Common Problems With Solar Panels In Australia

Common Problems With Solar Panels In Australia

Solar panels are among the best investments to create a sustainable environment and empower positive change. Solar panels require little maintenance and save money on energy bills. 

But problems with any product can arise anytime. Thus, to make everyone aware, we’ve compiled this helpful guide that shows you common issues with solar panels in Australia and how to fix them. 

Australia receives the most solar energy in the world. And it is an ideal location for developing solar energy infrastructure. As a result, more people are getting with the times and doing their part to save the world by installing solar panels in their homes. 

As a result, more people are installing solar panels to participate in the renewable energy revolution. But like all technology, solar has some flaws too. While you can resolve some of those issues on your own, others may require the services of a solar repair company. 

The key is identifying your issue and deciding how to fix it. Here is a guide to Australia’s most common solar panel problems. And don’t worry. We’ll definitely provide information to help you resolve the issues. 

Grime And Dirt

A buildup of dirt or grime is one of the most common reasons your solar panels aren’t performing as well as they should. Solar panels are vulnerable to dust, dirt, and other debris like other products.  

Mainly flat roof-mounted panels are more susceptible. Since they are flat, they naturally collect more grime, which can reduce system output. This can have an impact on the efficiency of your panels. 

Dust, bird droppings, leaves, and ash from nearby fires are all common problems.  


Birds can actually create issues for solar panels. They can build nests beneath solar panels that are mounted on the roof. If they become frequent to your panels, they will probably scratch or damage the wiring. 

Potential Induced Degradation

If you’ve noticed a significant drop in the electricity produced by your solar panels, it could be due to the PID effect or Potential Induced Degradation. 

This indicates a voltage difference between the solar panel and the earthing, which causes a partial voltage discharge. Essentially, you’re losing voltage and potentially jeopardising the long-term effectiveness of your panels. 

Problems With Your Inverter

Better inverter for better outout

Solar inverters are critical in converting direct current (DC) energy from your solar panels to alternating current (AC) energy used by your home. As a crucial system component, you will undoubtedly detect any problems. 

Although inverter technology has advanced, inverters typically only last for a short time as your panels. And if you don’t replace the inverter in 15 years and wait for 25 years, it will compromise the productivity of your solar panels.  

Snail Trails

Another common issue with solar panels is called snail trail contamination. The name derived from the brown lines on your panels and gives the impression that snails have walked on the surface. 

Snail trails usually appear after a few years and are caused by various factors, including faulty silver paste. Microscopic cracks in the PV system can also cause snail trail contamination. The issue reduces the solar system’s performance and causes it to fail prematurely. 


Traditional solar cells are incredibly fragile. Micro-cracks are small cracks that can appear on panels and are challenging to see with the naked eye. However, these cracks can enlarge and become more visible with time and significant weather changes.  

When these cracks grow larger, they can disrupt the flow of energy in your panel and reduce the energy output of your system.   

They can occur during conventional PV module production but can also be caused by careless handling during shipping or installation. Sometimes weather conditions can cause micro-cracks too.  

Solar Panel Electrical Wiring Issues

Faulty or even old electrical wiring on your roof will prevent your solar panels from performing efficiently because it will interfere with electricity production.  

It’s natural for your roof’s electrical wiring to deteriorate over time due to loose connections, corrosion, and oxidation.  

Furthermore, rats can cause damage by chewing on the wiring. If left unattended, these electrical issues can cause problems with your roof. In the worst-case scenario, they can even set fire to your roof.  


Your panels are exposed to harsh Australian conditions. It includes heat and heavy rain. Moisture may leak into your panels over time. As a result, it will trigger a corrosion process.  

If the panels corrode inside the bus bars, it’ll cause the system to shut down due to isolation. Unfortunately, the panels will be beyond repair.  

Solar Panels With Hot Spots

When the panel’s energy cannot flow through to your inverter, it becomes overloaded and radiates excess heat, so they get hot. It is one of the most common issues with solar panels worldwide.  

Hot spots can reduce the performance and lifespan of your solar panels. They are caused by various factors, such as dirt or bird-dropping accumulation, partial shading, and even structural defects. 

Roof Defects

The installation of solar panels should not cause significant damage to the roof beneath. Instead, they occasionally provide some protection for the materials beneath. However, sometimes it can loosen or damage tiles. 

How to Know Your Solar Panels Aren't Functioning Properly?

There are some questions to check to know whether your solar panels are performing well. 
  • Is your electric bill higher than usual? 
  • Are your panels visibly dirty or in direct sunlight? 
  • Are there any error codes on your inverter? 
  • Is there any unusual data in your system’s analytical tools? 
  • Is your average daily kilowatt-hours metric on the decline? 

