Best Solar Rebate And Incentive Guide for Australia

Best Solar Rebate And Incentive Guide for Australia

Taking advantage of the sun’s power is an increasingly wise choice for many Australians. With the country’s abundant sunshine, solar energy is not only a sustainable choice but can also lead to significant savings on energy bills.  

However, the initial cost of installing a solar system can be daunting. That’s where solar rebates and incentives come in. Federal and state governments offer these programs. These programs can significantly reduce the upfront cost of going solar.  

And here is the best solar rebate and incentive guide for Australia. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the various solar rebates and incentives available in each state of Australia.  

Federal Solar Rebate and Incentive

Solar rebates and incentives

Before we delve into state-specific programs, it’s important to understand the federal solar rebate Australia. We’ll al also get to know the various solar incentives in Australia. 

The Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) allows homeowners and small businesses to earn Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs). Their system is expected to produce or displace every megawatt hour of renewable energy.  

These STCs can be sold to recoup a portion of the installation costs. The number of STCs you can earn depends on your location, system size, and current deeming period. At the federal level, the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) is available to all Australians. 

New South Wales (NSW)

Solar rebate in NSW provides Empowering Homes Program interest-free loans for solar battery systems, helping homeowners harness solar power and reduce their energy bills. The program offers loans of up to $14,000 for a solar PV and battery system or up to $9,000 for adding a battery to an existing solar system.  

Victoria (VIC)

Solar rebate in Victoria for 2023 offers a comprehensive Solar Homes Program, providing rebates for solar panels, hot water, and solar batteries. The program also includes a solar panel rebate for rental properties, making it easier for landlords and tenants to benefit from solar energy. Victorian solar rebate can help you at every financial level. These programs also have the best solar feed in tariff for VIC.  

Queensland (QLD)

While Queensland doesn’t have active state schemes, homeowners can still benefit from the federal STC program. Additionally, the state offers a feed-in tariff for excess energy fed back into the grid, providing ongoing savings for solar users. 

South Australia (SA)

South Australia’s Home Battery Scheme provides subsidies for installing home battery systems. While all subsidies have been allocated, homeowners can still access the federal STC scheme. 

Western Australia (WA)

Western Australia currently doesn’t have any active state schemes for solar rebates. However, homeowners can still benefit from the federal STC program and the state’s feed-in tariff. 

Tasmania (TAS)

Tasmania offers a feed-in tariff for excess solar energy fed back into the grid. While there are no specific state-based solar rebates, Tasmanian homeowners can still use the federal STC program. 

Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

The ACT’s Next Generation Energy Storage program provides rebates for solar battery installations. The program aims to support the roll-out of up to 36 MW of distributed battery storage in ACT homes and businesses.

Northern Territory (NT)

The Northern Territory’s Home and Business Battery Scheme provides grants to households and businesses to install solar battery systems. The scheme aims to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and support the local solar industry. 

Are You Eligible For Solar Rebates And Incentives?

Solar energy, with its environmental advantages and cost-saving potential, is becoming an increasingly attractive option for Australians. The country’s plentiful sunshine makes solar power a viable and sustainable choice, which can lead to substantial reductions in energy bills. 

Government solar rebate and incentive is available at both federal and state levels to further encourage the adoption of solar energy. Eligibility for solar rebates and incentives in Australia can vary depending on the specific program and the state in which you reside.  

However, there are some general criteria that you will need to meet to qualify for most of these programs. Here’s a guide on how to determine your eligibility: 

Location: Your eligibility for solar rebates and incentives depends on your location. Each state in Australia has different programs and incentives, so you’ll need to check what’s available in your specific state.   

Installation by a Certified Installer: Most solar rebate and incentive programs require that your solar system be installed by a Clean Energy Council (CEC) accredited installer. This ensures that the system is safely and correctly installed. Choose Solar Emporium for the best solar deals.   

System Size and Type: Some programs have specific requirements about the size and type of solar system that qualifies for a rebate or incentive. For example, the federal STC program applies to solar systems up to 100kW in size. 

Property Ownership: Some programs, like Victoria’s Solar Homes Program, require you to own the property where the solar system is installed. There may also be requirements about the property’s value or the combined household income. 

First-time Installation: Some rebates and incentives are only available for first-time installations. You may not be eligible for another one if you’ve previously received a rebate or incentive for a solar system. 

Compliance with Standards: Your solar system must comply with Australian standards to be eligible for rebates and incentives. This includes using panels and inverters that the CEC approves. 

