How solar save money

The saving power of solar

How running on sunshine saves you money on your energy bill.

Generate more, buy less

Switching to solar energy means you’re generating power you’d otherwise be buying off the grid. This means the more you make, the less you need, and the more you save.

Your battery is an important driver of those savings. It is designed to store any excess energy your panels generate, meaning you’ll need to buy less from the grid during peak (and expensive) times of the day.

Our team of experts sit behind the scenes optimising the battery to make the most sense for your home, so you don’t have to. This includes buying and selling energy when it is at its cheapest.

Full power transparency

Studies show that when people have more visibility over how much energy they’re using, they use less — now that’s something we can get behind. 

Our solar system comes with access to a full monitoring dashboard that enables you to track how much solar energy is being generated, stored and used. This also helps our team of energy experts optimise your system in the background to make sure it’s running as best it can, both for your pocket and the planet.

Subscribe to the sun and save

Our solar subscription model means you can enjoy all the benefits of solar without the upfront costs of buying a system outright. ​

Get a full solar system installed in your home and you’ll enjoy lower energy costs. We own and maintain the hardware, you get the savings – it’s a win-win all around. ​

Buy your own
- and save

If you opt for buying your own solar energy system from us, you’ll still be making long-term savings on your power bill every day with the added benefit of ongoing support.

We’ll manage its optimisation, maintenance and updates, and you’ll have access to cheaper power thanks to exclusive rates from our 100% renewable Toitū Climate Positive grid electricity partner, Ecotricity. Depending on the size you need for your home, systems start at $20,000.

Every review tells a story, the story of a customers experience.

Not sure which option is right for you?

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The benefits of solar energy

The benefits of good energy

What you get from going solar.

Energy that is Cost-Effective and Environmentally Friendly.

Embrace Sustainable Home Power Solutions with Solar Energy. Our innovative systems harness the abundant sunlight, converting it into clean electricity to fuel your household needs. Plus, we facilitate surplus energy sales back to the grid, optimizing your savings and environmental impact

Reducing your home’s power bill

Solar energy represents the epitome of sustainability, tapping into the boundless potential of the sun to power your home efficiently and affordably. By capturing and storing surplus energy generated by your rooftop solar panels, you can optimize usage during peak hours, when grid energy demand and costs are typically at their highest. Invest in solar technology today to enjoy long-term savings and environmental benefits.

Fueling Your Power-Hungry Devices: Unleash the Energy Solutions for Your Home

Embrace Sustainability with Solar Energy Solutions for Your Home. Our innovative solar systems capture abundant sunlight, transforming it into clean, renewable electricity to fuel your household needs. Plus, by harnessing surplus energy, you can even contribute to the grid while reducing your carbon footprint. Discover the Power of Solar Today

Every review tells a story, the story of a customers experience.

Technology you can rely on

One of the best parts of solar systems is that they’ve been designed to last. The average solar panel is expected to last for more than 25 years without needing to be replaced or becoming obsolete.

This means once they’re installed, you won’t have to worry about upgrading or replacing them. And the added benefit – we’re conscious of eliminating waste in every part of our business, and the hardware within our systems is no exception.

Low maintenance, low upkeep

A lot of people talk about a concern that they’ll have to maintain the solar panels.  But there’s no need to worry – we thought of that, and we have a simple solution we install our solar panels at a specific angle that allows them self-clean.

This means you don’t need to get up on the roof every week and give them a wash. Our team of energy experts monitor all of our customers’ systems and will get in touch on the rare occasion they need a clean.

Profiting off the good energy you generate

On top of saving you money on your power bill, solar can also make you money back. How?  By selling any excess energy you generate back to the grid – and at a great rate.

If your battery’s at full solar storage and your panels are still generating electricity, we’ll discharge your battery and sell its energy on your behalf. This will be sold at a competitive rate thanks to our partnership with grid suppliers. Once sold, any money that you earn will appear as solar credits on your power bill from our partner retailer, which will come off the total that you need to pay each month. All without you lifting a finger.

Get your solar panels and battery storage today with $0 upfront investment

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How Solar Works

Ever wondered how sunshine can turn into savings? Our solar systems do just that!

Sunshine is more than just light; it's the earth's most plentiful energy source. With our smart solar systems, we turn those sunny rays into clean, reliable energy for your home. Feel good about using renewable energy while saving money on your electricity bills. Let's make the most of the sunshine together!.

Understanding Your Solar Power System: The Three Key Components and How They Work

Solar panels

Our solar panels are installed on your roof to capture sunlight and convert it into electricity. As they soak up the sun, they transform it into clean, renewable energy. Our systems are grid-connected, so when you generate more electricity than you need, the excess gets sent back to the grid.


These devices convert the direct current (DC) electricity from the solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity, which is the type you use in your home. This renewable energy powers your home and can even be sold back to the grid when you have extra.

Solar battery

Our system ensures you can maximize your solar energy use. Batteries store any excess energy generated during the day, so you have power at night. They take this stored energy and convert it back into electricity for you to use during peak times, ensuring your home runs efficiently on solar power.

How Do Solar Power Systems Work with Grid Energy?

Keeping you connected

Our solar power systems are designed to be grid-connected, allowing any excess solar energy your home generates to be sold back to the grid. This means you can earn credits on your power bill for the extra energy you produce, increasing your energy efficiency and cost savings.

These systems also work seamlessly with the energy grid to ensure you always have enough power. If there’s less sunshine or your solar battery can’t meet your energy needs, the grid provides the additional power you need, ensuring continuous and reliable solar power.

Our team manages your battery to optimize the cost of the energy you use from the grid. We ensure you purchase energy at the most cost-effective times for your home, maximizing your savings and efficiency. By optimizing your solar system, we help you achieve the best energy savings and reduce your carbon footprint.

The sun’s calling

Switching to solar can be a daunting process. But once we’ve helped you work out which of our flexible solar options works for you, the rest is a simple, streamlined process we’ve been perfecting over many years. From there, you can enjoy the many benefits.

Lower monthly power bills

Enjoy lower energy costs and save money on your power bills.

Options to suit your home

 We’re here to find you the best solution.

