy sources that don’t involve burning coal or gas, which pollute the air, is essential.

Solar panels don’t produce any harmful gases once they’re made, and since Australian homes contribute significantly to the country’s pollution, using solar power can help lower it.

Taking Advantage of Advanced Solar Technology

By using solar technology, you’re using the latest available technology. Solar technology has improved a lot, and now there are more user-friendly options that can fit into your home easily.

For example, many companies offer a new solar roof tile system that looks modern and stylish. These tiles collect sunlight and turn it into usable electricity just like regular solar panels.

But instead of having large panels on your roof, these solar cells are integrated into the roof tiles, giving your home a sleeker appearance.

Additionally, a simple monitoring system allows you to easily check how well your solar roof is working and how much energy you’re saving, all from your phone or computer.

Increasing Your Home's Value with Solar Panels

Installing solar panels on your house can increase its value. While solar panels may be expensive upfront, especially for larger systems, they’re a smart investment for the future. Studies show that green features like solar power can increase property value by up to 10%.

People appreciate homes with renewable energy systems like solar power because they provide reliable energy, lower electricity bills, and are better for the environment. If you decide to sell your house later, having solar panels could make it more attractive to buyers.

Dependable and Reliable Solar Panels

Energy Efficiency

Solar power systems are dependable and sturdy, despite what you might think at first glance. While solar cells themselves are delicate, the glass that protects them is durable and long-lasting.

Solar panels and roof tiles with integrated solar cells are often just as or even more durable than regular roofing materials. This means they can withstand harsh weather conditions and strong winds.

Additionally, most systems come with warranties that last several years, providing added peace of mind.

Because solar panel systems are so durable, there’s less risk of your power being unexpectedly cut off. Plus, if your system has a battery, it can store extra energy when the sun isn’t shining brightly, ensuring you still have power even on cloudy days.

Government Rebates and Incentives

The government helps make buying solar panels more affordable through Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs).

These certificates are given to people who install solar systems at home as part of the government’s efforts to reduce pollution and promote renewable energy.

To qualify for STCs, your system must be installed by a Clean Energy Council member using approved solar panels and inverters. Think of STCs as a discount on the cost of your solar system, based on how much renewable energy it will produce.

Lower Maintenance Costs

Solar panels typically come with warranties lasting 10 to 25 years and are designed to withstand various types of weather, so maintenance costs are relatively low. Since solar panels don’t have moving parts, they don’t wear out quickly, and the only part that might need replacing is the inverter after about 10 to 15 years. However, this represents a small portion of the overall system cost, usually less than 20%.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why people choose solar energy for their homes or commercial buildings. Whether you want to save money on your electricity bills or contribute to the clean energy movement, going solar makes sense.

Contact Solar Emporium for any solar solutions. Get a free solar quote today!

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Solar Energy Storage: Batteries and Backup for Homes in 2024

Solar Energy Storage Batteries and Backup for Homes in 2024

In Australia, more and more people homeowners are using solar power to get energy. It’s because Australia has lots of sun, which is suitable for making solar power.  

Using solar power can help save money on electricity bills and is better for the environment because it reduces the amount of pollution. 

As we already know, solar energy only works when the sun is shining. Hence, people are starting to use batteries called Solar Battery Storage. Batteries and backup systems are part of the solar storage.  

These solar batteries store extra energy from the sun so it can be used later, even when it’s cloudy or dark outside.  

There are different types of these batteries in Australia, so people can choose the one that works best for them.

Basics of Solar Energy Storage Solutions

Here’s a simple explanation of solar energy storage solutions: 

When we use solar panels to capture sunlight and turn it into electricity, sometimes we have more electricity than we need right away. That’s where solar energy storage solutions come in.  

These solutions are like big, smart batteries for storing extra electricity. They work by collecting the extra energy produced by the solar panels during the day and saving it for at night or on cloudy days. 

So, instead of wasting the extra electricity or relying on the grid, we can store it in these particular batteries. Then, when we require power, we can use the stored energy instead of using electricity from the grid.  

These not only help us save money on electricity bills but also make sure we have power even when the sun isn’t shining brightly.

Average Solar Battery Lifespan

The average lifespan of a solar battery is around 5 to 15 years. We can optimise it for this specific time before it needs to be replaced.  

But, some factors can affect how long a solar battery lasts, like how often it’s used and how well it’s taken care of. 

So, if you take good care of your solar battery, it can last longer and keep providing power for your home or business.

Emerging Technologies and Innovations of Solar Batteries in Australia

solar storage
In Australia, there are exciting new technologies and ideas for making solar batteries better. 

Storage Capacity:

Scientists and engineers are working on ways to make solar batteries store more energy. It means they can hold onto more electricity from the sun, so you have power even when it’s cloudy or nighttime.

Cost Affordability:

People want solar batteries to be more affordable. So, researchers are finding ways to make them cheaper to buy and install. It helps more people switch to solar power without spending too much money.

