Power Generator VS Solar Battery Storage | Which is Right for You?

Power Generator VS Solar Battery Storage
If you live in an area that faces frequent power outages having a backup power source always can give you peace of mind. To keep running your power outlets, you need backup options in the form of power generators, solar batteries, etc.; however, there always remains confusion about whether you should go for a diesel-powered generator or solar battery storage unit.
There are some advantages as well as disadvantages of both options. Depending on your household and expectations from your backup power, you must make the call on which one is right for you. In order to make the decision, you need all the right information, and here is a brief discussion on the topic-
But first, let’s get to know how power generators and solar batteries work.

Power Generators

A diesel/power generator, usually referred to as a Genset, is a piece of machinery made up of an electric generator/alternator and a diesel engine. Together, these two components transform diesel fuel into electrical energy. Most standby diesel generators provide reinforcements. If your power system fails during a storm or the busiest time of the day, they are designed to turn on and supply you with electricity.
Two types of generators are available, one is permanent, and the other is portable. The core difference between the two is mainly their capacity. Also, their maintenance and price point are contrasting for obvious reasons.
power generator
There are also other non-renewable fuel-run generators in the market, such as propane, natural gas, gasoline, etc. As these power generators run on fossil fuels, they will work if there is fuel to power them. However, they also have their limitations and only can serve you so many hours as your specific model of the generator can push too. Overuse of such machines can be dangerous for you and the machine itself.

Solar Batteries

Solar batteries are energy storage systems that are designed to store the surplus amount of energy that is generated by your solar panel system. Your rooftop solar continuously generates power as long as the sun is shining. You consume solar-generated electricity as the day passes by to do stuff around the house all day, but a quality solar system can generate more electricity than you can use in a day. Where does that excess energy go, then? It either gets exported back to the utility grid, or you can store it in a solar battery.
Solar batteries are smart pieces of technology that not only understand when and how much to store after your household needs are met but also, in the case of an off the grid solar system, can sense when to trigger the power generator to work in case of sunlight unavailability. Furthermore, solar batteries also remain in constant communication with the solar inverter to understand when to store energy. The entire process of running and using solar batteries is seamless and hassle-free. And the best part is, you don’t have to interfere; it does everything necessary by itself, unlike power generators.
As the batteries rely on non-renewable sources like solar, there is essentially no cost of running for them. You don’t need anything else but a plentiful supply of sunshine for the batteries to be full, of course, using solar panels.

Difference Between a Solar Battery and Power Generator

Here are some core differences between both-

Reliability- power supply and quality

Generators often provide lower-quality energy that is vulnerable to power surges and other problems that can harm electronic devices like computers. They frequently require manual startup, indicating that their power source is not continuous (unless you have an automatic switch installed on a permanent generator.) Home batteries can be configured to offer a smooth backup power source that starts up in milliseconds after an electrical loss. Also, less vulnerable to surges and disruptions are home batteries.

Labour and maintenance

Solar batteries can charge themselves; on the other hand, you must refuel your generator once or twice, even thrice a day, if needed. Additionally, households using generators must store conditioning chemicals, all of which must be maintained outside and might be hazardous.

Backup hours – runtime

If your generator has fuel, it will run itself. However, the possibility of the machine getting overworked and turning useless is also high. Solar batteries, on the other hand, can run without you worrying about them breaking down, but if your solar panels fail to yield enough energy to charge the batteries, that can be troublesome. Although, it is a rare case, especially for quality solar panel system designed by the experts.

Carbon emission

As the generator solely relies on non-renewables like gas, diesel, propane, etc., it’s inevitable for the generators to not emit harmful GHG gases. In contrast, solar batteries run on renewables which means zero carbon emissions.
solar power outlet

Cost of running

In the case of solar batteries, there is only an upfront and a one-time cost of purchasing and installing the unit. After that, you can expect to sit back, relax and enjoy the amazing perks of solar batteries. There might be occasional maintenance expenses which are rare when the unit reaches old age. Batteries run on free energy generated by the panels, and the source is our mighty sun.
The scenario is completely different for power generators. With the ongoing political tension and issues between major nations, prices of fossil fuels have skyrocketed. After you pay to purchase the generator, there will always be a recurring expense of buying fuel. So, it’s safe to assume generators cost more to run. Learn more about the price hike here.
In conclusion, if you are looking forward to an investment from which you can reap benefits for years to come and be carbon neutral, solar batteries are the way to go. Although purchasing generators is cheaper, the hassle that comes with them, not to mention the cost of running them, does not seem appealing to most.

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Do Solar Batteries Work in A Blackout

Do solar batteries work in a blackout
Solar panels are an amazing addition to any household in becoming energy independent.
Adding a home solar battery to your system can potentially make you invincible when it comes to blackouts.
Do solar batteries work in a blackout? Yes!
However, your solar batteries won’t function unless you have blackout protection. And there are other attributes that may or may not allow your solar system to function during such an event.
This might sound a bit complicated, so let me explain your options to stay connected to a power source even during a blackout.

How Do Solar Batteries Work?