Ongoing support

Our team is committed to optimizing your system, maintaining the technology, and maximizing your savings.

Living on good energy
Streaming solar means you’re doing your bit to significantly decrease your carbon footprint at no cost to your home comforts.

Every review tells a story, the story of a customers experience.

Get your solar panels and battery storage today with $0 upfront investment

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13.2kW Solar System VIC

13.2kW Solar System Pricing From $4,330!

6.6kW, 10.12kW & 13.2kW Solar packages are on specials.

Get A Free 13.2kW Solar Quote, See How Much You Can Save!

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Solar Panel Packages Exclusive Prices


People’s choice
Total Out of Pocket



recommended package
Total Out of Pocket



Total Out of Pocket


Melbourne’s Best Solar Deal

The premium 13.2kW package

Ignite your energy future with the tier 1 Solar Panel and the powerful 10kW Wi-Fi inverter. The dynamic duo comes in our premium package. It promises high engagement and substantial savings.

If you want to make some serious cash, install a 13.2kW solar system on your roof with a 10kW inverter. This package will provide you with surplus energy even if you have a pool in your house! You don’t need to worry about relying on grid electricity ever again! Not only will you save a ton of money on your electricity bills, but you’ll also make some money off it! Best of all, this package is battery-ready! Adding solar battery storage to the package lets you relax in luxury and comfort.

So what are you waiting for? Get on board and start making money from the sun! It’s totally free, so why not make the most of it? You won’t regret it.

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Solar Panels


Lets Talk More About the 10.12kW Solar System Package

Unleash our revolutionary 10.12kW Solar Power System that can save you big on energy bills! This system has top-tier 440W solar panels and a formidable 8kW Wi-Fi inverter for an energy transformation like never before.

This 10.12kW system can save you big on your energy bills, whether you live in a double-storied house, work from or use significant internet. This package has an 8kW single-phase inverter producing between 28–36 kWh a day. That translates to estimated monthly savings of between $220 -$280! It’s an ideal system to safeguard you from future energy price hikes.

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Solar Panels


The People’s choice 6.6kW package

Do you have a small and cozy family? And can’t spend much out of pocket? Introducing our 6.6kW Solar Power System! Our system features 440W tier 1 solar panels known for their efficiency and durability, paired with the reliable 5KW Wi-Fi inverter to convert sunlight into usable electricity.

Do you have a small and cozy family? And can’t spend much out of pocket? Introducing our 6.6kW Solar Power System! Our system features 440W tier 1 solar panels known for their efficiency and durability, paired with the reliable 5KW Wi-Fi inverter to convert sunlight into usable electricity.

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Solar Panels


How Much Could Solar Save You?


People’s choice
$2,000 p.a.



recommended package
$3,500 p.a.

4 yrs


$5,000 p.a.

4.5 yrs

A personalised solar package for you

We can help you find the perfect package that fits your budget and meets all of your needs. Whether you’re looking for a specific brand or size, our expert advisors are here to help you pick the best package for your home.

We source top-of-the-line solar panel and inverter brands, so you can rest assured that your package will meet our high standards. Plus, if the brand you’re looking for isn’t listed above, we can source it for you!

Say goodbye to high energy bills and hello to renewable energy with our solar packages. Contact us today to start your journey toward a more sustainable future. Let us help you save money and go green!

Each package includes top-quality solar panels, a reliable grid connect inverter, professional installation with an extensive workmanship warranty and, comprehensive warranties from both us and the manufacturer. Our inverters are even AC coupled and future battery ready.

Each package includes top-quality solar panels, a reliable grid connect inverter, professional installation with an extensive workmanship warranty and, comprehensive warranties from both us and the manufacturer. Our inverters are even AC coupled and future battery ready.

Melbourne’s Best Battery Deal

Choose any of these battery storages Solar for your solar panel package ​

It’s no secret that energy prices are on the rise, and unfortunately, it’s out of Governments’ hands. As a consumer, you’re paying top dollar to energy retailers but they’re only paying peanuts for the energy you’re producing on your roof. Is that a fair deal?

The good news is, if you consider current electricity prices and the future price hikes that are expected, it’s absolutely worth investing in Battery Storage. Gas prices are also rapidly increasing, so Electrification is the way forward. Battery Storage allows you to store energy produced by a solar panel during the daytime and use it for later use. This means that you can even save money by using the stored energy when electricity prices are higher at peak times.

If you’re ready to make the switch from gas-powered appliances to electricity, then battery storage is something you must be looking into right away. Battery storage can help you save money and protect yourself from any potential gas price hikes in the future. Plus, with more homes turning to electrification, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your power grid is becoming more efficient and reliable. Battery storage is a smart investment for those looking to switch over to electricity and add an extra layer of protection against any future energy costs. So, if you’re looking to make the switch, get a battery storage system and reap the benefits!

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Get your solar panels and battery storage today with $0 upfront investment

Every review tells a story, the story of a customers experience.

Get your solar panels and battery storage today with $0 upfront investment

By submitting this form, you consent to be contacted by Solar Emporium and receive communications from time to time. Please view our privacy policy for further information.

10.12kW Solar System VIC

10.12kW Solar System Pricing From $2,970!

6.6kW, 10.12kW & 13.2kW Solar packages are on specials.

Get A Free 10.12kW Solar Quote, See How Much You Can Save!

By submitting this form, you consent to be contacted by Solar Emporium and receive communications from time to time. Please view our privacy policy for further information.

Solar Panel Packages Exclusive Prices


People’s choice
Total Out of Pocket



recommended package
Total Out of Pocket



Total Out of Pocket


Melbourne’s Best Solar Deal

Lets Talk More About the 10.12kW Solar System Package

Unleash our revolutionary 10.12kW Solar Power System that can save you big on energy bills! This system has top-tier 440W solar panels and a formidable 8kW Wi-Fi inverter for an energy transformation like never before.

This 10.12kW system can save you big on your energy bills, whether you live in a double-storied house, work from or use significant internet. This package has an 8kW single-phase inverter producing between 28–36 kWh a day. That translates to estimated monthly savings of between $220 -$280! It’s an ideal system to safeguard you from future energy price hikes.

