Victorian Government’s Interest-Free Solar Battery Loans

Victorian Governments Interest Free Solar Battery Loans

The Victorian State Government has announced an innovative battery loan program for its $1.3 billion Solar Homes Program. This program aims to encourage residents to switch to renewable energy sources.  

Under this initiative, Australian homeowners can access interest-free solar battery loans to install battery systems alongside solar panels. These loans will reduce upfront installation costs and enable solar storage to maximise energy output. 

Minister for Energy and Resources, Lily D’Ambrosio, introduced an $8,800 interest-free battery loan. It will empower households to harness the full potential of their solar panels and save thousands of dollars on energy bills over the battery’s lifetime.  

The ultimate goal of this program is to bring down energy expenses for Victorians. And it will contribute to the state’s commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2045. 

Using the battery loan scheme, homeowners with existing solar panels can significantly increase their self-generated energy consumption. Consequently, this will double its current capacity.  

Additionally, new customers can take advantage of the loan alongside the pre-existing $1,400 rebate and the $1,400 interest-free loan for solar photovoltaic (PV) technology. Ultimately it will save eligible households $11,600 on upfront installation expenses when installing solar and battery systems simultaneously. 

After applying for the solar PV rebate and federal government small-scale technology certificates (STCs), the out-of-pocket installation costs for a solar and battery system can start at approximately $10,300.  

For those interested in a standalone battery, prices range from about $8,000 for a 6kW/h battery to around $17,000 for an 11kW/h battery. 

Minister Lily D’Ambrosio highlighted the significance of interest-free batteries in facilitating the transition to cheaper renewable energy. The initiative aligns with the state’s ambitious renewable energy target of 95% by 2035, promoting adopting reliable and affordable green energy solutions. 

With the Solar Homes Program’s efforts, carbon emissions in Victoria have already been reduced by 1.7 million tonnes.

Here Are Some Points To Consider:

  • The homeowner will still need to come up with $5,400 upfront, even after factoring in the $1,400 solar rebate and the $10,200 loan. 
  • It’s important to remember that the battery’s capacity will degrade over time. So adding another 3 months to the payback period would compensate for this degradation. 
  • The calculations are based on a fixed tariff of 27c per kWh. For those on a time-of-use tariff, the payback for the battery maybe even better.

A Quick And Approximate Analysis

Utilising the Solar and Battery Calculator assumes a $17,000 system consisting of 6.6kW solar panels and a 9.8 kWh solar battery 

Allocating $6,000 to solar panels and $11,000 to the battery for a homeowner in Melbourne with a pre-solar bill of $2,500 per year. The results indicate average savings of $142 per month in the first year. 

If the loans come without any finance costs, the combined savings would take approximately 6 years to cover the $10,200 loan. 

What Are The Eligibility Criteria?

interest free solar battery loans

Check out Solar Homes Program website to get details on Loan eligibility information. But before that, here is Solar Emporium’s brief take on the eligibility criteria.  

Suppose you are a homeowner in Victoria and own an existing property where you plan to install a solar battery. In that case, you may qualify for a solar battery loan if you meet the following criteria: 

  • All owners’ combined household taxable income must be below $180,000 annually. 
  • The property’s value should be under $3 million. 
  • The property address has yet to receive a solar battery rebate. 
  • The property already has a solar panel system with an inverter capacity of 5kW or higher, or you intend to install one along with the solar battery. 
  • The energy storage you choose must have a capacity of 6kWh or more and should be listed on Solar Victoria’s battery product list.  
  • Additionally, the property should not have an existing energy storage system. 
  • You need to obtain pre-approval from your Distributed Network Service Provider (DNSP) to ensure a safe connection of the battery to the grid. 
  • As an owner, you must agree to receive information from your Distribution Network Service Provider about participating in battery trials to maximise the benefits for households. 
  • Battery storage may not be suitable for all households and situations. So conducting research is crucial as the first step in your battery journey.  
  • The solar battery rebate is not available for homes under construction. 
To start, conducting thorough research and contacting an authorised retailer when you feel confident that a solar battery is a suitable investment for your home is advisable. 

Step 1: Conduct Thorough Research And Evaluate Suitability

There are numerous reasons why people opt for solar battery installation. The most common ones are:
  • Lowering energy costs 
  • Climate change concerns 
  • Energy independence 
  • Ensuring backup power during blackouts 
  • Transitioning to an all-electric household 

However, it’s essential to recognise that installing a battery represents a significant investment for most households.  

To make an informed decision, conducting research is crucial. Before commencing the process, you should address the following questions to determine the right product for your specific requirements: 

  • How is energy typically used in your home? 
  • What should be the appropriate system size for your needs? 
  • What are the installation costs compared to the expected savings? 
  • What other factors should you take into account? 
  • Do you require a battery installation? 
Understand your energy requirements in these scenarios, and assess whether additional wiring or electrical upgrades are necessary. 

Step 2: Locate An Authorised Solar Retailer

After completing your research and determining the solar battery you require, it’s time to find the best retailers. Look for retailers offering multiple designs and quotes for your system. 

To qualify for a solar battery loan, a Solar Victoria-authorised solar retailer must carry out the installation. These retailers meet the requirements set by Solar Victoria for participation in the Solar Homes Program, and specific terms and conditions bind them.  

They employ Grade A electricians who hold Battery Endorsement and received accreditation from the Clean Energy Council (CEC). 

We strongly advise obtaining at least three quotes for systems of similar size and functionality to ensure you get the best options. 

Before finalising any deal with a supplier, conduct thorough research on the company, check customer reviews, and ask any relevant questions to help you feel confident that the proposed battery system is a wise investment for your situation. 

At the very least, ensure that any deposit you pay to the retailer is fully refundable. 

Your authorised solar retailer will furnish you with a written quote containing all the necessary information to make an informed decision. Additionally, they will upload your quote into the Solar Victoria Portal and start your eligibility application process. 

Pre-Approval For Grid Connection Of The Battery

Before your chosen retailer can upload your quote to the Portal, they must obtain approval for grid connection from the Distribution Network Service Provider (DNSP). 

DNSPs determine whether your solar panels or battery can connect to the grid.  

It is essential to verify with your retailer that they have obtained pre-approval and inquire about any potential solar export constraints that may have been imposed. 

These constraints can impact your feed-in tariffs and your ability to participate in Virtual Power Plants. Staying informed about this aspect is crucial. 

Once your retailer has successfully uploaded your quote to the Portal, you will receive an email notification containing a link to complete your initial eligibility application. 

Step 3: Complete Your Initial Eligibility Application

solar battery loan

Once your retailer has uploaded your quote to the Portal, you will receive an email notification with a link to complete your initial eligibility application within the Portal.  

If you apply for multiple solar home products, such as a solar panel rebate, an interest-free loan, and a solar battery loan, you will receive separate emails for each quote.  

Accordingly, you will need to complete individual eligibility applications for each product. Also, if you wish to apply for a hot water rebate, you must confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria and submit a separate application. 

When applying via the Solar Victoria Portal, you must provide proof of identity, income, and property ownership. Ensure you have all the necessary documentation readily available when you are ready to apply. 

For proof of identity, you must enter details from any two forms of ID. It should include a driving licence or learner permit, Medicare card, Australian passport, Australian birth certificate, Australian citizenship certificate, foreign passport with a valid Australian Visa, or an Immicard. The names on the two documents should match. 

Proof of property ownership is typically provided through your local council. If you need council rates notice for an established property, you can seek assistance from Solar Victoria. 

Regarding proof of income, you must provide appropriate documentation for each person listed as an owner on your local council rates notice or a copy of your Certificate of Title.  

If there are multiple property owners, proof of income documents for all listed owners are required, and each person’s documents should be from the same financial year. 

It is essential to note that you, the customer, and not the solar retailer, must complete the initial eligibility check.  

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Large-Scale Batteries Supporting Renewables In Australia

Large-Scale Batteries Supporting Renewables In Australia

Large-scale or grid-scale energy storage is crucial in advancing the transition to a more renewable energy system. Batteries and pumped hydro are the two most common forms of large-scale energy storage.  

Here, we will focus on how large-scale batteries support renewables in Australia. Australia has demonstrated the potential of wind and solar as clean and affordable renewable energy sources.  

Effectively managing the weather-related variability of these sources requires efficient power storage solutions. Energy storage involves using a chemical process or pumped hydro system to store electrical energy for later use. 

Soon, energy storage will revolutionise global energy usage, offering consumers greater flexibility, reliability, and efficiency in their energy consumption. It also helps to stabilise the supply of renewable energy from sources like solar and wind. 

What Are Batteries?

Large-scale batteries are also known as grid-scale batteries. But what are batteries in this context?  

Batteries are a technology for energy storage, utilising chemicals to absorb and release energy as needed. The most commonly used battery chemistry for electricity storage is lithium-ion. 

When coupled with renewable energy generation, batteries can store excess energy during periods of low demand and release it during peak demand. These systems offer flexibility in energy supply. 

Unlike other storage and generation methods, batteries stand out for their responsiveness, capable of turning on and off in fractions of a second, thereby helping to maintain grid stability. 

Large groups of batteries, called grid-scale or large-scale battery storage (LSBS), can be significant power generators connected to the electricity transmission system. 

Home batteries can be installed on a smaller scale to provide backup power and operate collectively in Virtual Power Plants (VPPs). 