To determine your state’s specific eligibility criteria for solar rebates and incentives, visit the relevant government websites like Clean Energy Council (CEC). You can also consult Solar Emporium, your friendly neighbourhood local solar provider.  

We can provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate information about what programs you may qualify for. 

The Federal Solar Rebate and Incentives in Australia, officially known as the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES).  

Under this scheme, the government incentivizes homeowners, small businesses, and community groups to install eligible small-scale renewable energy systems.   

Solar panel systems, small-scale wind systems, small-scale hydro systems, solar water heaters, and air source heat pumps are included here. 

How Do These Rebates and Incentives Help Australian Homeowners?

Lower Upfront Costs: The SRES creates Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) for every megawatt-hour of renewable energy a system is expected to produce or displace over 10 or 15 years (depending on the installation date).  

These STCs can be sold and create a form of a rebate, reducing the system’s upfront cost. The number of STCs generated depends on the size of the system and the region in which it’s installed. 

Reduced Energy Bills: Once installed, a solar system can generate free electricity for the home, reducing the homeowner’s reliance on the grid and lowering energy bills. The savings will depend on factors like the size of the system, the amount of sunlight in the area, and the household’s energy consumption patterns. 

Feed-in Tariffs: In addition to the federal incentives, some states, and territories offer feed-in tariffs. This means that if a solar system produces more electricity than the home uses, the excess can be fed back into the grid, and the homeowner will receive a credit on their electricity bill. 

Increased Property Value: Installing a solar system can increase the value of a property. As more people become aware of the benefits of solar energy, homes with solar systems can become more attractive to potential buyers. 

Environmental Impact: By installing a solar system, homeowners also contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, helping combat climate change. 

Remember, the specific benefits and savings will depend on individual circumstances, including the size and type of system installed, the location of the property, and the household’s energy usage.  

It’s always a good idea to consult with a solar professional like Solar Emporium to understand the potential benefits in your specific situation.  

How To Apply For Solar Rebates and Incentives?

Solar Rebates

Applying for solar rebates and incentives in Australia needs a few steps, and the process can vary depending on the specific program. Here’s a general idea to clear your path for a trouble-free journey toward solar rebates and incentives.  

Research: Research the different rebates and incentives available in your state. The Clean Energy Council’s website is a good resource for this. 

Choose a System and Installer: Choose a solar system that suits your needs and a Clean Energy Council (CEC) accredited installer. The installer is usually responsible for handling the Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) paperwork, which is part of the federal government’s Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme. And Solar Emporium would be the best choice for every Australian homeowner.  

Installation and Paperwork: Once you’ve selected a system and installer, they will install it and handle most of the paperwork. This includes creating the STCs and assigning them to an agent who will pay you the value of the STCs either as a discount off your invoice or as a direct payment. 

State-Based Rebates: If you’re applying for a state-based rebate, like the Solar Homes Program in Victoria, you may need to apply through the relevant government website. This often involves providing proof of eligibility, such as proof of income and property ownership. 

Feed-in Tariffs: You must contact your electricity retailer if you’re applying for a feed-in tariff. They will provide a new meter to measure the electricity you export to the grid. 

Solar energy is a fantastic way to reduce your carbon footprint and save on energy bills. With the help of federal and state solar rebates and incentives, the initial cost of installing a solar system can be significantly reduced.  

And this federal solar rebate in Australia will make the process a more accessible option for many Australians.  

Remember, the specifics of these programs can change, so it’s important to check the current details with your provider or local government before deciding. Renewable energy Australia’s solar feed-in tariff also give access to further lessen their energy prices.  

It’s also a good idea to always consult with a solar professional or the relevant government department to understand the exact steps you need to take. 

With the right information and support, you can switch to solar and enjoy the benefits of renewable energy. 

Our Solar Experts are here to Help!

Best Solar Inverters In 2024 For Australia

Best Solar Inverters In 2024 For Australia

Solar panel inverter is an essential component of any solar power system. They are responsible for converting the direct current (DC) solar panels generate into alternating current (AC). That is used to power homes and businesses.  

This article will explore the importance of solar inverters, their types, and the best solar inverters in 2024 for Australia. But before getting into the best solar inverters, let’s learn some basics about these first.  

Solar inverters come with a variety of features, such as monitoring capabilities, which allow you to track the performance of your solar energy system in real time. Some inverters also have built-in safety features, such as automatic shut-off during a power outage or other emergency.

Why are Solar Inverters Important?

Solar inverters play a crucial role in the efficiency and reliability of solar power systems. They ensure that the electricity generated by solar panels is converted into a usable form that can be used to power homes and businesses.  