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Solar Panels


The People’s choice 6.6kW package

Do you have a small and cozy family? And can’t spend much out of pocket? Introducing our 6.6kW Solar Power System! Our system features 440W tier 1 solar panels known for their efficiency and durability, paired with the reliable 5KW Wi-Fi inverter to convert sunlight into usable electricity.

Do you have a small and cozy family? And can’t spend much out of pocket? Introducing our 6.6kW Solar Power System! Our system features 440W tier 1 solar panels known for their efficiency and durability, paired with the reliable 5KW Wi-Fi inverter to convert sunlight into usable electricity.

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Solar Panels


The premium 13.2kW package

Ignite your energy future with the tier 1 Solar Panel and the powerful 10kW Wi-Fi inverter. The dynamic duo comes in our premium package. It promises high engagement and substantial savings.

If you want to make some serious cash, install a 13.2kW solar system on your roof with a 10kW inverter. This package will provide you with surplus energy even if you have a pool in your house! You don’t need to worry about relying on grid electricity ever again! Not only will you save a ton of money on your electricity bills, but you’ll also make some money off it! Best of all, this package is battery-ready! Adding solar battery storage to the package lets you relax in luxury and comfort.

So what are you waiting for? Get on board and start making money from the sun! It’s totally free, so why not make the most of it? You won’t regret it.

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Solar Panels


How Much Could Solar Save You?


People’s choice
$2,000 p.a.



recommended package
$3,500 p.a.

4 yrs


$5,000 p.a.

4.5 yrs

A personalised solar package for you

We can help you find the perfect package that fits your budget and meets all of your needs. Whether you’re looking for a specific brand or size, our expert advisors are here to help you pick the best package for your home.

We source top-of-the-line solar panel and inverter brands, so you can rest assured that your package will meet our high standards. Plus, if the brand you’re looking for isn’t listed above, we can source it for you!

Say goodbye to high energy bills and hello to renewable energy with our solar packages. Contact us today to start your journey toward a more sustainable future. Let us help you save money and go green!

Each package includes top-quality solar panels, a reliable grid connect inverter, professional installation with an extensive workmanship warranty and, comprehensive warranties from both us and the manufacturer. Our inverters are even AC coupled and future battery ready.

Each package includes top-quality solar panels, a reliable grid connect inverter, professional installation with an extensive workmanship warranty and, comprehensive warranties from both us and the manufacturer. Our inverters are even AC coupled and future battery ready.

Melbourne’s Best Battery Deal

Choose any of these battery storages Solar for your solar panel package ​

It’s no secret that energy prices are on the rise, and unfortunately, it’s out of Governments’ hands. As a consumer, you’re paying top dollar to energy retailers but they’re only paying peanuts for the energy you’re producing on your roof. Is that a fair deal?

The good news is, if you consider current electricity prices and the future price hikes that are expected, it’s absolutely worth investing in Battery Storage. Gas prices are also rapidly increasing, so Electrification is the way forward. Battery Storage allows you to store energy produced by a solar panel during the daytime and use it for later use. This means that you can even save money by using the stored energy when electricity prices are higher at peak times.

If you’re ready to make the switch from gas-powered appliances to electricity, then battery storage is something you must be looking into right away. Battery storage can help you save money and protect yourself from any potential gas price hikes in the future. Plus, with more homes turning to electrification, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your power grid is becoming more efficient and reliable. Battery storage is a smart investment for those looking to switch over to electricity and add an extra layer of protection against any future energy costs. So, if you’re looking to make the switch, get a battery storage system and reap the benefits!

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Get your solar panels and battery storage today with $0 upfront investment

Every review tells a story, the story of a customers experience.

Get your solar panels and battery storage today with $0 upfront investment

By submitting this form, you consent to be contacted by Solar Emporium and receive communications from time to time. Please view our privacy policy for further information.

6.6kW Solar System VIC

6.6kW Solar System Pricing From $890

6.6kW, 10.12kW & 13.2kW Solar packages are on specials.

Get A Free 6.6kW Solar Quote, See How Much You Can Save!

By submitting this form, you consent to be contacted by Solar Emporium and receive communications from time to time. Please view our privacy policy for further information.

Solar Panel Packages Exclusive Prices


People’s choice
Total Out of Pocket



recommended package
Total Out of Pocket



Total Out of Pocket


Melbourne’s Best Solar Deal

The People’s choice 6.6kW package

Do you have a small and cozy family? And can’t spend much out of pocket? Introducing our 6.6kW Solar Power System! Our system features 440W tier 1 solar panels known for their efficiency and durability, paired with the reliable 5KW Wi-Fi inverter to convert sunlight into usable electricity.

Do you have a small and cozy family? And can’t spend much out of pocket? Introducing our 6.6kW Solar Power System! Our system features 440W tier 1 solar panels known for their efficiency and durability, paired with the reliable 5KW Wi-Fi inverter to convert sunlight into usable electricity.

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Solar Panels


Lets Talk More About the 10.12kW Solar System Package

Unleash our revolutionary 10.12kW Solar Power System that can save you big on energy bills! This system has top-tier 440W solar panels and a formidable 8kW Wi-Fi inverter for an energy transformation like never before.

This 10.12kW system can save you big on your energy bills, whether you live in a double-storied house, work from or use significant internet. This package has an 8kW single-phase inverter producing between 28–36 kWh a day. That translates to estimated monthly savings of between $220 -$280! It’s an ideal system to safeguard you from future energy price hikes.

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Solar Panels


The premium 13.2kW package

Ignite your energy future with the tier 1 Solar Panel and the powerful 10kW Wi-Fi inverter. The dynamic duo comes in our premium package. It promises high engagement and substantial savings.

If you want to make some serious cash, install a 13.2kW solar system on your roof with a 10kW inverter. This package will provide you with surplus energy even if you have a pool in your house! You don’t need to worry about relying on grid electricity ever again! Not only will you save a ton of money on your electricity bills, but you’ll also make some money off it! Best of all, this package is battery-ready! Adding solar battery storage to the package lets you relax in luxury and comfort.

So what are you waiting for? Get on board and start making money from the sun! It’s totally free, so why not make the most of it? You won’t regret it.