Solar batteries are storage units of backup power on which you can rely in the event of a power outage or at night when the solar panels can’t produce electricity. Whether it is a grid-connected system or an off grid system, you can have solar batteries added to both of them. However, when offered a high Feed-in-tariff (pretty rare nowadays), solar owners tend to gravitate towards exporting power to the grid instead of storing it in the battery, losing power autonomy in the process.
solar batteries
A typical solar storage system usually stores the surplus of energy generated by the solar panels. The surplus being whatever energy is left after your average household needs are met. Solar panels can generate more than what you need if the system works at its peak potential, you have an oversized system, or simply because you are a light energy consumer and for many other reasons.
The point of having solar batteries is to keep you connected at all times. There are several types of solar batteries available in the market for you to choose from. For instance, there are nickel-cadmium batteries, flow batteries, lithium-ion batteries, and lead-acid batteries. Because of their low cost, lead acid batteries are by far the most common option among all of these battery kinds. However, they need regular maintenance and are susceptible to damage if not treated properly. Lithium-ion batteries, on the other hand, are also growing in popularity lately.

Blackout Protection Mode- Home Solar Batteries

In order for solar batteries to continue working and provide you with energy, you have to have blackout protection mode. No, not every solar battery comes with a blackout protection mode; there are specific batteries that either have it or they don’t. For this, you have to have a chat with your solar battery installers.
Let’s imagine ourselves in one of these situations to get to understand the concept a tad better.
Suppose you are connected to the grid, and suddenly your area experiences a blackout. The first thing that will happen is your solar panels will stop working, meaning the solar panels will stop feeding energy to the solar inverter, thus having no power in the outlets. This is true if you have a grid-connected system without solar batteries or batteries without blackout protection mode.
blackout backup with batteries
It happens for the sake of the safety of the people working to fix the issue that caused the blackout in the first place. If the grid-connected solar panels keep on generating energy, then the possibility remains that the surplus will be exported back to the grid, being fatal for the workers.
In such a scenario, your solar batteries will get the signal of the blackout within seconds. Depending on the type of battery and how it works, the time delay may vary. As mentioned before, to trigger the blackout mode, your batteries need to have a blackout protection mode. Only then the stored energy will flow back to the house.

For How Long Can You Depend on Solar Batteries During a Blackout?

There are two things that can happen in a situation like this.
First, your solar batteries will only be usable till the point they run dry. This is simple; whatever much energy is left in the batteries, you will get only that much to work through. As the panels have already stopped working for safety purposes, there is no more energy to store for later. Point to be noted; this also depends on the blackout protection mode provided with your batteries. Depending on the battery manufacturer, your blackout protection mode will be able to handle a different amount of load. Some can handle up to 7kW, while other batteries can go only to 2.5kW.
In a different scenario, you can go for days with a quality solar system paired with a top-notch battery in case there is a blackout. For this to happen, your batteries need to have the functionality to let the solar panels keep working in such events. Of course, without exporting any energy back to the grid.
It goes without saying that with an off the grid system, a blackout has no effect on your life. As going off the grid means being energy independent and self-sufficient. It’s the ultimate protection from power outages, blackouts, and outrageous electricity bills at the end of the quarter.

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Should I Get a Solar Battery Storage System

should i get a solar battery storage system
Frequent power outages, unreliable grid connection, low feed-in-tariff, and high electric bills, can you relate to these frustrating issues? If yes, then without a doubt, a solar battery storage system is the solution to your problems. Besides, if you have an outstanding solar panel system yielding a ton of energy, the surplus of which you are exporting to the grid in exchange for a low FiT, you can surely go for a solar battery.
In short, to answer your question, should I get a solar battery storage system the answer is yes, for the most part. However, in certain circumstances, it’s also not necessary to go for a battery; all of those, along with the pros and cons of solar batteries, are discussed below.

What Am I Missing Out on Without Solar Batteries?

To tell you the truth, you are missing out on the best bit of having solar panels. Renewable sources of energy like solar, hydro, and wind makes us feel empowered with their ability to exterminate our carbon footprint, not to mention the low electricity bill. Along with those good things, we also have the opportunity to sustain on our own, at least for power which is a massive deal. But without batteries, it’s next to impossible to become energy independent.
solar battery storage system
Without a Battery storage system, you are missing out on-

Free Power Backup on Demand

Solar batteries store the excess amount of energy generated by your solar panels to be used at a later time. But in case of irregular cases like your solar panels struggling to generate enough energy, you can use the battery at will. Also, when you conserve excess solar energy, you can use it at night when the electricity prices are higher because of high demand.

Being Self Dependent

You have gone through the trouble of installing solar panels on your rooftop. The goal is to generate as much energy as possible through this source to not stay dependent on the grid. When your panels are able to satisfy your needs and do more, it gives you the perfect opportunity to ditch the grid for good. Making you self-sustained and worry-free.

What Size Battery Do I Need?

I believe you recognize by now how solar batteries can be amazing at serving us with more power independency. So, that brings us to the question of how big of a battery would suffice your needs. The answer to this question solely depends on you and your family’s needs. There is no one-size battery that will make financial or functional sense for everyone.
Nevertheless, if you have an average family of four with no exceptional power demands, you may get by with a 10kWh to 12kWh battery bank as a ready-to-roll backup system. I repeat, this is just an estimation with no knowledge of your power needs; selecting a battery is highly subjective to the household in question.
With that being said, you can get a good idea of how much power you use on average by analyzing your electric bill copy. Also, keeping track of what appliances you use the most and what requires the most power will help you. I would suggest leaving that to the professionals as the chances of getting the wrong numbers are high with a do-it-yourself approach, and solar batteries are just too expensive to make an error.
solar battery price

How Much Do Solar Batteries Cost?

