Living Off-Grid Possible For Average Australian Households?

With many Australian households facing skyrocketing power bills, living off-grid does have a lot of appeal. But what exactly does it entail, and would it work for you? More specifically, is living off-grid possible for average Australian households?

As electricity prices continue to rise and renewable energy technologies become more accessible. Living off-grid, like how you currently connect to the network, has never been easier, thanks to technological advancements!

And many average Australian households are considering going “off the grid.” Meaning people are living off the grid in Australia.

Right now, off-grid power is less expensive and financially viable. There are no restrictions today like before. Living off-grid, you can have A/C, a pool, electric cooking, and even underfloor heating.

Off-Grid systems are getting popular among those seeking to be self-sufficient and less reliant on the energy grid. However, before going off-grid, we need to consider many factors.

We have done the hard part by examining the benefits and drawbacks of off-grid. So that you can easily make your choice.

Living off the grid no longer requires a tent in the woods and water dipping from a stream. Whether you want to become entirely self-sufficient or reduce your power bills, there is a solution. Let’s look at some key things to think about.

Recent advances in small-scale solar and storage technologies have enabled households to self-generate a significant portion of their energy consumption. And it’s easy to see why solar might be an appealing option.

Solar Energy

off-grid solar system

Solar panels are becoming more efficient. It means you don’t need as much roof space to power an entire household from the sun as you once did.

If your budget or space is severely limited, consider purchasing just a few panels for a solar solution that provides free hot water.

Using solar requires a few changes to your household routines according to daylight hours. Such as running appliances during the day rather than overnight.

Another option is investing in solar batteries. It lets you go completely off-grid or protect you from lengthy power outages.

Can You Use Solar Panels To Go Off-Grid?

To answer your question, yes! You can use solar panels to go off the grid. An off-grid solar system is an autonomous system. The system utilizes solar panels to produce energy and stores excess energy.

This type of system is usually for people living in remote areas. It is for people who don’t have access to the power grid.

While off-grid solar systems are self-sufficient, they can power your home or business. These off-grid systems don’t need any connection to the grid.

How Many Panels Do You Need For An Off-Grid House?

The exact number of panels you require to power an off-grid house is determined by several factors, including:

  • The average daily consumption of electricity.
  • The solar panel type and efficiency.
  • The house’s geographical location and the amount of available sunlight.

How many panels you require will depend on your household’s energy requirements. We recommend consulting a professional solar installer like Solar Emporium who can thoroughly assess your energy requirements. Solar Emporium can provide you with a solution tailored to your needs.

Notably, the number of panels required is only one factor to consider. You’ll also need to ensure to have enough battery storage. Not only will you need to generate enough solar energy to meet your needs, but you’ll also need to have enough energy for when the sun isn’t shining.

Backup energy storage will get through extended periods of low solar, such as winter and cloudy days.

It is also critical to perform regular maintenance on your batteries and panels. You must ensure your setup works properly and optimally to store enough energy to meet your needs.

The Fundamentals Of An Off-Grid Solar System:

components for living off-grid

  • Panels for solar energy
  • Solar Charge Manager
  • Solar Storage\batteries
  • AC Inverter
  • A Backup generator

What Exactly Is An Electricity Grid?

A large and complicated electricity transmission and distribution system is called the grid. Australia has four major power grids, and nearly everyone is connected to one.

  • The National Electricity Market (NEM) operates in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, South Australia, and the ACT.
  • SWIS (South West Interconnected System): A system that operates in Western Australia.
  • The North West Interconnected System (NWIS) is a system that operates in Western Australia.
  • The Darwin-Katherine Electricity Network is operational in the Northern Territory.

Electricity distribution companies manage and maintain these grids. Maintaining and upgrading these grids cost more than half of your electricity bill. Falling grid energy demand makes it more expensive for network operators to keep their systems, potentially raising electricity prices.

How Can You Reduce Your Dependence On Power Grid?

You don’t have to go off-grid to reduce your dependence on the grid. Installing a solar battery without disconnecting from the grid is an excellent middle ground. It allows you to store excess energy generated by your solar panels when the sun isn’t shining.

You can also be less stressed knowing you have a reliable energy source. It can even provide you power when the grid is down.

And, if you have a battery, connecting it to Solar Emporium’s Off-grid system allows you to increase your energy independence while earning rewards. Households that connect their home battery to our storage system can receive a monthly credit on their electricity bill.