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Solar Panels


How Much Could Solar Save You?


People’s choice
$2,000 p.a.



recommended package
$3,500 p.a.

4 yrs


$5,000 p.a.

4.5 yrs

A personalised solar package for you

We can help you find the perfect package that fits your budget and meets all of your needs. Whether you’re looking for a specific brand or size, our expert advisors are here to help you pick the best package for your home.

We source top-of-the-line solar panel and inverter brands, so you can rest assured that your package will meet our high standards. Plus, if the brand you’re looking for isn’t listed above, we can source it for you!

Say goodbye to high energy bills and hello to renewable energy with our solar packages. Contact us today to start your journey toward a more sustainable future. Let us help you save money and go green!

Each package includes top-quality solar panels, a reliable grid connect inverter, professional installation with an extensive workmanship warranty and, comprehensive warranties from both us and the manufacturer. Our inverters are even AC coupled and future battery ready.

Each package includes top-quality solar panels, a reliable grid connect inverter, professional installation with an extensive workmanship warranty and, comprehensive warranties from both us and the manufacturer. Our inverters are even AC coupled and future battery ready.

Melbourne’s Best Battery Deal

Choose any of these battery storages Solar for your solar panel package ​

It’s no secret that energy prices are on the rise, and unfortunately, it’s out of Governments’ hands. As a consumer, you’re paying top dollar to energy retailers but they’re only paying peanuts for the energy you’re producing on your roof. Is that a fair deal?

The good news is, if you consider current electricity prices and the future price hikes that are expected, it’s absolutely worth investing in Battery Storage. Gas prices are also rapidly increasing, so Electrification is the way forward. Battery Storage allows you to store energy produced by a solar panel during the daytime and use it for later use. This means that you can even save money by using the stored energy when electricity prices are higher at peak times.

If you’re ready to make the switch from gas-powered appliances to electricity, then battery storage is something you must be looking into right away. Battery storage can help you save money and protect yourself from any potential gas price hikes in the future. Plus, with more homes turning to electrification, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your power grid is becoming more efficient and reliable. Battery storage is a smart investment for those looking to switch over to electricity and add an extra layer of protection against any future energy costs. So, if you’re looking to make the switch, get a battery storage system and reap the benefits!

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Get your solar panels and battery storage today with $0 upfront investment

Every review tells a story, the story of a customers experience.

Get your solar panels and battery storage today with $0 upfront investment

By submitting this form, you consent to be contacted by Solar Emporium and receive communications from time to time. Please view our privacy policy for further information.

6.6kW Solar System

6.6kW Solar System Pricing From $890

6.6kW, 10.12kW & 13.2kW Solar packages are on specials.

Get A Free 6.6kW Solar Quote, See How Much You Can Save!

By submitting this form, you consent to be contacted by Solar Emporium and receive communications from time to time. Please view our privacy policy for further information.

Solar Panel Packages Exclusive Prices


People’s choice
Total Out of Pocket



recommended package
Total Out of Pocket



Total Out of Pocket


Melbourne’s Best Solar Deal

The People’s choice 6.6kW package

Do you have a small and cozy family? And can’t spend much out of pocket? Introducing our 6.6kW Solar Power System! Our system features 440W tier 1 solar panels known for their efficiency and durability, paired with the reliable 5KW Wi-Fi inverter to convert sunlight into usable electricity.

Do you have a small and cozy family? And can’t spend much out of pocket? Introducing our 6.6kW Solar Power System! Our system features 440W tier 1 solar panels known for their efficiency and durability, paired with the reliable 5KW Wi-Fi inverter to convert sunlight into usable electricity.

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Solar Panels


Lets Talk More About the 10.12kW Solar System Package

Unleash our revolutionary 10.12kW Solar Power System that can save you big on energy bills! This system has top-tier 440W solar panels and a formidable 8kW Wi-Fi inverter for an energy transformation like never before.

This 10.12kW system can save you big on your energy bills, whether you live in a double-storied house, work from or use significant internet. This package has an 8kW single-phase inverter producing between 28–36 kWh a day. That translates to estimated monthly savings of between $220 -$280! It’s an ideal system to safeguard you from future energy price hikes.

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Solar Panels


The premium 13.2kW package

Ignite your energy future with the tier 1 Solar Panel and the powerful 10kW Wi-Fi inverter. The dynamic duo comes in our premium package. It promises high engagement and substantial savings.

If you want to make some serious cash, install a 13.2kW solar system on your roof with a 10kW inverter. This package will provide you with surplus energy even if you have a pool in your house! You don’t need to worry about relying on grid electricity ever again! Not only will you save a ton of money on your electricity bills, but you’ll also make some money off it! Best of all, this package is battery-ready! Adding solar battery storage to the package lets you relax in luxury and comfort.

So what are you waiting for? Get on board and start making money from the sun! It’s totally free, so why not make the most of it? You won’t regret it.

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Solar Panels


How Much Could Solar Save You?


People’s choice
$2,000 p.a.



recommended package
$3,500 p.a.

4 yrs


$5,000 p.a.

4.5 yrs

A personalised solar package for you

We can help you find the perfect package that fits your budget and meets all of your needs. Whether you’re looking for a specific brand or size, our expert advisors are here to help you pick the best package for your home.

We source top-of-the-line solar panel and inverter brands, so you can rest assured that your package will meet our high standards. Plus, if the brand you’re looking for isn’t listed above, we can source it for you!

Say goodbye to high energy bills and hello to renewable energy with our solar packages. Contact us today to start your journey toward a more sustainable future. Let us help you save money and go green!

Each package includes top-quality solar panels, a reliable grid connect inverter, professional installation with an extensive workmanship warranty and, comprehensive warranties from both us and the manufacturer. Our inverters are even AC coupled and future battery ready.

Each package includes top-quality solar panels, a reliable grid connect inverter, professional installation with an extensive workmanship warranty and, comprehensive warranties from both us and the manufacturer. Our inverters are even AC coupled and future battery ready.

Melbourne’s Best Battery Deal

Choose any of these battery storages Solar for your solar panel package ​

It’s no secret that energy prices are on the rise, and unfortunately, it’s out of Governments’ hands. As a consumer, you’re paying top dollar to energy retailers but they’re only paying peanuts for the energy you’re producing on your roof. Is that a fair deal?