Without solar inverters, solar power systems would not be able to function properly. 

Types of Solar Inverters

Three main solar inverters are string inverters, micro-inverters, and power optimizers. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of the inverter will depend on the specific needs of the solar power system. 

String inverters are the most common type of solar inverter. They are designed to handle the output of multiple solar panels connected in a series or string. String inverters are cost-effective and reliable, but they can be affected by shading or damage to a single panel, reducing the output of the entire string. 

Micro-inverters are installed on each solar panel, converting the DC electricity generated by the panel into AC electricity. Micro-inverters are more expensive than string inverters but offer greater efficiency and flexibility. They are also less impacted by shading or damage to a single panel, as each panel operates independently. 

Power optimizers are similar to micro-inverters but are installed on each panel and work in conjunction with a string inverter. Power optimizers maximize the output of each panel, even if some panels are shaded or damaged. They are more expensive than string inverters but offer greater efficiency and flexibility.

Choosing the Right Solar Inverter

Inverter specifications

When choosing a solar inverter, it is important to consider the specific needs of the solar power system. Factors to consider are the system’s size, the number of solar panels, the location of the panels, and the budget. Deciding on a reputable brand with a proven reliability and performance track record is also essential. 

Solar inverters are a critical component of any solar power system. They ensure that the electricity generated by solar panels is converted into a usable form that can be used to power homes and businesses. Three main solar inverters are string inverters, micro-inverters, and power optimizers.  

The choice of the inverter will depend on the specific needs of the solar power system. When selecting a solar inverter, it is essential to consider the size of the system, the number of solar panels, the location of the panels, and the budget. 

You should only get the best solar inverters in Australia. Therefore, without further ado, let’s discuss Australia’s best solar inverters in 2024. Also to know about the top 10 solar inverters in Australia, get a free solar quote.

Solis Inverter

Solis inverters, manufactured by Ginlong Technologies, have gained popularity in the Australian market due to their competitive pricing and decent performance. 

Range of Solis Inverters Available in Australia

⟹ Solis-1P(3-6)K-4G Single Phase Series 3-6kW
⟹ Solis-1P(7-8)K-5G Single Phase Series 7-8kW
⟹ Solis-3P(5-20)K-4G Three Phase Series 5-20kW

Performance and Efficiency

Solis inverters have an efficiency of at least 97%, which is within the typical range for residential inverter efficiency (95 to 98 percent).  

Solis Inverters are designed for the harsh Australian climate. They are also one of the CEC approved inverters.


All CEC-approved Solis inverters in Australia have a standard 5-year manufacturer’s warranty. Solis offers an additional 5 years of warranty through an online purchase.  

However, it is advised to contact your original solar retailer to claim the warranty in case of inverter failure.

Monitoring and Connectivity

Solis inverters offer a smart Wi-Fi monitoring app that allows users to track their solar system’s performance through smart devices. This feature makes it easy for homeowners to monitor their system’s performance and troubleshoot any issues.

Installation and Maintenance

Solis inverters are compact and lightweight, making them easy to install. They also include numerous protection functions to give users peace of mind.

Market Presence

Solis has been successful in Australia over the past 20 years, taking on big solar inverter brands like Fronius, Sungrow, and GoodWe. With CEC approval, Solis inverters have created solutions to energize the planet with renewable power. 

While Solis inverters are considered a value-priced option, they have received positive reviews from users and industry professionals.  

However, they may have a different track record than some European inverter brands, with more data points to prove their low failure rates and expected lifetime. Solis inverters suit customers on a tight budget. 

Solis inverters offer a good balance of performance, efficiency, and affordability for the Australian market. They are suitable for homeowners looking for a cost-effective solar inverter solution. 

Many Solis inverter reviews are out there but we have taken a deep dive on it.

GoodWe Inverter Review

GoodWe inverters have become popular in the Australian solar market due to their affordability and performance.

Range of GoodWe inverters available in Australia:

⟹  GoodWe NS Series (1-3kW) for single-phase residential systems
⟹  GoodWe DNS Series (3-6kW) for single-phase residential systems
⟹  GoodWe SDT Series (4-10kW) for three-phase residential systems
⟹  GoodWe ET Series (10-20kW) for three-phase commercial systems

Performance and Efficiency

GoodWe inverters have a maximum efficiency of up to 98.3%, which is competitive with leading inverter brands. They are also designed to suit the Australian climate.


GoodWe offers a standard 5-year limited warranty for inverter products. However, Australian customers can enjoy a 10-year warranty on GoodWe inverters manufactured after July 1, 2020. This extended warranty is available for customers purchasing a new solar system.