As battery technology continues to evolve and costs decrease, their utilisation of renewable energy is expected to expand in the coming years. 

energy storage

Energy Storage In Australia

Australia has witnessed significant developments in energy storage. Construction of sixteen large-scale batteries, totalling over 595 MW of capacity, was underway by the end of 2020.  

Numerous utility-scale battery projects were announced, with the New South Wales Government committing to four new large-scale batteries under its Emerging Renewables program.  

On the other hand, In June 2016, the Victorian Government introduced the Victorian Renewable Energy Target (VRET) aims to achieve 25 per cent renewable energy by 2020 and 40 per cent by 2025.  

This commitment was later enacted into law in October 2017. Renewable Energy Action Plan (REAP) was established to reach these targets. And it focuses on three key areas: 

  • Supporting sector growth 
  • Empowering communities and consumers 
  • Modernising the energy system 

By increasing renewable energy capacity, Victoria is promoting a stable and reliable energy system and making strides in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The state aims for a 15 to 20 per cent emission reduction by 2020, ultimately achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. 

Household interest in batteries increased, with around 40,000 batteries installed in 2020. South Australia led the way with SA Government’s Home Battery Scheme, followed by NSW through the Empowering Homes battery loan program. 

Large-scale batteries, comprised of thousands of lithium-ion cells, function similarly to the batteries we use daily. They can provide power to the electricity grid, offering flexibility and stability to the network. Embracing energy storage can drive a transition to cleaner energy in the future. 

The Technology of Energy Storage

Various electrochemical technologies are utilised and continuously developed worldwide to store battery energy. These technologies encompass lithium-ion, sodium-ion, and molten-state batteries like sodium-sulphur and flow batteries. 

As advancements are made, and production costs decrease, battery storage becomes increasingly competitive commercially. 

Large-scale batteries typically consist of multiple components, including a battery unit or enclosure, an inverter, and a transformer that may be internally or externally mounted. The enclosure requirement depends on the technology used and the desired output. 

Large-Scale Batteries Supporting Renewables

Large-scale batteries play a significant role in supporting renewables in Australia by addressing the nature of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind.  

These batteries are designed to store excess energy generated during periods of high production and release it when renewable generation is low or unavailable. Here’s how they are supporting renewables in Australia: 

Large Scale Batteries

Storing Excess Energy

Large-scale batteries can store surplus energy generated by renewable sources during periods of high output. This excess energy can be used during peak demand hours or when renewable generation is low, ensuring a more stable and reliable energy supply. 

Smoothing Power Supply

Renewables like solar and wind are subject to natural fluctuations due to weather conditions. Batteries help smooth out these fluctuations by absorbing excess energy and discharging it when needed, creating a more constant and consistent power supply.

Grid Stability

Large-scale batteries contribute to grid stability by providing rapid response services. They can respond quickly to sudden changes in energy demand or supply, helping to balance the grid and prevent blackouts or disruptions. They can react quicker than other technologies. 

In contrast to conventional power generation methods that may take hours to reach maximum output, batteries can almost instantaneously adjust to wind or solar power fluctuations, ensuring a steady supply and uninterrupted electricity. 

Batteries also serve as an excellent source of extra power during peak energy demand times, such as when people return home from work and increase their electricity usage. 

Reducing Reliance on Fossil Fuels

By efficiently storing and distributing renewable energy, large-scale batteries reduce the need for traditional fossil fuel power plants to meet peak demand. This leads to decreased greenhouse gas emissions and a transition towards a cleaner energy future. 

Integration of Renewable Energy Projects

Batteries facilitate the integration of new renewable energy projects into the grid. They make it easier for renewable energy sources to connect and contribute to the energy mix, accelerating the transition to a more sustainable energy system. 

Time-Shifting Energy

Large-scale batteries enable time-shifting of energy production and consumption. Excess energy can be stored during low-demand periods and discharged during high-demand periods, optimising the use of renewable resources. 

Enhancing Grid Flexibility

Batteries offer flexibility to the grid operators, allowing them to manage fluctuations in renewable energy supply and demand effectively. This flexibility is essential as more renewables are integrated into the grid. 

Large-scale batteries play a pivotal role in maximising the potential of renewable energy sources in Australia, contributing to a cleaner, more reliable, and sustainable energy landscape. 

Charging during the day can absorb extra solar energy that is unused. This stored energy can then be shifted from midday to the high-demand afternoon hours to cater to customer requirements. 

Although batteries can provide near-instant backup, their support duration is limited to a few hours with existing technology. However, as battery technology advances, it can provide longer backup periods at a reduced cost. 

Why Is Location Important?

Large-scale batteries can be installed anywhere on the electricity grid. But to leverage existing infrastructure and minimise energy production costs,  

Interestingly, a large-scale battery situated next to a power station doesn’t draw power from the station. These batteries operate independently, are grid-connected, and can continue functioning even when the adjacent power station is offline or has been decommissioned. 

Why Choose Large-Scale Battery Storage?

Electricity storage comes in various forms, such as mechanical, pressurised, and electrochemical systems like pumped hydroelectricity, compressed air, liquid air, rail potential energy, and large-scale battery storage. 

As part of the Renewable Energy Action Plan (REAP), a significant initiative is the implementation of large-scale energy storage facilities in central and western Victoria. These battery storage systems offer several benefits when paired with renewable energy sources: 

  • Contingency power during temporary supply losses, whether unexpected or regulated. 
  • Near-instantaneous stabilisation services to the grid during episodes of frequency imbalances. 
  • An alternative temporary electricity source, reducing reliance on expensive emergency gas-fired and diesel generators. 

When combined with renewable energy, battery storage helps ensure a reliable and affordable energy supply. It can also decrease the occurrence of blackouts when there is less supply.  

How Large-Scale Batteries Help You?

Large-scale batteries bring significant benefits to the grid, which ultimately impact consumers.  

Large-scale batteries can release this energy during high-cost and high-demand periods by storing low-cost electricity during periods of excess supply. This helps to stabilise prices and reduce energy bills for consumers.  

Additionally, when energy demands exceed generation, the stored electricity can be dispatched immediately. It acts as a peaking generation mechanism comparable to gas peaking plants. This efficient network further aids in keeping energy bills in check and reducing network costs. 

Why Now?

The global energy landscape is rapidly changing due to advancements in energy technologies, consumer behaviour and preferences shifts. It is also helping the growing demand for cleaner energy sources.  

Embracing a clear and well-planned transition to a clean energy future can ensure a smooth transition to renewable energy. 

By learning from other countries experiences and adopting these methods, Victoria can emerge as a national leader in transitioning to a modern energy future. The challenge lies in incorporating new energy generation and utilisation methods while maintaining system reliability and affordability. 

Benefits of Energy Storage Technologies:

Energy storage technologies can facilitate growth in areas experiencing network restraints. They also support on-demand energy requirements during the renewable energy transition. 

Furthermore, energy storage is significant in enhancing competitiveness and increasing the supply of renewable energy as the industry expands.  

By delivering renewable energy during peak demand times, large-scale batteries unlock more value, increase flexibility, and improve reliability in the energy supply. 

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Is Tesla Powerwall Safe for Australia in 2023?

The demand for renewable energy solutions is rising as we move towards a more sustainable future. One solution that has gained significant attention in Australia is the Tesla Powerwall.

But many Australians still have the same question. Is the Tesla Powerwall safe for Australia in 2023? And today, we’ll try to answer this question by examining the safety measures incorporated into the Tesla Powerwall.

Tesla Powerwall: A Brief Overview

The Tesla Powerwall is a rechargeable lithium-ion battery designed for energy storage. It’s primarily used to store solar energy from solar panels. The Powerwall provides backup power and even enables off-grid use.

How Does a Tesla Powerwall Work?

Simply put, your solar panels absorb sunlight and turn it into energy you can use in your home. This energy flows into your home to power your appliances. Any extra energy is stored in the Powerwall.

Additional electricity your system generates is delivered back to the grid once the Powerwall is wholly charged. Your Powerwall will offer electricity to power your home when the sun goes down and your solar panels are not producing energy.

The Powerwall’s sleek, compact design and advanced features have made it a popular choice among homeowners. But is the Tesla Powerwall safe for Australia? Let’s look at the safety measures.

Tesla Powerwall Safety Measures

Tesla has always prioritised safety in all its products, and the Powerwall is no exception. Here are some key safety measures that make the Powerwall a safe choice for Australians in 2023.

Built-in Thermal Management System: The Powerwall has a liquid thermal management system that maintains the battery’s temperature within safe limits. This feature is particularly important in Australia, where temperatures get harsh during summer.

Advanced Battery Management System: The Powerwall’s Battery Management System (BMS) continuously monitors the battery’s state, including voltage, current, and temperature. If the BMS detects abnormal conditions, it can disconnect the battery to prevent damage or safety risks.

Strong Exterior: The Powerwall’s outer shell is designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, making it suitable for outdoor installation. It’s rated for water and dust resistance, ensuring it can handle Australia’s diverse climate.

Safe Connection: The Powerwall uses lithium-ion NMC (Nickel Manganese Cobalt), which is known for its safety and stability. This connection reduces the risk of thermal runaway, a common safety concern with lithium-ion batteries.

Automatic Updates: Tesla regularly updates the Powerwall’s software to improve its performance and safety. These updates are delivered wirelessly. It ensures your Powerwall is always equipped with the latest safety features.