The good news is, if you consider current electricity prices and the future price hikes that are expected, it’s absolutely worth investing in Battery Storage. Gas prices are also rapidly increasing, so Electrification is the way forward. Battery Storage allows you to store energy produced by a solar panel during the daytime and use it for later use. This means that you can even save money by using the stored energy when electricity prices are higher at peak times.

If you’re ready to make the switch from gas-powered appliances to electricity, then battery storage is something you must be looking into right away. Battery storage can help you save money and protect yourself from any potential gas price hikes in the future. Plus, with more homes turning to electrification, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your power grid is becoming more efficient and reliable. Battery storage is a smart investment for those looking to switch over to electricity and add an extra layer of protection against any future energy costs. So, if you’re looking to make the switch, get a battery storage system and reap the benefits!

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Get your solar panels and battery storage today with $0 upfront investment

Every review tells a story, the story of a customers experience.

Get your solar panels and battery storage today with $0 upfront investment

By submitting this form, you consent to be contacted by Solar Emporium and receive communications from time to time. Please view our privacy policy for further information.

Solar Packages

Find the details and eligibility criteria for Solar Victoria Rebate, interest free loan and incentives available for you!

Discover the financial benefits of the Victorian Government’s solar grants, rebates, and incentives designed to make solar energy more accessible and affordable for homeowners. Learn about the various rebates, interest-free loans, and eligibility criteria to maximize your savings and promote green energy in your home.

Take advantage of the Victorian Government’s solar panel rebate and receive up to $1,400 towards the installation of solar panels for your home. This rebate aims to reduce the upfront cost of solar installation, lower your energy bills, and provide a faster return on investment. The rebate is part of the Solar Homes Program and is available to eligible households on a capped monthly basis.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Residency: You must be the owner-occupier of the property.
  • Value: The combined household income must be less than $180,000 per year.
  • Property Value: The property value must be under $3 million.
  • New Systems Only: The rebate is for new solar PV systems only, not for upgrades of existing systems.
  • Previous Rebates: You must not have already received a solar PV rebate under the Solar Homes Program.

In addition to the solar panel rebate, eligible homeowners can apply for an interest-free loan, matching the rebate amount up to $1,400. This loan is designed to further reduce the upfront cost of solar installation, allowing more households to benefit from renewable energy.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Same as Solar Panel Rebate: The eligibility criteria for the interest-free loan are identical to those for the solar panel rebate.

To be eligible to receive solar panels rebate you must meet the following criteria:

  • You are the owner of an existing property or of a home under construction.
  • You have a combined household taxable income of less than $180,000 per year (based on their Australian Tax Office Notice of Assessment)
  • You have not already received a solar battery rebate or a solar PV rebate under the Solar Homes Program
  • Your existing property valued at under $3 million, or a home under construction that will be valued at under $3 million at the time of completion.
  • Your property address has not previously received a solar PV or battery rebate.
  • You do not have an existing solar PV system*.

Householders can receive only one rebate type under the Solar Homes Program as an owner occupier.

For example, if a householder has already received a solar PV rebate, they cannot receive another solar PV rebate as an owner occupier.

Once you’re confident that your property fits the eligibility criteria, you should start researching solar retailers who are authorised to participate in the Program and can meet your energy needs like Solar Emporium.

* Early adopters who installed their system prior to 1 November 2009 are eligible to replace or expand their existing system. However, those receiving the Premium Feed-in Tariff should consider whether they will be better off if they replace their existing system.

Solar Emporium expert advisors are here to help you with all your needs to access the rebates and incentives.

Claim your rebate and loan now!

Federal Government Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STCs)

Homeowners can also take advantage of the Federal Government’s Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STCs) as part of the Renewable Energy Target. STCs provide a financial incentive for the installation of eligible small-scale renewable energy systems, including solar PV systems.

How STCs Work:

  • Certificate Allocation: When you install an eligible system, you earn a number of STCs based on the amount of renewable electricity the system is expected to generate.
  • Trading STCs: These certificates can be sold to recoup some of the installation costs, further reducing your investment.
  • Cost Savings: Significant reduction in electricity bills.
  • Environmental Impact: Lower carbon footprint and promotion of renewable energy.
  • Energy Independence: Reduced reliance on the grid and protection against rising energy costs.

For more detailed information, visit the official Solar Victoria website and check the latest updates and availability of rebates and incentives.

How Much Could Solar Save You?


People’s choice
$2,000 p.a.



recommended package
$3,500 p.a.

4 yrs


$5,000 p.a.

4.5 yrs


6.6kW System

Introducing our 6.6kW Solar Power System, a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution for your energy needs. Our system features 440W tier 1 solar panels known for their efficiency and durability, paired with the reliable 5KW wifi inverter to convert sunlight into usable electricity.

Originally priced at $3690 take advantage of our Special Solar VIC Price starting from $890 This affordable offer makes clean energy accessible, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of solar power without a hefty price tag

Original Price - from $3,690.00

Our VIC Offer Price - from $890.00

Solar Panels


10.12kW System

Unleash the power of the sun with our revolutionary 10.12kW Solar Power System! Dive into the future of clean energy, featuring top-tier 440W solar panels and the formidable 8kW wifi inverter for an energy transformation like never before.

Originally priced at $5,770 our VIC Special Solar Price starting from $2,970 opens the door to a sustainable energy journey that won’t break the bank. This exclusive offer brings cutting-edge solar technology within reach, allowing you to embrace eco-friendly living with enthusiasm.

Original Price - from $5,770.00

Our VIC Offer Price - from $2,970.00

Solar Panels


13kW System

Ignite your energy future with the tier 1 Solar Panel and the powerful 10kW wifi inverter – a dynamic duo that promises both high engagement and substantial savings. This groundbreaking combination is not just a solar system; it’s a ticket to a more sustainable and cost-effective energy lifestyle.

Originally valued at $7,130 our VIC Special Solar Price starting from $4,330 makes this cutting-edge technology accessible to everyone. Immerse yourself in the world of renewable energy without compromise, as this exclusive offer not only enhances your home or business but also puts money back in your pocket.

