What is a Solar Inverter | Solar Inverter 101

what is a solar inverter
If you are looking forward to getting your own solar PV system, I’m sure you know by now that a solar system consists of at least two crucial pieces of mechanism. The first is the solar panel itself, and the second is a solar inverter. Solar panels are essentially silicon plates that can generate electricity if exposed to sunlight. (Read more on that- here)
So, what is a solar inverter? Simply put, solar inverters make it possible for us to use the solar power generated by the panels. Otherwise, solar panels only can provide us with DC (Direct Current) electricity which is not consumable by regular appliances. What solar inverters do is convert that DC electricity into AC (Alternating Current) electricity, which is a usable form of energy.
In-essence it converts DC to AC by rapidly shifting the direction of a DC input. A DC input becomes an AC output as a result. Filters and other electronics can also be used to provide a voltage that fluctuates as a clean, repeating sine wave and can be fed into the power grid.
solar inverter

A Little History of Solar Inverters

Solar inverters were around back in the 19th century, and it wasn’t popularized until the 20th century. Most of its major modifications and improvements were introduced later on. But if we were to credit someone for gifting this incredible technological piece of wonder to mankind, that would be Nikola Tesla. He was a famous scientist back in the day and still is a legend in scientific history.
Previously, rotational motors were used to alternate between connecting the DC source forward and backward. Today, transistors are used to construct electrical switches, which are solid-state devices with no moving components. Thus, a smoother operation with cooperatively less hassle.
If you have a home solar system, your inverter most likely serves multiple purposes. It can monitor the system and provide a portal for connection with computer networks (WIFI, ethernet) in addition to converting solar energy into AC electricity. If the system allows, solar-plus battery storage systems rely on modern inverters to run without any grid backup during outages.

Types of Solar Inverter

There are many types of solar inverters performing one core task while differing in their ways of achieving the goal and some additional benefits. Here is a brief discussion on several types of solar inverters –

String Inverter

String inverters are the most popular and oldest form of solar inverter. It is a simple type of solar inverter that connects all the solar panels in a single string to the inverter. In this category, ‘N’ numbers of solar panels are linked together in a series, with a single string connected to a single string inverter.
They are the most affordable type of solar inverter. With a system so straightforward, it is extremely easy to install and maintain the entire system.
string inverter
However, they have a drawback. Since all the solar panels are linked to the inverter via the same chord, the entire PV system’s performance deteriorates if a single panel faces shading issues. Also, your options for future expansion are limited with string inverters unless you buy a whole another inverter. In this case, upsizing the system and going for a larger capacity inverter is the smartest move.
Nevertheless, string inverters are tried, tested, and trusted by the majority of Australians.


This is a comparatively new-gen inverter that overcomes the hindrance of string inverters. Microinverters are small inverters that are installed at the back of each solar panel. This removes the threat of the entire string suffering from shading issues for a single panel and lets each solar panel work individually.
Like the regular inverter, it also performs the core task of converting DC to AC for us to use. Rather than converting the entire solar system, a microinverter converts DC to AC for a single panel. This ensures maximum power generation and elevated efficiency for the entire system combined.
micro inverter
Please note that microinverters are comparatively expensive. Because of their high efficiency and complicated mechanism, they are priced higher than other types of solar inverters. However, if you are a homeowner who is looking for the best outcome without worrying about the budget, you can give microinverters some serious consideration.

Hybrid Inverter

This is an extremely popular type of inverter among solar enthusiasts. If you live in an area that is notorious for frequent power outages or the sun exposure isn’t quite as reliable in your exact solar space, this one would be an ideal choice.
Hybrid inverters do connect in a series like your regular string inverter, but it works smartly. To paint a clearer picture, let us suppose you are generating about 600 watts of energy from your solar array but your load, or your need for the time being, is about 1000 watts. Your regular inverter would seek power from the external battery bank, and if that doesn’t suffice, it will take in electricity straight from the grid. However, that isn’t the most efficient choice.
What a hybrid inverter does is it takes in all it can from the panels and the battery bank, which is within the inverter itself, and then it goes out to seek power from the grid. Nothing is wasted; you only take however much you need. This way, you are less dependent on the grid, thus reducing your overall power bill.
solar inverters