Previously, you would have to pay between $3000 and $3600 for the battery alone, plus the cost of installation, for every kWh of solar battery storage. Currently, you may anticipate paying between $1200 and $1400 for each kWh of solar battery storage. That is a price reduction of approximately 52%, and things will only get better from here.
Does that imply solar batteries are cheap now? Not really, but the cost is well justified by the pros of having a battery storage system.
Also, while paying for solar batteries, you have to counter in many other factors like the type of battery, your solar panel system configurations and compatibility, brand, and installation partner. These will influence the price range for the most part. Learn more about the cost of solar batteries here.

The Pros and Cons of Solar Battery at a Glance

I won’t blame you if you feel a little overwhelmed about making a decision because I understand it’s a tough one. So, here is a list of pros and cons of having a solar battery to help you in the decision-making process-


  • Solar batteries help you become self-sustaining
  • You don’t have to care about power outages anymore
  • In the event of any natural disaster, you will still have a power source
  • Battery prices are dropping significantly as we speak
  • During peak hours, grid electricity prices increase due to high demand; you can avoid paying a high price and use your battery. It’s essentially free energy as solar generates energy from the sun.
  • Reduced carbon footprint as the battery stores energy from a renewable source.


  • Batteries can be expensive, and that is the only weakness I can point out. Nonetheless, any investment comes at a price, and it depends on you whether or not that investment makes sense for you.
In conclusion, if you should get a solar battery storage system depends on your energy usage pattern, your living condition, your area etc. But as a general query, getting solar batteries to tie with your solar panel system is the best approach in your energy independence journey.

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How Much are Solar Batteries | Cost of Battery

how much are solar batteries
Adopting renewable energy sources like solar, wind, hydro, etc., as the primary energy feeder for a household is the best possible way to become carbon-free. However, if you want to completely eliminate your dependency on the grid and receive zero electric bills at the month’s end, solar batteries are the way to go.
Solar batteries are amazing; there is no room for doubt. Although, the pros of having a battery attached to your solar system is a clear win. Still, the question remains, how much are solar batteries? Here’s a brief discussion.

Price Range of Solar Batteries

Prices of solar batteries have dropped down recently due to significant improvements in technology and the availability of resources. Of course, that doesn’t mean they are cheap now, but the drop is astounding. Previously for each kWh of solar battery storage, you would have to pay somewhere around $3000 to $3600 for battery only plus the installation cost. Now, you can expect to pay about $1200 to $1400 for each kWh storage of solar battery. That’s almost a 52% price drop, and it will only get better from here onwards.
solar battery price
To make more sense out of those numbers, imagine a typical family of four. With no extraordinary power usage on average, they would require about 38kW to 40kW to live comfortably. Assuming they are not connected to the grid and have solar as their sole energy source, the majority of that power need will be satisfied with direct solar power. They will only require extra when the sun doesn’t shine, and that can be compensated with solar batteries. That power need can be assumed to be around 12kWh to 15kWh. Note that I am being generous with numbers here; you might not even need this much for a family of four.
Assuming that the family is in need of a 12kWh battery depending on power, that will cost them around 12kWh*$1200= $14,400 to have solar batteries tied with the solar system. Yes, by no means is that a small number, but you have to consider its advantages. Also, don’t forget it is an investment to yield benefits for the upcoming ten years at a minimum with zero electric bills. Now that sounds like a fantastic deal, doesn’t it?

What Influences Solar Battery Cost?

Type of Battery
Many types of solar batteries are available for grabs in the Australian market as we speak. Different battery types come with different pros and cons. However, there are two most popular types used for solar energy storage, which are-
  • Lead-acid battery
  • Lithium-ion battery
Lead acid batteries are cheaper in comparison and are the most popular type of solar battery at the moment. However, they are not the most efficient option out there, as they require regular maintenance. On the other hand, Li-ion batteries are seemingly better alternatives to lead-acid ones as they require little to no maintenance, charge faster, offers a greater DOD (Depth of Discharge), and so much more. But it’s to be noted that li-ion batteries cost more than lead acid batteries.
Cost is also dependent on installation as that is also a factor that adds more to the initial number. A certified and insured solar installer should oversee the installation of solar batteries, which is non-negotiable in order to achieve power independency. Making modifications to your current solar power system yourself can jeopardize the battery, and the system, so a do-it-yourself approach is discouraged by solar emporium unless you are an approved installer yourself, of course.
With the installation process comes labor cost, and this is also a factor that varies from person to person, depending on the installation site and the work time.
solar battery cost
Of course, the size of the battery hugely impacts the cost. If you want more hours of battery backup, the battery will be more expensive, and vice versa.
Certain brands are expected to cost more because of the superior quality offered by them, along with the faith that comes with those brand names. For example, a Tesla powerwall will definitely cost you more than any other battery brand for its brand value, and outstanding quality claimed by the company. Other renowned brands also follow the same agenda.
Inverter Type
If you already have a solar system installed on your rooftop, you definitely also have an inverter. Depending on the type of inverter, the cost of the battery may increase as a whole. If you do not have a battery-ready hybrid inverter, your cost of having a battery will significantly go up as you are going to have to get a brand-new inverter with the system.
But that is not the only way around, you may get away with additional wiring and small changes around the solar system, but that is strongly subjective to your inverter type.
So, those are the factors that influence the cost of the battery. Please note that along with these factors, the numbers may fluctuate depending on your needs and your house. To be precise in this journey, and save money in the long run, it’s easier and best to consult with an expert in the field. Also, if you want to claim government rebates, all of your components and installation partners need to be CEC (Clean Energy Council) approved.