Battery Energy Density:

This is about making solar batteries smaller but still powerful. Think of it like fitting more energy into a smaller space. It makes solar batteries more efficient and easier to use in homes and businesses. 

These advancements in technology are making solar power even more accessible and valuable for everyone in Australia. 

These batteries also communicate with other devices in your home, like your phone or smart thermostat, to manage energy use more efficiently. It’s like having a brain in your battery! 

These emerging technologies and innovations are making solar batteries even more helpful and practical for people in Australia, helping them save money on electricity bills and reduce their impact on the environment.

How Many Batteries Do You Need For Your Home Solar System?

If you’re thinking about putting solar panels on your roof, you’ll need to figure out how many batteries you’ll need to make the system work.  

There are a few essential things to think about when deciding this, like how big your house is and how much sunlight you want to save up. 

For a regular-sized house using solar power, you’ll need at least one battery. But if you have a big house or want to store more solar energy for when it’s dark or there’s no electricity, you might need more batteries.  

How many batteries you need depends on how big your house is and what type of solar system you have.  

For example, if you only have solar panels without batteries, you’ll only need one. But if your system has an inverter that changes the solar power from DC to AC electricity, you might need two or more batteries to optimise everything properly. 

Without batteries, your solar panel system can’t save up any extra electricity for later. So, at night, your house will only be able to use it if you have batteries. That’s why it’s crucial to add batteries when you install solar panels! 

Solar batteries come in different sizes, depending on how much electricity your house uses. You need to think about how much power your solar panels make and how much the batteries can store.  

They also come in different colours, so you can pick the one that looks best on your house. Solar batteries aren’t just for keeping your home running on solar power. They can also save up extra electricity for later.  

For example, if there’s a power cut in the afternoon, you can use your solar battery to keep your lights on in the evening when there’s not as much sunlight. 

You can even sell the extra electricity back to the power company and help out other people who need it.  

Before you get any batteries, make sure to figure out how much energy you use. There are lots of different kinds of solar panels, and they all require different amounts of power.  

You can use a solar calculator to help you figure out how many batteries you require based on your situation. 

And when you do get batteries, make sure to put them somewhere sunny so they work the best. They require at least six hours of sunlight every day to work right.

What are The Best Solar Batteries?

When you’re thinking about using solar power, one of the big choices is picking the right kind of battery.  

There are lots of different types out there, each with its own good points and not-so-good points. 

Here’s a quick rundown of six main types: 

  1. Lead-acid batteries: These are really common and often used in homes or businesses with solar power. They last a long time and are reliable, but they’re heavy and could be more efficient. 
  2. Nickel-cadmium (NiCd) batteries: These are similar to lead-acid batteries but lighter and last longer. They could be better at converting sunlight into electricity, though. 
  3. Polymer lithium-ion (PbLi) batteries: These batteries are lighter and durable. They’re great for things that need a lot of power, like electric cars. 
  4. Solar-powered lithium-ion (SOLAR) cells: These are like PbLi cells but use solar panels for storage. They’re suitable for small devices and can be used over and over without needing to recharge. 
  5. Sodium nickel sulfide (NiS2) batteries: These are environmentally friendly and powerful, but they only last for a short time because they can catch fire easily. 
  6. Lithium-ion polymer (LIPs) batteries: These combine the excellent things from PbLi and LiPo cells using organic molecules. They’re efficient and durable.

Best Solar Battery Brands in Australia

Some of the best solar battery brands are listed below: 

For a detailed review of the batteries, check out Best Solar Batteries For Australia

Cost of Solar Batteries

The average cost of solar batteries in Australia can vary depending on factors like size, brand, and quality.  

Generally, though, you should pay anywhere from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars for a solar battery system. Popular solar batteries are priced between $8,750 and $15,500. 

It’s essential to get multiple quotes and compare prices from different providers to find the best deal for your needs. While the upfront cost might seem high, solar batteries can help you save money on electricity bills in the long run.

Maintenance of Solar Batteries to Optimise Performance

First, always check your solar batteries regularly for any signs of rust or damage. Look for cracks in the cover or any parts that have changed colour. Also, ensure that all the wiring is in good condition and there is no rust.  

Second, only try to fix a damaged or rusted solar battery yourself if you know what you’re doing. Sometimes, trying to fix a broken battery can make things worse and end up costing you more money in the long run.  

Always ask a professional for help when dealing with something as tricky as a solar battery system. 

Third, always use the proper protection when storing and moving your solar batteries. Never leave them in direct sunlight or extreme heat.  

If you have to move them, put them in a protective container that keeps them safe from extreme temperatures, moisture, and bumps. 

Fourth, always use good quality chargers when charging your solar batteries. Cheap chargers have less power than required, which can damage your battery over time. Also, try to charge them up regularly every few weeks to keep them working well. 