Emergency Shutdown: If it detects a fault or emergency, the Powerwall can automatically disconnect from the grid and shut down, preventing potential dangers.

So Is Tesla Powerwall Safe for Australia in 2023?

Given the safety measures incorporated into the Tesla Powerwall, it’s clear that Tesla has made significant efforts to ensure its product is safe for use.

The Powerwall’s built-in safety features and Tesla’s commitment to continuous improvement make it a safe choice for Australians in 2023.

However, it’s important to note that the safety of any energy storage system also depends on proper installation and usage.

Therefore, it’s recommended to have your Powerwall installed by a certified Tesla installer and to follow all usage guidelines provided by Tesla.

Is Tesla Powerwall/Home Battery Durable in Australia?

The Tesla Powerwall is designed to be durable and suitable for various climates, including the diverse weather conditions of Australia.

The Powerwall’s tough exterior is built to cope with harsh weather conditions, making it suitable for indoor and outdoor installation. It is water and dust resistance, ensuring it can handle Australia’s varied climate, from the hot, dry summers to the wet winters.

Moreover, the Powerwall has a built-in thermal management system that maintains the battery’s temperature within safe limits. This feature is particularly important in Australia, where temperatures can rise during summer.

advanced home battery

However, it’s critical to note that several factors, including the frequency of use, the depth of discharge, and the local climate, can influence the lifespan and performance of any battery.

Therefore, while the Powerwall is designed to be durable, its actual lifespan in Australia may vary based on these factors.

But the Tesla Powerwall is built to be durable and well-equipped to handle the Australian climate, making it a reliable home battery solution for Australians.

What is the Tesla Powerwall Warranty?

The warranty for the Tesla Powerwall in Australia is divided into two categories. The first category includes individuals connected to the grid and utilising solar power for charging and grid energy in areas with time-of-use tariffs.

The warranty lasts ten years for these users and offers unlimited cycles. While endless cycles may seem impressive, it’s important to note that this only applies to those using low-cost off-peak grid electricity to charge their batteries.

The second category includes off-grid users who can charge their Powerwall using an approved generator. However, due to Tesla’s stringent guidelines, individuals will likely fall into this warranty category.

Tesla does permit Powerwall 2 to be charged via non-solar means, such as approved generators. Still, the warranty may be limited to 10 years or 37.8MWh of throughput energy, whichever comes first.

If the system does not have a better design, leading to daily usage of 100% of the battery’s capacity, the warranty could expire after approximately seven years and eight months.

This assumes the battery is cycled once a day, and its capacity remains unchanged from when it was new. Unfortunately, all lithium-ion batteries degrade over time and with use.

The warranty guarantees that Tesla Powerwall will retain at least 70% of their original capacity by the end of the ten-year warranty period.

But is the Tesla Powerwall a Worthy Investment?

tesla powerwall 2

The Tesla Powerwall, an energy storage system, has recently gained popularity. It allows residential and commercial users to store energy generated from solar panels or other renewable sources for later use, reducing reliance on the traditional grid.

The benefits include increased reliability, reduced electricity bills, and enhanced control over energy consumption.

The Powerwall system comprises an inverter and a battery. The inverter converts the direct current (DC) produced by solar panels or other renewable sources into alternating current (AC).

It can power your appliances or be fed back into the grid for credits. The battery stores this energy, providing power during periods of no sun or utility interruptions, making it ideal for off-grid living and backup power during extended power outages.

Economically, the Powerwall offers several advantages. It can significantly reduce electricity bills as users can tap into stored energy instead of solely relying on their local utility provider.

Additionally, excess energy can be fed back into the grid for credits, further reducing future bills. If paired with solar panels, users can save more by relying on renewable resources for their electricity needs. This process can eliminate the need to purchase electricity from their local utility provider.

Considering all these factors, we can conclude that Tesla Powerwall is safe for Australian households. It is also a wise investment for a better and sustainable future.

The Tesla Powerwall is not only an innovative solution for renewable energy storage but also a safe one. Its advanced safety features make it a reliable choice for Australians seeking to utilise the power of renewable energy in 2023.

To purchase the Tesla Powerwall at a reasonable price, get a free quote from Solar Emporium today!

FAQs About Tesla Powerwall in Australia

The average lifespan of a Tesla Powerwall is around 20 years. However, this number can vary depending on how often you use your battery and how much of it you use.

Taking care of your Tesla Powerwall and not using it 100% daily could last up to 25+ years. But if you use its stored energy daily, the battery may last less time than expected.

It completely depends on the amount of solar power you need to store. It also depends on how many power outages happen in your area and how much you use the battery during that time. 

We strongly urge you to contact us and get a free consultancy from our solar experts. We’ll then discuss your goals and average usage history to know how many Powerwall you need.

How long Tesla Powerwall will run in your home depends on how much energy you use with various appliances. With one Powerwall, you can power basic needs in your home for up to 12 hours. This capacity includes lights, electrical outlets, and small appliances.

We suggest installing the Powerwall in non-residential sections of your house, such as the garage or basement, to shield the battery from weather conditions.

If this isn’t feasible, outdoor installation is also an option. But harsh temperatures may affect its performance. Solar Emporium’s Solar specialists can guide you through the entire process.

Your Powerwall will activate during a power outage, and your home will seamlessly switch to battery power. It means keeping your devices charged and avoiding any potential issues.

Technically, yes, but to meet the energy demands of an average family, you require a substantial solar setup and multiple batteries.

Even if you remain grid-connected, a solar and battery system can drastically reduce your dependence on utility power, significantly saving your electricity bill.

It’s possible to achieve net-zero or even net-positive electricity usage without physically disconnecting from the grid, and it’s a more cost-effective approach.

We strongly discourage installing a Powerwall yourself due to the potential risks involved. A certified and experienced professional electrician should carry out the installation of a Powerwall or any other battery storage system.

Furthermore, to buy and install a Powerwall, you must be a Certified Tesla Powerwall Installer. Even if you purchase a Tesla Powerwall online, it will only be covered by a warranty if bought from and installed by a certified Installer.

The installation process for a Powerwall typically takes about a day. In most scenarios, we’ll set up the batteries simultaneously as your solar system, so there’s no additional waiting time.

However, availability is crucial – getting in line as soon as possible to secure your Powerwall is best.

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5 Best Solar Batteries For Australia

5 best solar batteries for Australia

Solar power has become increasingly popular in Australia as the world continues to shift towards renewable energy sources. With the abundance of sunshine in the country, it’s no surprise that many homeowners are turning to solar panels to power their homes.  

However, one of the biggest challenges of solar power is storing the energy for use when the sun isn’t shining. This is where solar batteries come in. And it’s the perfect time to learn about the best batteries for Australia.  

With the increasing demand for renewable energy sources and the need for efficient energy storage solutions, solar batteries have become an essential component of Australia’s energy landscape. 

Here are Australia’s 5 best solar batteries for Australia, which include the Sungrow, Eveready Battery, Energizer Battery, Tesla Powerwall, and BYD premium. All of these are one of the most long lasting solar batteries. 

Here are the 5 solar batteries for Australia, which include the Sungrow, Eveready Battery, Energizer Battery, Tesla Powerwall, and BYD premium. All of these are one of the most long-lasting solar batteries in the market.  

Sungrow Battery

The Sungrow Battery is a popular choice for homeowners in Australia due to its high efficiency and reliability. It has a capacity of 6.8 kWh and can be expanded to 102.4 kWh with additional modules.  

The battery is designed to be compatible with most solar inverters and can be easily integrated into existing solar systems. It also comes with a 10-year warranty.


Sungrow Solar Batteries are known for their high-performance capabilities. They offer a range of battery capacities. It typically comes between 5 and 20 kWh to cater to various energy needs.  

These batteries are designed to provide reliable and efficient energy storage. Sungrow can ensure that your solar power system can continue to supply electricity even during periods of low sunlight or at night. 

One of the key performance indicators for solar batteries is their depth of discharge (DoD). Sungrow Solar Batteries boast a high DoD of around 90%, meaning users can utilize up to 90% of the battery’s capacity before recharging.  

This high DoD ensures that you can maximize the use of your stored solar energy, leading to greater energy independence and reduced reliance on grid electricity. 


Sungrow Solar Batteries come with a range of features that make them an attractive option for solar energy storage: 
1. Modular Design: The modular design of Sungrow Solar Batteries allows for easy expansion of your energy storage system as your needs grow. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for homeowners and businesses planning to increase their solar power generation capacity.
2. Intelligent Energy Management: Sungrow Solar Batteries have advanced energy management software that optimizes the charging and discharging process, ensuring efficient use of stored energy and prolonging the battery’s lifespan.
3. Safety and Reliability: Sungrow Solar Batteries are designed with multiple layers of protection, including overcharge and over-discharge protection, temperature monitoring, and short-circuit protection. These safety features ensure that your battery operates reliably and securely.
4. Compatibility: Sungrow Solar Batteries are compatible with a wide range of solar inverters, making them versatile for various solar power systems.

Value for Money

Sungrow offers a competitive warranty of 10 years, ensuring that your investment is protected for an extended period. 

Sungrow’s high performance, advanced features, and extended warranty period make them a worthwhile investment for those seeking a reliable and efficient energy storage solution. 