Solar Panel Repair: Expert Advice From Solar Emporium

Cleaning pv panels improve efficiency
Or solar experts are here to help you identify and resolve the most common solar PV problems. We share our expert opinion to resolve the most common solar PV issues. 
  • Ensure that any professional you contact is registered on the Clean Energy Council’s installer list. It guarantees that they have agreed to uphold high standards. And they are obliged to serve you if something goes wrong.  
  • Clean your panels at least once every 12 months. Rain may do a lot of the work for you. But cleaning the panels will prevent dirt or grime from piling up.   
  • If the solar panels are accessible, simply clean them with warm, soapy water free of harsh chemicals.  
  • You can also take precautions by installing mesh wire or other bird deterrents during installation. There are ways to keep birds from nesting beneath our solar panels without harming them. 
  • Most modern inverters have displays that show any occurring errors. Always compare the error messages to your user manual. It should be pretty simple to figure out what’s wrong.  
  • Always check for any blackout, as it is one of the most common inverter problems. The breaker may have been automatically turned off.  
  • When installing solar panels on your roofs, you must always buy from a reputed company with the highest quality and testing standards.   
  • Checking on your roof occasionally can mitigate the risks of any wiring issue. Contacting your PV system installers is the best option if you find any problems. 
  • Maintain the perfect shading system.  
  • Some problems aren’t visible to the naked eye. So if you suspect any situation, you must contact your trusted solar professionals to inspect it. 
  • Contact a pest control professional if you notice nests or birds dropping on your panels. 

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Do Aesthetics Matter For Solar Panels?

Do Aesthetics Matter For Solar Panels

According to the majority of Australians, the aesthetics of solar panels have previously discouraged them from going solar.  

Homeowners are often well aware of the environmental benefits of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels. Still, the decision to go solar is frequently interrupted by the fear of ruining the aesthetics of a home.  

So do aesthetics matter for solar panels? Do customers actually care about the appearance of their solar panels? 

Well, solar panels’ aesthetics are essential because they are very evident and noticeable to the owners. These are usually mounted in prominent locations where people can see the displayed panels. 

In a recent study, many respondents were shown various panel images. They were shown the panels alone and panels on roofs. The findings showed consumers prefer black panels with rounded corners and even-surfaced cells. They are also willing to pay more for a more aesthetically pleasing system.  

The results were even more impressive when respondents saw panels on a roof, rather than just pictures of the panels. Contextualized images made the difference. 

Appearance is important to homeowners. So much so, that they are willing to forgo performance for a better-looking solution. This is the most significant takeaway from this study. These findings believe that aesthetics are a crucial selling point for homeowners.  

Another critical takeaway for installers is the significance of visuals. In fact, the visual presentation can influence a homeowner’s opinion of solar in general. 

Today’s markets offer many options to maintain the look of solar panels and the buildings they are mounted on. Additionally, future markets will offer similar options.  

Performance, rather than aesthetics, has traditionally influenced PV system design. But as the desire for appealing solar panels are growing. And many creative solar companies and architects are designing systems to complement the building.  

Some technology includes making panels totally invisible! There are mainly two ways of making the panels discreet. a) placing them on the rear end of the roof and b) combining them as an architectural structure.  

The PV panels can be integrated into the building, providing views through the panels, shade, and rain protection. Conventional building materials, such as roof skylights, can be incorporated with solar cells, lowering the cost of going solar.  

And the initial cost can be balanced by reducing the amount spent on building materials and labor to construct. This also allows the designer to be creative and fully integrate the PV system into the building’s architecture and construction. 

Other options may include thin black film panels with black anodized mounting systems or powder-coated after production. All black designs are more eye-catching than blue ones. And these almost look like the roof, making them more aesthetically pleasing. 

PV panels will become not only more efficient but also more aesthetically pleasing in the future. Meanwhile, several strategies are already in process to increase the appearance of solar panels. 

