Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

  • We respect your privacy
    • Solar Emporium respects your right to privacy and is committed to afeguarding the privacy of our customers and website visitors. We adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). This policy sets out how we collect and treat your personal information.
    • “Personal information” is information we hold which is identifiable as being about you.
  • Collection of personal information
    • Solar Emporium will, from time to time, receive and store personal information you enter into our website, provided to us directly or given to us in other forms.
    • You may provide basic information such as your name, phone number, address and email address to enable us to send information, provide updates and process your product or service order. We may collect additional information at other times, including but not limited to when you provide feedback; when you provide information about your personal or business affairs; change your content or email preference; respond to surveys and/or promotions; provide financial or credit card information; communicate with our customer support.
    • Additionally, we may also collect any other information you provide while interacting with us.
  • How we collect your personal information
    • Solar Emporium collects personal information from you in a variety of ways, including when you interact with us electronically or in person, when you access our website and when we provide our services to you. We may receive personal information from third parties. If we do, we will protect it as set out in this Privacy Policy.
  • Use of your personal information
    • Solar Emporium may use personal information collected from you to provide you with information, updates and our services. We may also make you aware of new and additional products, services and opportunities available to you. We may use your personal information to improve our products and services so that we better understand your needs.
  • Communication
    •  Solar Emporium uses personally identifiable information for essential communications such as e-mails, sms, accounts information and critical service details. We may also use this information for other purposes, including promotional e-mails. If at any time a customer wishes not to receive such correspondence, you can request to be removed from any mailing lists by emailing us at

      You will be notified when your personal information is collected by any third party that is not our agent/service provider so that you can make an informed choice as to whether or not you wish to share your information with that party.

      Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program. Under the Victorian Energy Upgrade (VEU) program, Solar Emporium adheres to the telemarketing guidelines introduced from 1 May 2024. 

      Solar Emporium will always seek consent to contact a client via telephone for telemarketing purposes in the form of an online form submission. Consent for a telephone call lasts, unless otherwise specified, for 90 days from the date of enquiry, or withdrawn prior to this date. During this time Solar Emporium may contact the customer via the supplied telephone number, to discuss energy efficient upgrades that relate to the initial enquiry.

      Withdrawing consent can be done anytime:

      1, By calling 1300 063 350 and speaking to our Customer Support team

      2, At any stage during a telephone call with a team member of Solar Emporium

      3, Via emailing 

      By completing an online enquiry form you are automatically ‘opted-in’ to receiving marketing from Solar Emporium, however you can ‘opt-out’ at any time.

Solar Terms and Condition

Solar Terms & Conditions




  1. This Agreement and/or the Order Form govern the supply of Solar PV (the products) and installation of same by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD to the Customer named in the schedule.
  2. The agreement is governed by the laws of the Australian States and Territories in which the Premises are located, and each party irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts. The Customer’s rights under the warranty sit alongside the customer guarantees, which are required under ACL and cannot be excluded.
  3. By entering into this agreement with you, we agree to comply with the Clean Energy Council’s Code of Conduct.
  4. In the interpretation of this agreement, unless the contrary intention appears:
  5. headings are for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation of this agreement;
  6. the words “includes” or “including” will not limit whatever follows;
  7. a reference to a person includes a reference to a corporation, firm, association, or other entity, and vice versa; the singular includes the plural and vice versa; a reference to any gender includes a reference to all other genders;
  8. a reference to any legislation includes a reference to any modification or re-enactment of that legislation; and
  9. where an expression is defined, another part of speech or grammatical form of that expression has a corresponding meaning.




  1. Each order constitutes an offer by the Customer to SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD to purchase Solar PV and the Installation of the Solar PV and is subject to acceptance by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD. Any Order accepted by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD shall constitute a binding agreement between the Customer and SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD on the terms of this agreement.
  2. If a site-specific full system design is not provided with the contract, it will be a deliverable of the contract and
  3. this information will be provided before the expiry of the cooling-off period; and
  4. the consumer is entitled to a full refund upon request if s/he do not consent to the site-specific full system design and performance estimate upon receipt of this information.




  1. Customer can cancel the order within 10 business days cooling-off period.
  2. No installation will take place during this cooling-off period.
  3. If the Customer wants to cancel after this cooling-off period, the initial deposit will be forfeited unless it is covered under ADDITIONAL EXPANSES or REFUND terms.



  1. The Customer shall not vary or cancel an order or change the Installation Date without the written consent of SOLAR EMPORIUM.
  2. If SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD does elect to accept variations to the order, the Customer shall pay for any variations to the order at rates specified by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD, which shall be in addition to the price.
  3. In case of any variation from the original, SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD and Customer both need to sign a variation contract.
  4. The Customer may, however, by written notice to SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD, cancel an order for the Products prior to installation:
  5. under the circumstances agreed mutually; or
  6. if the Products are not installed within 6 months of the Customer placing an order
  7. If the Customer cancels an order for the Products, then subject to the Customer having complied with its obligations under this Agreement, SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD will provide a full refund to the Customer of all amounts paid prior to cancellation.
  8. SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD may, at its sole and absolute discretion, by written notice to the Customer, cancel an order and/or terminate this agreement at any time prior to installation of the Products, and for any reason whatsoever.
  9. Upon such termination, and subject to the Customer having complied with its obligations under this Agreement, SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD will pay a full refund to the Customer of amounts paid prior to such cancellation or termination.



  1. If the original Products ordered by the Customer, are not available at the time of installation, the Customer agrees that SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD may substitute an item or component of equivalent or better specifications to the component that the Customer originally purchased. In such instances, SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD will inform the Customer prior to the installation date and request for approval in writing beforehand. If the Customer does not agree with the proposed substitution, SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD will reschedule the installation with the original products or delivery of the original products when they are available.
  2. SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD shall not be liable to the Customer to make good any loss or damage, whether arising directly or indirectly, as a result of any ensuing delay in delivery that is properly communicated.



  1. All prices charged by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD are subject to change with prior notice and, unless otherwise specified, are exclusive of any GST. SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD price lists or price catalogues do not constitute an offer by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD to supply any item set out in the price lists or price catalogues at the listed price.
  2. Unless the Customer has been approved for Credit in writing by a finance company, the Customer must pay to SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD:
  3. the 10% Deposit, upon receiving the full proposal document and System Performance Estimate (SPE)
  4. the balance due on installation completed or specified in the payment schedule
  5. All payments by the Customer are to be made in cash, Credit Cards, Bank Cheques or other cleared funds.
  6. The Customer must also pay to SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD at the same time the price is payable GST, and all other applicable taxes, duties, levies, penalties and any other government charges payable in relation to the supply of Products or provision of Services (which have not been included in the price) on demand by SOLAR EMPORIUM.
  7. If the Customer defaults in the payment of any sum of money due to SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD, SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD may charge interest at the current Victorian Penalty Rate calculated daily until the date of payment and SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD may cancel any orders in existence (without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD).
  8. The Customer must make all payments to SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD required by this agreement without set-off, deduction or counterclaim, and the Customer agrees that the interest rate nominated is in the circumstances fair and reasonable.
  9. If the payment is not paid within 10 business days after Installation, SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD keeps the right to pass the debt to a debt recovery agency, and the Customer is liable for any additional changes from the debt recovery agency.



  1. If the Customer assigns the right to create the STCs on the installation of eligible system, it is regarded as a sale for GST purposes.
  2. If the Customer is not registered or required to be registered for GST, then the assignment will not be subject to GST.
  3. Where the assignment leads to price offsetting, the GST consequences of purchasing the system and assigning the STCs need to be considered separately.



  1. If the Customer has been approved for Credit, payment must be made to SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD within 10 days of invoice, or another such period, if any, as agreed in writing by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD.



  1. The Customer is advised (where relevant in the state of installation), before a contract is signed, that:
  2. the Customer requires approval from their distributor to connect a solar PV system to the electricity grid (“grid connection approval”); and
  3. the relevant paperwork must be completed and submitted prior to installation.
  4. In the scenario where a customer takes responsibility for obtaining grid connection approval, and the application is rejected where the contract has already been signed, the Customer is entitled to the return of all sums of money paid minus reasonable expenses incurred by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD to the point of termination of the contract.
  5. In case the Customer authorises SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD to prepare and submit the documentation required for grid connection approval and the application is rejected where the contract has already been signed, the Customer is entitled to a full refund.