Pro Tips

  • It is essential to go with a CEC-approved solar installer in order to enjoy the government schemes provided to you. The entire system must be on the CEC list of approval. Check for more information- here.
  • All of the solar inverts, no matter which brand, come with a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 years of guarantee. Some brands give you additional years with the help of external companies. Make sure to double-check your options.
Many popular solar inverters are available in the Australian market as we speak, such as – Fronius, Growatt, SolaX, Sungrow, ABB, SMA, GoodWe, SolarEdge, etc.
Before you go on and make the purchasing decision for any of these, make sure you have talked with a solar expert. There are many underlying factors that aren’t generic but specific to your house. With proper inspection, those factors can be determined and catered for.
Experts in the solar industry can help you with your solar journey, so if you want help navigating your solar experience, hit the get help button below.

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How Many Solar Panels Do I Need?

how many solar panels do i need
Solar panels are a scientific marvel that allows us to cut down on our ever-increasing electricity bills while becoming self-sufficient in all of our energy needs. It also contributes to a reduction in fossil fuel consumption, which is notoriously known for contributing to GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions.
All that sounds amazing; now it’s time to make some decisions before getting solar panels for your rooftop. How many solar panels do I need, you might be wondering this right about now. Don’t worry I am here to help.
Please know that there is no one set number of solar panels that will suffice for every household. One might need more, and someone else might need only a few solar panels.
Also, the dimension of the panels isn’t exactly the determining factor of how much energy they will generate; rather, it’s the unit watt. Each panel is capable of generating a set watt of energy, and together, a whole solar system is able to generate energy in kilowatts. Your solar panel system will create between 3 and 5 kWh (kilowatt hour) of clean, renewable energy per day for each kilowatt.
solar panel

Solar Panel Size Determining Factors- How Many Panels Do I Need?

What size solar panel system you need will depend on the below factors –

Your Usual Energy Consumption

Suppose you are someone who has a lot of power-hungry appliances and uses them fairly regularly; it’s apparent that you will need a lot of electricity. Air conditioners, hot water systems, washing machines, and ovens to name a fewer considered power-hungry appliances.
The question is, how often and for how long do you use them? Also, different capacities and sizes of devices require more or less energy. A mini-fridge certainly won’t use as much electricity as a double-door one, so that’s something to keep in mind.
Now, rather than going into bits and pieces like calculating how much energy each thing in your house requires, I suggest you look at your electricity bill. If you look carefully, you will see there is a tab for ‘average daily energy use’ in your monthly bill where your consumption is stated in kilowatt hours (kWh). Note down this number and make a yearly average to know how many kWh of energy you consume to determine your solar system size.
The whole process is not as simple as it sounds; that’s why we suggest you seek help from a solar expert to figure out the exact numbers.
solar panel and battery package

Future Proofing – Should I Upsize my System?

If you have plans to expand your household, you must plan accordingly. Solar panels are such technology that lasts about 25 to 30 years. You have to look past your current situation and think about where you see yourself in 5 to 10 years from now. If there is a chance for you to extend your family, for sure your energy needs will increase too. So, future proofing is indeed necessary to be able to make the most out of your investment.
Does that mean there is no way to add more solar panels in the future if needed? That is certainly not the case; however, the newly added solar panels may come with a new set of issues that were not accounted for at the time of initial installation.
Allow me to elaborate.
When I say solar panels generate energy, I mean solar panels generate one form of energy that later needs to be converted into another for us to use it practically.
Solar panels generate DC (direct current) current, whereas our appliances run on AC (alternating current) current. This conversion is done by a solar inverter that has a capacity for conversion. A solar inverter can only convert a certain kW amount of energy beyond which you cannot get AC current no matter how large of a solar panel system you have. (More on the topic – Click here)
Of course, a larger solar PV system will require an inverter of equal power, but adding more solar panels, later on will mean you’ll need to get another inverter to cater to a smaller array of systems. Ultimately you lose money. So, that means if you see that you might be needing extra energy in the future, upsize your solar at the time of installation.
solar panel battery

Would You Need Solar Batteries?

