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Solar VS Wind Which Renewable Energy Source Is Better?
Solar VS Wind Which Renewable Energy Source Is Better?

Solar VS Wind Which Renewable Energy Source Is Better?

Published on:
November 2, 2023
Our planet is running out of fossil fuels, and we must transition to renewable energy. As energy technologies are developing, wind, water, biomass, and solar power are becoming our future. We must change our energy consumption habits and maintain sustainable energy use.  
We quickly went from relying on fossil fuels to various viable renewable energy sources. Furthermore, the industry is still innovating. The debate isn’t about something other than whether renewable energy will be adopted or not. The real debate is which type of green energy is better.

So solar vs wind, which renewable energy source is better?

Currently, solar and wind energy are Australia’s most widely used types of renewable energy. According to Born To Engineer the scenario is quite similar worldwide too. Therefore, one may automatically wonder which energy source is more efficient. The most efficient option is heavily influenced by the environment in which you live. 
Solar power will be much easier to produce in some areas, but wind energy will be more readily available in others. We will look at some factors that influence wind and solar energy efficiency. But before that, we will need to know what wind and solar energy are.  

Wind Energy

Wind energy is when the sun’s rays heat the uneven surface of the Earth, hot air rises, and cool air settles. Wind is created by the difference in atmospheric pressure, a kinetic form of energy. Turbines are used in kinetic energy to generate electricity. When wind blows around the turbine’s blades, it converts the rotating blade’s energy into mechanical power. It is then converted into energy to pump water, grind grain, or power homes, businesses, schools, and even power plants.

Solar Energy

Solar energy is the radiation from the sun that reaches Earth. When sunlight strikes photovoltaic (PV) cells inside solar panels, the radiation from the sun is converted into electricity. And the PV cells then generate power for homes, businesses, and utility-scale power plants.

Clean and Green Energy

Solar and wind energy are the most widely used renewable energy

Wind and solar power are the most popular green energy alternatives to fossil fuels among the various renewable energy sources. They contribute significantly to reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. Solar panels and wind turbines are used to extract solar and wind energy. These two power systems are abundant and inexhaustible with less to zero environmental impacts. These two sources of energy lessen air pollution significantly too.

As renewable sources, wind and solar power reduce toxic pollution, making our planet greener and cleaner. It has the potential to improve local infrastructure and economies by creating jobs. Because of its low operating costs, it has the potential to power even the most remote parts of the world. However, solar panels and wind turbines are expensive to manufacture, install, and maintain.  

With government rebates, most people can afford it. However, prices still must fall to persuade consumers to switch to green energy sources. The primary impediment to green energy adoption is economic sustainability. Developing a practical, cost-effective method of storing power when there’s no sunlight and the wind is critical to phase out fossil fuels.

Both solar and wind power have advantages over one another. But which green energy source is better?  

Both solar and wind power have advantages over one another.

Advantages of Solar Energy:

  • Solar panels provide more predictable energy output than wind energy. Massive energy production can be done with massive-scale solar farms. 
  • Panels can be installed easily after determining the solar system and requirements by installers.  
  • Unlike wind turbines, solar panels don’t require a specific space for installation. Since panels can be installed anywhere from roofs to front or back lawn 
  • Solar panels don’t produce any noise, while wind turbines are noisy. 
  • Better for suburban areas.  
  • More feasible for residential purposes.

Advantages of Wind Turbines:

  • Wind energy can produce energy even at night, while Solar energy only works with sunlight.  
  • Residential wind turbines transform the same amount of electricity as the traditional method.  
  • Wind turbines release less CO2, automatically making wind a more efficient power source. A wind turbine generates 4.64 grams of CO2/1 kWh, while a solar panel produces 70 grams of CO2/1 kWh. 
  • Wind power produces more energy while consuming less compared to solar panels. 
  • A wind turbine can produce power for utility-scale commercial purposes, depending on the average wind speed.

Which is more effective?

Solar panels’ and wind turbines’ efficiency is determined by how well they convert sunlight into usable electricity. Even the most efficient residential solar panels convert only about 22% of the energy captured from the sun into electrical power. 

On the other hand, wind turbines can transform up to 60% of the wind energy they capture into usable electrical energy. Clearly, wind power is more efficient, but it is more challenging to capitalize on, whereas solar power is much easier to use.

Which is the most cost-effective?

Based on daily electricity consumption, average sunlight received, and individual panel output, an average household of six would require approximately 24 solar panels to meet their energy needs. Solar panel prices will typically range between $11,000 and $15,000. It will produce 6,000 to 10,000 kWh per year. The cost of installation varies depending on a variety of factors, including. It costs 4.6 cents per kWh. 

The annual average wind speed of an area and a house’s size and energy requirements of a house determine whether a wind turbine can power a house.  

A 5kW wind turbine will provide enough energy to power a 6-person household. It would be equivalent to the energy generated by 24 solar panels. Wind turbine installation costs will range between $50,000 and $70,000. It will depend on the size and height of the turbine and the equipment used.

Which Renewable Energy is the Best?

It will generate between 8,000 and 12,000 kWh per year at an average cost of 20.3 cents per kWh. As a result, solar power is less expensive than wind power. Combining these two green energy sources to power one’s home is the best option. However, it only makes sense for rural communities with plenty of open space.  

Solar panels are the better option for homeowners looking for a renewable energy source because they are less expensive to install and require less maintenance. Wind will play a utility-scale role. Renewable energy sources help to reduce energy costs while also having a positive impact on the environment. If wind and solar power continue to grow at their current rates, they may be able to compete with fossil fuel giants.

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