Contact Solar Emporium today for any solar solutions! Also, get a free solar quote

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7 Key Factors To Consider Before Installing Solar Panels In Australia

7 Key Factors To Consider Before Installing Solar Panels In Australia

Over the years, significant numbers of people in Australia have been installing solar panels on their roofs. They are using the sun’s power to make electricity for their homes. Because of new technology, solar energy has become cheaper.  

Hence, many more are thinking about getting solar panels. But before you start your solar journey, there are some key factors you should know and consider. We have come up with 7 key factors to consider before installing solar panels in Australia 

Installing solar is a significant investment in terms of time and upfront cost. Read below to learn the 7 key factors for installing solar panels in Australia and other relevant information. But before we get into it, consider the basics first.

Why Understanding Energy Consumption is Important

Before putting solar panels on your house, consider how much energy your family uses. Look at your energy bills to see how much electricity you use monthly. 

It will help you determine how big your solar panel system needs to be to give you enough power. Ensure your solar panel system can handle your current energy use and any changes in the future. 

If your home uses less energy, your solar panels will work better. So, try to save energy before you install them.

Choosing the Right Size Solar System

It’s essential to pick the right size for your solar energy system to get the most out of it and save money. You need to balance how much space you have on your roof, your budget, and how much energy you want. 

Bigger systems make more electricity. But you might not need a big one, depending on how much energy you use. 

A good solar company can check out your house, looking at how your roof faces, if there are any shadows, and how much sun you get. 

This check will help determine your solar panel system’s best size and setup.

Getting Quality and Efficiency

Investing in quality solar panels that will last a long time and work well is wise. Even though cheaper options seem tempting, they might need to work better or last longer. 

Look for solar panels with good warranties and certifications. Efficient panels will produce more electricity from the sun, which is excellent if you want to generate a lot of energy.

Benefits of Solar Panels for Homeowners

Solar panels have many benefits for Australian homeowners: 

  1. Save money: Solar panels can help you save money on your electricity bills because they use the sun’s energy, which is free.
  2. Reduce carbon footprint: Solar panels produce clean energy, which means they don’t release harmful gases into the air like other forms of energy. It helps to reduce pollution and fight climate change.
  3. Energy independence: By generating electricity with solar panels, you become less reliant on traditional energy sources like coal or gas. It can give you more control over your energy usage and costs.
  4. Government incentives: The Australian government offers incentives such as rebates and feed-in tariffs for solar panel installation, making them more affordable for homeowners.
  5. Increase property value: Homes with solar panels are often more attractive to buyers because they come with lower energy bills and environmental benefits, potentially increasing the value of your property.

Overall, solar panels are a smart investment for Australian homeowners. This investment offers savings, environmental benefits, and energy independence.

7 Key Factors To Consider Before Installing Solar Panels In Australia

residential solar panels

How Much Does Solar Cost?

A quality solar panel system can cost between $1,500 to $2,000 per kilowatt (kW). It includes REC Alpha Pure panels with inverters. For example, if you want a 10kW system, it might cost around $16,000 to $18,000. 

A middle-of-the-road panel with inverters will be about $1,000 to $1,500 per kW. For instance, using Q Cells panels with inverters, a 6.6kW system might cost around $10,000 to $11,000. 

As electricity prices increase, a quality solar panel system can pay for itself in 3 to 5 years. For example, a 10kW system might save you around $3,500 to $4,000 on your annual bills.  

The bigger the system and the more solar power you use at home, the more you’ll save on your bills. Not only is solar power cheap, it’s much more affordable than getting power from the grid. 

Now, you don’t have to settle for low-quality solar panels. You can invest in top-notch ones for your home that will work well for many years.  

Check out our solar packages and get a free solar quote today!

Is Your Home Suitable for Solar Panels?

We at Solar Emporium can audit your property’s energy to accurately determine how many solar panels can fit on your house. Sometimes, we might need to visit your home to double-check the measurements. 

We can also help you understand if your roof gets enough sun and if any shadows are blocking the sunlight. 

If your roof works for solar power, we can help you decide how many panels you need and suggest which brands and types of systems are best for your house. Then, we’ll give you a fixed price for the installation and set a date for when we can do it.

Solar Panel Durability

When buying solar panels, it’s crucial to consider their durability. If you get panels that last a long time, you won’t have to worry about replacing them often. 

Because Australia sometimes has strong winds, solar panels need to be durable. It helps reduce the time they’re not working because of damage. 

You should find solar panels that can handle strong winds and at least some protection from hail. Also, it’s good to have panels that can handle heavy snow. If a panel can handle a lot of snow, it can also handle other heavy things on top of it without breaking. 

Also, you should look for solar panels that can resist damage from the surrounding environment.

What About Solar Rebate and Incentives?

Many rebates are available for homes and businesses in Australia for solar panel installation and other renewable energy systems. The government’s program is called an “incentive” instead of a rebate. 

This incentive helps reduce the cost of solar systems by creating Renewable Energy Certificates when you install one. Energy companies buy these certificates as part of their commitment to using renewable energy. 