What are The Differences Between Off-Grid And Grid-connected Solar?

  • Off-grid solar system is when solar panels don’t connect to the grid. It generates and stores electricity independently. As mentioned before, these systems are usually for remote areas. It’s for individuals who don’t want access to an electrical grid or rely on the grid.
  • In contrast, grid solar refers to a system with solar panels linked to the electrical grid. This system generates electricity and feeds any excess power back into the grid. It allows the homeowner to receive bill credits or payments for the extra power they generate.
  • It is typically used by households with electrical grids who want to reduce their energy bills using solar energy.
  • The main distinction between off-grid and grid-connected solar is the degree of dependence on the electrical grid. Grid-connected systems are linked and interact with the grid, whereas off-grid systems operate independently.
  • Off-grid systems also demand more initial investment. But with many rebates, these should be within reach for average households. Cutting the power comes with its challenges. And the most significant one comes with the possibility of going without power for long periods.

What Does It Cost To Live Off-Grid?

A dependable solar battery, a large off-grid solar system, and a backup generator are required to live off the grid. Even after government rebates and incentives, living entirely off-grid will cost at least $20,000-$25,000.

The average Australian household consumes between 12 and 16 kWh of electricity daily. Generally, a 1kW solar power system will produce approximately 4kWh of electricity under ideal conditions.

Consequently, a 3kW – 4kW solar system would be required to cover your daily energy consumption. You would need a 5kW – 6kW solar system to be entirely off the grid.

However, it’s recommended by us to opt for a larger 5kW system. A 5kW solar system will cost around $4,500 – $8,000. Customers eligible for a government rebate could get a price reduction.

The main disadvantage of solar is that it only works when the sun shines. As a result, you’ll need to install a solar storage battery if you want to have power at night.

You may require a storage system of at least 10kW – this entirely depends on your energy consumption. Prices for a solar system of this size, including installation, can range between $8,000 and $12,000.

If you add up the solar system installation costs with disconnection and council permission fees, an off-grid solar system can cost around $20,000.

The cost of solar systems and storage batteries will soon be cheaper. If you cannot spend the money now, it may be worthwhile to invest in it soon.

Also, remember that you must maintain your solar system. And it might come with additional repair and replacement costs.

Will Living Off-Grid Save Money?

The short answer for the majority of you reading this is yes. But as appealing as it sounds, the initial investment might be a lot for average Australian households. However, with Solar Emporium’s solar packages and off-grid system, you can stop worrying.

Our packages and off-grid system bring inexpensive solutions to your doorsteps within a budget.

Should You Live Off-Grid?

Off-grid Living

Whether you should disconnect from the power grid depends entirely on your location and personal circumstances. You may get some fantastic deals on your solar installation. But it can take a long time to see a good ROI.

But grid electricity being costly, living off-grid may be a better option for average Australian households. Solar systems have grown in popularity in Australia over the last decade. An increase in solar ownership will decrease the cost of renewable energy.

Renewable energy sources are widely accepted as the way of the future. And as solar technologies improve, the capacity and efficiency of solar systems should improve while prices continue to fall.

Therefore, it will get more feasible for an average Australian household to live off-grid. It’s no surprise that many people in Australia are considering becoming more self-sufficient. And installing an off-grid solar system is the perfect way to do that.

Why Living Off-Grid Maybe Your Only Option?

  • If you live in a rural area of Australia without an electricity grid. You might be forced to create your electric systems. Hence, living off-grid may be your only option.
  • If you’re experiencing frequent blackouts, it may force you to disconnect from the grid.
  • The nearest grid connection point from your home is far away. And the electricity network wants to charge you an exorbitant fee to connect you to it.
  • Interested in self-sufficient energy without reliance on a grid or fossil fuels.

But Is Living Off-Grid Actually Possible?

Once off the grid, you can use a combination of storage solutions and technology. The best solution would be to reduce our reliance on the grid.

Solar PV technology makes the most sense because it has the quickest payback, especially if you can get a good deal on the panels.

We can all afford to reduce our dependence on the grid by simply using less energy. Our current energy use is highly inefficient, and we can change a few habits right now to make off-grid living more feasible and reduce our energy bill.

Living off-grid is the cheapest option for average Australian households. And as the fossil fuel industry faces the most dramatic change, off-grid living, and renewables are getting more feasible.