An average Australian household consumes the most amount of energy in the early morning and at night. The irony is solar panels work at their maximum capacity between 12 to 3 pm, during which most people are not at home. But you will still manage by importing electricity from the grid at peak hours.

Depending on what is your expectation from your solar PV system, you’ll decide how many solar panels you would need on your rooftop. If you want to lower your electricity bill, not having a storage system isn’t a terrible choice (assuming you live in a place with fewer power outage issues and a grid nearby and your power needs are moderate).

However, if you want to be self-reliant at all times, a storage unit is the way to go. In that case, you would need to upsize your rooftop solar system so that you can store a substantial amount of energy to use at will.
Including these aspects, there are a lot more other things to figure out and factor in. Figuring all these out by yourself is a challenging task. If you have any further questions or need some help, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are CEC (Clean Energy Council) approved solar installers with more than 10 years of experience in the field. Get in touch with us today to take advantage of a FREE consultation session with one of our experienced solar experts.

Our Solar Experts are here to Help!

How Long do Solar Panels Last

How long do solar panels last
Solar panels are the ideal vessel for harnessing the power of our solar system’s solitary star, the sun. This ‘magical’ silicon plate catches the sunlight and turns it into usable energy, allowing us to light up our home and power all of our electric appliances.

 Just like a good investment, you receive a payback in the long run, and that is exactly the case with a good PV system.

In order to receive a strong ROI (Return on Investment), the solar panels have to last for a long period of time. If you are wondering how long solar panels last on average, the answer is about 25 to 30 years. Some last even longer!
how long do solar panels last in australia

Why Solar is Considered an 'Investment'

Let me give you an example that you may relate to without getting into too much detail. I’m going to compare your solar investments to the average savings bank account to give you a quick rundown on how excellent of an investment a solar PV system is.

A typical household solar panel system which is around 6.6kW would cost approximately $7000 to install, assuming government rebates are available at the time. Consider putting the same amount of money into a personal savings account.
According to mozo, a typical savings account will pay you a maximum rate of interest of roughly 1.60 percent per annum. At the same time, the solar system stated above would save you at least $1,000 per year on your energy bills. (This minimum estimation came from a previously commissioned project of solar emporium)
Let’s suppose your well-designed solar system has a lifespan of around 20 years. So, against your savings of $7000 at a 1.60% interest p.a rate, you get an annual return of $112, which accumulates to $9240 in 20 years. (Includes initial Investment without compounding).
In contrast, you get to save a whopping $1000 on energy bills per annum with solar that accumulates to $20,000 in 20 years. That’s a difference of $10,760!

With this extra amount of savings, think of things you could do. You can enjoy a nice family holiday or get that shed finally fixed or renovate your house and so much more! Regardless, it’s always a treat to have savings no matter what you choose to do with them. With solar power you will be generating guaranteed savings in the coming years, so indeed it is an investment.

how much do solar panels cost

Know This Before You Expect the Solar Panels to Last 25 Years

Not just any and every solar panel on the face of the earth would serve you for 25 years. There are some factors that you need to keep in mind before investing in solar. By sticking to these rules, you can ensure 25 years of service out of your rooftop solar. These are-

Make Sure You Choose a Good Brand

That is to say, prior to installation, research the brand of solar panels you intend to install on your rooftop. There are several alternatives available, each with equally tempting price points and packages. In the end, however, the quality of the panels and their efficiency are the most important factors. A good brand has obviously gained that reputation over the years by providing good service; that’s a rule of thumb.
Also, please make sure the PV panel itself is approved by the CEC (Clean Energy Council) because without CEC-approved products, you cannot claim any available government rebates.

Installation & Installers Matter

Not just the panels you install but also who installs them and how they’re mounted on your roof have a big effect on how long your PV system lasts. A good installation job will ensure that you get the desired return on investment.
Without a good installation job, your panels might not yield as much energy as they have the potential to. They may also sustain permanent damage, which will cost you money in the long term. For that reason, you should choose a CEC-approved, competent solar installer like yours truly.