The value of these certificates can vary, and they can either lower the price of your solar system or be sold through a particular system run by the Clean Energy Regulator 

There are also more incentives and grants available for commercial systems. If you’re interested, our commercial consultants can discuss them. 

Additionally, the Victorian State government has its solar rebate program.

What is a kilowatt-hour (kWh)?

A kilowatt-hour (kWh) is a way to measure energy, and it’s what your energy company uses to charge you. 

A kWh means one kilowatt of power used or measured over one hour. For example, an air conditioner with 3kW of power will use up to 3 kWh every hour.  

So, if your energy company charges you 25 cents per kWh, running the air conditioner for an hour will cost you 75 cents. 

Similarly, if you have an 8kW solar system, it will generate 8 kWh of power for every hour it’s running at full power.  

For instance, on a sunny day in summer, if a 10kW system runs at full power for 4 hours and you use all that power at home, you’ll save $10.00 on your power bill (10kW x 4 hours x 25 cents).

How much power does a solar system make?

solar energy

It depends on where you live, how your roof is facing, the angle of your solar panels, the weather, the seasons, and how big your system is. 

Because of this, we use averages and advice from the Clean Energy Council. 

For example, in Sydney, the Clean Energy Council says a solar system should make around 3.9 kWh of energy per day for every kW of solar installed, considering the seasons and weather.  

But this number can be very different on different days. In Melbourne, solar power is about 3.6 kWh per day per kW. 

A 2kW system should make around 7.8 kWh on average, and a 10kW system will make about 39 kWh a day. 

Using this, a simple way to guess how much power a solar system will make is to multiply its size by 4. A 2kW system will likely make around 8 kWh of energy on an average day.  

Solar panel systems produce more power in summer than in winter, which is better for homes in Australia because our summers are hot. 

Usually, people use more electricity in summer because of things like air conditioners and pool pumps and because many people are home from work during the summer holidays.

Is A New Digital Meter Necessary?

Yes, you will need a new digital meter for all solar systems. These meters can track how much extra solar power you send to the grid and how much power you buy from your energy company. 

Even if you already have a digital meter, you’ll still need a new one because it won’t be set up for solar power. It’s your energy company’s job to replace or install the meter.  

Contact Solar Emporium for any residential solar solutions. 

Our Solar Experts are here to Help!

Energy Audit For Your Home’s Solar Energy Efficiency

Energy Audit For Your Homes Solar Energy Efficiency

Saving energy isn’t just about paying less for electricity and gas. It’s also about making your home use energy better. You need to know how well your house uses energy so you can have energy efficiency 

An energy audit for your home can help you check your home’s energy use, what to look for, what tools you need, and where to find professional help. It can also increase your home’s solar energy efficiency.

What is a Home Energy Audit? Energy Assessment for Your Home

A home energy audit is like giving your house a check-up on energy usage. It helps you find places to save energy and spend less money. During an audit, you look at different parts of your home, like insulation and appliances, to see how well they use energy. 

Getting a professional to check your home’s energy use is the best way to find out where you’re losing energy and how to save money. With new energy-saving technology, even older homes can become more energy efficient.  

We can focus on how much energy your home uses in detail. We’ll find out where energy is wasted and suggest ways to use less energy and pay less on your bills. Sometimes, simple things like turning off switches can save energy 

On the other hand, old appliances and gaps in insulation or windows can cause the problem. After we finish checking, we’ll give you practical and affordable ways to use less energy and spend less money.  

To schedule your energy audit, contact Solar Emporium today!

Determining The Right Audit Type For You

To determine which energy audit is best for your place, consider a few things, like how big your home is, how you use energy, how much money you have, and what you want to achieve by saving energy 

Here are some types of energy checks:

1. Basic Energy Audit:

This is a basic look around your place to find easy ways to save energy. It might involve checking your bills, looking around your home, and doing basic tests.

2. Regular Energy Audit:

This is a more detailed look at your home’s energy use. It checks everything from how well your home is insulated to how your appliances work. It might also involve some tests to find hidden energy problems.

3. Detailed Energy Audit:

This is a very detailed look at your home’s energy use. It uses advanced tools and tests like air pressure tests and special cameras to find every possible way to save energy.

4. Business Energy Audit:

This is for massive buildings like offices or factories. It looks at everything that can be done to save energy and determines if it’s worth spending money on those changes.

5. Precision Sub-system Audit:

A precision sub-system audit is like a close-up look at one part of a big system. Instead of checking everything, it looks at one small part to find any issues or things that can be improved. It involves carefully checking and measuring that part to see how well it works.  

Selecting the right energy check depends on what you want, your financial situation, and how detailed you want to get. It’s a good idea to talk to an expert to help you choose the best one.

A DIY Home Energy Audit: Key Aspects to Focus

energy audit

Find the leaks

The main place where your home can lose energy is through leaks. These leaks can happen around the edges of floors, walls, or ceilings. Also, check outside your home where different materials meet. Look at windows, doors, lights, and plumbing for leaks too.  