Solar Panel Mounting Systems

Panels' mounting system is very important for aesthetic looks

Solar panels’ aesthetic doesn’t just depend on the solar panel type. How installers mount your solar panels can also determine the aesthetical look of your house. This part of the article will explore how solar panel mounting systems can be aesthetically different. We will look at the following: 

  • On-roof mounting system – This is the standard and most common mounting system. The solar panels are mounted on a frame fixed slightly above the roof’s surface with the on-roof mounting method. It is a cheaper and faster system to integrate solar panels on an existing rooftop.  
  • In-roof mounting system – This is also known as a roof-integrated or semi-integrated mounting system. In-roof mounting systems use solar panels and a frame system to create a watertight roof covering. This means the solar panels are much lower on the roof and appear more discreet. This looks especially pleasing with an all-black solar panel. 
  • Freestanding mounting systems – Freestanding solar panel systems are not attached to a pitched roof structure like other systems. Solar panels are commonly used on flat roofs or in ground-mount systems. The angle of the solar panels is adjusted to maximize the amount of solar energy they produce. Depending on how you position the panels, the aesthetic value increases. 

Solar Panel System Aesthetics Types

Different type of solar panel indicates different level of aesthetics. There are five types of aesthetics available for home solar arrays:
Silver Frame – When homeowners express dissatisfaction with the appearance of panels, they may recall the traditional solar panels. This design isn’t going away anytime soon because it’s the most cost-effective configuration. They also have a sizable market among utility providers and other commercial customers. Lower price points and higher efficiency due to better heat regulation from contrasting colors make these panels desirable. 
Black panels are sleeker and smoother
Black Frame – The silver aluminum frame replaced with a sleeker, fitted frame. The white backing and lifted racking keep the system cool and efficient. It is definitely more appealing but generally comes with a slight price increase.  
Black on White panels are very popular
Black on White Frame – Adding a hidden wire component to this sleeker design makes this panel’s style more versatile. It can close the gap between the surface and the panel. Less expansion out of the roof could result in less infrastructure on your rooftop. That will potentially lower installation costs while adding aesthetic value. 
Black on Black – This design is the first actual all-black panel. It completely conceals the white backing. But because of increased heat absorption, these panels are less efficient. But this sleek design fully encompasses a modern look from a distance. 
Advanced Black on Black panels are efficient and sleek
Advanced Black on Black – SunPower has enabled this technology with a tinted window appearance while maintaining industry-standard efficiency. This high-performance black panel combines design and utility by incorporating long-lasting, non-toxic materials.
BIPVs are an architectural advanced technology

Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV)– It is a type of solar technology. It replaces traditional building materials such as glass or external cladding. Using BIPV to design buildings makes the solar element more subtle. Because BIPV projects are much more customized than standard solar panel installations, the design phase is much more critical. 

Solar Tiles – Solar tiles are roof tiles that incorporate solar photovoltaic cells. The tiles are strung together to create a solar array like standard solar panels. The aesthetics of solar tiles over traditional solar panels are their primary advantage. These can be very discrete and blend into the building and surrounding environment. 

Solar Emporium has multiple solar packages with many aesthetic panels like Trina and Jinko. Click the link below to get in touch with our solar experts. And get the most aesthetic-looking panels for your home.  

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Science Of Solar And How Does it Work?

Science of solar
Solar energy’s popularity is no surprise to anyone anymore. P.V.s have reached many households, even in the most rural areas. Australia is taking the utmost advantage of the possibilities of solar.
Solar energy’s popularity is no surprise to anyone anymore. P.V.s have reached many households, even in the most rural areas. Australia is taking the utmost advantage of the possibilities of solar.
As solar reaches every home, people are getting more interested in the science behind solar. Therefore, we have taken the liberty to explain the science of solar and how it works. Let’s get into it then, shall we?

How Does Solar Energy Function?

The science behind solar power is amazing. Solar energy generates electricity by converting the sun’s energy. The sun generates two types of energy, which are electricity and heat. Both are produced using solar panels, ranging in size from residential rooftops to “solar farms” spanning acres of rural land.
The sun functions as a natural nuclear reactor in the solar system. It emits photons, which are tiny portions of energy that travel 149.6 million kilometers to our Earth. It travels for about 8.5 minutes. When photons strike a solar cell, they dislodge electrons from their atoms.
A solar panel comprises multiple cells, and multiple panels can be attached together to form a solar array. The more panels you can install, the more energy you can generate. An electrical circuit is created when conductors are connected to a cell’s positive and negative sides. When electrons flow through such a circuit, electricity is produced.
Every hour, enough photons collide with our planet to generate power. It is enough to meet the world’s energy needs for an entire year!
Solar system entirely depends on the Sun
Solar panels convert sunlight into D.C. (direct current) electricity when the sun shines. The solar inverter converts this electricity into A.C. (alternating current) power for use in your home. Instead of drawing power from the power grid, your home appliances like fridges, ovens, heat pumps, dishwashers, heaters, and so on.
Any excess electricity generated by solar panels not used by appliances is returned to the grid or used to charge a solar battery. Also, excess electricity can be transferred back to the main electricity grid. Electricity retailers are charged a feed-in tariff for any electricity returned to the grid.
A smart monitor tracks solar records such as electricity generation, consumption, and export. In addition, it can provide data for electricity billing.
Although it’s not a requirement, according to Clean Energy Council, solar systems work best when positioned on the north-facing side. Considering average Australian structures, the panels get better exposure to enough sunlight on the north side. The panels get power without disruption, shaded by trees, power lines, or other structures.