Original Price - from $7,130.00

Our VIC Offer Price - from $4,330.00

Solar Panels


A personalised solar package for you

We can help you find the perfect package that fits your budget and meets all of your needs. Whether you’re looking for a specific brand or size, our expert advisors are here to help you pick the best package for your home.

We source top-of-the-line solar panel and inverter brands, so you can rest assured that your package will meet our high standards. Plus, if the brand you’re looking for isn’t listed above, we can source it for you!

Say goodbye to high energy bills and hello to renewable energy with our solar packages. Contact us today to start your journey toward a more sustainable future. Let us help you save money and go green!

Each package includes top-quality solar panels, a reliable grid connect inverter, professional installation with an extensive workmanship warranty and, comprehensive warranties from both us and the manufacturer. Our inverters are even AC coupled and future battery ready.

Each package includes top-quality solar panels, a reliable grid connect inverter, professional installation with an extensive workmanship warranty and, comprehensive warranties from both us and the manufacturer. Our inverters are even AC coupled and future battery ready.

Would You Enjoy Cutting your bill Down By 65% - 75% Or More Like Most Of Our Previous Customers Already Have?

Please come to Solar Emporium
Am so glad that i chose Solar Emporium, big thank you to William and Chantelle, they did everything to help me, thank you so much. Please come to Solar Emporium.
a month ago
Professional and good
Team is really cooperative and helpful. They are really professional and good operations and installation team. They have guided me really well and given the best possible design suitable for my house.
4 months ago
My experience with solar emporium can be summed up with one word. Excellent. Daniel, sales consultant, and Hassan, ops manager, have been friendly and super helpful even with my many calls and my confused sounding questions. We were informed at each stage on what to do including after sales assistance.
6 months ago
Very helpful, and friendly
Had my system installed earlier today from Solar Emporium. My consultant Daniel was very helpful, and friendly. He explained things to me in a way that were simple and made sense. I feel like other consultants I had spoken to were very pushy sales people who didn’t explain Feed-in tariffs, processes...
7 months ago
Great job
ASK FOR DANIEL! Started looking around for Solar sometime ago and I was contacted by multiple retailers until I spoke with Daniel at Solar Emporium. He was very helpful, knowledgeable, and honest. We were paying over $700 a quarter on electricity with no relief in sight. Following Daniels...
7 months ago
So impressed by the service
I have purchased my mum solar from Solar Emporium. I was so impressed by the service, advice and help that Michelle Norrey and Nazik Ahmad provided that I purchased my own with absolute confidence. Given all the different products and companies that offer Solar it was difficult to...
10 months ago
Highly professional
The service and advice from Will was highly professional and he patiently answered all my questions. The installers were all lovely and respectful of my property. If you’re after solar I highly recommend Solar Emporium
8 months ago
Process went very smoothly
I had my solar installed by solar Emporium recently and the process went very smoothly from the beginning speaking with William in sales who was very thorough to installation which was professional and fast. Definitely look at these guys if you are looking to get solar. Thank you so much guys for job you ✔
10 months ago
Five stars from us
Five stars from us, William has given exceptional support through the process, job completed on date planned workman polite explained placement of panels clearly all rubbish removed. Follow up calls from William and Chantel appreciated
Jan 09, 2024
Really supportive!
Ellis Lewis was fantastic from start to finish. He was super informative, really friendly, and we genuinely felt that he was trying to help us find what was best for us. In the end we opted to go with Solar Emporium amongst...
Jan 05, 2024
Friendly staff with Prompt Service
Thank you Solar Emporium for your helpful and friendly service.You did everything you promised. The installation went through without any glitches and we are looking forward to reaping the savings benefits.
Feb 17, 2024
Fantastic service from start to finish
The team at Solar Emporium have been fantastic right from the start. We started having conversations in Nov’22 with Daniel. We couldn’t commit to anything at that time as we were welcoming our second child into the world. Daniel was really lovely and stayed...
Dec 11, 2023
Knowledgeable and great to deal with
Everyone I interacted with head informative and friendly, and I did not feel pressured as I have been with other solar groups. The quotes sent were easy to understand and professional. Zac was great...
March 04, 2024
Positive Experience and Outcomes.
Just a quick note to thank you for your efforts and professional standards for the solar system recently installed. The system was signed off with no issues. A word on the installation team - Fantastic. The guys worked all day on Saturday through some light rain...
Apr 12, 2023
Great company to deal with
Solar Emporium were great to deal with and very helpful at each stage of the installation process. The solar panels on my roof work great and I highly recommend this organisation for solar panel installations.
Mar 10, 2023
Very good customer service and outcome
The install location was challenging, but once the obstacles got worked out, the system was installed at the quoted price and was very professionally done. Very happy with the outcome, thank you.
Feb 22, 2024

Find Your Desired Brand

Get your solar panels and battery storage today with $0 upfront investment

By submitting this form, you consent to be contacted by Solar Emporium and receive communications from time to time. Please view our privacy policy for further information.

*All deal prices are ex GST. Terms and Conditions – Prices are all based on a perfect fit e.g. flat roof, no modifications or upgrades etc. Customer needs to be eligible for Solar VIC Rebate, Solar Vic Panel Loan, Solar Vic Batteries Loan (if requiring a battery) and STC’s. Standard Metro Installations only, after rebates apply.

Solar Packages


Solar packages are currently available throughout New South Wales and Victoria. Claim a free consultation session with a solar expert to find out more & check your eligibility.
solar emporium
Deals just for you.

With over 10 years of experience in the field of solar energy, our industry experts at Solar Emporium have come up with reliable, efficient, and huge value for money solar package deals. Our hunger for customer satisfaction has led our engineers to dive into the depths of the market and come up with a range of solutions. Each customer is unique and so are their requirements. With that said, our vast experience, knowledge, and intense research in the field of solar have led us to the culmination of what we believe as “Revolutionary Solar Packages”.

These solar packages have been designed after years of careful study of customer needs, technological developments, solar purchasing power, and various other factors. With our vast data of customer feedbacks and solar system performance indexes, we at Solar Emporium have designed four sets of lucrative solar package deals which cater to different customer requirements and budgets.