Pressure Test

You can do a Blower Door Test to see how much air leaks in your home. It’s the most accurate way to measure leaks.  

But if you don’t have the equipment, you can do a simple test: on a cool, windy day, close everything up in your home and turn on fans that blow air outside.  

Then, use an incense stick to see where air is coming in or going out.  

Other ways to find leaks: 

  • Shine a flashlight at night around your house while someone looks from outside. Big cracks will show as beams of light. 
  • Close a door or window on a piece of paper. If you can easily pull it out, there’s a leak. 

Insulation and Weatherization

Check if your attic, walls, and floors are properly insulated. Bad insulation can make you lose a lot of heat in winter and gain too much in summer. 

Heating and Cooling Systems

See how old and well-maintained your heating and cooling systems are. Old ones are usually less efficient. Fix any leaks in the ducts and set your thermostat wisely to save energy.


Use LED bulbs instead of incandescent ones—they use less energy. Also, try to use natural light more often to save electricity. 

Appliances and Electronics

Check how old and energy-efficient your appliances are. Test their energy use with a monitor plug. Turn off devices you’re not using to save energy. 

Water Heating

Older heat pump hot water systems are usually less efficient. You might need to replace it eventually, but knowing how it works can help you decide when. 

Renewable Energy Options

Think about using solar panels or other renewable energy sources if possible. They can help you save energy and money in the long run. 

How Can Home Energy Audit Lead to Energy Efficient Upgrades?

solar energy

A home energy audit is like a checkup for your house to see how it’s using energy. It helps find where energy is wasted and suggests ways to save energy and money.  

Here’s how it leads to energy-efficient upgrades: 

Finding Energy Wasters: During the audit, experts look at different parts of your home to find places where energy is wasted, like air leaks, poor insulation, or old appliances. 

Recommendations: After the audit, you’ll get a list of suggestions for making your home more energy-efficient. This could include adding insulation, sealing air leaks, upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, or installing a programmable thermostat. 

Prioritizing Upgrades: The audit helps you determine which upgrades will make the biggest difference and which are most cost-effective. This way, you can focus on the changes that will save you energy and money. 

Professional Guidance: Energy auditors can provide expert advice and guidance on the best upgrades for your home. They can also help you understand any rebates or incentives for making energy-efficient improvements. 

Long-Term Savings: By making energy-efficient upgrades based on the audit recommendations, you can lower your energy bills and save money over time. Plus, you’ll reduce your environmental impact by using less energy. 

A home energy audit is valuable for identifying energy-saving opportunities and guiding you toward upgrading your home’s energy efficiency and comfort.  

Do You Need An Energy Audit Before Installing Solar Panels on Your Home?

As more and more people in Australia install solar panels at home, they want to ensure they get the most out of solar power and rely less on the electricity grid.  

Now, with the option of using batteries to store extra solar energy, it’s even more appealing. But before jumping into getting solar panels and batteries, it’s important to consider whether you need an energy audit for your home. 

At Solar Emporium, we know how significant it is to make smart choices about solar energy, so we’re here to discuss whether you should get an energy audit before putting solar panels on your roof. 

Understanding Your Energy Consumption:

An energy audit helps you understand your energy consumption. An audit can find where you’re wasting energy and how to save by checking your electricity bills and energy usage. Knowing this helps you pick the right solar system that fits your needs.

Getting the Right Size Solar System:

One of the great things about an energy audit is that it helps you determine the perfect size for your solar system. By checking how much energy you require and use, an audit ensures you don’t get a system that’s too big or too small. This way, you get the most out of your solar panels without spending too much money.

Checking if Your Roof is Good for Solar:

An energy audit also looks at whether your roof is suitable for solar panels. Things like how your roof faces, if there’s shade, and if your roof is strong enough are important. An audit finds any problems that might affect how well your solar panels work so you can fix them before installing them. 

Consider Battery Storage:

Energy audits can also help decide if getting solar batteries with your solar panels is a good idea. An audit can see if storing extra solar power in batteries would be helpful. Batteries give you more independence from the grid and help you during blackouts. 

In summary, getting an energy audit before getting solar panels can help you make better choices about your energy use and get the most out of your solar system. 

Energy-Saving Advice

Besides installing solar panels, checking your home’s energy with an energy audit can find more ways to save energy.  

You can do different things, like using energy-efficient appliances and lights, adding insulation, and sealing up your home.  

These changes can help you use less energy and make your solar panels work even better. An energy audit can show you the most important changes and help you decide what to do first. 

In short, while you don’t always have to do an energy audit, it can be helpful when considering solar panels for your home.  

It helps you understand how much energy you use, pick the right size solar system, check if your roof is good for solar, and see if batteries would be useful.  

With an energy audit, you can make smart choices that get you the most benefits from solar power.  

If you’re considering installing solar panels in Australia, contact Solar Emporium to learn more. Get a free solar quote today!