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How Long Do Home Batteries Last

How long do home batteries last
Home solar batteries are the only way for anyone to become completely energy independent. In a circumstance where you are connected to the grid, you don’t have the authority to dictate your power usage and may lose access to it due to issues that are out of your control. A solar battery grants you complete control of your power usage, making you self-reliant.
And, of course, home solar batteries are an absolute necessity for an off the grid household.
With that comes the question, how long do home batteries last? Do solar batteries last as long as solar panels? Let’s find out.

Home Solar Battery Lifespan

On average solar batteries have a lifespan of 5 to 20 years. Although that depends on many external factors like the type of battery, full cycle usage, dependability, warranty and more. But you can expect your home solar battery if installed correctly and in good condition to serve you for at least 5 to 20 years.
home solar batteries
Within the lifespan of the battery, there are two stages of that in which the battery backup capacity is divided. Which are-
Useful Life of Battery- A solar battery has a limited number of uses before reaching the end of its “useful life.” When a battery falls short of meeting around 60% of its nominal storage capacity, it is generally considered to have reached the end of its usable life. At lower percentages, the battery could still be able to work, but it probably won’t supply enough charge to fulfil your needs.
Warranty Period for the Battery- Your solar battery’s warranty specifies how long it will be operating properly under typical circumstances. The warranty length can range from 10 to 20 years, depending on the brand and model of solar battery you buy, with the majority being set at 10 years from the date of installation. A solar battery’s warranty typically ends when it fulfills one of three criteria.
  • Expiration of the warranty
  • Reached capacity (throughput)
  • Number of allocated cycles reached

Factors that Effect Solar Battery Lifespan

Battery type- There are many battery types available for solar energy storage. For example, Lead-acid batteries, lithium-ion batteries, flow batteries, nickel-cadmium batteries etc. Among all these battery types, lead acid batteries are by far the most popular choice because of their economical price point; however, they require regular maintenance and are prone to damage if not handled with care. On the other hand, lithium-ion batteries are also becoming popular recently.
Because Li-ion batteries are-
  • Smaller in size
  • Easy to maintain
  • Has a greater DOD (Depth of Discharge)
  • Offers more generic cycles to go through
  • Has a longer lifespan
  • Capable of fast charging
Despite the performance difference, lead acid batteries are still the most popular choice at the moment. But in future, the scenario might be in favor of the Li-ion batteries as there are many car manufacturing companies adopting to this change for the better. And the solar industry is also gravitating toward the shift because of the increased benefits.
Maintenance- It’s important to check up on your home solar batteries once in a while to make sure they are operating at their peak performance. Some type of batteries requires less assistance than others.
Full cycle number– When your home solar battery is fully charged once and drained entirely is considered one entire cycle. How many times one has repeated this cycle is a determining factor of how long will the battery last. Depending on whether you live on or off the grid, the number of cycles a day will drastically change.
Heavy usage Vs light usage- How many cycles you get from your battery will depend on your usage, and that can affect the battery life, as previously mentioned. So, if you decide to run a few appliances and light up your house using the battery, you expect to run through fewer full cycles per day. On the other hand, if you are a heavy user and run power-hungry appliances on the battery, you will run through more cycles, and your battery lifespan may decrease.
home battery lifespan
Home batteries are getting adapted by more and more people as the days go by. As they are capable of storing the surplus of energy generated by the completely green source, e.g., solar arrays, hydropower and wind. In order to become completely energy independent and to remove your carbon footprint, becoming self-sufficient with a home battery is the way to go.
Learn more about your energy pattern and how you also can become energy independent with one of our solar experts and claim a free consultation session today by clicking the get help button down below.

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What Is the Best Battery for Off Grid Solar

What Is the Best Battery for Off Grid Solar
People often think the most important component of a solar system is the solar panel. Yes, you definitely need a top-notch quality solar panel; however, for a solar system that will complete your energy requirements, especially when you live off the grid, you will require a quality system that includes an impeccable battery storage unit.
Without a good battery living off the grid can become an extremely challenging task because your chances of being energy independent highly depends on how much disposable energy you have at any point in time. So, it’s clear as a day that you have to have an excellent battery to live off the grid. So, what is the best battery for off grid solar? Before we answer that question, let’s quickly go through the different types of batteries for a better understanding.
solar panels

Different Types of Battery for Solar Energy Storage

Are you searching for the best batteries for solar off grid? Here are a few different types of batteries popularly used for solar battery storage-