We once again would like to point out the fact that these are not the cheapest deals available in the market, but we do guarantee that these are the best value-for-money solar package deals found in the present market.

Australia’s Best Solar Deal

The People’s choice 6.6kW package

If you want to experience the benefits of solar energy for your home, JA Solar and Eging Solar are two great options. Both brands offer reliable, efficient solar panels with an efficiency of up to 21.22%, plus a 25-year product warranty for added peace of mind. For maximum performance, you can consider Solis or Goodwe inverters which offer an efficiency of up to 97.9% with a 10-year product warranty. Very reasonable in price. You can also add battery storage in the future.

If you invest in a solar system, it’s important to make sure that you get the most out of your investment by ensuring that the design and installation are done properly. A 6.6kW system with a 5kW inverter will generally produce between 18-24 kWH’s of energy a day depending on the system design and location. With the current Feed-in-Tariff market, you could be looking at savings of up to $180 a month. However, if the design and installation are not up to standard, then you could be missing out on these savings – meaning your whole investment could be wasted. Make sure you get the best out of your solar system by investing in quality design and installation.

Read More

Solar Panels


The recommended 10.12kW package

When it comes to choosing components for a 10.12kW solar system, you can’t go wrong with Jinko, Trina, or Longi Solar panels. All three are Tier 1 manufacturers so you can rest assured that their products will be of the highest quality and have a 25-year product warranty for added peace of mind. Plus, these panels have a maximum efficiency of up to 22%, so you can be sure that your system will produce the most power possible.

When it comes to the inverter, Sungrow is the obvious choice. It’s the world’s largest inverter manufacturer with over 224 GW installed. Not only is it reliable and bankable, but it also comes with an extended 25-year warranty for added peace of mind. It might cost a little bit more than some of the other brands, but it’s worth it for the quality and reliability that comes with Sungrow.

This 9.99kW system can save you big on your energy bills, with an 8kW single phase inverter producing between 28-36 kWh a day. That translates to estimated savings of between $220 -$280 each month! It’s an ideal system to safeguard you from future energy price hikes.

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Solar Panels


The premium 13.2kW package

At Solar Emporium, we understand the importance of investing in quality products that perform and last. That’s why you can always rely on Hyundai solar panels and Fronius inverters, both manufactured by leading world-renowned brands. Hyundai has been around since 1947 and is one of the most trusted names in the solar industry. The Fronius inverter made in Austria is the only European-made model available on the Australian market, so you know you’re getting the best of the best.

When it comes to performance and quality, Hyundai solar panels and Fronius inverters are unbeatable. Their warranties are second to none, so you know that your investment is well taken care of. And best of all? We at Solar Emporium are proud to be retailers and installers of these top-of-the-line products.

Hey folks, if you want to make some serious cash, here’s the deal – install a 13.2kW solar system on your roof with a 10kW inverter. Not only will you save a ton of money on your electricity bills, but you’ll also make some money off it too! And best of all, you’ll be doing your part in saving the planet for future generations. So what are you waiting for? Get on board and start making money from the sun! It’s totally free, so why not make the most of it? You won’t regret it.

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Solar Panels


A personalised solar package for you

We can help you find the perfect package that fits your budget and meets all of your needs. Whether you’re looking for a specific brand or size, our expert advisors are here to help you pick the best package for your home.

We source top-of-the-line solar panel and inverter brands, so you can rest assured that your package will meet our high standards. Plus, if the brand you’re looking for isn’t listed above, we can source it for you!

Say goodbye to high energy bills and hello to renewable energy with our solar packages. Contact us today to start your journey toward a more sustainable future. Let us help you save money and go green!

Each package includes top-quality solar panels, a reliable grid connect inverter, professional installation with an extensive workmanship warranty, and comprehensive warranties from both us and the manufacturer. Our inverters are even AC coupled and future battery ready.

Australia’s Best Battery Deal

Choose any of these battery storages Solar for your solar panel package ​

It’s no secret that energy prices are on the rise, and unfortunately, it’s out of Governments’ hands. As a consumer, you’re paying top dollar to energy retailers but they’re only paying peanuts for the energy you’re producing on your roof. Is that a fair deal?

The good news is, if you consider current electricity prices and the future price hikes that are expected, it’s absolutely worth investing in Battery Storage. Gas prices are also rapidly increasing, so Electrification is the way forward. Battery Storage allows you to store energy produced by a solar panel during the daytime and use it for later use. This means that you can even save money by using the stored energy when electricity prices are higher at peak times.

If you’re ready to make the switch from gas-powered appliances to electricity, then battery storage is something you must be looking into right away. Battery storage can help you save money and protect yourself from any potential gas price hikes in the future. Plus, with more homes turning to electrification, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your power grid is becoming more efficient and reliable. Battery storage is a smart investment for those looking to switch over to electricity and add an extra layer of protection against any future energy costs. So, if you’re looking to make the switch, get a battery storage system and reap the benefits!

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Get your solar panels and battery storage today with a $0 upfront investment

Would You Enjoy Cutting your bill Down By 65% - 75% Or More Like Most Of Our Previous Customers Already Have?