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What Do Solar Panel Efficiency Ratings Mean for Homeowners?

What do solar panels efficiency ratings mean for homeowners

Solar technology has gotten much better at making solar panels efficient. Five years ago, the typical solar panel was about 19% efficient, which could turn 19% of sunlight into electricity. 

The average efficiency in 2024 is around 21%-23%. It means there is 10%-12% more electricity per panel as we speak. 

But what do solar panel efficiency ratings mean for homeowners? This is what we will try to understand today! Also, get some ideas about topics related to it.  

Different solar panels have different efficiency levels. Usually, the ones with higher efficiency ratings cost more.  

For example, SunPower and Canadian Solar are the most efficient panels in the Australian market. But they’re also the most expensive, with an efficiency of 22.8%.  

Other brands like REC, Jinko Solar, and Q CELLS also have panels with efficiency above 22%.

What Does Solar Panels Efficiency Mean?

Solar panels are made up of modules or photovoltaic (PV) cells. The efficiency of a PV cell tells us how much light energy it can turn into electricity.  

Another way to think about it is how well a panel can grab energy from light particles called photons. When sunlight hits a solar panel, it sets free some electrons, which start moving and make electricity. 

For instance, a 19% efficiency solar panel can transform 19% of sunlight into useful electricity. Most solar panels you can buy have an efficiency below 23%.  

These usually range from 15% to 20%. SunPower and Canadian Solar are leading the industry right now with panels that have 22.8% efficiency.

Module Efficiency vs. System Efficiency

One solar panel’s efficiency differs from the efficiency of the whole solar system when it’s set up. Just like electricity can get lost in wires, some energy made by solar panels gets lost, too.  

Solar panel systems need inverters to change the type of electricity the panels make so they can power your appliances at home. The best inverters can change most of the electricity, but there’s still a little loss during this process. 

Because some energy gets lost in wires and changing electricity, the efficiency of one solar panel will always be higher than the entire system’s efficiency.  

For example, if you have solar panels that are 22% efficient, the whole system might work at about 19% efficiency. 

These numbers might sound small, but remember, solar cells use sunlight, which is free and doesn’t cause pollution. Fossil fuel power plants can be around 60% efficient but require fuel, which costs money and creates pollution.

Why Solar Panel Efficiency is Important?

solar energy

High-efficiency solar panels may cost more initially, but they have many benefits. The money you save on electricity bills from using solar power can help compensate for the initial higher cost over time.  

Here are some reasons why high-efficiency solar panels are a good idea:

Better Use of Space:

High-efficiency panels convert sunlight into electricity to use your roof space better. For example, if you have panels that are 20% efficient instead of 10%.  

They can make twice as much electricity in the same area. It means you need fewer panels to make the same amount of power. 

Energy Savings:

Certain types of panels, like monocrystalline ones, are more efficient and produce more power than others of the same size.  

For instance, a 370-watt monocrystalline panel can make more electricity than a 300-watt polycrystalline one. This means you can save more money on electricity bills with fewer panels. 

Less Impact from Heat:

When solar panels get hot, they lose a bit of their power. This is temporary but can add up over time if it happens a lot. Monocrystalline panels are better at handling heat than polycrystalline ones, so they work well even in hot places. 

Qualify for More Incentives:

Some programs give you back money based on how much power your solar system can produce. Since high-efficiency panels can make more power, they can qualify for more money back.  

For example, the federal solar tax credit lets you get back some of the money you spent on your solar system as a tax credit. If you use monocrystalline panels, which cost more but make more power, you might get more money back. 

In short, even though high-efficiency solar panels may cost more upfront, they can save you money in the long run and make better use of your space.

How Do You Make Solar Panels More Efficient?

There are many ways to ensure your solar panels work as well as possible.

Get a Professional to Install Them

Professionals know how to set up your solar panels correctly. If they’re not set up right, they might not last as long or make as much electricity. Most companies offer a 25-year warranty, but you’ll only get it if a professional installs your panels.  

If you try to install them yourself, you might lose the warranty. A warranty can help fix broken panels for free, keeping your solar system efficient.

Keep Them Clean

Solar panels need sunlight to make electricity. If they get covered in dust or dirt, they won’t work as well. It’s a good idea to clean them at least twice a year. Some companies are making coatings for panels that stop dust from building up, but they’re still new.

Clean Them Safely

It’s important to clean your panels the right way. Don’t use anything rough that might scratch them. Soft brushes and squeegees are best.  

You can also hose them down, but not when they’re hot, or they might crack. If you damage your panels while cleaning them, your warranty might not cover it.

Keep Them Out of the Shade

Shade can make your panels less efficient. If one panel part is shaded, the whole panel might need to be revised.  

So it’s best to put your panels where they’ll get lots of sunlight. It can be tricky because shadows change throughout the day and year. A professional installer can help find the best spot for your panels using special software.