In conclusion, these Batteries are a high-performance and valuable option for homeowners and businesses investing in solar energy storage. Sungrow Solar Batteries offer a reliable and efficient solution for harnessing the sun’s power and achieving greater energy independence. 

Value for money

Eveready Battery

The Eveready Battery is another excellent option for homeowners in Australia. It has a capacity of 5.6 kWh and can be expanded to 22.4 kWh with additional modules.  

The battery is designed to be easy to install and can be integrated with most solar inverters. It also comes with a 10-year warranty, ensuring homeowners can rely on it for years.


Eveready Solar Batteries are known for their reliable performance in various residential, commercial, and industrial applications. Eveready Solar Batteries boast a competitive DoD, allowing users to utilize a significant portion of the battery’s capacity before recharging.  

This high DoD ensures that you can maximize the use of your stored solar energy, leading to greater energy independence and reduced reliance on grid electricity. 


Eveready, Solar Batteries come with a range of features that make them an attractive option for solar energy storage:
1. Robust Design: Eveready Solar Batteries are designed with durability, ensuring they can withstand harsh environmental conditions and provide reliable performance over time.
2. Low Maintenance: Eveready Solar Batteries are designed to be low maintenance, requiring minimal upkeep to ensure optimal performance.
This feature mainly benefits homeowners and businesses seeking a hassle-free energy storage solution.
3. Wide Operating Temperature Range: Eveready Solar Batteries can operate efficiently in various temperatures, making them suitable for different climates and environments.
4. Compatibility: Eveready Solar Batteries are compatible with a wide range of solar inverters and charge controllers, making them versatile for various solar power systems.

Value for Money

Eveready Solar Batteries have a higher upfront cost than other solar battery options. But their reliable performance, robust design, and low maintenance requirements make them a worthwhile investment for those seeking a dependable energy storage solution. 

Energizer Battery

The Energizer Battery is a newer player in the solar battery market, but it has quickly gained popularity due to its high efficiency and affordability.  

It has a capacity of 5.5 kWh and can be expanded to 22 kWh with additional modules. It also comes with a 10-year warranty.


Energizer Solar Batteries are known for their consistent performance in various applications, including residential, commercial, and off-grid settings. They also offer a range of battery capacities. And they guarantee 70% capacity at the end of 10 years.  


Energizer Solar Batteries come with a range of features that make them an attractive option for solar energy storage:
1. Long Cycle Life: Energizer Solar Batteries are designed with a long cycle life, ensuring they can provide reliable performance over an extended period. This feature benefits homeowners and businesses looking for a long-lasting energy storage solution.
2. Low Self-Discharge Rate: Energizer Solar Batteries have a low self-discharge rate, meaning they can retain their stored energy for extended periods without significant loss. This feature is essential for maintaining the efficiency of your solar power system.
3. Wide Operating Temperature Range: Energizer Solar Batteries can operate efficiently in various temperatures, making them suitable for different climates and environments.
4. Compatibility: Energizer Solar Batteries are compatible with a wide range of solar inverters and charge controllers, making them versatile for various solar power systems.

Value for Money

The Energizer home Battery system is an AC-coupled all-in-one home energy storage solution that can be installed indoors and outdoors.  

It also comes with a 10-year, 10,000-cycle warranty in typical use cases. Energizer guarantees 70% capacity after 10 years under ideal conditions. Other popular home battery brands only assure 60% capacity. 

Energizer Solar Batteries offer a dependable solution considering other popular brands. And it makes the home battery system have value for the money spent.  

Tesla Powerwall

Tesla Powerwall

The Tesla Powerwall is one of the most well-known and popular solar batteries on the market and for a good reason. It has a capacity of 13.5 kWh and can be expanded up to 135 kWh with additional modules.  

The battery is designed to be compatible with most solar inverters and can be easily integrated into existing solar systems. It also comes with a 10-year warranty, ensuring homeowners can rely on it for years.  

The Tesla Powerwall is also known for its sleek design and user-friendly app, allowing homeowners to monitor their energy usage and battery status in real time. It is also considered Australia’s best solar battery. It is also considered Australia’s best solar battery.   

Capacity and Performance

The Tesla Powerwall has a usable capacity of 13.5 kWh. It makes it suitable for most residential solar energy systems in Australia.  

Its high energy density allows it to store significant energy in a relatively compact form factor. The Powerwall has an efficiency of approximately 90%, ensuring that the energy stored and released is utilised efficiently. And it minimises energy loss.

Installation and Integration

One of the key advantages of the Tesla Powerwall is its ease of installation and integration with existing solar systems.  

The Powerwall can be wall-mounted or floor-mounted, indoors and outdoors, providing flexibility in the installation location. It is compatible with most solar inverters, making it a seamless addition to existing solar setups. 

Design and Aesthetics

The Tesla Powerwall’s sleek, modern design distinguishes it from many other solar batteries. Its minimalist aesthetic allows it to blend seamlessly with various architectural styles. That makes it an attractive option for people who value form and function. 

Software and Monitoring

The Tesla Powerwall comes with the Tesla app, which allows users to monitor their energy usage, solar generation, and battery performance in real time.  

The app also enables users to customize their energy preferences, such as setting backup power reserves for emergencies or prioritising solar energy usage during peak hours.

Backup Power

In a power outage, the Tesla Powerwall can provide backup power to the home, ensuring that essential appliances and devices continue functioning. This feature is precious in Australia, where extreme weather events and grid outages can cause disruptions to the power supply.

Price and Warranty

The Tesla Powerwall has a premium price compared to other solar batteries in Australia. However, its advanced technology, design, and performance often justify the higher price point for many homeowners.  

Tesla Powerwall is ideal for Australian homeowners. It helps them use solar energy more efficiently and become more energy independent. The Powerwall is a leading solar battery option in the Australian market. It has impressive capacity, performance, design, and advanced monitoring capabilities. 

BYD Premium

Power backup

BYD has created a battery storage line that can be used in any application. While the modular LV and HV solutions are appropriate for any residential application, the commercial battery is best suited for large-scale implementations. 

BYD Premium offers high energy density, off-grid backup, and excellent efficiency while maintaining high safety. If you are in the solar energy storage market, consider BYD Premium Solar Batteries. 

Off-Grid and Backup

The Battery-Box is well-suited for off-grid applications and emergency power. The high discharge capacity enables operation away from the power grid. BYD has the proper storage for your project, whether used to power a remote cabin or as a backup for sensitive loads. 

Optimization of Self Consumption

The future is the self-consumption of renewable energy. As renewable generation subsidies decrease globally and electricity prices rise, consuming the power you generate yourself becomes more cost-effective. 


In addition to their high energy density and long cycle life, BYD Premium Solar Batteries are also highly efficient. They have a round-trip efficiency of up to 95%, meaning they can store and release energy with minimal loss.  

This makes them a cost-effective solution for solar energy storage, as it reduces the amount of energy wasted during storage and release. 

Overall, BYD Premium Solar Batteries are an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable and efficient energy storage solution for their solar energy system. 

Get the Best Solar Batteries from Solar Emporium

Solar batteries have become an essential component of Australia’s energy market. As the Australian solar market grows, solar batteries play a crucial role in a sustainable future. This article will help understand what is the best solar battery in Australia. This article will help understand what is the best solar battery in Australia.  

Solar Emporium has similar goals of getting to a sustainable society. And to help the customers achieve that goal, Solar Emporium has many affordable solar packages. You can get all the solar batteries mentioned above. 

To know more about solar batteries, check out our blog how long do solar batteries last.  

Solar batteries have become integral to Australia’s renewable energy ecosystem. As the country continues to harness the sun’s power, solar batteries provide a reliable and efficient means of storing and utilising solar energy.  

This helps Australians reduce reliance on traditional energy sources and contributes to a greener and more sustainable future.  

With ongoing advancements in battery technology and the continued growth of the solar industry, get a free quote today to ensure the transition.

Our Solar Experts are here to Help!

Ultimate Review of Tesla Powerwall for Australia

Ultimate Review Of Tesla Powerwall For Australia

As Australia continues to embrace renewable energy, homeowners are increasingly looking for ways to store and manage their solar power.  

One of the most popular options on the market is the Tesla Powerwall. It is a home battery system storing solar energy during peak demand hours or power outages. And today, we’ll provide the ultimate review of Tesla Powerwall for Australia 

In this comprehensive review, we’ll explore the features, benefits, and drawbacks of the Tesla Powerwall for Australian consumers.  

This ultimate review of Tesla Powerwall will help you decide if it’s the right choice for your home. We’ll also discuss optimising your solar energy storage to maximise your investment return.

Tesla Powerwall: An Overview

The Tesla Powerwall is a lithium-ion battery system that stores excess solar energy from your home’s solar panels. It allows you to use solar power during the evening or when the sun isn’t shining.  

It will ultimately reduce your reliance on the grid and lower your electricity bills. The Powerwall can also provide backup power during outages, ensuring your home has power even during blackouts.

Key Features

tesla powerwall
  • Capacity: The Tesla Powerwall has a usable capacity of 13.5 kWh, making it suitable for most average-sized Australian houses. The capacity allows you to store enough energy to power your home during peak demand hours or low solar generation. 
  • Scalability: If your energy needs are more significant than what a single Powerwall can provide, you can easily connect multiple units to increase your storage capacity. 
  • Efficiency: The Powerwall boasts a round-trip efficiency of 90%, meaning that for every 10 kWh of solar energy stored, you can expect to use 9 kWh. This high efficiency ensures minimal energy loss during the charging and discharging process. 
  • Backup Power: In a grid outage, the Powerwall can automatically switch to provide backup power for your home. That ensures you stay connected during blackouts. 
  • Smart Monitoring: The Tesla app allows you to monitor your Powerwall’s performance, solar generation, and energy usage in real-time. It gives you greater control over your home’s energy management. 