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Step-By-Step Guide To Buying Quality Solar Panels In 2023

Step-By-Step Guide To Buying Quality Solar Panels In 2023

Have you decided to buy quality solar panels for your home to generate electricity? Then continue reading. Before purchasing, you should figure out how to choose the best solar panels specifically for your home.  

Our step-by-step guide to buying quality solar panels will give you every key point you need to know before going solar. This article also contains all the new updates of 2023! So look no further and review our article to get the best solar panels

Examine Your Electric Bill

Analyse your electricity bill before beginning the solar panel buying and installation process. You should get a consumption monitor for better results. It helps you determine your monthly energy consumption in kWh.  

In addition, it can assist you in selecting the solar system size that you need. To get an accurate estimate, look at the average monthly energy consumption over the last 12 months. 

Do A Technical And Feasibility Analysis

Conduct a study before installing your system. It can help you assess the structure of your building and determine the best products based on your energy consumption.  

The study will also assess the solar radiation patterns at your installation site. That will vary depending on your geographic location. Based on the study’s findings, technical experts can recommend the best equipment for your budget and energy goals. 

Because only buying quality solar panels is not feasible. The panels and mounting system have to comply with your house.  

Perform A Roof/site Inspection

Inspecting the installation site is critical to properly installing your solar panels. Look for a location correctly aligned with the sun. Because the best angle for solar panels will provide you with the ultimate solar energy. 

More importantly, look for a reasonable height and flat terrain.  

Examine for Compatibility

First, you must ensure your home is ready to receive a solar energy system. Determine whether your roof is large enough or has enough space to install the ground-level panels.  

Sometimes trees and branches are removed or trimmed. Your electrical panel may also require an upgrade. Verify if your roof is in good condition. 

Solar price varies

Choose a Size

Once you know your home is compatible, decide what services you want your system to provide. You can use the energy to power lighting or a few appliances. You can also choose a plan to generate energy for your entire house.  

You can even sell some power back to the grid through feed-in tariffs. 

Check For Permits

Apply for a building permit in your area. A separate electrical permit may also be required in some areas. Waiting for permits to be approved and scheduling subsequent inspections are frequently the most time-consuming aspects of a project. 

Apply for Incentive Programs

Take advantage of your solar investment. At the state and local levels, incentive programs differ. Federal incentives and schemes can also change from time to time.  

You may be entitled for tax credits, rebates, or grants from multiple sources to offset costs. Apply for these benefits before beginning the installation process. To finance the project, you could apply for a particular solar loan. 

Solar Price

So how much do solar panels cost? When comparing solar panels, this is the first-factor people consider. Several factors determine the cost of a solar panel. It includes the size, brand, quality, durability, and any certifications the solar panel may have. 

Price is an important factor when you are deciding on a solar panel. However, it should be one of many factors to consider because the cheapest panel may not be the most efficient. And in the long run, it may not be the best option.  

Solar panel selection can be challenging, but ensuring a quality solar panel system is more significant than going for the cheapest option.  

Check Solar Emporium’s Solar Packages for cheapest and the best panels 

Make a budget for yourself

Calculate the average cost of your solar energy system based on your monthly energy consumption. Also, get an estimation of the solar panel installation process costs. Consider warranties, maintenance costs, and the number of panels needed for installation. 

Quality of Solar Panels

This considers how the panel is manufactured and the quality of the materials used to construct the solar panel. Various manufacturers produce panels that vary in quality, price, and efficiency.  

Vertically integrated solar panel manufacturers control every stage of the manufacturing process.  

Many place a premium on quality and invest heavily in research and development (R&D). Other manufacturers assemble panels and usually do not manufacture their cells or support R&D. 

Energy Efficiency

The efficiency of a solar panel refers to how much the panel receives and converts into energy. And that’s you can determine the amount of power your system will generate.  

Sometimes the best option is to purchase the largest and most efficient solar panel. It may cost more but will save you money in the long run.  

Temperature Coefficient

It refers to the effect of heat on the operational efficiency of a solar panel. Because overheating of solar panels decreases their efficiency.


A 25-year warranty typically covers solar panels. If the manufacturer does not provide a long warranty period, you may suspect their product is subpar. Avoid being misled by an attractive price, as you may regret it in the long run. 