Choose the Right Panels

Even if you do everything else right, choosing the type of panels is essential. A panel that’s 22% efficient will make more electricity than one that’s only 15% efficient, even if they’re both cleaned regularly. Talk to a professional to determine which panels are best for your needs. 

What Are the Best Solar Panels?

As we’ve talked about before, monocrystalline panels are usually the best when it comes to efficiency. Polycrystalline panels are in the middle, and thin-film panels are typically the least efficient.  

But lately, there have been improvements in thin-film panels, and some are now as efficient as crystalline silicon panels. 

If you’re looking for specific brands with better solar panels, here are some recommendations: 

  • SunPower: They make panels that can be up to 22.8% efficient. 
  • Canadian Solar: Their panels can also reach up to 22.8% efficiency. 
  • REC: They have panels that can go up to 22.3% efficiency. 

As of 2024, there aren’t any commercial solar panels with efficiency ratings higher than 24%. But, scientists are always working on improving solar cell technology 

So this might change soon. Some PV cells have even reached almost 50% efficiency in labs.  

Factors Affecting Your Solar Panel Efficiency

Many things can make your solar panels less efficient. Some, like the weather, you can’t change, but others, like dirt buildup, you can control. 

Hot weather can make your solar panels less productive. You can’t do anything about the weather, but you can get panels that handle heat better.  

Look for panels with a low-temperature coefficient. This number tells you how much productivity the panels lose as the temperature increases.  

Panels with a coefficient below 0.30% per °C lose less than 3% productivity when it gets 10°C (18°F) hotter. 

Dirt buildup and shade are also bad for solar panel efficiency, but you can do something about them. Regularly cleaning your panels can help them work better.  

And if you hire a professional installer, they can ensure your panels are in a good spot where they won’t get shaded.  

For example: 

  • If trees are near your panels, trim branches that hang over them, and watch out for leaves. 
  • If you’re putting something on your roof, like an air conditioner, ensure it won’t cast a shadow on your panels. 
  • New buildings can also cast shadows on your panels. Some states have laws to stop new buildings from blocking your sunlight.

Misunderstandings About Solar Panel Efficiency

Many people think that the efficiency of a solar panel shows how good it is. But efficiency is just one thing about a panel, like how powerful or big it is. There are high-quality panels that are efficient and ones that need to be revised. 

The main thing that decides the efficiency is how they were made: 

  • Monocrystalline silicon panels are usually over 20%-24% efficient. 
  • Polycrystalline silicon panels are typically less than 21% efficient. 
  • Thin-film panels are less efficient, but new materials like perovskite can be as good as silicon. 

So, monocrystalline panels are the best at making electricity compared to other types. They’re better because they make more electricity using less space and cost more. Using more or less efficient panels could also work if you have a lot of room for solar panels. 

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Future Of Residential Solar Energy Trends In 2024

Future Of Residential Solar Energy Trends In 2024

The solar energy industry is changing significantly as we have entered a new year. People worldwide are getting more serious about using clean energy, which is making the solar energy business grow fast.  

There are lots of new technologies, rules, and market trends that are going to change how we use solar power in the future. Here, we will discuss the future of residential solar energy trends in 2024.  

As people look for greener energy options, solar power is becoming popular for homes and businesses. 

As more people in Australia and worldwide start using solar power, it’s essential to know what’s coming next for solar energy 

Let’s take a peek into the future of solar energy. And see how it’s changing how we use renewable energy in Australia and beyond.

Future Trends in Solar Energy

The future of solar energy holds many exciting possibilities. One big trend is making solar panels work even better.  

Scientists and engineers are trying to design panels that can catch more sunlight and turn it into power. It means you can produce more electricity even with limited space, which is great news for places with little room for big solar setups. 

Another cool thing happening is using solar energy to power transportation. Think about cars, buses, and trains running on the sun’s energy.  

It is becoming a reality. Electric vehicles are becoming more popular, and some are now using solar panels too. It will also help reduce their need for fossil fuels and reduce pollution. 

Smart grids are also becoming more critical. Modern electricity networks use digital technology to handle power better from renewable sources like solar.  

They manage the electricity supply more efficiently, ensuring we use solar power effectively, which is crucial for a future with lots of solar energy. 

As solar technology gets better, the cost of solar power is dropping. More people worldwide can afford solar energy, not just rich countries or big companies.  

Even small communities and individual households can benefit, which helps fight energy poverty. It gives more people access to clean, reliable, and affordable energy. 

Solar power is also making a big difference in disaster relief. When natural disasters hit, power lines often go down. Solar power can be a lifesaver in these situations. Portable solar panels can provide electricity when it’s needed most.

Government rebates, feed-in tariffs, and incentives have encouraged the adoption of solar energy systems nationwide. These policies aim to make solar power more accessible and affordable for homeowners and businesses, driving further uptake. 

Residential Solar Panels

Solar panels for homes are changing how we power our houses, offering many benefits now and in the future. 