Installation and Compatibility

The Tesla Powerwall is compatible with most solar panel systems and inverters, making it a versatile option for homeowners with existing solar installations.  

The installation process typically takes one day and should be carried out by a certified Tesla installer to ensure optimal performance and safety. 

Ultimate Cost of Tesla Powerwall and Savings

Powerwall payback time

The cost of a Tesla Powerwall in Australia varies depending on factors such as installation fees and government incentives. You can pay around $12,000 to $15,000 for a single Powerwall, including installation.  

The Tesla Powerwall 2 is the most popular for the average Australian house. It also costs around AUD 12,000 to AUD 15,000, including installation. Keep in mind that this price may change depending on your specific condition. 

At the same time, this is a significant upfront investment. But the potential savings on your electricity bills can make it worthwhile in the long run. 

Using stored solar energy during peak demand hours can avoid paying high electricity rates and reduce your reliance on the grid. Depending on your energy usage patterns and local electricity rates, you could save thousands of dollars over the lifetime of the Powerwall. 

It’s essential to consider additional costs. Such as the cost of a compatible solar inverter if you still need one and any electrical work required for the installation. Also, check for any available government incentives or rebates that could help reduce the overall cost. 

We recommend contacting Solar Emporium, a Tesla-certified installer, for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing. Or visit the Tesla website for more information. 

Environmental Impact

The Tesla Powerwall helps reduce your home’s carbon footprint and reliance on fossil fuels by storing and using solar energy. It contributes to Australia’s efforts to transition to a more sustainable energy future and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Warranty and Lifespan

The Tesla Powerwall comes with a 10-year warranty covering any defects in quality or materials. The warranty guarantees a minimum of 70% capacity retention after 10 years, ensuring your Powerwall remains a valuable asset for your home’s energy management. 

The lifespan of a Powerwall depends on factors such as usage patterns and environmental conditions. However, your Powerwall can last well beyond its warranty period with proper maintenance and care. 

Maximising Solar Energy Storage and Return on Investment

To get the most out of your Tesla Powerwall and maximise your return on investment, consider the following tips
  • Optimize your solar panel system: Ensure your solar panels are installed correctly and well-maintained to maximise energy generation. 
  • Monitor your energy usage: Use the Tesla app to track your energy consumption and identify areas to reduce usage or shift usage to off-peak times. 
  • Take advantage of government incentives: Research available government incentives and rebates for solar energy storage systems to help offset the cost of your Powerwall. 
  • Consider time-of-use tariffs: If your electricity provider offers time-of-use tariffs, you can maximise your savings by using stored solar energy during peak pricing periods

What is the Payback Time for Tesla Powerwall In Australia?

The payback time for a Tesla Powerwall in Australia depends on several factors, including the cost of the Powerwall and installation, electricity rates, solar panel production, and any available government incentives or rebates. 

Here’s a rough calculation to give you an idea of the payback period: 

1. Cost of Tesla Powerwall and installation: The Tesla Powerwall 2 costs around AUD 12,000 to AUD 15,000, including installation.
2. Electricity savings: The amount you save on electricity bills depends on your usage patterns, electricity rates, and solar panel production.
For example, saving AUD 1,500 per year on electricity bills would take 8 to 10 years to recoup the initial investment (AUD 12,000 to AUD 15,000 / AUD 1,500 = 8 to 10 years).
3. Government incentives and rebates: In some cases, you may be eligible for government incentives or rebates that can reduce the upfront cost of the Powerwall and shorten the payback period.
Remember that these calculations are rough estimates and can vary based on your situation. To get a more accurate estimate for a Tesla Powerwall in your home, use Tesla’s online calculator or consult Solar Emporium’s Energy expert. 

How Long Does the Tesla Powerwall Last When Fully Charged?

Tesla recently released a Powerwall battery that stores solar or wind energy. It promises to revolutionise energy storage and reduce energy bills for Australians. So how long will a Tesla Powerwall battery last when fully charged in Australia? 

Tesla’s Powerwall uses advanced technologies like thermal management, protection circuitry, and active thermal management. It is expected to revolutionise how Australians use renewable energy and reduce energy bills.  

The Powerwall battery has a capacity of 10kW-100kW and can store power generated from solar or wind power. 

A Tesla Powerwall battery’s ability to provide power depends on the household’s energy consumption and the specific model of the Powerwall. In Australia, the Tesla Powerwall 2 is the most common model. It has a usable capacity of 13.5 kWh. 

To determine how long a fully charged Powerwall will last, you’ll need to consider the household’s energy consumption. For example, if a home uses an average of 2 kWh per hour, the Powerwall 2 would last approximately 6.75 hours (13.5 kWh / 2 kWh = 6.75 hours). 

Keep in mind that energy consumption can vary depending on factors such as the size of the home, the number of occupants, and the types of appliances being used. 

Potential Drawbacks

While the Tesla Powerwall offers numerous benefits, there are some potential drawbacks to consider:
  • High upfront cost: The initial investment for a Powerwall can be significant, making it less accessible for some Australian homeowners. 
  • Availability: Due to high demand, there can sometimes be a waiting period for Powerwall installations in Australia. 

Get Tesla Powerwall With Solar Emporium

The Tesla Powerwall is an innovative and efficient home battery system that offers numerous benefits for Australian homeowners. It includes energy savings, backup power, and a reduced carbon footprint.  

While the upfront cost can be significant, the potential long-term savings and environmental benefits make it a worthwhile investment for many households. The initial cost can be decreased by monitoring your energy usage and using government incentives.  

Solar Emporium’s lucrative solar packages and free quotes can instantly offer you reasonable prices.  

Before deciding if the Tesla Powerwall suits your home, it’s essential to consider factors such as your energy usage patterns, solar panel system, and local electricity rates.  

You should carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks and implement strategies to maximise solar energy storage and return on investment. And then, you can decide whether the Tesla Powerwall is your home’s ultimate energy storage solution. 

Tesla Powerwall is valuable in your journey toward a more sustainable, cost-effective energy future.  

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Can the Tesla Powerwall charge from the grid? 

A: While the primary purpose of the Powerwall is to store solar energy, it can also be configured to charge from the grid during off-peak times when electricity rates are lower. This can benefit homeowners without solar panels or during periods of low solar generation. 

Q: How long does it take for the Tesla Powerwall to pay for itself? 

A: The payback period for a Tesla Powerwall depends on factors such as your energy usage patterns, solar panel system, local electricity rates, and government incentives. On average, homeowners expect a payback period of 7 to 12 years. 

Q: Can the Tesla Powerwall power my entire home during a blackout? 

A: The Powerwall can provide backup power during outages. The Powerwall’s ability to power your entire home during a blackout depends on its capacity and your home’s energy consumption.  

It may not be able to power all appliances simultaneously. However, it can provide backup power for essential devices such as lights, refrigerators, and communication devices. 

But the capacity may need to be increased to power your entire home for a long time. Prioritising necessary appliances and devices during a blackout is essential to maximise the Powerwall’s usefulness. 

Q: Can I add a Tesla Powerwall to my solar panel system? 

A: The Tesla Powerwall is compatible with most solar panel systems and inverters. A certified Tesla installer can assess your system and determine how to integrate the Powerwall best. 

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Is Tesla Powerwall Worth It For Australian Houses In 2023?

Is It Worth To Have Tesla Powerwall For Australian Houses

More Australians have solar panels installed in their homes. And as feed-in-tariffs continue to fall across the country, more Australians are turning to batteries to store their excess solar energy.  

Like all the other battery storage systems, Tesla is becoming a household name in Australia. However, is the Tesla Powerwall worth it for Australian houses in 2023? 

A residential battery can double your use of self-generated energy. So installing a Tesla Powerwall in your home will double your benefits. Also, it is better for the environment.  

However, how quickly it works depends on the amount of energy you put in. So, there are several factors to consider if the Tesla Powerwall is worthwhile for you in 2023 

If you’re an Australian looking for a home solar battery, you’re probably thinking about the Tesla Powerwall. It’s arguably the most popular home battery on the market now. In this article, we’ll review why the Powerwall is Australia’s favourite home battery.

But First, What Is Tesla Powerwall?

Tesla Energy’s Tesla Powerwall is a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. It is a home energy storage product. The Powerwall stores electricity for solar self-consumption and electricity load shifting at different times of the day.  

The Powerwall is a rechargeable home battery system designed to increase energy independence at your home. It means continuous backup, a lower carbon footprint for your home, and lower electricity bills.  

Powerwall is an intelligent system that can be tailored to your specific energy requirements. This battery can charge from solar, ensuring that energy is always available on demand. 

It also works as a backup power. The Powerwall was released in 2015 in limited quantities.  Now Tesla offers larger battery storage devices – the Powerpack is designed for business use, and the Megapack is designed for grid use.

History Of Tesla Powerwall

Tesla Motors began experimenting with using batteries for energy storage as it developed batteries for its electric car business. Tesla started installing prototype battery packs at the locations of a few industrial customers in 2012. 