  1. SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD will endeavour to arrange the installation:
  2. If you are within a 50 kms radius from the GPO in an Australian Capital City or Major Metro Area – within 4 to 6 weeks, following notification of grid connection approval; or
  3. if you are in any other area – within 8 to 12 weeks, following notification of grid connection approval.
  4. battery installations may take up to 12 weeks for all regions, following notification of grid connection approval.
  5. The Customer acknowledges that the Installation Date is an estimate only and should SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD be unable to install the Products by the Installation Date due to unforeseen circumstances outside of our control, then:
  6. The Installation date shall be extended by any reasonable amount of time deemed necessary by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD, and the Customer will be notified as soon as the changed scenario is determined; and/or
  7. SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD may at its sole discretion cancel any Order, in which case any amounts paid to SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD by the Customer shall be refunded.



  1. The installation will be conducted by our “CEC” accredited installer.
  2. If any brand is not available or shortages in market will delay Installation, and the Customer will be notified in a written format.
  3. Any product SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD cannot install but the Customer already charged for will be refunded.
  4. If the original order form is overquoted or underquoted, it will be adjusted by signing a variation contract prior to installation.




  1. Under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme, eligible small-scale renewable energy systems are entitled to a number of Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STC). The number of certificates that can be created per system is based on its geographical location, installation date, and the amount of electricity in megawatt-hours (MWh) that is:
  2. generated by the small-scale solar panel, wind or hydro system over one or five years, or a single maximum deeming period or
  3. displaced by the solar water heater or heat pump over the course of its lifetime of up to 10 years.
  4. Under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme, the reduction in the cost of your solar panel is not a rebate; it is a financial incentive. You will not qualify for any government-based financial recompense at the completion of any process relating to STCs.
  5. Upon entering into this agreement to install Solar PV, the Customer unconditionally undertakes to assign and is deemed to have assigned to SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD or an STC agent, selected by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD, its right to claim Small-scale technology certificates (STCs).
  6. SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD can trade the STC with a registered STC agent who is allowed to trade the STC directly to the energy retailer or in a clearing house. STCs in the clearing house are only sold when there is a buyer, there is no guarantee on how long they will take to sell, and consumers are not guaranteed $40. However, SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD guarantees the STC price listed in this proposal.
  7. The Customer agrees to complete and execute for the benefit of SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD any documents, contracts, or papers reasonably necessary to give effect to this assignment. The Customer undertakes not to otherwise deal with its right to claim Small-scale technology certificates (STCs). After completion of the installation, the Customer shall be present & sign the documentation at the request of the installer.
  8. SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD will not be liable for the value of any Feed-in Tariffs (FiT’s), incentives such as Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STC’s) or any other government rebates.
  9. The electricity contract/tariff may change the following installation of solar, and that the Customer should contact their electricity retailer: before signing a contract, to check what new electricity tariff rates may be applied; and after installation of the solar PV system, to confirm that the agreed tariff has been applied.



  1. It is the customers responsibility to apply for the Victorian state government solar rebate and interest-free loan.
  2. Any pricing offered by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD, which includes the Victorian state government rebate, is subject to approval by Solar Victoria.
  3. SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD reserves the right to rescind this contract should approval be declined by solar Victoria. For further information, please visit



  1. SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD shall use its best endeavours to provide the Services by the Installation Date.
  2. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties in writing, SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD shall not be responsible for providing any services other than the Services (including any variations to the Services).
  3. The Customer grants permission to SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD and its employees, contractors and/or agents to enter, at any time, the premises at the Installation Address for the purposes of performing the Services.
  4. The Customer agrees to make himself/ herself or a representative present at the premises, when and as reasonably required by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD or its employees, agents and contractors.



  1. If SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD becomes unable, due to the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event, to carry out any obligation, in whole or in part, placed on it by this Agreement, SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD may, in its absolute discretion either:
  2. Suspend performance of that obligation, so far as it is affected by the Force Majeure Event, during the period the Force Majeure Event continues; or
  3. Cancel the Customer’s Order without liability.



  1. The Customer may be liable to pay Additional Expenses, not covered in the Quote, in connection with the Products or Services if SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD or its contractors deem that the Customer’s premises are not immediately suitable for the installation due to site conditions or special circumstances.
  2. Additional Expenses anticipated by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD at the Order Date shall be itemised in the order form. However, these expenses are estimates only and are not binding on SOLAR EMPORIUM.
  3. If SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD determines that the Customer is required to pay any Additional Expenses not provided for in the order form, in order to complete the services, SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD will first notify the Customer of the quantum of the Additional Expenses and give the Customer an option to sign the variation contract. In such instances, Customer can choose to cancel or terminate the contract at their discretion to get a full refund.
  4. If the Customer doesn’t accept the variation contract, SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD will complete the job in the original contract whatever possible without any additional cost.



  1. If any significant changes to the design of the PV system, including the estimated performance, is determined during/prior Installation, SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD will seek the Customer’s approval through a fresh quote or variation contract; otherwise, the Customer shall be refunded in full.
  2. The Customer will get a full refund upon request when:
  3. the final system design provided is significantly different to that quoted at the point of contract and is not signed off by the Customer;
  4. the site-specific full system design and performance estimate are provided as a deliverable of the contract and:
  5. this information is not provided before the expiry of any cooling-off period; and
  6. the Customer does not consent to this information upon receiving it;
  7. the estimated delivery timeframe for installation completion that was agreed upon at the point of contract is not honoured, for reasons reasonably within the SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD’s control, and the Customer does not consent to a revised timeframe;
  8. if SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD acting on behalf of the Customer to obtain grid connection approval does not do so prior to installation, and the Customer does not receive approval from the distributor to connect a system; and
  9. extra chargeable work arises, which was not specified in the initial contract, and the Signatory does not bear the additional costs, and the Customer does not consent to these additional costs.



  1. The Products remain the property of SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD (and SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD retains title to the Products) until the price and any other payment or sum due to SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD has been paid in full by the Customer, regardless of whether installed or not and irrespective of the location of goods.
  2. All Products shall be at the risk of the Customer from the time that Installation of the Products at the Customer’s premises has been completed.
  3. The Customer must not offer, sell, assign, sublet, mortgage, pledge, encumber or otherwise deal with the Products in any way which is inconsistent with or would detract from SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD’s ownership of the Products until the price and any other payment or sum due to SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD has been paid in full by the Customer. If requested by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD, the Customer must ensure the products are clearly identifiable as the property of SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD.
  4. If the Customer is in default of its obligations under this agreement, any Order or any other agreement that exists between the Customer and SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD, SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD will at its election be entitled to the immediate return of the Products and for this purpose may enter the Customer’s premises to recover any Products. If SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD so elects, the Customer must at its cost take all necessary action (including obtaining the consent of any third party) to enable SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD to exercise its rights under this clause.



  1. Unless otherwise stated by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD in writing, the exact specifications, dimensions, and masses quoted in respect of any Products are approximate and subject to change without notice and subject to commercial tolerances.
  2. The Customer affirms for the benefit of SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD that any and all information provided by the Customer to SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD in connection with any Order to purchase the Products is true and correct.



  1. The Customer agrees to sign any consents or other forms required by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD under which it will consent, amongst other things, to SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD obtaining credit information about the Customer or providing a credit report in relation to the Customer or exchanging credit information about the Customer to third parties.



  1. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that under no circumstances will it take any interest in SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD’s Intellectual Property, and SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD reserves all of its rights in respect of its Intellectual Property.