Fundamentals of Photovoltaics

You’ve probably already heard of P.V. These are famously used in solar panels. Whenever the sun shines on a solar panel, the P.V. cells in the solar panels absorb energy. This energy generates electrical charges that move in response to an internal electric field in the cell. As a result, the flow of electricity is maintained.
P.V. solar panels comprise solar cells packaged in various types of glass. Solar cells, like semiconductors, are made of silicon. They contain a positive and a negative layer that works together to form an electric field, much like a battery.
Most solar panels are covered in aerospace-grade conductive adhesives and proprietary substances to protect these cells. The process also minimizes degradation from environmental exposure.

Looking Back at Solar

Humans used solar energy as early as the seventh century B.C. They used sunlight to light fires by reflecting the sun’s rays onto shiny objects. Later, in the third century B.C., the Greeks and Romans used mirrors to harness solar power to light torches for religious ceremonies. 

A 19-year-old French physicist, Edmond Becquerel, discovered the photovoltaic (P.V.). He was actively working on it while experimenting with a cell made of metal electrodes in a conducting solution in 1839. He noticed that when the cell was exposed to light, it produced more electricity. Later, it became a photovoltaic cell. 

Daryl Chapin, Calvin Fuller, and Gerald Pearson created the silicon P.V. cell at Bell Labs in 1954, the first solar cell capable of absorbing and converting enough of the sun’s energy to power standard electrical equipment. 

And now, to everyone’s surprise, satellites, and spacecraft are powered by solar energy! 

Enough about Solar! What Exactly are Solar Farms?

Solar farms are solar parks or fields. These are large areas of land with interconnected solar panels spread across many acres to harvest large amounts of solar energy. Solar farms can simultaneously power a single home or building. And large-scale solar farms are designed to feed electricity generation directly into the grid.

Is Solar Truly a Green Energy Source?

Science behind solar function is quite amazing
Yes, solar energy is a renewable and infinite energy source that produces no harmful greenhouse gas emissions – energy is released as long as the sun shines.
Solar panels have a low carbon footprint because they last for 25 years or more without losing efficiency. Furthermore, because the materials used in the panels are increasingly recycled, the carbon footprint will continue to decrease.

But Can Solar Panels Provide Power at Night?

Technically, Solar panels do not generate electricity at night. To generate electricity, photovoltaic cells in solar panels require sunlight. But the bright side is, solar panels do provide two indirect solutions for nighttime energy.
You can continue to benefit from their energy production after the sun goes down. By using solar battery storage and net metering, your tension for not being able to use solar power at night goes away. So, how do solar panels work at night? The answer is solar storage and net metering. These are the two possible indirect routes.
Solar energy is transforming how we power our lives. Electric grid net metering and solar battery storage allow the solar system to provide power when your solar panels are unused. Giving you comfort around the clock. 

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How Do Portable Solar Panels Work

how do portable solar panels work
The concept of residential solar panels is known by most of us. However, portable solar panels have gotten quite a lot of attention for their portability, of course, and also for their ease of installation, more like no installation. For those who like camping or love to be on the roads for intercity vacations, portable solar panels are a must-have. Sometimes when you choose to live off the grid, having access to portable solar panels will surely come in handy in any unforeseen circumstances.
How do portable solar panels work, then? What do you need to keep in mind before you buy portable solar panels? All are discussed below-