The company later announced in November 2013 that it would construct a lithium-ion battery manufacturing facility in Giga Nevada.  

On April 30, 2015, the company announced that it would use its battery technology to create the Powerwall, a home energy storage system. And customers could use the device to store electricity for solar self-consumption, time-of-use load-shifting, and backup power. 

The device was initially announced to have a power output of 2 kW continuous and a 3.3 kW peak. But CEO Elon Musk later stated that the Powerwall would be more than doubled to 5 kW and 7 kW peak, with no price increase. 

How Does Powerwall Work?

Powerwall allows you to store energy for later use and works with solar to provide essential security and financial benefits. Each Powerwall system includes energy monitoring, metering, and smart controls.  

The owner can customise and control all of these via the Tesla app. Over time, the system learns and adapts to your energy consumption. And then it receives over-the-air updates to add new features and improve existing ones. 

Powerwall and Powerwall+ are two types of Powerwall 

Powerwall is a rechargeable home battery system that can be used with solar panels. A Powerwall system can consist of up to ten Powerwalls. It can be a mix of Powerwall+ and traditional Powerwalls.  

A Powerwall+ includes additional solar integration features that provide cleaner installations with less equipment. 

Integrated energy metering can assist you in accurately monitoring your solar production and home energy consumption for precise, real-time insight into your home energy.  

Powerwall+ can intelligently power heavy equipment, and direct solar integration improves solar recharging during power outages. It results in a better off-grid experience.  

Here are some examples of Powerwall integration-  

Solar And Tesla Powerwall

Solar and Tesla Powerwall

Integrating Powerwall with solar is the best way to maximise the value of your system. It provides you with solar power at any time of day or night.  

Powerwall+ provides a complete, integrated solution, providing whole-home backup with solar. On the other hand, Powerwall can be integrated with existing solar systems. 

Because the Powerwall is an AC-coupled system, it is compatible with standard inverters used in home energy systems. At least one Powerwall is required for each 7.6 kW AC of solar included in the backup circuit to ensure reliable operation during power outages. 

Generators And Powerwalls

Powerwall can be added to a system which already includes a backup generator and an external Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) or Manual Transfer Switch (MTS). 

The Powerwall is usually installed between the utility meter and the transfer switch. And it can charge from solar while the grid is up and running. Although, the Powerwall and generator are not directly integrated. So, the Powerwall does not charge from the generator. 

Powerwall responds immediately in the event of an outage and provides backup power before the generator can detect the outage. The generator is activated only when the Powerwall’s charge is low or when electrical loads exceed the Powerwall’s maximum output. 

When grid power is restored, the generator will be turned off, and the Powerwall will be able to charge from solar once more. If a Powerwall is installed with an MTS, the switch must be manually operated to power the home with the generator.

Electric Vehicle Charging & Powerwall

Powerwall can deliver stored solar energy to your electric vehicle through your home’s electrical panel. However, there is no direct link between Powerwall and charging equipment. 

Although rechargeable electricity storage technologies have been under development for decades, the potential for residential solar storage has only recently become apparent. 

The Tesla Powerwall was not the first solar battery, but it received the most attention. 

The Tesla Powerwall 2, is widely regarded as some of the market’s go-to solar batteries.  

But does the Tesla Powerwall live up to its hype? Solar Emporium’s solar experts have examined the entire Tesla Powerwall range, including specifications, prices, and capabilities.  It will eventually help you determine whether it’s worth installing in your home. 

But let’s get to know the benefits first.

Reduced electricity bills

The ability to reduce electricity bills is the primary benefit of owning a Tesla Powerwall. The Powerwall collects and stores solar energy generated by your solar panels during the day, which it then uses to power your home at night.  

You can significantly reduce your dependence on the grid with the Powerwall. It means you’ll buy less electricity from your energy provider. As a result, your monthly electricity bills will be reduced. 

Enhanced energy independence

Installing a Tesla Powerwall can help you become more energy independent. You’ll be less reliant on the grid for energy. And it will eventually give you more control over your energy supply.  

This is especially useful during power outages or when grid power is unstable. The Powerwall keeps your home powered up at all times, even during emergencies. 

Carbon footprint reduction

Tesla Powerwall is a green solution that can help you reduce your carbon footprint. It collects and stores excess solar energy during the day, which can then be used to power your home at night.  

This reduces the energy you consume from the grid, which is generated using fossil fuels. You can contribute to a cleaner, greener environment using solar energy stored in the Powerwall. 

Increased property value

Adding a Tesla Powerwall to your home can increase its value. Homes with solar battery storage systems are becoming increasingly popular as more Australians become aware of the benefits of renewable energy.  

Installing a Tesla Powerwall can make your home more appealing to potential buyers if you decide to sell your property anytime soon. 

Monitoring and management of energy

The Tesla Powerwall comes with an app. And you can remotely track your energy consumption and production in real time.  

You can see how much energy your solar panels generate and how much your home consumes. This information assists you in making informed decisions about how and when to use energy in your home.  

You can also set up alerts to notify you about the Powerwall’s battery percentage and power outages.

Continuous Backup

Solar energy will provide you with continuous power if an outage occurs. Powerwall can communicate with the National Weather Service and prioritise charging in any case of severe weather.  

You will receive notifications from the Tesla app if the status of your Powerwall changes due to weather. 

Powerwall has several essential features for Australian conditions. In addition, it has cutting-edge technology backed by a 10-year warranty. 

Tesla Powerwall can also support some other aspects of energy-efficient living- 

  • Power reserve 
  • Control Based on Time 
  • Off-grid living 

Price For The Powerwall

The Powerwall’s price was raised for the first time in late 2018, to AU$10,000. Surprisingly, there were two more price increases in 2020, bringing the price to around AU$ 11,000.  

Several price fluctuations occurred in 2021, but the price increased dramatically in 2022, with three consecutive price increases. The first modest price increase of $950 was announced in March.  

The second in May, and the most recent in October. It raised the cost of a Powerwall system to 16,000 Australian dollars.  

The Powerwall was one of the most affordable AC-coupled battery systems when it was first released. However, it became one of the more expensive options available. 

But following years of price increases, 2023 has seen two reductions. That brought the price down to under $13,000 in Australia. 

So with different solar and storage rebates, many Australians are moving toward Tesla Powerwall again 

Tesla Powerwall Warranty for Customers in Australia

Solar batteries are covered by a time and throughput warranty. The time warranty covers many years during which faults can be claimed.  

Whereas the throughput warranty specifies the number of kWhs discharged or cycles completed before the warranty expires. 

The Tesla Powerwall 2 has a ten-year warranty against defects, with the usual exclusions such as improper use or installation. The warranty also includes a maximum degradation to 70% of the throughput capacity of 13.2kWh at the end of the ten years.  

It means if your battery can only discharge 9.2 kWh or less after ten years, you may be eligible for a warranty claim.

Tesla Creating Trends For Renewable Technology

From electric cars to integrated renewable energy solutions, Tesla is doing it all. The company is known for producing innovative, high-performing, sustainable, and trendy products.  

Tesla made electric cars cool and desirable. And now it’s doing the same for home batteries. 

The first-generation Powerwall hit the market in 2015. It surprised the energy storage market. The first high-voltage battery for home use, the unique DC-coupled lithium storage had a modest 6.4kWh capacity.  

The Powerwall 2 second generation was released in 2016, with more than double the storage capacity and an integrated battery inverter-charger. Giving it significantly more power and flexibility. 

In Australia, the home battery market is gaining traction, and data shows that the majority of homeowners are opting for a Tesla Powerwall. 

A 400% increase in battery installation occurred by the end of 2021. And the majority chose Tesla Powerwall. With our affordable solar packages, you can make your dream of owning a Tesla Powewall into reality.  

Get your free quote today!

Our Solar Experts are here to Help!

Victoria Shifts Battery Support Strategy: Introduces Interest-Free Loans to Drive Renewable Energy Transition

Victoria’s state budget for 2023-2024 made waves as it unveiled a billion-dollar initiative to revive the State Electricity Commission and propel the state towards renewable energy. While this announcement captured the spotlight, a more discreet yet significant development was unveiled regarding Solar Victoria’s assistance for home batteries. 

State Budget Prioritizes Renewable Energy Transition

In a groundbreaking move that captured widespread attention, Victoria’s 2023-2024 state budget unveiled a billion-dollar initiative to reinstate the State Electricity Commission and propel the state’s transition to renewable energy sources. However, amidst the excitement, a lesser-known yet significant development emerged in Solar Victoria’s support for home batteries.

Battery Rebate Program Update: Transitioning Towards Sustainable Financing

In a recent industry update distributed on May 24 revealed its plans to discontinue the acceptance of new applications for the $2,950 battery rebate program after June 30, 2023. Instead, the state will introduce a more innovative approach, offering interest-free loans of up to $8,800 to support the adoption of home batteries.

The industry update stated, “The battery rebate program will continue to accelerate the renewable energy transition, shifting away from traditional rebates and embracing the delivery of 4,500 interest-free loans, each valued at up to $8,800. These loans will be funded through the esteemed Solar Homes Program, with an allocated budget of $16 million for the successful implementation of the interest-free loan program in 2023-24.”

Seamless Transition and Program Design in Progress

Acknowledging the importance of a smooth transition, Solar Victoria is diligently working on the program design to ensure a seamless shift from the existing incentive structure to the new interest-free loan offering. While applications for battery rebates will no longer be accepted after June 30, the launch of the loan program is scheduled for July 1, 2023, following the completion of the program’s design phase.