Monitoring and Connectivity

GoodWe inverters have a built-in monitoring system that allows users to track their solar system’s performance through a smartphone app or web portal. This feature makes it easy for homeowners to monitor their system’s performance and troubleshoot any issues.

Installation and Maintenance

GoodWe inverters are compact and lightweight, making them easy to install. They also include numerous protection functions to give users peace of mind.

Market Presence

GoodWe has been successful in Australia, taking on big solar inverter brands like Fronius, Sungrow, and Huawei.


GoodWe inverters are manufactured in China, which allows the company to offer high-quality products at competitive prices. GoodWe also has an Australian office to provide local support and assistance. 

In summary, GoodWe inverters offer a good balance of performance, efficiency, and affordability for the Australian market. They are suitable for homeowners looking for a cost-effective solar inverter solution. 

Sungrow Inverter Review

Sungrow inverters have become popular in the Australian solar market due to their affordability, performance, and reliability.  

Range of Sungrow inverters available in Australia:

⟹ Sungrow SG Series (1-10kW) for single-phase residential systems
⟹ Sungrow SG3K-D, SG5K-D, and SG10K-D for single-phase residential systems
⟹ Sungrow SG3KTL-M, SG5KTL-M, and SG10KTL-M for three-phase residential systems
⟹ Sungrow SG50CX, SG110CX, and SG250HX for commercial systems

Performance and Efficiency

Sungrow inverters have a maximum efficiency of up to 98.7%, which is competitive with leading inverter brands. This level of efficiency automatically makes them reliable for the Australian climate.  


Sungrow offers a standard 10-year warranty for their solar inverters in Australia, an improvement from their previous 5-year warranty.

Monitoring and Connectivity

Sungrow inverters come with a built-in monitoring system called iSolarCloud, which allows users to track their solar system’s performance through a smartphone app or web portal.  

This feature makes it easy for homeowners to monitor their system’s performance and troubleshoot any issues. 

Installation and Maintenance

Sungrow inverters are compact and lightweight, making them easy to install. While installing, make sure to include all the protection settings. It will definitely ease the maintenance process.  

Market Presence

Sungrow has been successful in Australia since 2012, taking on big solar inverter brands like Fronius, SolarEdge, and Huawei. With CEC approval, Sungrow inverters have created solutions for customers’ needs. 


Sungrow inverters are manufactured in China. But Sungrow also has an Australian office to provide local support and assistance. 

Sungrow inverters offer a good balance of performance, efficiency, and affordability for the Australian market. They are perfect for homeowners seeking a cost-effective solar solution.  

Fronius Inverters

Fronius inverters are well-regarded in the Australian solar market for their high quality, performance, and reliability.

Range of Fronius inverters available in Australia

⟹ Fronius Galvo Series (1.5-3.1kW) for single-phase residential systems
⟹ Fronius Primo Series (3.0-8.2kW) for single-phase residential systems
⟹ Fronius Symo Series (3.0-20kW) for three-phase residential and commercial systems
⟹ Fronius Eco Series (25-27kW) for commercial systems

Performance and Efficiency

Fronius inverters have a maximum efficiency of up to 98.3%, which is competitive with leading inverter brands. The efficiency ratings obviously come with CEC approval. 


Fronius offers a standard 5-year warranty for their solar inverters in Australia, with the option to extend the warranty to 10 or 15 years through a paid extension. This extended warranty is available for new customers of solar systems.

Monitoring and Connectivity

Fronius solar inverter come with a built-in monitoring system called Fronius Solar Web, which allows users to track their solar system’s performance through a smartphone app or web portal.  

Their app is very effective and comes with top-notch performance. The app’s efficiency and features can perfectly monitor and maintain the inverter.   

Installation and Maintenance

Fronius inverters are known for their robust design and high-quality components, making them durable and reliable. They also have many protection features with other versatile features.

Market Presence

Fronius has been successful in Australia for many years, taking on big solar inverter brands like Sungrow, SolarEdge, and Huawei. With CEC approval, Fronius inverters have been able to create many solar solutions.


Fronius inverters are manufactured in Austria, which allows the company to offer high-quality products at competitive prices. Fronius also has an Australian office to provide local support and assistance. 

Fronius inverters offer the Australian market high performance, efficiency, and reliability. They suit homeowners looking for a premium solar inverter solution. 

Why Choose Solar Emporium

Solar Emporium’s solar packages have lucrative offers for all the inverters mentioned above. Most of the inverters are also integrated with Tesla Powerwall. Get a free quote today for all your solar solutions. 

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