  1. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD may by notice in writing to the Customer:
  2. elect that all monies owing by the Customer to SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD under this agreement, any Order or any other agreement that exists between the Customer and SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD (including but not limited to any Credit) whatsoever become immediately due and payable in full by the Customer; and/or
  3. terminate an Order or all Orders with the Customer.
  4. In respect of any terminated Order (other than an Order validly cancelled by the Customer under the terms of this agreement), the Customer must pay to SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD any and all losses, damages, costs, interest, fees, charges (including handling charges) and expenses incurred or suffered by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD and its suppliers as a result of the Customer’s default of this agreement and the subsequent cancellation of the order. The Customer shall have no recourse whatsoever against SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD as a result of any termination of an Order by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD under this agreement.
  5. The Customer must give SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD full details of any Event of Default as soon as it becomes aware that an Event of Default has occurred.
  6. Each of these events or circumstances is an Event of Default:
  7. the Customer fails to comply with this agreement or the terms of any contract or order between the Customer and SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD;
  8. the Customer being an individual is declared bankrupt or becomes of unsound mind;
  9. the Customer enters into any composition or arrangement with its creditors or goes into liquidation (voluntarily or otherwise) or has a receiver or liquidator or trustee or administrator or similar official appointed over all or part of its assets;
  10. the Customer ceases, or SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD ceases to carry on all, or substantially all, of its business or operations;
  11. an order being made, or the Customer passing a resolution, or any other step is taken, for the Customer’s winding up (including but not limited to an application being made to a court for an order for its winding up);
  12. the Customer becomes or is declared or is deemed to be insolvent, or is unable or deemed to be unable to pay its debts, generally;
  13. the Customer undergoes a change in its control or ownership not approved by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD in writing; or
  14. an event or circumstance occurs in relation to the Customer, which is analogous to any event or circumstance specified in paragraphs (b) to (f).


  1. The parties acknowledge that, under applicable State and Commonwealth law, certain clauses, conditions, guarantees and warranties may be implied in this agreement, and there are rights and remedies conferred on the Customer in relation to the provision of goods or of services which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified by Agreement (Non-excludable Rights). The terms of this agreement are subject to the non-excludable rights.
  2. Except to the extent of Non-Excludable Rights, SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD will not be liable for:
  3. any claim by the Customer or any other person, including without limitation, any claim relating to or arising from all clauses, conditions, guarantees and warranties expressed or implied, and all rights and remedies conferred on the Customer, by statute, the common law, equity, trade, custom or usage or otherwise; and
  4. any representations, warranties, conditions or Agreements made by any agent or representative which are not expressly confirmed by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD in writing and the liability of SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD for any such matters is hereby excluded.
  5. Where (and to the extent) permitted by law the liability of SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD of a Non-Excludable Right can be limited, SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD’s liability is limited, at SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD’s election, to one of the following:
  6. replacement of the Products or supply of equivalent products;
  7. resupply of the affected Services;
  8. repair of the Products;
  9. payment of the costs of replacing the Products or acquiring equivalent products;
  10. payment of the cost of providing equivalent services to the affected Services; or
  11. payment of the cost of having the Products repaired.
  12. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD is in no circumstance (whatever the cause) liable in contract, tort (including, without limitation, negligence or of statutory duty) or otherwise to compensate the Customer for any:
  13. costs or expenses;
  14. loss of profit, revenue, business, contracts or anticipated savings;
  15. loss or expense resulting from a claim by a third party;
  16. special, indirect or consequential loss, damage or expense; or
  17. death or personal injury, whatsoever and howsoever arising.
  18. To the full extent permitted by law, SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD’s liability to the Customer for all claims made by the Customer, in relation to any of this agreement or otherwise, whether arising under contract, negligence or any other tort, under statute or otherwise, will not exceed in aggregate the amounts paid by the Customer under this agreement.




  1. This agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties about its subject matter. Any previous understanding, agreement, representation or warranty relating to that subject matter is replaced by this agreement and has no further effect.
  2. This agreement may only be varied by written agreement between the parties.
  3. The rights of SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD are cumulative and are in addition to any other rights of that party.
  4. This agreement is governed by the laws of the Government of Australia, and the parties irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts.
  5. Any provision of this agreement which is unenforceable, illegal or void or partly unenforceable, illegal or void is, where possible, to be severed to the extent necessary to make this agreement enforceable, but so as not to affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions of this agreement.
  6. No failure or partial failure by a party to enforce any of its rights under this agreement constitutes a waiver or partial waiver of that right, and no waiver is effective unless it is in writing and signed by authorised representatives of each party.
  7. The Customer shall not assign its rights or novate its obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent of SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD. SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD may assign its rights or novate its obligations under this agreement without obtaining the consent of the Customer.
  8. The Customer gives permission for pictures to be taken before, during, and after install. These pictures are the property of SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD. And, the images along with installation summary, may be used in various marketing content.
  9. The Customer must promptly sign all documents and do all things that SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD from time-to-time SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD reasonably requests to effect, perfect or complete this agreement and all transactions incidental to it.
  10. Any notice that is required to be given under this agreement must be in writing. It may be:
  11. hand-delivered – in which case the notice will be deemed to have been received once it has been delivered;
  12. transmitted by facsimile if the recipient has facilities for the transmission of documents by facsimile – in which case the notice will be deemed to have been given at 9:00 am on the next day following the date of transmission; or
  13. mailed by prepaid post – in which case the notice will be deemed to have been given at 5:00 pm on the third day following the date of posting. to the last known address or facsimile number of the recipient.
  14. E-mail to the customer e-mail address – in which case the notice will be deemed to have been given at 9:00 am on the next day following the date of transmission.


  1. Customer acknowledges that SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD has made no representation in relation to the continuity of feed-in tariffs or the quantum or rate thereof the customers further acknowledge is that he/she/they have made their own enquiry into the performance of the solar system.
  2. The Customer acknowledges in the event that SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD or its installers are unable to install the Solar system by reason of the condition of the premises not complying with the requirement of any governmental or statutory body or if the premises are deemed to be too unsafe for the purpose of the Installation by SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD or its sub-contractors then SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD may terminate this agreement.
  3. In the event that you make any claim as the Customer under any warranty agreement or obligation provided by the manufacturer of the goods supplied and such claim is made after the expiration of warranty from the date of installation of such good, which requires SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD or its sub-contractor to attend at the installation address, then SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD will be entitled to charge a fee, commiserate with the cost of the provision of that service.


  1. The Customer acknowledges that the Goods are the subject of a warranty produced by the manufacturer and that in no circumstances shall SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD be liable should the warranty become for any reason unenforceable beyond SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD’s minimum 5 years whole of system warranty on the operation and performance of the system, including workmanship and products.
  2. In the event during the course of installation any damage to the roof tiles or other roofing materials, SOLAR EMPORIUM PTY LTD accepts no liability for replacement of damaged tiles or any other roofing materials.


Empowering Homes Program

What is Empowering Homes Program?

The New South Wales government has introduced this program to support households across eligible postcodes access incentives in the form of interest-free loans to install solar battery systems. Currently, the program is not available for solar-only purchases. However, it is really lucrative for homeowners looking to install a solar battery option.

The program was launched in the first quarter of 2020. The Empowering Homes Program assists these households in shifting to a cleaner and greener energy source and assisting them in reducing their grid dependency.

Details of Empowering Homes Package

The current program is available to eligible households that are installing either just a battery (to add to an existing system) or a battery with a solar system.

There are currently two options available for these eligible households:

  • Loan of up to $14,000 for installing a solar photovoltaic plus battery system. The repayment can be made over a period of up to eight years.
  • Loan of up to $9,000 for installing a battery to an existing solar PV system. The repayment can be made over a period of up to ten years.

The price of the system can be higher than the loan amount, but the customer will either have to pay the difference upfront or take out an additional loan at a market interest rate. Currently, this program is not available to businesses.

Are you eligible for the Empowering Homes program?