These panels let homeowners make their own electricity, which saves them money on energy bills. 

Using solar power means families rely less on traditional energy sources, typically harming the environment. This switch saves money and reduces the household’s carbon footprint. 

Another plus is that homes with solar panels are more appealing to buyers, which could boost their resale value. 

Plus, solar panels help with energy independence, giving a reliable power source even during outages.

Future of Residential Solar Energy

soloar energy

Experts think residential solar panels will become even better and cheaper in the future. As technology improves, solar panels can convert more sunlight into electricity, making solar energy more attractive for homeowners. 

New ideas like solar roofing materials and battery storage systems will make using solar power at home and storing extra energy easier. Homeowners can use solar energy all day and night, relying less on the grid. 

Government incentives and rebates for solar panels are likely to continue, making solar energy more accessible to more homeowners. These incentives make solar power a more affordable choice and encourage people to use clean energy.

Advances in Solar Technology Driving the Change

New and Improved Solar Panels

One big reason solar energy looks promising is that the technology behind solar panels keeps improving. Scientists and companies are constantly working to make solar panels that soak sunlight more efficiently and turn it into electricity. 

By the end of 2024, we can expect even better solar panels that generate more power and cost less. There’s also exciting progress in using new materials like perovskite in solar cells, which could make solar energy even more effective.

Solar Battery Storage Integration

Another critical change in solar energy is how we store its power. As technology improves, we can save extra energy produced during sunny times to use later when it’s dark or cloudy.  

At the end of 2024, we’ll likely have better batteries, like lithium-ion and solid-state batteries, and smart systems to manage energy use more efficiently in homes and businesses.

Costs Going Down

Cheaper Solar Equipment and Installation

As technology advances, the cost of solar panels and other equipment keeps dropping. It means solar power is becoming more affordable for people to switch to solar energy, whether for their homes or businesses.

Less Money Maintenance, Longer Lifespan

Another way solar power is becoming cheaper is through lower maintenance costs and longer-lasting equipment.  

New solar panels are more durable and have better monitoring systems to catch any issues early on.  

By 2024, solar panels will last longer and need less maintenance, which means more savings for users in the long run.

Making Community Solar Projects Better

Making More Solar Power Together

Community solar projects have become very popular lately. They let people and businesses use solar energy even if they can’t install solar panels where they are.  

Instead, community members invest in and create shared solar power setups. This way, everyone in the community can benefit from clean energy.

New Ways to Pay for Solar Projects

Another reason why community solar projects are growing is because of new ways to pay for them. These include things like power purchase agreements (PPAs) and solar leasing.  

These options make it easier for individuals and businesses to get involved in solar energy without spending much money upfront.  

The future of solar energy looks bright. Significant technological improvements will make solar power cheaper and better.  

Governments are also likely to support solar energy more. Solar power will become even more critical as we work towards a cleaner and greener world. We’re excited to be part of this solar energy revolution, offering efficient and affordable renewable energy solutions. 

Check out our solar packages right now!

Top Technological Trends

Solar Panels with Smart Technology

Smart technology, like artificial intelligence (AI), is being used to make solar panels work better. AI helps to position the panels in the best way to catch sunlight, makes the whole system more efficient, and can even predict how much energy will be produced.  

In 2024, we expect to see more solar setups using AI, making them perform even better and easier to manage.  

The future of solar energy looks good, especially with new technologies, better ways to store energy, systems that are not dependent on one central power source, supportive government policies, and the use of AI. 

Solar Power for Smart Cities

Residential Solar Energy

Smart cities, where technology improves energy use and daily life, are becoming more popular. In 2024 solar energy will be a big part of making these smart cities work.  

There will be things like streetlights and electric vehicles powered by solar panels. Smart cities will use solar energy to make living in cities smoother and more connected.  

There will also be better systems to manage energy use, create less waste, and save money.

Solar-Powered Transportation

Transportation, like cars and buses, is a significant source of pollution. People are becoming more interested in using solar power to run vehicles. In 2024 more solar-powered cars, buses, and even airplanes will be produced.  

These vehicles will have solar panels built into them to generate electricity from the sun. It will help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and reduce pollution.

Expansion of Smart Solar Systems

More and more, we’re seeing smart technology being used with solar power systems. AI can monitor how well the solar panels are working and ensure they produce as much energy as possible. As technology improves, homes, businesses, and communities must keep up with these changes to get the most out of solar energy. The future looks bright, thanks to the sun. 

Solar Emporium With More Exciting Solar Offers

For 2024, Solar Emporium is bringing even more exciting offers for solar energy. We’re making it easier and more affordable for everyone to switch to solar power.  

With our new deals, you can save money on energy bills while helping the environment. We have options that fit your needs. Our solar panels are improving and more efficient so that you can get even more power from the sun. 

Plus, we offer great deals on installation and financing, so you can start saving immediately. Join us at Solar Emporium, and let’s make the future brighter together! 

Get a free solar quote today!  

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