Lithium-ion Battery

Li-ion batteries have a variety of benefits over the other premium rechargeable battery technologies (nickel-cadmium or nickel-metal hydride). The energy density of these batteries is among the greatest available (100-265 Wh/kg or 250-670 Wh/L). Additionally, compared to Ni-Cd or Ni-MH battery technology, Li-ion battery cells have a voltage output of up to 3.6 Volts. They can thus supply substantial current for high-power applications.
Li-ion batteries are also portable, and their high DOD (Depth of Discharge) allows you to draw out more energy without threatening the battery life. They require a small space to sit and provide you with a huge power load in comparison to other batteries.
It is also popularly used in many cases alongside solar energy storage because of its usefulness and reliability.
off grid solar

Lead Acid Battery

These batteries are tried and tested veterans of the category. The most popular battery type in solar systems is the lead acid battery. In contrast to other battery types, lead acid batteries have a longer lifespan at a reasonable cost. There are two types of lead acid batteries which are –
  • Flooded lead acid battery
  • Sealed lead acid battery
Of the two types, sealed batteries are used for the most part because the flooded ones require constant maintenance; even so, you risk leaking. With a low DOD and high maintenance, sealed batteries are more often chosen over flooded ones.

What to Look For - Best Off grid Solar Battery

In order to find the best battery for your off grid solar home, you will need to look for the following attributes in your battery of choice-

Depth of Discharge

DOD signifies a battery’s capacity or energy held in them. Manufacturers provide you with a number in the form of dod below which your battery level should not drop down if you want to elongate its lifetime. This is one of the most important attributes that you need to know about. Remember, the higher the DOD, the better the battery is, and it will serve you for a longer time.
Usually, li-ion batteries provide a higher DOD than the lead acid batteries, which usually do not go beyond 80%. It’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s advice in this case.


It is usually advised to upsize your off grid solar system so that you can yield more energy and keep that at your disposal. Also, to future-proof the house, you are required to upsize your solar system. In this case, you will also have to consider the capacity of the battery. Your solar system’s electricity generation ability should be on par with the battery.
Review your previous bills and know how many kilowatt hours of energy did you need on average. This will give you an idea of what capacity battery you will require. My advice would be to leave a little wiggle room and estimate a bit higher than you need just to be on the safe side.


As your typical solar system comes with almost 25 years of official warranty, the solar battery of your choice has to suffice for that. Typically, solar batteries come with 10 to 15 years of warranty, depending on some criteria. You have to be careful when you choose your battery for your off grid home and abide by the manufacturer’s advice for prolonged battery life.

Off grid Solar Battery Examples

Here are some of the best off grid battery brands that have proven to win a lot of customers’ hearts with their performance in a short while –
off grid solar battery

BYD Battery

BYD – which stands for Build Your Dreams, is a Chinese battery manufacturing company. They have been focusing on producing li-ion batteries. The BYD battery boxes are known for their impressive power output, which is about 12.8kW.
Check out their different ranges here.

Huawei LUNA2000

Huawei is a leading brand in the solar industry manufacturing solar panels and batteries. The LUNA model has a 5kWh to 15kWh capacity to offer. It’s a Lithium-iron phosphate (LiFePO4) battery with claimed 100% DOD.
Check out Huawei LUNA2000 here.

Tesla Powerwall

Powerwall is such a battery that can store energy, detect outages, and take over as your home’s energy supply when the grid is down. It, as opposed to generators, Tesla Powerwall keeps your lights on, and your phones charged without maintenance, fuel, or noise. To keep your appliances operating for days, pair them with solar and use the sun’s energy to recharge.
Check Tesla battery for off grid solar here. 

Redback Smart Hybrid

With 4.8kWh – 28.4 kWh battery storage capacity and a 10-year Australian-supported warranty, Redback is one of the spectacular choices available in the market. They also provide optional expansion cabinet, which is amazing for those who might need to do so in the future.
Check out Redback Smart Hybrid here.
That sums up the discussion about what is the best battery for off grid solar. If you want to discuss your options for going off the grid, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Learn more about Solar Emporium’s off-grid solar system packages with batteries- here.    

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Are Solar Batteries Worth it in 2023?

Are solar batteries worth it in 2023

Back in 2010, Australia saw a surge in solar battery installations all around the country. Since then, about 3 million homes have enjoyed the perks of rooftop solar, including lower electricity bills than those with just a grid connection. 

To paint a clearer picture, it is estimated that in NSW, per kilowatt of energy generated by solar panels saves you about $400 annually. You have a standard 6.6kW solar system on your rooftop, and your savings for the said year will be about $2640, which is $660 in a quarter!  

There is a way in which you could get even more out of your solar panel system; what might that be? Adding a solar battery system is the answer.

However, batteries for solar systems are by no means a small investment, so the question remains: are solar batteries worth it in 2023 as a homeowner? We will find out soon enough. But first, let’s get to know some basics about solar batteries. 

Types of Solar Batteries

Solar batteries, also called solar energy storage systems, play a crucial role in solar power setups by storing surplus energy generated during sunny periods for later use, such as during nights or overcast days.

These batteries come in various types, each with distinct characteristics and advantages.

Lead-acid batteries, including Flooded Lead-Acid (FLA) and Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) options, offer durability and cost-effectiveness, with VRLA batteries like Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM) and Gel batteries being maintenance-free.