Portable Solar Panels- Their Mechanism

There are several different sizes of portable solar panels, depending on which they work differently. The one which is tiny and foldable typically ranges between 10W to 40W panels. These foldable solar panels, if exposed to sunlight, can generate ample solar energy to charge any devices like a phone, portable speaker, power bank, etc.
solar panel for camping
Also, there are some portable solar panels that offer a bit more power than carry-ons. These solar panels range between 70W to 100W. They are perfect for your day trip or weekend getaways when your electronics require a little more juice to rev up. These portable/ personal solar panels are ideal for your needs, whether you’re an extreme hiker venturing into the wilderness or a sunbather trying to complete some work in your neighborhood park.
A factor to keep in mind here is the higher the wattage the portability of the panels drops. If you need a solar panel that can provide more than 100W to 120W of backup, it can lose the easy access and mobility aspect of it.
Most portable solar panels work the same way as the regular ones do. But there is no bulky solar inverter in most cases. These portable solar panels come with integrated charge controllers to regular the DC to AC flow. Those who don’t come with a charge controller will auto-charge the solar battery that comes in the package, and you can use that as the primary source of power.
A USB port and a DC output connection are likely to be present, enabling customers to immediately charge their smartphones or laptops. Portable lithium-ion batteries are most frequently used in conjunction with portable solar panels to ensure that their energy may be utilized in any circumstance. (While it is in use, the battery cannot be charged.) The batteries can have a wider variety of output devices, including DC output jacks and common domestic 120-volt AC outlets.
portable solar panels

What to Look for When Buying Portable Solar Panels

When you are buying portable solar panels, make sure you check on the followings –

Quality of The Panels

The quality of the panels makes a world of difference. Make sure you go with monocrystalline panels over polycrystalline because they provide higher efficiency, which is crucial. There are many other attributes of portable solar panels which make them of better quality. For example, if they come with an integrated charge controller, they would be able to regulate power better without harming the storage unit. So, keep an eye out for it.

Price Range

Portable solar panels come in different varieties and sizes. Which can alter the price range. Depending on what your agenda is with the portable PV set, you have to set a budget. If you only plan to occasionally use it for camping or hiking, then low-budget ones can be your choice. Otherwise, a bit on the high-range panels is the best choice if you plan to use it a bit more frequently.

Weatherproof or Not

If the panels are weatherproof or not is a huge factor that can make or break the deal. Essentially portable solar panels are purchased with the intention of being carefree with them in terms of usage and carrying. Also, they need to withstand harsh weather and roads to be carried into the middle of nowhere to serve their purpose. For that reason, make sure the panels you choose are sturdy and weatherproof.
Portable solar panels are essentially free energy on the go. We highly encourage everyone to opt for renewable energy sources at any chance they get so that our carbon footprint can remain at a limit. With these small changes in adopting clean energy, we can make a huge difference in the long run.
Along with how do portable solar panels work and how you can get the best one for yourself, if you have any further inquiries reach out to our socials or leave us an email at

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Other Benefits of Solar

Other Benefits of Solar

What are other Solar Benefits?

Anytime you can make your own electricity, that’s energy that you don’t have to purchase from your local utility your winning!
As electricity costs continue to increase, especially with longer and hotter summers predicted as our climate continues to warm, making the switch to solar is the best way to lock in decades of predictable energy savings. Go even further and add a battery for extra security when the grid goes down.
off grid solar
If you’re considering solar for your home or business, don’t just stop with the monetary savings as your main source of motivation. It’s also important to consider the following four eco-friendly advantages:

Going solar will reduce greenhouse gas and CO2emissions

Going solar will reduce greenhouse gas and CO2emissions
The average Australian home consumes on average 19 kWh of electricity per day. Even a modestly-sized solar energy system can easily reduce that number by 80% while many can even approach 100%. Even at these levels, the environmental impact of solar is substantial.

Add an electric vehicle (EV)

EV charger
It’s pretty obvious that driving an electric car means fewer if any, visits to the petrol station. Opting for an EV also means offsetting 100% of a traditional car’s harmful C02 emissions. But what many people don’t realize is that if you charge that EV from a non-solar home, all you’re doing is moving the energy cost from the petrol station to your monthly energy bill. A properly designed solar energy system will power your home AND your car while!

Solar reduces water pollution

Solar reduces water pollution
This one is a little less obvious, but certainly one of the biggest environmental advantages of solar. While all manufacturing processes require some water, including those used to make solar panels, the total amount of water needed to generate solar electricity is dramatically less than more traditional electricity sources. Older technologies such as nuclear, natural gas, coal, and hydroelectric facilities, all require massive amounts of water.
With solar energy, there’s almost no risk to local water resources, nor does their operation strain local supplies by competing with agriculture, drinking systems, and other vital water needs.

Solar reduces strain on nonrenewable resources

Solar reduces strain on nonrenewable resources
The global population will continue to grow, but our Earth only has a nonrenewable amount of oil, coal, and natural gas to give up. The sun is Earth’s most abundant energy source, producing a staggering 173,000 terawatts of solar energy every second! That’s more than 10,000 times the world’s total combined energy use and it’s available again and again. In contrast, fossil fuels are dirty and totally non-renewable. At some point, they will simply be gone. Going solar is the best way to hedge against the reality of dwindling resources.

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