The eligibility criteria for the empowering homes program are as per below:

  • You must live in an eligible postcode as listed below
  • You must have a combined pre-tax household income less than or equal to $180,000
  • You must own the house that you wish to install the system on. The house should be suitable for a solar system and must have the full authority and approvals to install the same. Mortgaged homes are also eligible.
  • You must meet the standard credit criteria inclusive of good credit history for the loan approval

The solar battery system is considered as a significant investment, and please note that your household would benefit significantly if:

  • You utilise a higher amount of electricity than an average of 6,000 kWh per year
  • Your energy consumption is mostly in the mornings and evenings
  • You are on a time-of-use tariff plan or planning to switch to one
  • You already benefit from other energy-saving techniques or products

Claiming process of Empowering Homes program

The application process for Empowering Homes is as follows:

  • Contact one of the several approved suppliers to discuss your various needs and arrange for an inspection. 
  • Obtain a couple of different quotes for comparison and ensure the supplier understands your needs and designs a system that can maximise your cost benefits. The suppliers will also provide you with a Quote Record Number which you will require to initiate your loan application.
  • Select the quote that is best suited for you and enter the Quote Record Number in the Empowering Homes portal. Alternatively, you can select the link from the email you receive along with the Quote Record Number.
  • Once you have started the application, you will be requested to confirm your eligibility and complete the loan application. Ensure to provide all the documents and evidence to support your total annual household income. The loan applications are evaluated by Plenti, and you will be notified once your application is approved.
  • Upon your application approval, you can proceed to contact the supplier to organise the installation.

The program delivery partner, Plenti, also provides assistance in seeking a top-up loan if your system price is higher than the standards loan amounts ($14,000 for solar battery and $9,000 for battery only).


The program is currently in its pilot phase and will be available across New South Wales upon its successful trial to assist eligible households in shifting to a greener energy source. It also gives homeowners the chance to sign up for virtual power plants (VPP) and avail better rates for selling energy back into the grid during peak hours.


Victorian energy upgrade program

Victorian Energy Upgrade

Victorian Energy Upgrade (VEU), previously known as Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET), is a scheme undertaken by the Victorian government in order to reduce the overall carbon footprint of Victoria. Through the process, an Accredited Person (AP) generates Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs). The government does not set the VEEC prices; rather, it depends on the market’s supply and demand. The overall goal here is to reduce the number of inefficient appliances that skyrocket an individual’s electricity bill, as well as increase greenhouse gas emissions immensely.

Note that not everyone is eligible to generate certificates. Only an (AP) has the right to create certificates and sell them to the energy retailers, eventually laying down the whole scheme in action.

Project-based Activities under VEU

The essential services commission introduced project-based activities to enable businesses to access financial incentives for large and customer Victorian Energy Upgrades projects. Contrary to the deemed activities, this provides businesses the flexibility to offset the cost of their energy efficiency improvement projects and access greater incentives which would be rather unattainable under the current scheme structure.

There are currently two methods under VEU to measure energy savings:

  • Measurement and Verification method (M&V)
  • Benchmark rating method

We employ the measurement and verification method, which relies on site-specific measurements to determine a project’s baseline and post-activity energy consumption. It potentially allows multiple technologies, techniques, upgrades, and abatement methods to be combined in one project.

Businesses are eligible to claim the rebates by calculating the energy saved from a certain upgrade or a range of upgrades. The majority of activities under VEU utilise an average-based calculation for energy savings with a given upgrade. However, this might not be suitable for a complex situation that would need more of a customised approach. M&V technique can benefit significantly in such cases and is an ideal solution.

The project-based activities scheme is very lucrative for businesses as this also involves fuel-switching to a renewable energy source such as a solar photovoltaic system. This can be utilised for system sizes greater than 100 kW. The energy produced from this project must be utilised within the measurement boundary, and no VEECs can be generated for energy exported to the grid.

Am I eligible?

The program allows businesses to be eligible for the energy upgrade project if:

  • The site is non-residential; the project only pertains to the central services of multi-residential property
  • The project can result in lower greenhouse gas emissions

These projects must take place in Victoria and needs to show that they:

  • are not required by law
  • are not also claiming benefits under a prescribed greenhouse gas scheme
  • are not underway before scoping plan approval
  • reduce the site’s energy consumption (kWh for electricity or GJ for gas).

Steps to undertake Project-based activities

The proposed project needs to be approved by Essential Services Commission in two steps, mainly the scoping and project plan. The scoping plan defines the scope of the project, including but not limited to the main intent of the project, ownership, etc. The project plan further builds on this and provides a viable project plan outlining the different techniques to gather baseline data and the type of energy reduction activity.

Measuring the baseline is a critical aspect of any project-based activity as the amount of energy reduction is calculated from this set value.

Once the approval phase has been completed, work can be commenced on the nominated property. The next step in the activity is to submit an impact report. This report outlines the exact abatement achieved by the project, further assisting with calculating the amount of VEECs.

What are VEECs?

Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates, known as VEECs, are the certificates generated by the accredited person when they replace any power-hungry appliances with the efficient ones. These certificates can only be generated by the APs.

Each certificate denotes a tonne of greenhouse gas prevented from entering our atmosphere. The government permitted third-party companies, accredited by ESC (Essential Services Commission), to replace ordinary light bulbs and heating systems with efficient ones.

These certificates, later on, get sold to the energy retailers who actively partake in greenhouse gas emissions by producing more than 5000MW electricity within a year.

What is the Current VEEC Price?

The VEECs price fluctuates every now and then. As these prices are not fixed rather; it goes up and down depending on the supply and demand of such certificates.

However, if we analyse the VEECs price history, it can be seen that the prices are dropping in recent days. But it can never be told that the situation will remain the same at all times.

To know more about the current VEECs’ price, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Solar Emporium. As we are eligible to create certificates, we remain up to date with the prices; also, we can provide you with accurate information.

How Much Is VEECs Price?

As per renew economy, the previous VEECs’ prices are given below

Closing Spot of VEECs Price

VEECS (t CO2-e)BIDOfferLast/Curve
Spot t+324.7524.9524.85
Q2 18 16 JUL 201824.7524.9524.85
Q3 18 15 OCT 201824.925.225.05
Q4 18 15 JAN 20192525.425.2
Q1 19 15 APR 201925.1525.5525.35
Q3 20 15 OCT 202034.3534.5534.45
Q4 20 15 JAN 202134.634.834.7
Q1 21 15 APR 202134.634.934.75
Q2 21 15 JUL 202134.63534.8

How Much is a VEEC worth?

The exact worth of a certificate cannot be determined right away. A lot of variables have to be taken into consideration before stating how much is VEEC worth. For example, the currently available replaceable number of inefficient appliances, the type of appliance, how much electricity does it consume, how much can be saved after the replacement, when it was installed in the first place, and so much more.

There are penalties for retailers who fail to fulfil their quota on time. That’s called shortfall penalties. These penalty prices are decided by the authority. For the year 2021, it has been set to $70 for any shortfall accrued, $80 for the target year 2022, and $90 for the year 2023 till now.


As the energy usage in businesses is increasing daily, it is about time they are offered a much more lucrative financial incentive program to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. The project-based activities under the VEU scheme let a majority of businesses in Victoria be a part of that goal while enabling economic options. While saving energy by undertaking project-based activities, businesses contribute to lower the GHG emissions.


Federal renewable energy target

STCs Price

The federal government of Australia introduced Renewable Energy Target -RET- in 2008. Under the RET , there are two schemes that facilitate the large-scale power stations, as well as the owners of small-scale systems, with Large-scale Generation Certificates -LGCs- and Small-scale Technology Certificates -STCs-, respectively. Each of these certificates denotes a megawatt-hour of electricity saved by installing renewable energy sources. LGC and STCs prices are not set by an individual organization; rather, it depends on the demand and supply of the certificates.

Household or small businesses having or needing a solar panel system with a capacity of 100KW or less are eligible for STCs. Also, the annual electricity output has to be 250kW or less. The creation of certificates must be done within 12 months of installation. Note that only a Clean Energy Council -CEC- accredited installer has the ability to create STCs. Also, the panels, inverter, and battery have to be listed on the CEC list of approved components. Otherwise, they won’t be eligible for the scheme. With this scheme on board, the Australian government is trying to put off some load from the non-renewable energy sources, which is positively contributing towards greenhouse gas emission, thus putting the entire humanity one step closer to self-destruction.

What is an STC?