Lithium-ion batteries, such as Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4), Lithium Nickel Cobalt Manganese Oxide (NMC), and Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminium Oxide (NCA), provide high energy density, extended lifespan, and enhanced safety.

Flow Batteries, represented by Vanadium Flow Batteries, offer a liquid electrolyte and are known for their extended cycle life and scalable capacity.

Saltwater Batteries, specifically Sodium-Ion Batteries, are environmentally friendly and potentially cost-effective. Nickel-iron or Edison batteries are durable but have lower energy density. Hybrid Batteries combine different technologies for optimised performance.

Choosing the correct solar battery involves cost, space, maintenance, and intended application, while ongoing advancements in battery technology may introduce newer options.

Reasons Why You Should Get Solar Batteries

solar battery system

Solar battery prices are not low, but the payback period goes down with the price hike of energy in Australia every day, and due to the current economic environment, I can only see energy prices rise.

According to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), the wholesale cost of power in the National Electricity Market (NEM) jumped by 141 per cent in the first three months of 2022 compared to the same quarter last year.

That said, storing the surplus of energy generated by your solar panels sounds like a sound investment, doesn’t it? 

Here are some more reasons- 

End of Net Metering in Australia

Net metering is a system that allows you to send the excess power generated by your solar panels to the grid and get a portion of the exact amount back on demand.

People were utilising the grid practically as a storage facility when the net metering system was still in place, but that luxury is no longer available.

Net metering was available until April 2020 in the Northern Territory; however, the benefit is no longer at one’s disposal for solar systems constructed after that date.

Essentially, with the end of net metering, you no longer have the freedom to get a one-to-one net metering service (a kW received per kW given). 

That doesn’t mean you don’t have other means to store the energy in the grid; you do; however, that is not as beneficial as net metering and not certainly as profitable as having your solar battery. 

Solar panels can generate a different amount of energy all day, as the sun doesn’t shine as bright from sunrise to sunset.

The maximum amount of electricity generated by the solar panels is between 12 and 3 pm. An average Australian household only consumes a little electricity during that time since they are the majority at work.  

Studies have shown that, with the surge of electric prices off the grid, it needs to make more financial sense to store the excess energy in the grid; instead, having your solar battery and using it on demand will be much more profitable in 2023. 

Electricity Prices are Higher at Night

As a storage unit does require significant investment, you decided to export the surplus of electricity to the grid.

But, keeping in mind that an average household requires more energy at night than in the day, you will be paying more to buy back that amount of electricity you exported at night. 

So, it’s evident that storing the surplus in a solar battery makes more sense than repurchasing it at a higher price point.

Grid Outages

There are occasions in which people suffer from grid outages. It can be during a scheduled check-up of the grid, a devastating storm, or just about any other reason. It’s more common than you would think. In those cases, a solar battery can be your resolve. 

We are positive you would prefer to avoid coming home to a fridge full of rotten food. To have an uninterrupted supply of energy that you have all the control over, having a battery storage unit makes perfect sense. 

Yes, of course, you could opt for a backup generator, but they are noisy, and it defeats the purpose of having installed solar on your rooftop in the first place. It runs on diesel, a non-renewable energy source contributing to carbon emissions.  

Are Solar Batteries Worth It?

home battery storage

It makes sense for a large energy user to opt for solar batteries. They are worth the price, and here is why- 

Solar battery cost is significantly coming down as we speak. For instance, back in 2020, a 6kw solar battery cost about $10,000, which now is about $7,700

It is the only way to go for those who live off the grid 

Without the benefit of Fit, having one’s storage system saves on power bills even more 

Complete control over your energy consumption 

Power backup for days in the event of a power outage, and with the addition of solar panels, you can forget the grid.  

Solar Battery Storage Price in Australia: How Much Do Solar Batteries Cost?

It’s tough to figure out solar battery prices because it depends on many variables. For example, it will depend on your power needs, whether you have any power-hungry appliances, household size, geographic location, etc.

Depending on these variables, you can determine how much of a storage unit you require. Thus, That’s how the cost of solar batteries is estimated. 

But to give you a rough idea, the price of a kWh of residential solar battery storage can hover over the $1000 mark.

These include the cost of installation and GST. Remember that the battery brand and all the other factors mentioned matter in the end, and prices vary depending on those factors. 

10kw Solar Battery Price

As of October 2023 in Sydney, NSW, the current cost of a 10kW solar battery paired with a 6.6kW solar panel system is $12,888. This price includes two 5.1 kWh modules integrated with a 6.6 kW solar system. The potential payback time for this system can be less than 4 years.

The Tesla Powerwall, which has a storage capacity of 13.5 kWh, costs approximately $1,150 per kilowatt-hour.

When considering the broader market, solar batteries without the solar component typically fall from $900 to $1,200 per kilowatt-hour. The specific pricing varies based on the brand and model.

6kw Solar Battery Cost

The solar battery storage cost is how much you pay for each unit of electricity it can store, and it’s usually measured in dollars per kilowatt hour ($/kWh).

Typically, these batteries cost between $900 and $2,000 per kilowatt-hour. If you want a solar setup with a 10.2-kilowatt-hour battery and a 6.64-kilowatt solar system, it might cost you around $12,888.