Some Tips and Tricks to a Longer Lasting Solar life

It’s the small things in life that account for the biggest changes. For your PV panels to last a long time, you can follow these tips & tricks and yield the most out of them.

Keep Your Panels Clean

You don’t have to clean your solar panels on a regular basis, although it certainly helps. Make sure there isn’t a lot of dust or dirt on your panels because this might create shading issues. And it’s pretty easy for the panels to get dirty; however, it’s even easier to get them clean. You can do it yourself once every couple of months or call for expert help.
solar panel cleaning

Monitor and Maintain

Keep a close eye on your solar system. There are many applications and EMS (energy monitoring system) that keeps track of the whole ordeal. All you have to do is keep track of any sudden and unexpected changes so that you can respond promptly. Solar panels last longer when you remain alert and informed of their present situation.
Remember, we should make a concerted effort to transition to solar power in order to lessen our carbon footprint. At the end of the day, it’s all about survival, and these modest efforts are what will save us from almost certain self-destruction.
That brings us to the end of today’s discussion! Please feel free to reach out if you would like to book a free consultation session with one of our solar experts and discuss your options. All you have to do is just fill out the form below-

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Solar Panels are the Future of Energy

Solar Panels are the Future of Energy
The assertion that as time passes, the world’s population demands more and more energy to meet their daily requirements is without argument. The increasing energy demands mean more electricity production (from mostly coal), and that results in greater carbon emissions, which ultimately poses a threat to our very existence in the long run.
To be more specific renewable energy is the answer and the most attainable option that we can implement at the moment. There are many sources of renewable energy, among which we are going to focus on solar energy for today’s topic.
Solar panels are the future of energy, let’s explain below.

Why Solar?

The sun, the center of our solar system, is a 4.6 billion year old star filled with helium and hydrogen gas that burns and emits light while generating energy. So much energy that, if captured correctly, an hour’s worth of sunlight can power the entire earth for a whole year! This source of energy is free, does not pollute the environment and is not going to run out anytime soon. All we need to harness the power of the sun are solar panels.
solar panels

Solar Panels- the Future of Energy

The first commercial solar panel was constructed in 1881 by American inventor Charles Fritts, who described it as “continuous, consistent, and of enormous force not only through exposure to sunshine but also to faint, dispersed daylight.” However, when compared to coal-fired power facilities, these solar panels were inefficient.
At the present date, we have commercial solar panels, which are efficient to the point they are able to yield 23% of the received sunlight into usable energy at maximum. Twenty three percent might not seem like a lot, but trust me, it is, as I have already mentioned how just an hour worth of sunlight can power the world for a year!
Here are some more reasons why solar panels are the future of energy

Solar Panels are Usable Everywhere

Solar panels are thin, comparatively lightweight, and easy to install, they can be used anywhere by anyone in any situation. No matter where you live, an electric grid connection may not reach you, but solar will. Solar panels are versatile, and in an off the grid household, people choose solar to power their household because that gives the user the power to self-sustain.
Not only it’s beneficial for those who choose to go off the grid, but also for those who live in an area away from any grid connection that makes financial sense.
Don’t forget that the installation of a source of clean energy is also a point that should be noted. PV systems can be easily installed on the rooftop, whereas that’s not the case for hydropower or wind power. Granted that hydropower is a massive source of energy, but these shortcomings make solar panels a lot more desirable.

One of our recently installed off grid solar projects.

Solar Panel Prices are Dropping

Installing solar on your rooftop is an investment that takes years to pay for itself. However, the prices for solar panels, ultimately the solar system, are falling because of the invention of newer technologies and a better grasp of the process.
Scientists from the University of New South Wales have predicted that by the year 2023, the cents-per-watt price of solar modules will be down by fifty percent of what it is at the moment. To put it into perspective, in 2021-22, the average wholesale price of energy in NSW was $72/MWh, with solar PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements) it will be averaging around $40-$50/MWh. For more information – Click here.
On top of the actual price drop, there are many government initiatives that make solar energy a whole lot more desirable. Such as government rebates and interest-free loans.
solar panel installation