Under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme -SRES- of the federal government of Australia, Small-scale Technology Certificates -STCs- can be generated. Each of these certificates denotes a megawatt of energy saved. These certificates work as a financial incentive to small business owners and households to adapt to various energy-saving measurements, such as solar water heaters, solar panel systems, and so on.

In each quarter of the year, liable entities are legally obliged to buy and surrender a certain number of certificates to the CEC. STCs are provided on the basis of expected power generation of the system in concern, from the date of installation till 2030. As, in the year 2030, the government intends to put an end to this scheme.

How many STCs will have to be submitted by the energy retailer is decided by the Small-scale Technology Percentage -STP-. As the liable parties are bound to submit a fixed minimum number of STCs in each quarter, there is a demand aspect formed by their renewable energy obligations. These obligations are met when the STP is set to estimate the number of certificates to be created in that year as per the installations of the same year’s energy-saving systems. And that is how the demand and the supply aspect of these certificates are balanced.

For the year 2021, the STP is set to 28.80%, which means roughly 50.6 million STCs are expected to be submitted by the liable parties, AKA the energy retailers, to the CEC.

How Does the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme Work?

The SRES scheme is an ongoing agenda of the Australian government that is operating to provide upfront financial incentives to households and small businesses all over the country who choose to switch to a renewable energy source. Under this scheme, a CEC accredited agent can generate and sell STCs, which are a means to hold the large energy retailers accountable for their contribution to Green House Gas -GHG- emissions. Also, by selling STCs, these upfront financial incentives can be rewarded to the end-users, and in the process, accredited agents can generate profit while helping to set the scheme in action.

How Does the STC Trading Work?

Trading the certificates is quite an easy process. First of all – the number of certificates generated from an installed system -not more than 12 months after- is calculated, after which the STCs can be generated. Once the STCs are generated, they can be traded in the open market or in the clearing house. These two marketplaces are different in nature. The clearing market offers a fixed price, whereas the open market does not. To trade the certificate, one has to fulfil all of the requirements provided by the CEC and prepare all the necessary documents that can be requested by the CEC while they audit for the quarter.

How are STCs Calculated?

STCs calculation depends on quite a lot of variables. Some of which are the size of the whole system installed, date of installation, zone, and so on. As per the size variable, the bigger the system size, the more energy it will be replacing from non-renewable sources to renewable sources. Therefore, it will generate more STCs.

The date of installation is another critical variable because, as mentioned before, the government plans to put an end to the scheme in the year 2030. As each year passes, the financial incentives, or the STCs creation permission rate, declines gradually but surely. This is called the deeming period. How many certificates can one generate is initially calculated by adding the estimation of how much MWh energy one can get from the renewable sources until 2030. A rough number of STC is stretched on that basis. However, the reducing deeming period affects this number which means the earlier one installs an energy-saving system, the more financial incentives they can avail and vice versa.

Another significant variable is the zone. Australia is divided into four zones, number one being the best rated one and four being the least. The higher the ratings, the more STCs can be created in that zone despite the prices remaining the same. These zones aren’t created at random; instead, the amount of solar radiation a geographical location receives is the determinator of the zones.

Each zone is assigned a zone multiplier which further assists in calculating STCs.

Zone multipliers

  • Zone 1 – 1.622 multiplier
  • Zone 2 – 1.536 multiplier
  • Zone 3 – 1.382 multiplier
  • Zone 4 – 1.185 multiplier

Here’s is an STC calculator that can only give an estimation of how many STCs can a system approximately generate. It does not give the exact numbers that can only be calculated with the help of an expert.

Who Can Claim STCs?

STCs can only be claimed if all of the requirements are fulfilled. In order to create STCs, one has to be an accredited agent by CEC. Also, to participate in this SRES scheme that generates STCs to provide upfront financial incentives, the solar PV system cannot be more than 100KW in capacity.

What is the Current STC Price?

The price is determined by their supply and demand ratio. However, there are two separate marketplaces in which these certificates can be sold, one of them gets a fixed selling rate each year and the other one fluctuates every now and then. The fixed-rate market is called the clear market or the clearing house. CEC approved officers can generate and sell the certificates either in the clearing house or in the open market. The clearing house can only be accessed through the REC registry. One has to have an updated REC registry account in order to sell or buy STCs from the clearing house.

And the open market is another place where an agent can choose to sell their earned certificates, but the prices are not fixed. Therefore, prices for this market can go higher or lower than what the clearing house offers. However, the chances of a higher price offering are rather slim.

If you want to know the exact prices and rates, please get in touch with us.

Daily Closing STC Spot Price vs Submission

STC Legal Paperwork

There are some legal documentations required before one can create or sell STCs. The CEC can ask for these papers while conducting an audit, so one -installing organization- has to be ready to hand them over at any moment. Below are some links and pointers provided for the legal paperwork’s needed.

Is Solar STC Worth It?

Small-scale technology certificates help encourage more and more people every day to avail the benefits of green energy. Not only do they get to contribute towards a greener earth, but also, they get financial incentives for doing so. While in the process, accredited agents reap profit from it. Assessing from all angles, solar STCs are more than worth it for both the end-users and the installers.


Lastly- STCs pave the way for end-users to get easier access to benefit from renewable energy sources. The whole scheme is regularly monitored to prevent any fraudulent activities. Also, STCs price, their creation, and other aspects are pretty transparent for anyone to look through and learn. But the process can be a bit complicated for some. In that case, as an accredited CEC agent, for instance, we, Solar Emporium, can help the newcomers with crucial details, which are authentic and reliable.


Victoria solar homes program

 The solar PV system is the viable option, which Australian people have finally found to harness the energy to erode the highest electricity bill. Besides, the extraction of energy from the coal plant will also pollute the environment to a greater extent; the Australian government is firmed to tackle the problem to make Australia greener and zero-carbon
emission-free so that the country can thrive on getting rid of any carbon-related hazards. For those reasons, Australia has emphasised the solar PV system to install solar systems across the country, and Victoria, in particular, has championed installing the highest number of solar systems.

According to Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator, there are approximately over 508,795 solar PV systems installed across Victoria – all are less than 100kW in a capacity as of December 31, 2020. Recently established Victorian solar homes program, which enables and encourages Victorians to install a city of solar panels by providing with all the amenities and necessities, ensures that not a single homeowner misses out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to make their city free of any unethical electricity rising cost or carbon flooding. Let me elucidate to you about the solar homes program Victoria, so that you can decide for yourselves whether or not you wish to adorn your house with this prerequisite.

What is Victorian Solar Homes Program?

This solar home program is intended to serve the Victoria’s people, and it consists of solar panels, solar hot water, solar battery, solar panels for rentals, solar for business, heating, and cooling, and zero-emission vehicles. They are all about either rebates or incentives to help Victorians install the solar PV system or the other latter systems so
that they can reduce their electricity bill and retrench their savings. At the same time, it will cause less carbon emission due to overusing of carbon-producing sources, such as coal.

However, we will mainly describe the first four categories in detail as Solar Emporium is directly attuned to these four sectors and have been rendering them to the Victorians for a very long time with a series of successful records. Let’s delve into how they work, what they are, how they are blessing the Aussies, their criteria, and how they are applied.

Details of Victorian Solar Homes Package

  1. Solar Panel Rebate:

Victorian solar panel rebate, aka state rebate, is one of the rebates to help Victorians save a whopping amount of money while purchasing fully-fledged solar PV systems. This ensures that the system’s price won’t restrict the customers from buying it, and at the same time, it will take the burden out of the shoulder, particularly for the working-class people. This rebate system was first introduced in 2009 and resumes until 2012. Although this rebate system was not active between 2013 and 2018, the government has decided again to put this system back in place in 2019, in which 24,000 households managed to occupy the solar PV systems up until June 30, 2019.

The success of the first round had led to the second round that intended to see a hefty installation at around 650,00 homes. This solar Victoria rebate program is one of the pioneering schemes of the Victoria solar homes program. According to the program, the household can claim up to $1,400 upfront at the time of the solar purchase. Whatever the system costs, you will get up to $1,400, which will be deducted from the original price of the system. This new amount was started on July 1, 2021 and will continue until June 30 of 2022, after which the amount will change.