If you just want the battery alone, without the solar system, a solar battery alone can cost $990 per kilowatt-hour. It includes a particular device called a hybrid inverter that connects the battery to the solar system.

For a specific type of battery called the Tesla Powerwall, which has a 13.5 kilowatt-hour capacity and comes with its inverter, the price is $1200 per kilowatt-hour.

Another type of battery, the Sungrow 9.6 kilowatt-hour solar battery, is priced at $1227 per kilowatt-hour. This cost includes a 5-kilowatt hybrid inverter.

If you’re looking at a solar panel system with a 6-kilowatt capacity, and it includes a battery with a capacity of 16.6 kilowatt-hours, the total cost for installing this combined system can range from about $19,935 to an average of $25,235.

The exact price depends on the type and quality of your chosen system. For more details, check out how much a 6kW solar battery costs in Australia.

Solar battery ROI

The return on investment (ROI) for solar batteries in Australia is influenced by various factors, such as the system’s initial cost, local electricity rates, solar generation capacity, and available government incentives or rebates.

Key considerations include the upfront expenses encompassing the battery, inverters, installation, and related components.

The cost of grid electricity in your area is pivotal, with higher rates potentially leading to faster returns, as stored solar energy use during peak periods saves on electricity bills.

Solar panel efficiency, battery performance, and lifespan also impact long-term returns. Government incentives, rebates, and electricity consumption patterns, especially during high-demand periods, contribute to overall ROI.

Monitoring technological advancements is crucial for assessing the economic viability of solar battery systems over time.

Seeking professional analysis and staying informed about industry trends and policy changes are advisable for making well-informed investment decisions in Australia.

How To Choose Solar Batteries?

To choose solar batteries in Australia, consider your energy needs, capacity and performance, compatibility with your solar system, warranty, and cost. Assess the battery’s kilowatt-hours (kWh) storage capacity to match your daily usage.

Look for reliable brands and models with proven performance and longer lifespans. Ensure compatibility with your existing solar system, and check for government incentives or rebates. Compare the cost per kilowatt-hour and warranty terms.

Consider factors like installation requirements and whether the battery supports backup power. Seek professional advice to tailor your choice to specific needs and conditions.

State Rebates for Solar Batteries

State rebates for solar batteries vary across Australia. States like South Australia, Victoria, and Queensland offer specific incentives and rebates for solar batteries.

However, rebate programs and amounts can change, so it’s crucial to check the latest information from your state government or relevant authorities for the most up-to-date details on solar battery rebates.

Solar Battery FAQs

The size of the solar battery needed to power a house in Australia depends on various factors, including your energy consumption, the size of your solar panel system, and your specific energy needs.

On average, a medium-sized household might require a solar battery with a capacity ranging from 5 kWh to 20 kWh.

To determine the appropriate size, consider your daily electricity usage, the sunlight your location receives, and whether you want the battery to provide backup power during outages.

It’s advisable to consult with a solar energy professional to assess your specific requirements and design a system that meets your energy goals.

Deciding whether to invest in home battery storage depends on various factors. Your energy consumption, goals, and dependence on the grid play crucial roles.

A battery could be valuable if you experience frequent power outages or seek backup power. Explore your area’s government incentives, rebates, and electricity rates to assess the financial benefits.

A good solar panel system may increase the potential advantages of integrating a battery. Consider the environmental impact, battery lifespan, and technological trends. To make an informed decision, consult with solar professionals like Solar Emporium.

We can tailor advice to your specific needs and circumstances, keeping in mind that the evolving landscape of technology and market conditions may influence the long-term value of a solar battery investment.

If you want to sit down with one of our solar experts and see if solar batteries make sense, contact us today! Reaching out for help is okay; we are here to serve YOU.

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All About Solar Batteries in Australia

Solar Batteries
It’s been forever since Australia is facing the critical issue of energy price hikes. In order to aid that wound, the government is also trying to compensate with several schemes, encouraging common people to switch to renewable energy sources. But there’s always a new level of reach to up our savings; getting solar batteries is one of them. They help you store energy from the grid or from your renewable sources so that you can enjoy higher savings at a lower price point & reduce your carbon footprint simultaneously.
Still, you have to consider how expensive these batteries are and calculate your ROI to see if they are worth the investment. In this article, I am going to address the adjacent factors to help you make an informed and sound decision.
solar batteries

Why Should You Get Batteries? Are Batteries Improving?

Before I answer why you should consider getting solar batteries, allow me to elaborate on how they have been improving over the past decade.

Yes, lithium ion batteries (the most common type used for solar energy storage) are improving, in terms of capacity, energy density, life-cycle, etc.. Also, increases in the amount of energy they can store have been on the rise of 5% per annum. That implies your present batteries have a capacity that is more than 1.5 times that of a decade ago. The new and improved batteries allow you to enjoy their benefits in a convenient space, and there has been significant improvement in thermal management that needs to get addressed.