Solar Victoria’s update emphasized, “Program design is already underway, and we are committed to delivering a streamlined and efficient process for interested applicants.”

Solar for Business Program Conclusion

It is worth noting that the Solar for Business program will also come to a close on June 30, prompting businesses to take advantage of the remaining time to benefit from available incentives and support.

However, the positive news for solar panel and hot water system users is that the rebates for these technologies will continue to be available beyond June 30.

Solar Panel and Hot Water System Rebates

The government has allocated 53,000 solar panel rebates for the upcoming fiscal year, valued at $1,400 each. Additionally, an interest-free loan option of $1,400 will be accessible to further facilitate the adoption of solar panels.

Furthermore, the government has set aside 4,500 hot water rebates of $1,000 each for the 2023-2024 period.

Please note that the battery rebate amount was initially set at $3,500 but was revised to the current $2,950 as of July 1, 2022, reflecting the evolving dynamics of the program.

With these exciting developments in Victoria’s renewable energy landscape, residents and businesses have ample opportunities to embrace sustainable practices and benefit from the state’s commitment to a greener future.

Solar Emporium’s Solar Solution

Renewable energy can provide significant cost-saving options compared to non-renewable. It enables businesses to reduce emissions, improve their sustainability credentials, and reduce future energy prices.  

Solar energy is Australia’s most popular renewable energy source. Solar Emporium’s solar system support makes it significantly more accessible for everyone to opt for a better sustainable future.  

With cost-effective solar packages, solar batteries, and EV chargers, our renewable experts can support every aspect of your renewable journey. So let’s end Australia’s energy dilemma with an affordable solution.

Our Solar Experts are here to Help!

101 Guide To Solar Batteries| How to Get Started?

101 Guide To Solar Batteries How to Get Started

According to a 2022 Roy Morgan research, over 3.2 million Australian households own a solar energy system. It is almost 32.3% of all households in Australia. And more recently, it is believed that nearly 70% of homes will own solar energy.  

Inevitably, as solar homes are increasing, the need for solar batteries also increases. So keeping that in mind, this is our 101 guide to solar batteries. This blog will provide Australians with all the details on how to get started with solar batteries.  

Solar battery storage systems aid in the resolution of a variety of solar energy issues. Connecting a battery to a grid-tied solar energy system allows the system to continue powering even when the grid is down. It will help with power access rather than disconnecting to generate electricity. 

Solar batteries can also help commercial customers reduce peak demand charges and become more resilient in power outages. Many state and local governments are restricting the usage of carbon and fuel-powered generators. 

As the popularity of solar storage systems grows, conditions continue to support solar adoption. And Solar Emporium is ready to support as many people as possible so that they can make their community a better place. 

Battery storage for solar applications helps to relieve strain on our electrical grid by replacing unstable grid energy with clean-green electricity. It allows heavy cycling and periodic full-capacity recharging.  

Several types of batteries are available to meet these specific needs. The cost of a solar battery, installation process, lifespan, and maintenance are all factors to consider when selecting a battery. But first, we need to understand the basics of solar batteries.  

101 guide to solar battery

Understanding Solar Batteries

Owning a solar battery has a three-part process. First, you need to understand the basics of solar batteries. Then you need to know what factors to consider before purchasing a solar battery. Lastly, you have to know about the maintenance process.  

What Are The Best Solar Batteries?

Solar batteries for home energy storage typically comprise one of three chemical compositions: lead-acid, lithium-ion, or flow batteries. In most cases, lithium-ion batteries are the most cost-effective option for a solar panel system. However, other battery types may be available.

How To Evaluate Solar Storage Options

Considering solar energy storage system options, you’ll encounter many complicated product specifications. It may create more questions about the best equipment to match your solar battery.  

To evaluate your solar battery options, you should first understand its capacity to store energy and power ratings. Then it would be best to compare the depth of discharge (DoD), efficiency, and warranty. 

Calculating the Size of Your Solar Battery System

Properly sizing your battery is critical. But consumers and solar installers may frequently overlook it. Batteries in PV systems are often undersized due to cost or underestimation of system loads.  

Understanding the customer’s energy requirements and correctly designing a plan that best meets their objectives is very important. Solar battery manufacturers’ online system sizing calculators can help simplify determining battery capacity for load requirements. 

How long will a solar battery last?

The lifespan of a solar battery varies from 5 to 15 years, depending on the type. Lithium batteries have a lifespan of up to ten years. Lead-acid batteries have a lifespan of 3–5 years. 

How Many Hours Of Energy Can A Solar Battery Provide?

Several factors determine this. These factors will help determine how long you can power your home. 

 The most significant factors to consider are:  

  • Number of appliances running in your house 
  • Your battery’s total capacity 

Considerations When Purchasing Solar Batteries

solar plus storage

Various factors should be considered when calculating the total cost of installing a solar battery to your solar energy system.  

Price: A solar battery with a low upfront cost may sacrifice quality and battery life; you may offer a lower upfront cost for a significantly higher future cost. But the need for frequent battery replacements may increase the cost over time.  

That is why, when deciding, it is critical to consider all factors other than price. 

Capacity: Battery capacity is significant because it represents the energy the battery can store. 

Voltage: The voltage of the solar battery bank should be considered to ensure that it meets the requirements of the solar system. Your solar energy system will include a solar inverter. Depending on the voltage of your solar battery bank, you may need to purchase a different inverter.  

The inverter specifications determine the voltage of the solar battery. Ideally, it should be installed on a system that converts DC-to-AC energy so that the voltage of loads in a DC energy system.  

Cycles: The cycles of a solar battery are the most crucial factor to consider. The battery cycle indicates how many discharge/charge cycles it can provide before capacity drops to a specified rated capacity percentage.  

Solar batteries with the same power, energy content, and weight may exist. However, the battery’s design, material, and quality will influence how many times it will cycle appropriately over its lifetime.  

Maintaining Solar Batteries

Let’s assume the installation process is done. But your work isn’t done yet. You still need to maintain a few things to have a properly running battery to power your house. Here are a few things you can keep on checking:  
  • If it’s kept in a protected space or not  
  • How is the backup process 
  • How much backup is the battery providing for your appliances  
  • Is the monitoring app or device working well or not  
  • Is the battery providing enough off-peak power  
  • Are the transformers working correctly or not  

Choose Solar Emporium for Solar Solution

The most expensive component of a solar power system is a battery. However, battery technology is spreading due to electric vehicles and the push toward renewables such as solar and wind. 

Companies pour millions of dollars into research and development to build cheaper, better batteries. This is excellent news for us. Battery prices have been declining over the last decade. Hopefully, this trend will continue with more advancement in the space.  

You now understand solar better than an average person. However, don’t stop there! Call Solar Emporium today or get a free quote for your desired solar solutions.  

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What Type of Batteries To Use With Solar Panels

What Type Of Batteries To Use With Solar Panels

Solar energy systems typically comprise solar batteries and panels, mounting tools, and an overall performance monitoring system. Solar energy systems 

Most houses are connected to the grid. These systems are more commonly used for backup among homeowners. Many people, however, are looking for a replacement for their utility supply. One common reason people switch to solar is to avoid high energy costs. 

So what type of batteries to use with solar panels to avoid high energy bills?  

Various type of solar batteries are used as a backup for critical loads when the grid fails. You can choose from multiple types of solar batteries to use for your system. These solar batteries are designed to provide auxiliary power to the grid. 

As we all know, four different types of solar batteries exist in the solar industry.  

  • Lead Acid Batteries  
  • Lithium-ion Batteries  
  • Nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) Batteries 
  • Flow Batteries 

Lithium-ion and lead acid batteries are the most used of these four batteries. For a detailed review of all these batteries, check out our last blog about 4 different types of solar batteries. 

Lead Acid Batteries

For many years, lead-acid batteries have been a reliable energy supply for off-grid areas. They are typically deep-cycle and low-cost. Lead-acid batteries are known for their high power and discharge current but low energy density. They can take up to 14 hours to charge fully. 

Because of their highly toxic nature, these batteries should be thrown away properly. Otherwise, it can threaten the environment. 

The flooded lead battery is dependable but must be watered and ventilated to function correctly. The VRLA comes in two varieties: gel and absorbed glass mat (AGM), which have valves for off-gassing regulation. These are appropriate for cold and warm temperatures. Although VRLA batteries provide enough installation flexibility, their temperature sensitivity may pose a challenge to people looking for a permanent alternative to their grid supply. 

Li-on batteries for bet efficiency

Lithium-ion Batteries

Lithium-ion batteries are becoming a more popular choice for solar systems worldwide. The development of this type of battery is heavily influenced by its application in the electric vehicle industry. Its prism shape allows ventilation which is beneficial in solar systems. 

Lithium-ion batteries have a distinct voltage range and charging response. A voltage regulator charge controller is used to charge them. Despite low self-discharge, lithium-ion batteries do not benefit from long-term charging. 

This type of solar battery requires little to no maintenance and has a high energy capacity and a long lifespan. Lithium batteries are evidently more expensive than lead-acid batteries. They may also need a protection circuit to regulate the current and voltage. 

Lithium-ion batteries can provide more cycles than lead-acid batteries. It makes them ideal for providing additional services to the grid. Lithium-ion batteries’ high charge and discharge efficiencies make them an excellent choice for solar systems.  