Current solar panel rebates remaining in this release:

  • 5,954 (Value as of 03/09/2021)

The value has been reduced to $1,400 from the previous value of $ 1,850. This means that you can get a rebate of up to $1,400 or 50% of the system’s total price. For instance;

  • If your solar system’s price is $2,000, you will get a rebate of $1,000
  • If the system costs $5,000, the rebate will be $1,400 as the amount is capped to $1,400
  • If the system costs $10,000, yet you will get a rebate of $1,400, not $5,000

You will be delighted to hear that not only will you be given a rebate of up to $1,400, but also, you can claim an interest-free loan of up to $1,400. For example, if you are granted a rebate of $1,200, you will also obtain an interest-free loan of $1,200. Whatever your rebate amount will be, your interest-free loan will be exactly the same. And this interest-free loan will have to be paid over 4 years or 48 months, either per month or a lumpsum amount at once, depending on your financial convenience. By installing a solar panel system, you can save around $890 on your electricity bill, which is enormous for any households currently residing in Victoria.

Are you eligible for the Victorian solar homes rebate?

  • You have to be a landlord or owner-occupier of the rebate-claimed property
  • Your combined taxable income must be less than $180,000 (based on last year’s Australian Tax Office Notice of Assessment)
  • Your property for which the rebate is claimed must be worth less than $3 million
  • You still haven’t claimed or acquired any Victorian rebate under the Solar Homes Program
  • You don’t own any existing solar PV system (unless your system is installed prior to November 2009)

Claiming process of Victorian Solar home rebate

  • First, make sure you understand the whole process of claiming and eligibility and then select the CEC authorised solar retailer like Solar Emporium
  • Your solar product must be from the authorised product list
  • Once after thorough research when you find the authorised retailer, you better request for the quote
  • Your authorised solar retailer will then send you a written quote stating all the pertinent information, including the system’s price. This quote will help you make an informed decision. Your retailer will also upload the quote on
    Solar Victoria Panel, for which you will get the notification alert. NB: Solar Victoria never asks for signing any quote or contract for purchasing the solar without confirming the eligibility.
  • Through your notification, you can directly go to the portal in which you can start your process by starting the application for eligibility
  • If you are deemed eligible, you will be provided with a unique eligibility number and QR code, which will be required and scanned by the installer to proceed with the installation
  • Make sure that you have two forms of ID of the following documents to submit to apply for the rebate, such as driver’s licence, Medicare card, Australian passport, Australian birth certificate, foreign passport with a valid Australian visa, or immicard
  • Proof of income of the owner or multiple owners must be submitted of that financial year
  • Once you are successfully done with the above procedures, you then wish to book a date on which the installation will take place

Can anyone claim both Victorian home rebate and the federal rebate?

Of course. Federal rebate (Small-scale technology certificates) and state rebate (Victoria solar rebate) are two different things. If you purchase any new solar system, you will also be provided with an incentive like a federal rebate. Furthermore, if you reside in Victoria, you will be offered a rebate of up to $1,400 in addition to your federal rebate. However, if you had previously installed a system, you will not be offered any
state rebate. Also, if you upgrade your existing system in Victoria, you won’t be given any Victorian solar rebate either.

  1. Solar Battery Rebate

One of the most expensive things about the solar system is its battery system. Their range is anywhere between 10K to 18K, depending on the brand and power most of the time. Therefore, the battery and any part thereof must be included in the approved product list. It is the case as the battery and other solar products must maintain the standard set by the Clean Energy Council (CEC), Energy Safe Victoria, and other authoritarian entities. In this rebate system, you are eligible to get a rebate on your purchasing battery up to $4,174 until rebates are fully allocated, after which it would be reduced to $3,500.

Current battery rebates remaining in this release:

  • 604 (Value as of 03/09/2021)

Installing a battery can save Victorian households up to $640 a year. The beauty of this Victorian solar homes program battery rebate is that your authorised solar retailer will claim the rebate on your behalf and deduct the amount from the original price. The remaining amount you will have to pay upfront to your retailer.

How do You know you are eligible for this rebate?

  • If you already own a solar system with a capacity of 5kW or greater
  • You have got the approval from the Distributed Network Service Provider (DNSP) to connect the battery to the grid
  • You are the landlord of the property where the system is going to be installed
  • Your combined taxable income must be less than $180,000 (based on last year’s Australian Tax Office Notice of Assessment)
  • Your property is an existing property, valued at under $3 million based on the current council rates notice
  • Your property address has never been involved with any solar homes program
  • You agree to receive information from your relevant DNSP about taking part in battery trials owing to maximising your battery value.

How to apply for the battery rebate?

Everything else is exactly the same as you would have done for the solar panel rebate mentioned above. However, when it comes to submitting documentation, here are the exceptions for the battery rebate as a part of the Victorian solar Homes Program –

  • Any pre-approval number or reference coming by from the DNSP must be submitted
  • Property ownership, such as local council rates notice, should be submitted too
  • Proof of income documentation of one landlord or multiple landlords should be required for the same financial year
  1. Solar Panels For Rentals

Victorian solar homes program has become more famous due to this newly emerging option, called solar panels for rentals. Now, both landlords and tenants can benefit from this new scheme, which will enable both to use solar-based electricity to sever the high cost. The amount is exactly the same as the Victorian rebate, which is up to $1,400, and alongside, you will also receive the interest-free loan of up to $1,400, requiring to be paid over 4 years or 48 months.

Current solar panel rebates for rentals remaining in this release:

  • 378 (Value as of 03/09/2021)

An owner-occupier can apply for two individual properties at once for this specific rebate, as one application can be submitted for one particular address. The interest-free loan will also apply for both properties, provided that the Solar Homes Landlord-Tenant Agreement form should be signed prior to applying for the rebate. Bear in mind, to become eligible for the loan, you will need to submit a satisfactory credit report, which is less than 12 months old. In case you don’t have it, you can still get a free credit report online using Moneysmart website; You will get the credit report within 10 days.

Another interesting fact is that not only can the landlord pay for the system, but also, if the renters decide to pay half the amount of the main amount along with the landlord, that can happen too, and for that, you as a landlord will have to agree with the co-contribution option. If you don’t use the co-contribution method, you have to pay $29.17 per month, whereas using the co-contribution option, you have to pay 50% or $14.59, and so does the renter.

When both landlord and tenant agree to co-contribution, the percentage of the payment for each

  • Must be agreed upfront at the time of signing Landlord-Tenant Agreement
  • The tenant must pay the payable amount to the landlord
  • The amount, by any means, cannot be altered or changed once the loan has been sanctioned

For more information about this scheme under the Victorian Solar Homes program for renters, click here. NB: Once the renter vacates the property – who signed to pay for 4 years or until leaving out of the property – cannot be charged excess or forced to pay the payable amount once the tenant vacates the property, they will no longer be subject to the repayment agreement.

If you are confused about what the percentage of repayment will have to be paid, take a look at the table;

Percentage %Repayment $ per monthPercentage %Repayment $ per month

Table Source:

How to apply for this rebate?

  • Make sure that you understand the whole process of this rebate, and lodge the landlord-Tenant agreement with your rebate eligibility application prior to your apply for the rebate
  • Proceed with the quote sent by the retailer once you were satisfied and agreed to start the application
  • Get your pre-approval from the DNSP
  • Complete the application by demonstrating your property ownership, such as submit your completed Landlord-Tenant Agreement, upload your satisfactory credit report
  • Submit the required documents, such as a copy of your quote, Landlord-Tenant Agreement form, property ownership, credit report, two out of any of the following proof of identities, such as Driving licence, Medicare card, Australian passport, Australian birth certificate, foreign passport with a valid Australian visa or Immicard.
  • Then book the date for the installation, and arrange your installation
  1. Solar For Business

The revolutionary change has come to an effect when the rooftop solar PV system has been taken into account for boosting the economy and financial status of the small businesses in Victoria up to 30kW. Any small business of that capacity
will be eligible to receive a rebate of 50% of the original price of the system or a maximum of $3,500. There will be 15,000 solar PV rebates available for the small businesses for the next three years as a part of this solar homes Victoria rebate. This rebate was implemented from May 2021, for which the Victorians have been waiting eagerly for so long.