Of course, proper maintenance of your solar panels is essential to extend their lifespan. Fortunately, we have solar packages for brands that require less maintenance. 

Reduces Electricity bill

Where To Find The Best Solar Panel In Australia?

Prices vary significantly between companies. Therefore, finding the best solar supplier and installer may require requesting multiple quotes. Ultimately, the actual solar panel cost will depend on various factors. It includes-  
  • The solar panel’s type – monocrystalline, polycrystalline, or thin film 
  • How many solar panels do you require according to your house’s size 
  • The reputation of solar suppliers and installation companies  
  • Are the companies certified? What warranties do they offer? 
  • Each solar panel’s inverter type 

All the information and the renewable products should be available from the solar company you select to do business with. Remember, your solar installer should consider products based on your particular circumstances. They should provide the price quote accordingly.  

In addition, you should request to see any relevant industry-approved certification on solar panels and battery storage systems. You can trust Solar Emporium’s certificate and professionality without worrying.  

Installers of Solar Panels in Australia

With so many Clean Energy Council Approved Solar Retailers in Australia, finding the right solar panel installer should be simple. Visit the Clean Energy Council website to see a list of accredited retailers in your state. 

However, before signing agreements, confirm the Clean Energy Council website accreditation. It will definitely help you find which solar panels are best for you.  

Explore Your Specific Requirements

When buying quality solar panels in Australia, what you want and need are two different things. 

If you have a large family with many household appliances, a small solar PV system would not suffice. On the other hand, let’s assume you live alone in a small flat. Then there’s no point in going overboard with the panels. 

You must find your specific needs, and the system will work perfectly. And it will ultimately give you all the power you require while saving you money. 

You can see why doing your research is essential. Making an informed decision about your selected system will help you understand what will suit your needs. 

Choose the Best Solar Panel System With Solar Emporium

Solar Emporium’s team can provide free quotes to assist you when buying quality solar panels. Different suppliers will contact you with their offers, and you can then choose the one you prefer, but we assure you of our utmost dedication.  

We have an extensive network of qualified solar panel installers all over Australia. We can connect you with our reputable installers in your area.  

However, if you already know which solar panels you want for your home and want to speak with a professional installer, we can help you connect immediately. 

Our Solar Experts are here to Help!

Is REC The Most Dependable Solar?

Is REC The Most Dependable Solar?

Even a few years ago, solar panels were not as popular as it is now. And many solar companies are actively operating in Australia. Day by day, the popularity of solar panels are increasing. REC solar panel is one of the most talked about solar in the market. But is REC the most dependable solar? You shall find the answer here in this review article. 

REC Solar Panels At a Glance:

REC is a pioneer in the solar industry and a leading innovator in solar PV technology. The advanced Alpha series panels use high-performance heterojunction cells. These cells have elevated REC to the level of the world’s best manufacturers. And they are among the most efficient solar panels on the market.  

In this highly competitive solar market, the more affordable REC Twinpeak and N-peak panels offer excellent value for money and are backed by a 20-year product warranty and a 25-year performance warranty. The range is longer than the industry average. 

  • Bloomberg Tier 1 Solar Panel  
  • Power rating (Watts): 360W – 450W 
  • Efficiency (%): 19.5% – 22.3% 
  • Cell technology: N-type and Heterojunction 
  • Price bracket: Med to High $$$$ 
  • Most popular panel: Alpha 400W 
  • Product Warranty: 20 years 
  • Service and support: 5/5 
  • Overall: Highly recommended ☆☆☆☆☆ 

Overview of REC 

REC is a award winning solar company with the Tier 1 title. It was founded in Norway in 1996 and has grown to become a leading innovator of solar PV technology. The company is employing over 2000 people and operates an advanced manufacturing plant in Singapore. Typically, REC produces approximately 1.5 GW of solar panels per year. REC is still growing, though it is still small in comparison to the massive Chinese solar manufacturers. The company is also an industry leader in sustainability.  

The operations headquarter and manufacturing facilities are in Singapore. And the new parent company, Reliance New Energy Solar, is part of the Indian conglomerate Reliance Industries as of 2021. The company currently has eight offices worldwide, including one in Melbourne’s CBD. REC is a fully vertically integrated company. Therefore, they manufacture everything from silicon ingots, wafers, cells, and complete module assemblies. Since they make everything in-house, it gives them complete control over the quality and traceability of all components. 