Carbon Emission Free Energy Production

Around 90% of the world’s carbon emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels, and energy production accounts for most of Australia’s emissions, followed by transportation, agriculture, and industrial operations. Australia released 499 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, according to the December 2020 report. The main culprit behind such immense pollution is coal energy, and to aid the situation; solar energy comes to the rescue.
Solar panels convert the sunlight into DC (direct current) current, which gets used by the household in another form. The entire process does not emit any greenhouse gasses. This doesn’t require any additional maintenance if installed correctly. If you are interested, here’s a detailed article on how solar panels work- click here.
By adapting to the greener alternatives for power generation, Australia managed to lower the total carbon emission by 5.3% in 2021. (Source)
To conclude, there is no doubt that solar energy is a blessing for the human race, that has the potential to help us self-sustain in the long run, without producing any greenhouse gasses. The future of solar energy is bright, but we still have a long way to go.
If you would like to explore your options and take early advantage of the rooftop solar, fill out the form below, and one of our solar experts will reach out to you shortly.

Our Solar Experts are here to Help!

How Solar Panels Work Step by Step

science behind solar panels
The science of solar panels is a bit confusing for the most part. However, understanding how a piece of glass can generate enough electricity to power a whole community is an achievement.
Let’s look at how solar panels work.
Solar panels are essentially strategically designed silicon plates that can generate electricity when exposed to sunlight. Well, this may not be an accurate illustration, but this is how solar panels work from a broader point of view.
It’s okay if you have not quite gotten the idea yet. In the below article, I will explain how solar panels work, step by step. Stay tuned.
Before I get into the details, it’s essential for you to first understand how solar panels are made.
Otherwise, the rest won’t make sense. So, on that note, here is a short explanation-

The Science Behind Solar Panels

Solar panels are made of silicone, the most abundant semiconductor on the entire planet. Silicon is perfect for manufacturing solar cells because of its remarkable electrical, optical, thermal, and environmental properties. Along with its accessibility and competitive price point, it’s a wise choice for solar panels.
Also, in order for the solar panels to work, the semiconductor used in the panels has to be the one that has the most light-absorbing nature, as well as must be able to withstand different weather.
Silicone ticks all the boxes in this department.
How solar panels work
You might have noticed that I called silicone a semiconductor. In case you are not familiar with what a semiconductor is, let me explain. In broader terms, it’s a type of material that has the ability to easily conduct and keep a steady flow of electricity. The semiconductors are made of two separate regions (p-type and n-type), which together make a p-n junction to keep that steady flow of electricity.
Now that you understand the material and its ability, I will now explain how solar panels work.

Step-by-step How Solar Panels Work

Step 1: Sunlight Hits the Solar Panels – Generates Electricity

You already know that PV panels are made of silicone which is a semiconductor. So, when the sunlight hits the silicon panels, it triggers a photovoltaic effect. Sunlight is a form of energy, and photons (light particles) are powerful enough to break an intracellular bond between electrons and the nucleus. When such a powerful source of energy comes in contact with a semiconductor, in this case, silicone made solar panels, the electrons within are set in motion.
Within the p-n junction area in a semiconductor, the electrons residing in the n-type region start their journey to the p-type region, which is one-directional. This flow of electrons is what we popularly known as electricity.
So, in step one, the solar panels generate electricity.

Step 2: Inverter Converts the Electricity into a Usable Energy

The electricity generated by the panels in the first step is DC (Direct Current) current. It’s not a form of energy that can be consumed by household appliances because it’s one-directional. That’s where the inverter comes into action. It converts DC to AC (Alternating Current) current, which is a usable form of energy for the house.
It’s an essential step in the process without which solar panels wouldn’t be usable.

Step 3: Distribution Through the Switchboard

After the conversion from DC to AC, the entire flow gets connected to a switchboard. It’s like a control panel of the solar ship that routes electricity to where it needs to be. There is no direct routing of energy from the inverter to all the individual appliances of the house; that’s not how solar energy works. In the electrical panel, the energy gets distributed into separate circuits.

