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Energy Pricing And Your Consumer Rights As An Australian
Energy Pricing And Your Consumer Rights As An Australian

Energy Pricing And Your Consumer Rights As An Australian

Published on:
March 21, 2025

Energy pricing in Australia is a critical aspect of everyday life. It impacts households and businesses alike. Understanding energy pricing and consumer rights is essential to ensure fair and transparent prices with energy providers.  

This article explores and elaborates on energy pricing and outlines your consumer rights as an Australian.  

Energy Pricing in Australia

Various factors, including the type of energy source, location, and market dynamics, influence energy pricing in Australia.  

The primary types of energy sources in Australia are electricity and natural gas. Energy prices can vary significantly between states and territories due to supply, distribution, and regulation differences. 

Electricity Pricing

  • Electricity pricing is typically measured in cents per kilowatt-hour (c/kWh). 
  • Factors affecting electricity prices include generation costs, network charges, government regulations, and market competition. 
  • Supply and demand, weather conditions, and fuel costs cause fluctuations in wholesale electricity prices. 

Natural Gas Pricing

  • Natural gas prices are often measured in cents per megajoule (c/MJ). 
  • Pricing factors for natural gas include production costs, transportation, and market forces. 
  • Residential gas prices may also fluctuate seasonally due to changes in demand for heating. 

Your Consumer Rights and Protections

You can utilise the Energy Made Easy price comparison tool to research and assess the products and services offered by different electricity retailers.  

It’s important to note that all electricity retailers must provide identical information about their electricity offerings in a standardised format, known as an Energy Price Fact Sheet. 

Australia has a well-established framework of consumer rights and protections in the energy sector. The key aspects of these rights include: 

Contracts and Billing

  • Energy retailers must provide clear and transparent contracts with detailed pricing information. 
  • Bills must be accurate and based on actual net metering. 
  • Consumers have the right to dispute bills and seek clarification if needed. 

Comparing Plans

  • Consumers can compare energy plans and choose the one that best suits their needs. 
  • Energy retailers must provide transparent information about plan features, including pricing, discounts, and terms. 

Disconnection and Hardship

  • Retailers can only disconnect a customer’s energy supply with proper notice and reason. 
  • If facing financial hardship, consumers can request assistance, such as payment plans or bill extensions. 

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As an electricity user, you have rights about electricity supply, prices, and resolving issues with electricity companies. 

  • Consumers can complain and seek resolution through the energy provider’s internal dispute resolution process. 
  • Consumers can escalate the issue to the relevant Ombudsman scheme for independent mediation if the problem remains unresolved. 

You are entitled to: 

  1. Access to essential electricity supply under reasonable and equitable conditions.
  2. Rebate and Incentive available to eligible customers.
  3. Access to a fair and transparent complaint resolution process.

Resolving Disputes

energy pricing

If you encounter issues with your electricity supply, you should contact your electricity retailer directly and attempt to resolve the matter through them.  

You should also reach out to your electricity retailer if you have inquiries regarding the following: 

  1. Your contract or disputes related to charges on your bill.
  2. Disconnecting or reconnecting your service.
  3. Questions about your classification as a small energy customer.

Moreover, there are other organisations you can contact for assistance with electricity-related concerns and consumer complaints, including: 

  • The Energy and Water Ombudsman for problems with your electricity retailer. 
  • The Office of Fair Trading, for information and advice about your consumer rights. 
  • The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal offers mediation services for debt disputes. 
  • The Residential Tenancy Authority, if you reside in retirement villages, manufactured home parks, or are a tenant. 
  • The Office of the Commissioner for Body Corporate and Community Management for those living in units, townhouses, or other communities managed by a body corporate. 

Energy Price Caps

Some states and territories in Australia have implemented energy price caps to protect vulnerable consumers from excessive price increases. Price Caps and Safety Nets: 

In most states, except for WA and NT, the government establishes a “safety net” price for electricity.  

This is the maximum price, often called the “reference price,” energy retailers can charge customers on “Standing” contracts.  

A Standing agreement is an essential, regulated product. In Victoria, it’s known as the Victorian Default Offer (VDO); in NSW, QLD, and SA, it’s referred to as the Default Market Offer (DMO). 

Consumers can switch to a standing contract anytime; some may prefer the security of being on a government-regulated price. However, it’s important to note that there might be better rates available from providers offering “market” contracts, where energy companies set their prices.  

Energy providers must also compare these “market” plans to the reference price when advertising, allowing consumers to easily compare one plan to another when shopping around. 

Australia’s energy pricing and consumer rights are governed by energy regulators to protect consumers and ensure fair dealings with energy providers.  

Energy Retailers Requirements

energy retailers

The National Energy Retail Law was enacted in different Australian regions on the following dates.  

It began in the Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania on 1 July 2012, South Australia on 1 February 2013, New South Wales on 1 July 2013, and Queensland on 1 July 2015. 

These legislations clearly define the entitlements and obligations of consumers regarding gas and electricity services. 

Energy suppliers are obligated to: 

  • Offer contracts with transparent terms and conditions to ensure you understand the energy package. 
  • Provide you with printed materials outlining their offerings or a concise summary. 
  • Notify you promptly if any changes are made to your contract, including alterations in gas and electricity costs. 
  • Provide a clear bill breakdown, including comparing your electricity usage with nearby households. 
  • Present flexible payment options and net metering to cater to your needs. 
  • Offer programs to assist you, including payment plans and advice on energy efficiency or waiving late payment fees if you face difficulties settling your bill. 
  • Maintain a ‘no contact’ list, allowing you to request that their sales representatives refrain from visiting your residence. 
  • Inform you of your right to file a complaint if you encounter issues with your energy services. 
  • Provide at least ten business days’ notice of any price increases. 
  • Provide 20 business days’ notice before discounts or other benefits expire or modify. 
  • Allow customers to make regular, advance payments if they choose. 
  • Include information about concessions and rebates in disconnection warning notices. 
  • Provide advance notice of planned interruptions to the electricity supply. 

Electricity retailers are prohibited from: 

  1. Charging more than $20 for switching providers.
  2. Charging upfront fees for meter tests.

Additionally, there are specific regulations that door-to-door and telephone sales representatives must adhere to in their interactions with consumers. 

Consumer Protocol

cosnsumer rights

As a consumer, you have the right to fair and transparent dealings with your energy provider. But you should also follow some protocols to ensure proper energy guidelines.   

  1. Ensure that your electricity and gas meters are easily accessible for reading and maintenance.
  2. Notify your energy provider when you change your place of residence.
  3. Inform your energy supplier if there is a change in your energy usage pattern, such as starting a home-based small business.
  4. Provide official confirmation from a medical professional if someone in your household relies on life support equipment.

Electricity Distribution Network Code

The Queensland Electricity Distribution Network Code aligns with the National Energy Customer Framework, establishing electricity distributor and retailer regulations.  

This framework provides electricity consumers with information about the retail market and offers financial hardship support. 

Key regulations for electricity retailers and distributors under this code encompass: 

  1. Service obligations to customers.
  2. Management of distribution businesses.
  3. Network billing, customer transfers, and net metering practices.
  4. Guidelines for services between retailers and distributors.

Understanding energy pricing and being aware of your rights can empower you to make informed choices, manage your energy costs, and resolve issues effectively when they arise.  

It is advisable to stay knowledgeable about changes in energy regulations and to compare energy plans regularly to make the most of available options and savings. 

Energy is considered an essential service, meaning everyone should have the right to access it. Laws have been established to protect this right and ensure everyone can access safe and affordable energy.  

Energy companies must follow these regulations. And failure to do so can result in substantial fines or questioning their licences. 

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