REC claims to have the industry’s lowest warranty rate. It is a big claim and difficult to verify. But given the overwhelmingly positive feedback, they are definitely known to produce highly reliable and high-performing panels. Especially, they are known for their effectiveness in the harsh Australian climate, with very few known quality issues. Also, The REC Certified Solar Professional Program allows them to offer their customers longer warranty periods, including a product and labor warranty of up to 25 years.  

Revolutionary Cell Technology

REC was the first company in the world to release panels that used the innovative split module design with half-cut cells. The high-efficiency PERC cell architecture is also used by REC in the entire TwinPeak panel line. Because of the many advantages and improved efficiency of the half-cell design, it is now becoming an industry standard.  

Innovative Half-cut Cells

The half-cut cell and split module design effectively divides the panel into two halves, each with 60 ‘half-size’ cells, for a total of 120 cells. The two halves are joined parallel at the center of the panel but operate independently. So if one half is shaded, the performance of the other half of the panel is not affected. 

When a small portion of a full-size 60-cell panel is shaded, it can lose up to 40% of its power. Another advantage of the half-cut cell format is that the current is reduced to half per side. Ultimately, it reduces resistance and losses by 75% of hot spot formation from shaded cells. Furthermore, the busbars can be smaller because of the lower current. As a result, less cell shading occurs and further efficiency improves. Overall, the half-cut cell and split panel design increase panel performance.  

High-performance N-type Silicon Cells

The introduction of the N-Peak series in 2018 cemented REC’s position as a pioneer in half-cut cell technology. REC was the first manufacturer to create half-cut cells out of high-performance N-type silicon rather than the more common, lower-cost P-type mono or multi-silicon wafers. This places REC in the same league as LG, Panasonic, and SunPower, which are among the few other manufacturers that use high-purity N-type silicon wafers. 

REC has included PERT, or ‘passivated emitter rear totally diffused’ cell technology, in addition to N-type silicon. The PERT process increases cell efficiency by utilizing full passivation on the cell’s backside to absorb more light photons and generate more energy. 

Heterojunction HJT Cells

The REC Alpha series was the first mass-produced solar panel to use heterojunction (HJT) in a half-cut cell format. To increase cell efficiency, the HJT cells are built on a high-purity N-type silicon base with a thin-film layer of amorphous silicon above and below the cell. The HJT cells also have 16 microwire busbars, which increase efficiency and provide exceptional high-temperature performance with a very low-temperature coefficient of 0.26%, which is significantly lower than the industry standard of 0.38%. Because of the lower temperature coefficient, the Alpha panels will operate much closer to their rated power in high temperatures. 

Range of REC Solar Panels

REC solar produces multiple ranges of solar panels for residential and commercial purposes. Many configurations and sizes are available utilizing the half-cut cells. Multiple companies are moving towards efficient cells, but REC has paved the way with their HJT and N-type monocrystalline cells.  