Step 4: Utility Meter Rundown

Now that all the installation process is done, you are required to install a bi-directional utility meter that will keep records of your energy consumption. In case you are connected to the grid, the utility meter will keep track of how much electricity you are importing or exporting to and from the grid.
how solar panels work step-by-step

Step 5: Your Own Tracking System

Just like it’s important to track the grid consumption, it’s as equally if not more important to keep track of how much electricity your solar panels generate. For that, there are many EMS (Energy Monitoring System) available in the market. Through them, you can understand the pattern of your energy consumption and tweak changes here and there for a better outcome.

Step 6: Energy Storage- Solar Batteries

In case your solar system generates more electricity than you need, you have two options. One- is to export the surplus of energy back into the grid and two, is to store it in storage units, solar batteries.
If you decide to keep the surplus in batteries, you can use it at any time during the night without any ifs or buts. In my opinion, it’s a convenience that seems more desirable in the current situation of rising energy prices.

Points to be Noted

  • The amount of electricity generated by the solar panels depends on the positioning of the panels, the type of the panels, the number of panels, and so much more.
  • Depending on how much electricity is generated, you will have to choose an inverter accordingly.
  • Only CEC (Clean Energy Council) approved installers and products will make you an eligible candidate for government-provided rebates. (We are CEC approved)
I have explained to you how solar panels work. Although, there is so much more to know about the process and to understand it at its core. If you are interested in knowing more about the process, we can set you up with one of our CEC approved solar experts for a free consultation session.
All you have to do is fill up the form below!

Our Solar Experts are here to Help!

How Solar Panels Are Installed?

how solar panels are installed
As a homeowner in a rising energy market, making the decision to embrace green energy can be an effective way to not only manage your electricity pricing but also do your part for the environment, lets take a deep dive into how solar panels are installed.
Another key benefit of choosing green energy is the current renewable energy rebates and financing options our government now provides to both VIC and NSW residents.
The Australian government wants to ensure that it is doing its part for the environment and intern assisting in making the switch to renewable energy sources or green energy.
Now that you have made the decision to install solar panels, let’s look at how solar panels are installed.
how are solar panels installed

We have put together a step-by-step guide on how solar panels are installed below:

Step 1: Inspecting the Site and Conducting a Survey

Before the installers even begin with anything, they need to inspect the space first and ask some questions. These are some of the questions an experienced solar installer would ask:
  • What roof is on your house?
  • What direction does the roof face?
  • Is the roof the only space that has the potential for maximum power generation upon installation?
  • What are your power consumption needs?
  • How many solar panels are needed to generate the expected amount of energy?
  • How many PV panels can the roof successfully hold on to?
  • What is the best angle for space taking the geographical position into consideration?
  • What are you prepared to spend?
This process of getting to know the space gets done well before the solar panels’ installation day. A thorough examination of the site helps the solar installers to come up with an appropriate plan of action.

Step 2: Marking Out the Territory

In this next step, the installers mark out the roof to know exactly where to install the mounting brackets as well as the solar panels. Getting to know the roof and its holding capacity is the key here. Typically, it is the roof where the panels get installed; however, a separate mounting space can also be chosen if the demand arises and the space accommodates. Process-wise, it’s not that far off from a typical roof-mounted solar system.
solar panel installation

Step 3: Drilling the Holes or Not & Getting it All Ready

The installer will drill all the necessary holes to get the power cords in the house. These will connect the solar panels to the solar inverters that need to be tucked away in a space that is away from direct sunlight.
Note that different types of roofs require a different mounting system. If you have hired a highly qualified and experienced installer, they will know what’s your best bet. In order to always be on the safe side, hire people who are approved by the CEC (Clean Energy Council), such as yours truly.
Most installers will install a racking system instead of a direct mount. The racking system leaves much more room for later adjustment as the rails mounted provide installers the freedom to slide the panels down the rails. Once the most effective position is found, they get locked down to their perfect placement for a more secure installation job.
solar panels

Step 4: The Installation of Solar Panels

This is the step where all the solar panels finally get mounted onto the roof. All the wires are set to be in their positions and connected. Some houses do not allow for the panels to get directly connected to the main switchboard where the metering process occurs. In those situations, a separate sub-board is needed.
Please note that some installers do not offer a consumption meter with the package, which is technically not within the commitment. Without a consumption meter, there is unlikely a way for you to know how much solar power you are using and when you are using it.
To make the whole system work in sync, you would also need a CT coil wrapped around the cables so that you know the amount of energy flowing in all directions.