These batteries also lose less capacity when unused. That is very beneficial in solar installations where energy is only used occasionally. 

In Comparison, Which Battery Is Better?


The capacity of a solar battery simply describes its ability to store electrical power. Because of their heavier weight, lithium batteries have a higher degree than all other types of lead-acid batteries.  

To power a 5.1kW, you’ll need about 8 lead-acid batteries, whereas two lithium-ion solar batteries will suffice.  

Because lithium batteries have a higher energy density. They can be installed in difficult places because they can also fit more capacity into less space. Both nickel-cadmium and sodium nickel chloride have a broad capacity range.  

DoD (Depth Of Discharge)

The DoD of a solar battery is the usable portion of its capacity, and a DoD of at least 40% is recommended for optimal battery usage. Lead batteries have a DoD of 50%, whereas nickel-cadmium batteries have a DoD of 15%. 

Exceeding this limit before recharging reduces battery life. In contrast, lithium-ion and sodium nickel chloride solar batteries have an 80% DoD, implying a higher usable capacity. 

Warranty Of Solar Batteries

When deciding which solar battery to use in your system, consider its battery life as the best indicator of its ability to retain capacity. One charge cycle is the chargeback up from a discharge and is the primary determinant of battery lifespan.  

In addition, the number of cycles your solar battery will go through will be determined by the frequency with which it is used. This characteristic varies even for the same type of solar battery and is influenced by the battery’s depth of discharge.  

A warranty is always a good indicator of dependability in any brand or product, including solar batteries. 


The round-up efficiency is the difference between the available energy and the amount of energy used to charge a solar battery 

The higher a battery’s round-trip efficiency with the DoD, the better. Regarding 95% efficiency, lithium-ion solar batteries win because they have the most conversion rate from solar power.  

This means that depending on the configuration of your system, you may need to install fewer solar panels and batteries. 

Charge Rate

Another factor to consider when purchasing a solar battery is the charge rate. It indicates how quickly a battery will be recharged when connected to a charger. It is expressed in fractions like C/4 function capacity.  

With a charge rate of C/5, lead-acid solar batteries can take up to twice as long to charge as lithium-ion solar batteries, especially during peak hours.  

Lithium-ion batteries and flooded lead-acid are ideal for full-time, off-grid power at various levels of use. If you need a battery for a vacation home or somewhere you won’t spend much time during the year, a sealed lead-acid battery is your best bet. 

It has a low self-discharge rate and requires no maintenance. 

You must consider power outages when purchasing a battery solely for backup purposes. It will help determine how frequently you’ll need your grid supply throughout the year.  

A low-maintenance battery, such as a sealed lead-acid solar battery, will be more beneficial if only used a few times.  

However, after examining other comparisons, lithium-ion batteries are the correct choice. These batteries have better capacity, DoD, warranty, and charge rate.   

Considering these parameters, you can accurately plan and install your solar system. You can choose which type of solar battery is best for you based on your intended system use.  

What Is A Solar Charge Controller?

The solar charge controller is a device that connects your solar panels and batteries. The controller ensures that your batteries are not “overcharged.” Overcharging your batteries causes them to overheat and catch fire. 

A controller also determines how to properly charge your batteries by varying the flow of amps and voltage rate based on the battery manufacturer’s recommended specifications. 

The market is flooded with low-cost solar charge controllers. There are better places to cut corners. Spend a little more money on a high-quality solar charge controller. 

All batteries are replaced at some point. Therefore, you need to decide wisely on the storage system. You’ll need to spend more time researching if you buy expensive batteries. It will help manage them more to get the most out of them.  

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What Are The 4 Different Types Of Solar Batteries?

What Are The 4 Different Types Of Solar Batteries

Before getting a solar battery, you need to know the different types of solar batteries and their specifications. There are 4 different types of solar batteries available for you.  

Let’s get a background of solar batteries first!  

In summary, solar batteries store excess energy produced by solar panels. When energy output is low, you may use the excess energy to power your home. For example, you can use the sun’s energy on cloudy and rainy days or even after sunset.  

Using solar plus storage depends on various reasons like climate and topography to culture and way of life. Most people in Australia work during the day. Therefore, automatically they consume less energy during the daytime.  

But that’s when solar panels collect most sunlight to convert it to electricity. And that’s what demands the development of storage technology.  

Differences Between Solar Batteries and Regular Batteries

Solar batteries are specifically built to store and release renewable energy on demand. They are made with different materials than ordinary batteries to handle the slower charge/discharge rates associated with dependable solar energy sources. 

Traditional batteries have limited energy stored in a single cell, making speedy charging difficult. Solar batteries, on the other hand, have two or more cells and may provide electricity for a much longer period. 

Solar batteries can also be lead-acid, nickel-cadmium, or lithium-ion. Instead of a standard battery, a solar system will provide more energy over time and not leak heavy metals into the environment after completing its life cycle. 

Solar Battery Types

different types of solar batteries

Four primary types of batteries are used to store electricity from solar power systems. The following section summarizes commercially available technologies and information on each type. 

Lithium-ion Batteries

Maintenance of Lithium-ion batteries is relatively easy. These batteries have higher energy density than other batteries. That’s how they can store more energy in a smaller space. Li-ion batteries also have a longer life cycle. Most of the batteries are guaranteed at least ten years.  

However, one of the most significant downsides of lithium-ion batteries is their higher cost than other energy storage technologies.  

Furthermore, because of their chemistry, lithium-ion storage systems are more likely to catch fire due to a phenomenon known as thermal runaway.  

Although, if properly fitted, the chances of your battery catching fire are almost zero.  

Lithium-ion batteries are ideal for residential solar installations because they can store more energy in a smaller space and allow you to utilise more of the stored energy. 

Nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) Batteries

Nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) batteries are less popular than lead acid or lithium-ion batteries.   

These batteries first came into the market in the late 1800s. After the remodelling in the 1980s, they considerably boosted the energy they could store. Ni-Cd batteries are the most popular in the aircraft industry.  

The fundamental advantage of Ni-Cd batteries is their long life. They are also capable of operating at high temperatures. Furthermore, they are almost maintenance-free and do not require complex battery management systems. 

But Ni-Cd batteries are exceedingly poisonous because of cadmium. Consequently, cadmium use is prohibited in various countries. They are also vulnerable to the memory effect, which reduces their ability to keep a charge.  

But because of their endurance, Ni-Cd batteries are useful for large-scale applications such as utility solar energy storage.  

Flow Batteries

Flow batteries are a new technology in the energy storage industry. They contain a water-based electrolyte liquid between the battery’s two chambers or tanks.  

When charged, chemical reactions occur, allowing the energy to be stored. These batteries are becoming increasingly popular. 

Because of their larger size, they are more expensive than other batteries. The cost and size make it difficult for household use. 

One of the best features of flow batteries is their 100% depth of discharge. This means you can use all the energy in the battery without damaging its mechanism.  

Unfortunately, these are far more expensive than other types of batteries. They also have an insufficient storage capacity compared to other battery systems.  

Flow batteries serve better in large-scale systems. Because of how they work, they must be huge enough to hold any significant quantity of energy.  

Lead Acid Batteries

Lead acid batteries are the most tested and reliable technology in the solar battery industry. These deep-cycle batteries date back to the 1800s. And they’ve been able to stay because of their dependability.  

These batteries have been classified as flooded batteries and sealed batteries. Lead acid batteries are the least expensive energy storage, making them the most cost-effective. They are also trustworthy because of the long industry journey.  

To function correctly, flooded lead acid batteries require ventilation and maintenance. That increases the likelihood of the battery leaking. Also, their low depth of discharge (DoD) results in more frequent charging.  

They have a lifespan between 5 and 10 years because of their modest depth of discharge. Lead-acid batteries are ideal for off-grid solar systems and backup storage for a power outage. 

How to Choose the Best Solar Battery Type for You

The two main distinctions are the battery’s chemistry and whether it is AC or DC-coupled. Which battery is best depends on when you plan to install it, how frequently you plan to use it, and how much space you have. 

A lithium-ion battery is usually the best option for a residential solar installation. They can store more energy in less space, discharge most stored energy, and have high efficiency.  

Furthermore, because these are the most popular, many solar businesses can precisely and safely install a Li-ion solar battery.  

If you are on a tight budget, lead-acid batteries may be the ideal alternative. They have been used for decades and are cheap. 

Call Solar Emporium as your trusted solar contractor to determine which solar battery best matches your needs. Get a Free Quote Today!  

Costs of Solar Batteries

solar battery for excess energy

The type and size of the battery selected determine the cost of a solar battery or battery system. Lead-acid batteries have a lower initial price to the consumer than lithium-ion batteries.  

However, investing in a lithium-ion battery may save money in the long run, depending on how the batteries are used.  

Check out Solar Emporium’s lucrative solar storage packages! 

Depending on size and power, a single lead-acid battery can cost between $200 and $800. Although to keep a household fully powered, it may require multiple lead-acid batteries.  

On the other hand, a household lithium-ion solar battery system with installation costs between $7,000 and $14,000. 

Nickel-cadmium and flow battery prices vary depending on the size and scale of the installation. Because of the expense, durability, size, and stability in extreme temperatures, they are sometimes utilised in residential houses. But these are better suited for commercial and industrial environments. 

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