Please come to Solar Emporium
Am so glad that i chose Solar Emporium, big thank you to William and Chantelle, they did everything to help me, thank you so much. Please come to Solar Emporium.
a month ago
Professional and good
Team is really cooperative and helpful. They are really professional and good operations and installation team. They have guided me really well and given the best possible design suitable for my house.
4 months ago
My experience with solar emporium can be summed up with one word. Excellent. Daniel, sales consultant, and Hassan, ops manager, have been friendly and super helpful even with my many calls and my confused sounding questions. We were informed at each stage on what to do including after sales assistance.
6 months ago
Very helpful, and friendly
Had my system installed earlier today from Solar Emporium. My consultant Daniel was very helpful, and friendly. He explained things to me in a way that were simple and made sense. I feel like other consultants I had spoken to were very pushy sales people who didn’t explain Feed-in tariffs, processes...
7 months ago
Great job
ASK FOR DANIEL! Started looking around for Solar sometime ago and I was contacted by multiple retailers until I spoke with Daniel at Solar Emporium. He was very helpful, knowledgeable, and honest. We were paying over $700 a quarter on electricity with no relief in sight. Following Daniels...
7 months ago
So impressed by the service
I have purchased my mum solar from Solar Emporium. I was so impressed by the service, advice and help that Michelle Norrey and Nazik Ahmad provided that I purchased my own with absolute confidence. Given all the different products and companies that offer Solar it was difficult to...
10 months ago
Highly professional
The service and advice from Will was highly professional and he patiently answered all my questions. The installers were all lovely and respectful of my property. If you’re after solar I highly recommend Solar Emporium
8 months ago
Process went very smoothly
I had my solar installed by solar Emporium recently and the process went very smoothly from the beginning speaking with William in sales who was very thorough to installation which was professional and fast. Definitely look at these guys if you are looking to get solar. Thank you so much guys for job you ✔
10 months ago
Five stars from us
Five stars from us, William has given exceptional support through the process, job completed on date planned workman polite explained placement of panels clearly all rubbish removed. Follow up calls from William and Chantel appreciated
Jan 09, 2024
Really supportive!
Ellis Lewis was fantastic from start to finish. He was super informative, really friendly, and we genuinely felt that he was trying to help us find what was best for us. In the end we opted to go with Solar Emporium amongst...
Jan 05, 2024
Friendly staff with Prompt Service
Thank you Solar Emporium for your helpful and friendly service.You did everything you promised. The installation went through without any glitches and we are looking forward to reaping the savings benefits.
Feb 17, 2024
Fantastic service from start to finish
The team at Solar Emporium have been fantastic right from the start. We started having conversations in Nov’22 with Daniel. We couldn’t commit to anything at that time as we were welcoming our second child into the world. Daniel was really lovely and stayed...
Dec 11, 2023
Knowledgeable and great to deal with
Everyone I interacted with head informative and friendly, and I did not feel pressured as I have been with other solar groups. The quotes sent were easy to understand and professional. Zac was great...
March 04, 2024
Positive Experience and Outcomes.
Just a quick note to thank you for your efforts and professional standards for the solar system recently installed. The system was signed off with no issues. A word on the installation team - Fantastic. The guys worked all day on Saturday through some light rain...
Apr 12, 2023
Great company to deal with
Solar Emporium were great to deal with and very helpful at each stage of the installation process. The solar panels on my roof work great and I highly recommend this organisation for solar panel installations.
Mar 10, 2023
Very good customer service and outcome
The install location was challenging, but once the obstacles got worked out, the system was installed at the quoted price and was very professionally done. Very happy with the outcome, thank you.
Feb 22, 2024

Find Your Desired Brand

Get your solar panels and battery storage today with a $0 upfront investment

By submitting this form, you consent to be contacted by Solar Emporium and receive communications from time to time. Please view our privacy policy for further information.

Thank you form – for testing only – DO not use

Thank you for trusting us with your information.
We take this responsibility very seriously.

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We strive to provide the highest quality products and services while also doing our part to protect the environment and prioritize employee safety. Our commitment to standards set by ISO 9001, 14001, and 45001 certifications demonstrate our commitment to excellence in all areas including protecting your privacy.

We value your privacy and take your personal information seriously. We will never share or sell it to any third parties. Your contact details will only be used to contact you regarding the Solar Emporium services. We are here to help you on your journey and provide you with valuable information that will help you make the best decision when it comes to purchasing your solar system. We look forward to helping you.

You can find a lot of helpful information on our blog page that will help you in your solar journey. From solar system basics to tips on making the most out of solar energy, our blog page has it all!

Looking For Other Ways To
Reduce Your Power Bill?

You may qualify to get up to $3,000 in government rebates to swap your old hot water system for a brand new energy-efficient heat pump system!


Sales Manager (Residential Solar)

Happy Employees Means Happy Customers

I’m confident that my team member will be able to answer any questions you may have about going solar. We’re committed to helping our customers make the best decisions for their particular situations.

Our team members have extensive knowledge about solar energy and will be more than happy to help you find the right solutions.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any feedback or concerns you may have. I want to ensure that you’re totally satisfied with your solar energy experience. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for considering Solar Emporium as your source of solar power!

Highly professional
The service and advice from Will was highly professional and he patiently answered all my questions. The installers were all lovely and respectful of my property. If you’re after solar I highly recommend Solar Emporium
Katrina Chatfield
4 months ago
Process went very smoothly
I had my solar installed by solar Emporium recently and the process went very smoothly from the beginning speaking with William in sales who was very thorough to installation which was professional and fast. Definitely look at these guys if you are looking to get solar. Thank you so much guys for job you ✔
khan ruon
5 months ago
Impressed by the service
I have purchased my mum solar from Solar Emporium. I was so impressed by the service, advice and help that Michelle Norrey and Nazik Ahmad provided that I purchased my own with absolute confidence.
Cyprus Muslima
5 months ago
Fantastic company
Solar Emporium Pty Ltd are a fantastic company to deal with. Always quick to answer your queries. They are very easy to talk to. Very respectful and understand when answers need to be simplified because you don't understand. I will recommend this company for your solar needs 10 out of 10.
Robyn Walker
7 months ago
Amazing service!
Thankyou Solar Emporium, will be back soon for the investment property.
Alexander Phokos
a year ago
Excellent communication
Excellent communication from great staff and installers
Dec 29, 2022
Yea was a good experience
Yea was a good experience. They were very helpful. It made everything go very smoothly. Well done but deal with again thank you very much. Cheers
Dec 26, 2022
Easy to deal with from customer service…
Easy to deal with from customer service to installation of solar panels. Reliable and delivery of services and materials is completed on expected timeline.
Dec 24, 2022
My experience with solar emporium can…
My experience with solar emporium can be summed up with one word. Excellent. Daniel, sales consultant, and Hassan, ops manager, have been friendly and super helpful even with my many calls and my confused sounding questions. We were informed at each stage on what to do including after sales assistance. Most important is they are easily contactable for any questions and provides assistance after sales
Dec 24, 2022
Great guys to deal with
Will was really helpfull and a great listener
Adam Levey
Dec 2, 2022