Step 5: Don't Forget the Inverter

Till step 4, it is pretty much about how solar panels are installed. However, we can’t really forget about the inverter, which is the key to all the magic.
The type of energy generated by the panels cannot be consumed by the appliances directly; they need to go through an inverter that makes the energy consumable for your house.
To tell you more accurately, the DC power generated by the panels gets converted to AC by the inverter, which is a usable form of energy.
Do you want to know more about different brands of solar inverters? Simply follow the link to our detailed review of famous brands that you can choose from – Click here.
installing solar panels
There is a lot of information you need to keep in mind when purchasing solar; if you’re unsure about the process, please reach out to an experienced solar provider to assist you with the correct information.
The Solar Emporium team is a qualified, experienced, and loyal group of individuals who have made it a priority from day one to serve nothing but the best to our customers. We do everything in our power to make the best cost-effective choices for our clients, and not only that, we try to stay connected throughout their solar journey for a smoother experience.
If you would like further information on any of the above information or have any questions on solar, please don’t hesitate to contact us on (1300 063 350)

Our Solar Experts are here to Help!

All About Solar Batteries in Australia

Solar Batteries
It’s been forever since Australia is facing the critical issue of energy price hikes. In order to aid that wound, the government is also trying to compensate with several schemes, encouraging common people to switch to renewable energy sources. But there’s always a new level of reach to up our savings; getting solar batteries is one of them. They help you store energy from the grid or from your renewable sources so that you can enjoy higher savings at a lower price point & reduce your carbon footprint simultaneously.
Still, you have to consider how expensive these batteries are and calculate your ROI to see if they are worth the investment. In this article, I am going to address the adjacent factors to help you make an informed and sound decision.
solar batteries

Why Should You Get Batteries? Are Batteries Improving?

Before I answer why you should consider getting solar batteries, allow me to elaborate on how they have been improving over the past decade.

Yes, lithium ion batteries (the most common type used for solar energy storage) are improving, in terms of capacity, energy density, life-cycle, etc.. Also, increases in the amount of energy they can store have been on the rise of 5% per annum. That implies your present batteries have a capacity that is more than 1.5 times that of a decade ago. The new and improved batteries allow you to enjoy their benefits in a convenient space, and there has been significant improvement in thermal management that needs to get addressed.

Even better news for you because Australia is the world’s largest producer and exporter of lithium. Sure enough, there is reason for you to be hopeful; however, most of the raw material gets exported, but there are companies like sonnenBatterie who’re utilizing such blessings to make batteries a little more accessible to you.
Solar Batteries
With a significant rise of the energy prices, common people are opting for a renewable source of energy which is the smartest move to make here. But to take that up a notch, batteries are important. In comparison to the low feed-in-tariff, only allowed in certain states, it’s definitely beneficial to store the surplus at your disposal, generated by your solar panels.
Also, using the grid power to charge up your batteries to use at night when the unit price is high is a good option. But I completely understand if you are questioning getting solar batteries because of the high upfront cost, which makes you wonder if they are worth the investment.
Solar Batteries
Sourcing lithium, which is apparent that it is the main ingredient of lithium batteries, has not been a simple path. The cost at which this has to be sourced, especially a greener way of doing so, is not easy to manage, and scientists all around the globe have been looking for greener options.
So, to tell you the truth, there is no black and white answer to this question if you should consider getting solar batteries. Consider the above-mentioned factors and get to know your energy usage pattern in detail first. Then evaluate if getting an expensive solar battery is worth it or not.

Are Batteries Made in Australia?