For example, if a solar PV system’s price is worth $5,000, 50% of it will be $2,500, which you will get as a rebate. On the other hand, if the system costs $10,000, the rebate will be $3,500 as the amount is capped at this value, and it can’t go beyond that. Remember, initially; the rebate will be applicable to those businesses which are running at their own premises, followed by it will further expand to those which will rent their premises.

Current small business rebates remaining in this release:

  • 2,055 (Value as of 03/09/2021)

How do you know your small business is eligible?

  • You are the owner of the business that is comprised of less than 20 employees and employs at least one other person, excluding the owner
  • Business is not operational in the residential premises
  • Business is operating with individual metre system
  • The system is installed by the solar Victoria approved solar retailers
  • The solar system size should be up to a maximum of 30kW

In essence, it can be stated that the Victorian solar homes program is a blessing for the Victorians, who would otherwise have been struggling financially to cope up in bearing the cost of the high electricity bill or installing a new solar PV system and its accessories. As soon as it got opened in 2019, Victorian solar rebate had witnessed a spurt of customers moving along to buy the systems for their properties. To remain updated and for more information, do visit Solar Emporium.


Empowering Homes

STCs Price:

The federal government of Australia has introduced Renewable Energy Target (RET) in 2008. Under the RET, there are two schemes that facilitate the large-scale power stations, as well as the owners of small-scale systems, with Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) and Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) respectively. Each of these certificates denotes a megawatt-hour of electricity saved by installing renewable energy sources. LGC and STCs prices are not set by an individual organization; rather, it depends on the demand and supply of the certificates.

Household or small businesses having or needing a solar panel system with a capacity of 100KW or less are eligible for STCs. Also, the annual electricity output has to be 250KW or less. The creation of certificates must be done within 12 months of installation. Note that only a Clean Energy Council (CEC) accredited installer has the ability to create STCs. Also, the panels, inverter, and battery have to be listed on the CEC list of approved components. Otherwise, they won’t be eligible for the scheme. With this scheme on board, the Australian government is trying to put off some load from the non-renewable energy sources, which is positively contributing towards greenhouse gas emission, thus putting the entire humanity one step closer to self-destruction.

What is STC?

Under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) of the federal government of Australia, Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) can be generated. Each of these certificates denotes a megawatt of energy saved. These certificates work as a financial incentive to small business owners and households to adapt to various energy-saving measurements, such as solar water heaters, solar panel system, and so on.

In each quarter of the year, liable entities are legally obliged to buy and surrender a certain number of certificates to the CEC. STCs are provided on the basis of expected power generation of the system in concern, from the date of installation till 2030. As, in the year 2030, the government intends to put an end to this scheme.

How many STCs will have to be submitted by the energy retailer is decided by the Small-scale Technology Percentage (STP). As the liable parties are bound to submit a fixed minimum number of STCs in each quarter, there is a demand aspect formed by their renewable energy obligations. These obligations are met when the STP is set to estimate the number of certificates to be created in that year as per the installations of the same year’s energy-saving systems. And that is how the demand and the supply aspect of these certificates are balanced.

For the year 2021, the STP is set to 28.80% which means roughly 50.6 million STCs are expected to be submitted by the liable parties AKA the energy retailers to the CEC.

How Does the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme Work?

The SRES scheme is an ongoing agenda of the Australian government that is operating to provide upfront financial incentives to the households and small businesses all over the country, who choose to switch to a renewable energy source. Under this scheme, a CEC accredited agent can generate and sell STCs, which are a via to hold the large energy retailers accountable for their contribution to Green House Gas (GHG) emissions. Also, by selling STCs, these upfront financial incentives can be rewarded to the end-users, and in the process, accredited agents can generate profit while helping to set the scheme in action.

How Does the STC Trading Work?

Trading the certificates is quite an easy process. First of all ­- the number of certificates generated from an installed system (not more than 12 months after) is calculated, after which the STCs can be generated. Once the STCs are generated, they can be traded in the open market or in the clearing house. These two market places are different in nature. The clearing market offers a fixed price, whereas the open market does not. To trade the certificate, one has to fulfil all of the requirements provided by the CEC and prepare all the necessary documents that can be requested by the CEC while they audit for the quarter.

How are STCs Calculated?

STCs calculation depends on quite a lot of variables. Some of which are the size of the whole system installed, date of installation, zone, and so on. As per the size variable, the bigger the system size, the more energy it will be replacing from non-renewable sources to renewable sources. Therefore, it will generate more STCs.

The date of installation is another critical variable because, as mentioned before, the government plans to put an end to the scheme in the year 2030. As each year passes, the financial incentives, or the STCs creation permission rate, declines gradually but surely. This is called the deeming period. How many certificates can one generate is initially calculated by adding the estimation of how much MWh energy one can get from the renewable sources until 2030. A rough number of STC is stretched on that basis. However, the reducing deeming period affects this number which means the earlier one installs an energy-saving system, the more financial incentives they can avail and vice versa.

Another significant variable is zone. Australia is divided into four zones, number one being the best rated one and four being the least. The higher the ratings, the more STCs can be created in that zone despite the prices remaining the same. These zones aren’t created at random; instead, the amount of solar radiation a geographical location receives is the determinator of the zones.

Here’s is an STC calculator that can only give an estimation of how many STCs can a system approximately generate. It does not give the exact numbers, that can only be calculated with the help of an expert.

Who Can Claim STCs?

STCs can only be claimed if all of the requirements are fulfilled. In order to create STCs, one has to be an accredited agent by CEC. Also, to participate in this SRES scheme that generates STCs to provide upfront financial incentives, the solar PV system cannot be more 100KW in capacity.

What is the Current STC Price?

The price is determined on the supply and demand ratio of them. However, there are two separate marketplaces in which these certificates can be sold, one of them gets a fixed selling rate each year and the other one fluctuates every now and then. The fixed rate market is called the clear market or the clearing house. CEC approved officers can generate and sell the certificates either in the clearing house or in the open market. The clearing house can only be accessed through the REC registry. One has to have an updated REC registry account in order to sell or buy STCs from the clearing house.

And the open market is another place where an agent can choose to sell their earned certificates, but the prices are not fixed. Therefore, prices for this market can go higher or lower than what the clearing house offers. However, the chances of a higher price offering are rather slim.

If you want to know exact prices and rates, please contact Cyanergy.

How many STCs for a solar system?
[table id=1 /]STCs Price:

The federal government of Australia has introduced Renewable Energy Target (RET) in 2008. Under the RET, there are two schemes that facilitate the large-scale power stations, as well as the owners of small-scale systems, with Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) and Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) respectively. Each of these certificates denotes a megawatt-hour of electricity saved by installing renewable energy sources. LGC and STCs prices are not set by an individual organization; rather, it depends on the demand and supply of the certificates.

Household or small businesses having or needing a solar panel system with a capacity of 100KW or less are eligible for STCs. Also, the annual electricity output has to be 250KW or less. The creation of certificates must be done within 12 months of installation. Note that only a Clean Energy Council (CEC) accredited installer has the ability to create STCs. Also, the panels, inverter, and battery have to be listed on the CEC list of approved components. Otherwise, they won’t be eligible for the scheme. With this scheme on board, the Australian government is trying to put off some load from the non-renewable energy sources, which is positively contributing towards greenhouse gas emission, thus putting the entire humanity one step closer to self-destruction.

What is STC?

Under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) of the federal government of Australia, Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) can be generated. Each of these certificates denotes a megawatt of energy saved. These certificates work as a financial incentive to small business owners and households to adapt to various energy-saving measurements, such as solar water heaters, solar panel system, and so on.

In each quarter of the year, liable entities are legally obliged to buy and surrender a certain number of certificates to the CEC. STCs are provided on the basis of expected power generation of the system in concern, from the date of installation till 2030. As, in the year 2030, the government intends to put an end to this scheme.