Even better news for you because Australia is the world’s largest producer and exporter of lithium. Sure enough, there is reason for you to be hopeful; however, most of the raw material gets exported, but there are companies like sonnenBatterie who’re utilizing such blessings to make batteries a little more accessible to you.
Solar Batteries
With a significant rise of the energy prices, common people are opting for a renewable source of energy which is the smartest move to make here. But to take that up a notch, batteries are important. In comparison to the low feed-in-tariff, only allowed in certain states, it’s definitely beneficial to store the surplus at your disposal, generated by your solar panels.
Also, using the grid power to charge up your batteries to use at night when the unit price is high is a good option. But I completely understand if you are questioning getting solar batteries because of the high upfront cost, which makes you wonder if they are worth the investment.
Solar Batteries
Sourcing lithium, which is apparent that it is the main ingredient of lithium batteries, has not been a simple path. The cost at which this has to be sourced, especially a greener way of doing so, is not easy to manage, and scientists all around the globe have been looking for greener options.
So, to tell you the truth, there is no black and white answer to this question if you should consider getting solar batteries. Consider the above-mentioned factors and get to know your energy usage pattern in detail first. Then evaluate if getting an expensive solar battery is worth it or not.

Are Batteries Made in Australia?

There are only a few companies which are currently manufacturing in Australia. Companies like Century Yuasa Batteries Pty Ltd, Sonnen Australia Pty Limited, Enersys Australia Pty Ltd, Exide Technologies, Robert Bosch (Australia) Pty Ltd are the key players in the Australian battery market. But Australia has so much more potential when it comes to this sector. There are strong barriers as well to be addressed, which are a lacking supply chain, negative environmental impact, high labor cost, etc.
Lithium is produced and exported in considerable quantities in Australia. It is the most significant component in the production of energy storage and electric car batteries. However, the majority of the lithium is shipped as spodumene concentrate, which must be processed further to use them at all. Several Australian mining corporations are collaborating with international businesses to commercialize lithium extraction and improve operations in Australia, with the goal of producing battery-grade lithium.
australian made

As the worldwide focus on ethically and sustainably produced minerals heats up, Australian firms are increasingly looking at how to recover resources for battery storage. A number of Australian organisations are moving forward with promising proposals ranging from recovering storage materials from tailings (basically mining waste) to developing scalable, efficient, and ecological recycling techniques, as well as low-emission lithium extraction.

Governments Initiatives to Make Battery Installation Easier for You

What if I told you there is an ongoing rebate on solar batteries to end all the debate at once about them being expensive? Yes, there is an ongoing rebate for the Victorians on solar battery installation upon meeting specific criteria. If you are a Victorian, then you can enjoy a $3500 solar home rebate on top of all the savings that you’ll be getting through your existing solar panels.
Solar Batteries
Lily D’Ambrosio, the Minister for Solar Homes, stated the government’s amendments mean consumers won’t have to wait until they have solar panels installed to get the battery incentive.
Over 4,000 Victorians have already taken advantage of the excellent opportunity. This government project is worth over $1.3 billion, revolutionizing the solar battery storage game for the foreseeable future of the Victorians. Nevertheless, I must give you a much-needed reminder that this rebate is not going to last forever.
Also, there is a strict benchmark set by the government that you have to reach before being eligible to enjoy this golden opportunity. Click HERE to know how you can be eligible for this rebate.
“This change will make it easier for more households to reap the benefits of combining a battery with solar PV as part of their home energy system.”

– Lily D’Ambrosio, Minister, Solar Homes.

Solar Batteries
Fret not, my fellow Welshmen; there are amazing opportunities for you too. The NSW government is not falling behind in serving their people because they also have introduced an interest-free loan facility of up to $14,000 for a PV and battery combo and up to $9000 for home battery installation with an existing PV system. In both cases, the interest-free loan is repayable in over a range of terms up to 8 & 9 years, respectively. To know if you are eligible to benefit from this scheme, follow this LINK.
Solar Batteries
On that note, a key point should be addressed that we should not be stuck in myopia. Not only installation benefits but also to help the Australian battery industry reach its true potential, the government has to encourage and support it in every shape and form.
To this date, Australia is focusing strongly on mining rather than manufacturing batteries due to lack of expertise, higher cost, lack of incentives, and proper supply chain infrastructure. Grid-scale battery deployment has received considerable backing from the Federal Government’s primary renewable finance entities, ARENA (Australian Renewable Energy Agency) and the CEFC (Clean Energy Finance Corporation). Lithium mining initiatives have also been sponsored by the CEFC. However, they have not made the midstream industry a priority.

By 2030 Battery Industry Could Add 34,700 jobs for Aussies

In these trying times, after the whole world has been severely hit by the pandemic, the battery industry can help save thousands of lives by creating more jobs. In a recent report, it was shown that the battery industry of Australia has the potential to add $1.3 billion to our GDP. This magnificent growth comes only from mining the raw materials, which are abundant in our lands. If we take advantage of our fortunate situation and start manufacturing, then $7.4 million in gross value can be successfully added to the economy.
Solar Batteries

What Does the Future Hold for Solar Batteries?

The future of solar batteries is shining bright, like a diamond, just like Rihanna once said! LOL. All jokes aside, there is a latent demand for it. Thus scientists are researching for a better and economical way to tackle the rising demand. Sure enough, we are heading towards a future where people will opt for renewable sources of energy more. And when the switch happens, we will be in a place where batteries will hopefully be accessible to the mass.

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