There are only a few companies which are currently manufacturing in Australia. Companies like Century Yuasa Batteries Pty Ltd, Sonnen Australia Pty Limited, Enersys Australia Pty Ltd, Exide Technologies, Robert Bosch (Australia) Pty Ltd are the key players in the Australian battery market. But Australia has so much more potential when it comes to this sector. There are strong barriers as well to be addressed, which are a lacking supply chain, negative environmental impact, high labor cost, etc.
Lithium is produced and exported in considerable quantities in Australia. It is the most significant component in the production of energy storage and electric car batteries. However, the majority of the lithium is shipped as spodumene concentrate, which must be processed further to use them at all. Several Australian mining corporations are collaborating with international businesses to commercialize lithium extraction and improve operations in Australia, with the goal of producing battery-grade lithium.
australian made

As the worldwide focus on ethically and sustainably produced minerals heats up, Australian firms are increasingly looking at how to recover resources for battery storage. A number of Australian organisations are moving forward with promising proposals ranging from recovering storage materials from tailings (basically mining waste) to developing scalable, efficient, and ecological recycling techniques, as well as low-emission lithium extraction.

Governments Initiatives to Make Battery Installation Easier for You

What if I told you there is an ongoing rebate on solar batteries to end all the debate at once about them being expensive? Yes, there is an ongoing rebate for the Victorians on solar battery installation upon meeting specific criteria. If you are a Victorian, then you can enjoy a $3500 solar home rebate on top of all the savings that you’ll be getting through your existing solar panels.
Solar Batteries
Lily D’Ambrosio, the Minister for Solar Homes, stated the government’s amendments mean consumers won’t have to wait until they have solar panels installed to get the battery incentive.
Over 4,000 Victorians have already taken advantage of the excellent opportunity. This government project is worth over $1.3 billion, revolutionizing the solar battery storage game for the foreseeable future of the Victorians. Nevertheless, I must give you a much-needed reminder that this rebate is not going to last forever.
Also, there is a strict benchmark set by the government that you have to reach before being eligible to enjoy this golden opportunity. Click HERE to know how you can be eligible for this rebate.
“This change will make it easier for more households to reap the benefits of combining a battery with solar PV as part of their home energy system.”

– Lily D’Ambrosio, Minister, Solar Homes.

Solar Batteries
Fret not, my fellow Welshmen; there are amazing opportunities for you too. The NSW government is not falling behind in serving their people because they also have introduced an interest-free loan facility of up to $14,000 for a PV and battery combo and up to $9000 for home battery installation with an existing PV system. In both cases, the interest-free loan is repayable in over a range of terms up to 8 & 9 years, respectively. To know if you are eligible to benefit from this scheme, follow this LINK.
Solar Batteries
On that note, a key point should be addressed that we should not be stuck in myopia. Not only installation benefits but also to help the Australian battery industry reach its true potential, the government has to encourage and support it in every shape and form.
To this date, Australia is focusing strongly on mining rather than manufacturing batteries due to lack of expertise, higher cost, lack of incentives, and proper supply chain infrastructure. Grid-scale battery deployment has received considerable backing from the Federal Government’s primary renewable finance entities, ARENA (Australian Renewable Energy Agency) and the CEFC (Clean Energy Finance Corporation). Lithium mining initiatives have also been sponsored by the CEFC. However, they have not made the midstream industry a priority.

By 2030 Battery Industry Could Add 34,700 jobs for Aussies

In these trying times, after the whole world has been severely hit by the pandemic, the battery industry can help save thousands of lives by creating more jobs. In a recent report, it was shown that the battery industry of Australia has the potential to add $1.3 billion to our GDP. This magnificent growth comes only from mining the raw materials, which are abundant in our lands. If we take advantage of our fortunate situation and start manufacturing, then $7.4 million in gross value can be successfully added to the economy.
Solar Batteries

What Does the Future Hold for Solar Batteries?

The future of solar batteries is shining bright, like a diamond, just like Rihanna once said! LOL. All jokes aside, there is a latent demand for it. Thus scientists are researching for a better and economical way to tackle the rising demand. Sure enough, we are heading towards a future where people will opt for renewable sources of energy more. And when the switch happens, we will be in a place where batteries will hopefully be accessible to the mass.

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