How many STCs will have to be submitted by the energy retailer is decided by the Small-scale Technology Percentage (STP). As the liable parties are bound to submit a fixed minimum number of STCs in each quarter, there is a demand aspect formed by their renewable energy obligations. These obligations are met when the STP is set to estimate the number of certificates to be created in that year as per the installations of the same year’s energy-saving systems. And that is how the demand and the supply aspect of these certificates are balanced.

For the year 2021, the STP is set to 28.80% which means roughly 50.6 million STCs are expected to be submitted by the liable parties AKA the energy retailers to the CEC.

How Does the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme Work?

The SRES scheme is an ongoing agenda of the Australian government that is operating to provide upfront financial incentives to the households and small businesses all over the country, who choose to switch to a renewable energy source. Under this scheme, a CEC accredited agent can generate and sell STCs, which are a via to hold the large energy retailers accountable for their contribution to Green House Gas (GHG) emissions. Also, by selling STCs, these upfront financial incentives can be rewarded to the end-users, and in the process, accredited agents can generate profit while helping to set the scheme in action.

How Does the STC Trading Work?

Trading the certificates is quite an easy process. First of all ­- the number of certificates generated from an installed system (not more than 12 months after) is calculated, after which the STCs can be generated. Once the STCs are generated, they can be traded in the open market or in the clearing house. These two market places are different in nature. The clearing market offers a fixed price, whereas the open market does not. To trade the certificate, one has to fulfil all of the requirements provided by the CEC and prepare all the necessary documents that can be requested by the CEC while they audit for the quarter.

How are STCs Calculated?

STCs calculation depends on quite a lot of variables. Some of which are the size of the whole system installed, date of installation, zone, and so on. As per the size variable, the bigger the system size, the more energy it will be replacing from non-renewable sources to renewable sources. Therefore, it will generate more STCs.

The date of installation is another critical variable because, as mentioned before, the government plans to put an end to the scheme in the year 2030. As each year passes, the financial incentives, or the STCs creation permission rate, declines gradually but surely. This is called the deeming period. How many certificates can one generate is initially calculated by adding the estimation of how much MWh energy one can get from the renewable sources until 2030. A rough number of STC is stretched on that basis. However, the reducing deeming period affects this number which means the earlier one installs an energy-saving system, the more financial incentives they can avail and vice versa.

Another significant variable is zone. Australia is divided into four zones, number one being the best rated one and four being the least. The higher the ratings, the more STCs can be created in that zone despite the prices remaining the same. These zones aren’t created at random; instead, the amount of solar radiation a geographical location receives is the determinator of the zones.

Here’s is an STC calculator that can only give an estimation of how many STCs can a system approximately generate. It does not give the exact numbers, that can only be calculated with the help of an expert.

Who Can Claim STCs?

STCs can only be claimed if all of the requirements are fulfilled. In order to create STCs, one has to be an accredited agent by CEC. Also, to participate in this SRES scheme that generates STCs to provide upfront financial incentives, the solar PV system cannot be more 100KW in capacity.

What is the Current STC Price?

The price is determined on the supply and demand ratio of them. However, there are two separate marketplaces in which these certificates can be sold, one of them gets a fixed selling rate each year and the other one fluctuates every now and then. The fixed rate market is called the clear market or the clearing house. CEC approved officers can generate and sell the certificates either in the clearing house or in the open market. The clearing house can only be accessed through the REC registry. One has to have an updated REC registry account in order to sell or buy STCs from the clearing house.

And the open market is another place where an agent can choose to sell their earned certificates, but the prices are not fixed. Therefore, prices for this market can go higher or lower than what the clearing house offers. However, the chances of a higher price offering are rather slim.

If you want to know exact prices and rates, please contact Cyanergy.

Daily Closing STC spot price vs submission 

STC Legal Paperwork

There are some legal documentations required before one can create or sell STCs. The CEC can ask for these papers while conducting an audit, so one (installing organization) has to be ready to hand them over at any moment. Below are some links and pointers provided for the legal paperwork’s needed.

Is Solar STC Worth It?

Small-scale technology certificates help to encourage more and more people every day to avail the benefits of green energy. Not only they get to contribute towards greener earth but also, they get financial incentives for doing so. While in the process, accredited agents reap profit from it. Assessing from all angles, solar STCs are more than worth it for both the end-users and the installers.


Lastly- STCs pave the way for end-users to get easier access to benefit from renewable energy sources. The whole scheme is regularly monitored to prevent any fraudulent activities. Also, STCs price, their creation, and other aspects are pretty transparent for anyone to look through and learn. But the process can be a bit complicated for some. In that case, as an accredited CEC agent, Cyanergy can help the newcomers with crucial details, which are authentic and reliable.


Yes. You can avail both of them together if you purchase a new solar system and a battery storage solution. For example, if you buy a new 6kW system in Port Macquarie in NSW in one of the eligible postcodes, such as 2429, you can get 82 STCs, as this particular region is in zone 3. As per the recent STC price, which is $37.50 per certificate, you will be offered around $3,075; this amount will be deducted upfront from your original price. Moreover, for the battery system, you can claim an interest-free loan of up to $14,000. Therefore, loads of amount like $17,075 will not have to be paid at the time of purchasing a new solar system, as well as battery solution. Isn’t that great for any households to avoid such a hefty amount upfront in buying such an expensive piece of renewable energy solution?
Even before applying for this program, make sure that your home is connected to the grid along with a smart meter installed at the property by your approved solar retailer. Now, applying for the program is not that complex, yet requires an awful lot of information, which have to be authentic and must satisfy the governing body to approve it. Hence, take an in-depth look at the 5-staged applying methods; Step 1: Firstly, decide whether or not the battery system might be a good option for you. You can get all sorts of information regarding this program at ( to know the offer and various eligibility criteria. You can also research the program guide, the calculator, home solar battery guide, terms & conditions, and FAQs from different authentic Australian websites to make an informed decision about whether or not installing this system can benefit you in the long run. Step 2: Once you are determined that you wish to install the system as it might be beneficial to you, you may want to
  • Speak to your desired approved supplier, such as Natural Solar, Solar Professionals, Clipsal Solar, UPowr, Tindo Solar, E-smart Solar, Sunbank Solar, ECOlectrical, HCB Solar, MV Solar, Solar Depot to get an appointment for the arrangement of the home visit to get the quote. It’s worth receiving quotes from more than one supplier for a range of better deals
  • Your preferred supplier will then pay a visit to your home for inspection and will suggest you the best battery system for your home along with all the costs and savings you will pay and make, respectively
  • Once the supplier is satisfied with your home’s suitability, you will be provided with a detailed quote. You will also get a Quote Record Number in the form of (“LTZ4993”), which will then be used to commence your application process for the loan system
Step 3: Once the best quote is supplied by your approved supplier, you can access the quote using the Quote Record Number (QRN) in the portal of the program website. You can, alternatively, click the link inside the email or SMS to access the link using the QRN. By clicking the link, you can see the in-depth information regarding your battery installation quote. By giving a thorough consideration, you can then proceed further with your loan-applying application for the empowering homes program. By any chance, if you have lost your quote number or forgotten it, you can still redeem it from the program website. Step 4: This stage is all about applying for financing by satisfying your loan criteria using your credit checking. We have extensively discussed it on page 2. The Plenti does all the eligibility checking with your credit to check your liabilities & repayment history and inform you if you are deemed qualified for the loan-sanctioning process. Step 5: Once your eligibility is confirmed for the loan and the loan approval is given, your supplier will contact you to book an appointment to install the new battery system. However, before the installation, you and your supplier must come to an agreement by signing the supply and install contract, which will tie both of you under a contract to adhere to all the legal bindings. Once the installation is completed, you will then be taught how to use the system, followed by you must contact Plenti regarding your complete installation. The empowering homes program is launched to cover 30,000 homeowners to get their loans for the battery storage program. Since the Feed-in-tariff rate is declining day by day, and the electricity bill is panicking the homeowners, it is high time you all started to install a battery system by getting all the checks done for the eligibility. This once in a lifetime opportunity can save you an ample amount of money, as the battery price is raving costly. If you need to know more up-to-date information, you can either visit or contact Cyanergy.


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