REC Alpha Solar Series


Cell Number- 120 

Cell Type- Half-cut with HJT 

Power Output- 380W 

Panel Efficiency- 21.7% 

Annual Power Degradation- 0.25% 

Dimensions- 1721 x 1016 x 30mm 

Weight- 19.5kg 

Product Warranty- 20 years 

Performance Warranty- 25 years 

Operational Temperature Range- 40°C to 85°C 

Alpha 72 Series

Cell Number- 144 

Cell Type- Half-cut with HJT 

Power Output- 450W 

Panel Efficiency- 21.3% 

Annual Power Degradation- 0.25% 

Dimensions- 2063 x 1026 x 30mm 

Weight- 23..5kg 

Product Warranty- 20 years 

Performance Warranty- 25 years 

Operational Temperature Range- 40°C to 85°C 


REC Alpha Pure R


Cell Number-120 

Cell Type- Half-cut with HJT 

Power Output- 380W 

Panel Efficiency- 21.7% 

Annual Power Degradation- 0.25% 

Dimensions- 1721 x 1016 x 30mm 

Weight- 19.5kg 

Product Warranty- 20 years 

Performance Warranty- 25 years 

Operational Temperature Range- 40°C to 85°C 

REC N-Peak

Cell Number- 120 

Cell Type- Half-cut mono c-Si n-type cells 

Power Output- 380W 

Panel Efficiency- 19.8% 

Annual Power Degradation- 0.5% 

Dimensions- 1675 x 997 x 30 mm 

Weight- 18kg 

Product Warranty- 20 years 

Performance Warranty- 25 years 

Operational Temperature Range- 40°C to 85°C 


REC Twinpeak Series

Cell Number-120 

Cell Type- Half-cut mono-Si p-type PERC cells 

Power Output- 330W 

Panel Efficiency- 19.8% 

Annual Power Degradation- 0.7% 

Dimensions- 1675 x 997 x 38 mm 

Weight- 18.5kg 

Product Warranty- 20 years 

Performance Warranty- 25 years 

Operational Temperature Range- 40°C to 85°C 

REC solar panel specification/ datasheet

REC Alpha SeriesREC Alpha 72 SeriesREC N−peak SeriesREC TwinPeak Mono SeriesREC TwinPeak 2s Mono 72 Series
Cell Number120144120120144
Cell TypeHalf−cut with HJTHalf−cut with HJTHalf−cut mono c-Si n-type cellsHalf−cut mono−Si p−type PERC cellsHalf−cut monocrystalline PERC cells
Power Output380W450W330W330W400W
Panel Efficiency21.7%21.3%19.8%19.8%20%
Annual Power Degradation0.25%0.25%0.50%0.70%0.50%
Dimensions1721 x 1016 x 30mm2063 x 1026 x 30mm1675 x 997 x 30 mm1675 x 997 x 38 mm2005 x 1001 x 30 mm
Product Warranty20 years20 years20 years20 years20 years
Performance Warranty25 years25 years25 years25 years25 years
Operational Temperature Range−40℃ to 85℃−40℃ to 85℃−40℃ to 85℃−40℃ to 85℃−40℃ to 85℃
Made inSingaporeSingaporeSingaporeSingaporeSingapore


The term solar panel efficiency refers to how effectively a solar panel captures and converts sunlight into usable electricity. A high-efficiency solar panel will produce more electricity than a lower-efficiency panel of the same size under the same conditions. As a result, a higher efficiency rating is generally preferred. 

The efficiency of your REC solar panels will differ depending on the model you select for your system. Solar panels in REC’s product line have efficiency ratings ranging from 19.1% to 22.3%.  

Alpha Pure-R20.7% − 22.3%
Alpha Pure21.1% − 22.2%
N-Peak 2 (black)19.1% − 20.3%
Twinpeak 4 (black)19.4% − 20.3%


Many homeowners base their final decision on the cost of the solar equipment they select. The total cost depends on solar power and solar module. To determine the price range for REC solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, we analyzed free quotes from Marketplace installers that included REC solar panels. Most REC solar PV systems are priced between $2.32 and $3.10 per watt, making them an excellent value in the home solar market. 

This means that the gross cost of a 6 kW system (before any tax credits or other incentives) would range between $13,920 and $18,600. Furthermore, most homeowners pay far less than the total gross cost. With the federal solar tax credit of 30%, which everyone is eligible for, a 6 kW system with REC’s solar panels would cost between $9,744 and $13,020. 

There are numerous state-level solar incentives and rebates available to help you reduce your upfront costs even further. Remember that when you go solar, you’ll be producing free, renewable energy right in your own home. Check out our solar packages for your convenience. 


REC began offering a 20-year manufacturer’s product warranty (previously 10 years) alongside the standard 25-year performance warranty on all TwinPeak and N-peak panels in early 2019. The REC solar installer certification program, on the other hand, extends the product warranty by an additional 5 years, for a total warranty period of 25 years.  

The new warranty significantly improved over the previous 10-year product warranty, which is not surprising given REC’s good reputation and low failure rates. The N-peak panels will have a 20-year product warranty and a 25-year performance warranty, with an 86% retained power output after 25 years. 

In contrast, the new Alpha series will have a 25-year product warranty with a 92% retained power output after 25 years. With global support offices in the United States, Germany, India, Japan, Singapore, and Melbourne, REC has a good reputation and service in the event of a warranty issue or claim. 

So, Is REC The Most Dependable Solar?

Depending on the market criteria and the company’s reputation, REC seems to be a very dependable solar company. Their warranty and solar panel range is better than satisfactory. According to the market, they are actually better than most other companies. Therefore, you can choose REC solar any day. Although the final decision remains up to you. 

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